Sun Global Glossary

“pack” to “put procedure”


(v.) To reduce the size of data so that it takes up less space.


(1) (n.) A collection of software that is grouped into a single entity for modular installation. See also cluster, software distribution.

(2) (n.) A group of types. Packages are declared with the package keyword.

packet mode

(n.) A feature supported by the STREAMS-based pseudo-terminal subsystem. It informs a process on the master side when state changes occur on the slave side of a pseudo-tty. Packet mode is enabled by pushing a module called pckt on the master side.


(n.) The process of inserting bytes into a data stream to maintain alignment of the protocol requests on natural boundaries. Padding increases ease of portability to some machine architectures.


(1) (n.) A block of 8192 contiguous byte locations used for memory mapping and protection.

(2) (n.) The data between the beginning of a file and a page marker, or between two markers, or between a marker and the end of the file.

(3) (v.) To advance text displayed in a window by one full screen at a time, usually with a scrollbar.

Page Description Language

(PDL) (n.) Usually, a programming language that is used to send output to a printer or visual display.

page fault

(n.) An interrupt caused by the failure to find a needed page in virtual memory.

page frame

(n.) The page-sized unit into which a physical address space is conceptually divided. See also paging, virtual memory.


(n.) The process of replacing the contents of a page frame with different pages. A page is a fixed-sized unit of memory. See also page frame.

palette window

(n.) In a multiple document interface (MDI) application with the JavaTM look and feel, a modeless window that displays a collection of tools, colors, or patterns. Palette windows float on top of document windows. User choices made in a palette window affect whichever primary window is active. Palette windows are created using the JInternalFrame component. See also utility window.


(n.) A collective term for scroll panes, split panes, and tabbed panes.


(1) (n.) A container for organizing the contents of a window, dialog box, or applet. The panel might collect and confirm user input. Panels might be used by wizards and follow an ordered sequence to fulfill a designated task.

In the JavaTM look and feel panels are created using the JPanel component. See also tabbed pane.

panic message

(n.) The message printed on a system's console when it fails.

parallel resource type

(n.) A resource type, such as a parallel database, that has been instrumented to run in a cluster environment so that it can be mastered by multiple (two or more) nodes simultaneously.

parallel-service instance

(n.) An instance of a parallel resource type that is running on an individual node.


(n.) A special type of variable used within shell programs to access values related to the arguments on the command line or the environment in which the program is executed.

parameter passing

(n.) The substitution of actual parametric values for artificial ones.


(n.) In multitasking, a primary process (the parent) that calls a secondary or child process.

parent directory

(n.) A directory containing the working directory or the directory of interest.

parent process

(n.) A process from which a child process is started.

parent structure

(n.) The first of two or more connected objects in a hierarchical data structure system, such as the Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS). A parent structure invokes its child structure, which inherits the parent's attributes.

parent widget

(1) (n.) In the OLIT class hierarchy, a widget's superclass.

(2) (n.) In an application, a widget is the child of some parent widget. Parent widgets manage the size and location of their children and control input to their children by controlling the input area. An application organizes widgets into a hierarchy of children and parents. See also child widget.

parent window

(n.) In the X protocol, the reference window from which other child windows are created.


(n.) The unit into which the disk space is divided by the software.

passive grab

(n.) In the X protocol, keyboard keys, the keyboard, pointer buttons, pointer, and server can be “grabbed” for exclusive use by a client, usually for a short time. A passive grab causes an active grab to begin when a certain key or button combination is pressed. The grab is active when the key or button is actually pressed.


(n.) A predetermined string of characters that you type to obtain permission to use a computer system or certain files.

password aging

(n.) A feature of the SolarisTM operating environment that assigns a limited lifetime to each user password to ensure secrecy.

password field

(n.) A special text field in which the user types a password. The field displays a masking character for each typed character. In the JavaTM look and feel, password fields are created using the JPasswordField component.


(1) (n.) A quick modification to a routine or an object program.

(2) (n.) In computer graphics, a portion of an object surface defined by some number of points. Patches are separately defined and then grouped to form the shell of an object. Surface patches can either be planar (flat) or curved.


