Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Developer's Guide
  security model ( Index Term Link )
  standard deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 J2EE Connector 1.5 architecture ( Index Term Link )
 J2EE tutorial ( Index Term Link )
 J2SE policy file ( Index Term Link )
 JACC ( Index Term Link )
 JAR Extension Mechanism Architecture ( Index Term Link )
 JAR file
  client for a deployed application ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Authorization Contract for Containers, See JACC
 JavaBeans ( Index Term Link )
 java-config element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Database Connectivity, See JDBC
 Javadocs ( Index Term Link )
 javaEncoding property ( Index Term Link )
  and JNDI lookups ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  creating sessions ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI subcontext for ( Index Term Link )
  session properties ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
 JavaMail messages
  reading ( Index Term Link )
  sending ( Index Term Link )
 Java Management Extensions, See JMX
 Java Message Service
  See JMS
 java-method element ( Index Term Link )
 Java Naming and Directory Interface, See JNDI
 Java optional package mechanism ( Index Term Link )
 Java Platform Debugger Architecture, See JPDA
 Java Servlet API ( Index Term Link )
 Java Transaction API (JTA) ( Index Term Link )
 Java Transaction Service (JTS) ( Index Term Link )
  connection pool creation ( Index Term Link )
  Connection wrapper ( Index Term Link )
  creating resources ( Index Term Link )
  integrating driver JAR files ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI subcontext for ( Index Term Link )
  non-transactional connections ( Index Term Link )
  sharing connections ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link )
  supported drivers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  transaction isolation levels ( Index Term Link )
  tutorial ( Index Term Link )
 JDOQL ( Index Term Link )
 JMS ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  and transactions ( Index Term Link )
  authentication ( Index Term Link )
  checking if provider is running ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  connection failover ( Index Term Link )
  connection pooling ( Index Term Link )
  creating hosts ( Index Term Link )
  creating resources ( Index Term Link )
  debugging ( Index Term Link )
  default host ( Index Term Link )
  JMS Service administration ( Index Term Link )
  JNDI subcontext for ( Index Term Link )
  provider ( Index Term Link )
  restarting the client ( Index Term Link )
  SOAP messages ( Index Term Link )
  system connector for ( Index Term Link )
  transactions and non-persistent messages ( Index Term Link )
 jms-durable-subscription-name element ( Index Term Link )
 jms-max-messages-load ( Index Term Link )
 jmsra system JMS connector ( Index Term Link )
 JMX ( Index Term Link )
  and EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  and JavaMail ( Index Term Link )
  and lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  custom resource ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  external JNDI resources ( Index Term Link )
  for message-driven beans ( Index Term Link )
  mapping references ( Index Term Link )
  name for container-managed persistence ( Index Term Link )
  subcontexts for connection factories ( Index Term Link )
  tutorial ( Index Term Link )
  using instead of ejb-ref mapping ( Index Term Link )
 jndi-name element ( Index Term Link )
 join tables ( Index Term Link )
 JPDA debugging options ( Index Term Link )
 JSP 2.0 specification ( Index Term Link )
 jspc command ( Index Term Link )
 jsp-config element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSP Engine Classloader ( Index Term Link )
 JSP files
  API reference ( Index Term Link )
  caching ( Index Term Link )
  command-line compiler ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  encoding of ( Index Term Link )
  generated source code ( Index Term Link )
  precompiling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  tag libraries ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 88 deployment ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )