1 Introducing the SBE/S SBus Card

The Sun Microsystems SBE/S SBus card provides a high performance SCSI interface and an Ethernet channel in a single SBus slot. By combining commonly used functions in a single, low-cost card, the SBE/S card improves the utilization of SBus slots. Because both AUI and twisted-pair Ethernet are available options, this one card meets many configuration requirements.

The SBE/S SBus card is designed for operation in systems that are running SunOS version 4.1.2 or later, and are compatible with the Open Boot PROM version 2.0 and later or systems running Solaris 2.x, or another compatible operating system. An on-board FCode PROM provides configuration support that identifies the SBE/S SBus card to the system and contains selftest routines.

The SCSI interface has these features:

        -1 byte of identify and

        -3 bytes of queue tag nexus

The Ethernet interface has these features:

The SCSI/Buffered Ethernet SBus card is available for all SPARCsystem 600MP products.