
The SPARCstation 10 Service Manual describes how to troubleshoot problems and replace parts in the SPARCstation` 10 and SPARCserver` 10 computer systems. Technicians, advanced computer system end-users (with experience replacing hardware and troubleshooting), system administrators, or qualified service providers should use this book.

Document Organization

This book is divided into seven parts. A table, at the beginning of each part, lists the chapters, sections, and page numbers.

Related Documentation

The following manuals describe software troubleshooting procedures:

What Typographic Changes and Symbols Mean

Table P-1 describes the type changes and symbols used in this book.

    Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Meaning Example Symbol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AaBbCc123                                                          The names of commands, files,      Edit your .login file.
                                                                   and directories; on-screen         
                                                                   computer output                    Use ls -a to list all files.
                                                                                                      system% You have mail.
AaBbCc123                                                          What you type, contrasted with     system% su
                                                                   on-screen computer output          
AaBbCc123                                                          Command-line placeholder:          To delete a file, type rm filename.
                                                                   replace with a real name or                                                 
AaBbCc123                                                          Book titles, new words or terms,   Read Chapter 6 in Owner's Guide. 
                                                                   or words to be emphasized          These are called class options. 
                                                                                                      You must be root to do this.
Code samples are included in boxes and may display the following:                                     
%                                                                  UNIX C shell prompt                system%
$                                                                  UNIX Bourne and Korn shell         UNIX Bourne and Korn shell 
                                                                   prompt                             prompt
#                                                                  Superuser prompt, all shells       Superuser prompt, all shells
