Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Update 2 Developer's Guide

Displaying the AMX MBean Hierarchy

The displayAMX() method demonstrates how to display the AMX MBean hierarchy.

Example 16–6 Displaying the AMX MBean Hierarchy

    final AMX amx,
    final int indentCount )
    final String indent = getIndent( indentCount );
    final String j2eeType = amx.getJ2EEType();
    final String name = amx.getName();
    if ( name.equals( AMX.NO_NAME ) )
        println( indent + j2eeType );
        println( indent + j2eeType + "=" + name );
private void
    final Collection amxSet,
    final int indentCount )
    final Iterator    iter    = amxSet.iterator();
    while ( iter.hasNext() )
        final AMX amx = (AMX);
        displayHierarchy( amx, indentCount );
public void
    final AMX amx,
    final int    indentCount )
    displayAMX( amx, indentCount );
    if ( amx instanceof Container )
        final Map m = ((Container)amx).getMultiContaineeMap( null );
        final Set deferred = new HashSet();
        final Iterator mapsIter = m.values().iterator();
        while ( mapsIter.hasNext() )
            final Map instancesMap = (Map);
            final AMX first = (AMX)instancesMap.values().iterator().next();
            if ( first instanceof Container )
                deferred.add( instancesMap );
                displayHierarchy( instancesMap.values(), indentCount + 2);
        // display deferred items
        final Iterator iter = deferred.iterator();
        while ( iter.hasNext() )
            final Map instancesMap = (Map);
            displayHierarchy( instancesMap.values(), indentCount + 2);
public void displayHierarchy()
    displayHierarchy( getDomainRoot(), 0);
public void
displayHierarchy( final String j2eeType )
    final Set items = getQueryMgr().queryJ2EETypeSet( j2eeType );
    if ( items.size() == 0 )
        println( "No {@link AMX} of j2eeType "
            + SampleUtil.quote( j2eeType ) + " found" );
        displayHierarchy( items, 0);

The displayAMX() method obtains the J2EE type and the name of an AMX MBean by calling AMX.getJ2EEType and AMX.getName respectively.

The displayHierarchy() method defines a standard Java Collection instance, amxSet, which collects instances of AMX MBeans.

To display the hierarchy of MBeans within a particular MBean in the collection, displayHierarchy() checks whether the MBean is an instance of Container. If so, it creates a set of the MBeans it contains by calling the method.

The MBean hierarchy for a particular J2EE type is displayed by calling the, and passing the result to displayHierarchy().

To display the entire AMX MBean hierarchy in a domain, displayHierarchy() calls getDomainRoot() to obtain the root AMX MBean in the domain.