(n.) Usually, a way to travel from directories to the files contained therein.

path name

(n.) The location of a file or directory in the UNIX® file system.

pattern recognition

(1) (n.) In image processing, the analysis, description, identification, and classification of objects or other meaningful regularities.

(2) (n.) A computer's capability of recognizing patterns, especially visual and sound patterns.


(v.) To suspend a process temporarily without ending it.


(1.) (n.) program counter.

(2.) personal computer.

(3.) printed circuit.

PC and stack profiling data

(n.) The performance data that shows how much time is accrued by calls in the application that address other calls. It provides a more detailed analysis than PC profiling data, yet it does include PC profiling data.

PC profiling data

(n.) The performance data that shows how much time the application accrues in its execution of functions , modules, or segments. It also reveals what functions, modules, or segments are consuming the most time and the least time.


(PC file system) (n.) A file system specification that provides the capability to read and write files in disk operating system (DOS) format on the SPARCTM system internal diskette drive. The PC file system is mounted to the workstation's file system as /pcfs.

PCI bus

(n.) A 32-bit, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus providing a maximum 132–Mbyte/sec data transfer rate. PCI devices have autoconfiguration capabilities and do not have to be configured by users.


(1) (n.) In networking, a hardware or software unit that is in the same protocol layer as another unit.

(2) (n.) In Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), an individual computer at one end of a PPP communications link, which consists of two peers that are connected by communications media. You can configure many types of computing equipment as a peer, such as a workstation, personal computer, router, or mainframe.

permanent file

(n.) The data stored permanently in the file system structure. To change a permanent file, you use a text editor, which maintains a temporary work space or buffer apart from the permanent files. After you have made changes to the buffer, you must write the changes to the permanent file.

per-message token

See token.


(n.) The attribute of a file or directory that specifies who has read, write, or execution access.


(n.) A quality of light, as in a CRT, that influences the way an image is displayed on the screen. If persistence is too long, the image looks smudged; if it is too short, the image flickers.

persistent link

(n.) In STREAMS, a connection below a multiplexer that can exist without having an open controlling Stream.

PersonalJavaTM environment

(n.) A JavaTM runtime environment (JRE) for network-connectable applications on personal consumer devices for home, office, and mobile use.

perspective projection

(n.) The process of projecting an image from the 3-D view volume to the 2-D graphics display with projector lines that converge at the eye point. Objects appear to diminish if they are further from the eye point.

physical address

(n.) An actual hardware address that matches a memory location; programs that refer to virtual addresses are subsequently mapped tophysical addresses.

physical address space

(n.) The set of possible 22-bit physical addresses that can refer to locations in memory (memory space) or I/O space (device registers).

pick aperture

(n.) In computer graphics, the area (2–D) or volume (3–D) used to test primitives for picking.

pick ID

(n.) In computer graphics, the value used to identify a primitive that has been picked.


(n.) A feature of a graphics library that enables you to select primitives and objects with a pointing device.


(1) (n.) process identification number.

(2) (n.) protocol identifier.


(1) (n.) (Packet Internet Groper) A small program that a computer sends to a host and times on its return path.

(2) (v.) To test the reach of destinations by sending them an ICMP ECHO: “Ping host X to see if it is up!”


(1) (n.) The software connection between two programs.

(2) (n.) The UNIX® operator (|) that makes the output of one command or program into the input of another.

(3) (v.) To make the output of one command or program into the input of another.


(n.) The program linkage established by performing one or more pipes.


(n.) A hardware feature enabling operations to reduce to multiple stages, each of which takes (typically) one cycle to complete.


(1) (n.) The array of values in the frame buffer for a given picture, particularly in the case of multibit displays.

(2) (n.) A 3-D array of bits. A pixmap is usually a 2-D array of pixels but can also be a stack of n bitmaps.


(n.) A low-level graphics software package for 2-D applications.


(n.) A 2-D software subroutine library used to implement the lower levels of the SunTM window system.

plain window

(n.) An unadorned window with no title bar or window controls, typically used for splash screens. In the JavaTM look and feel, plain windows are created using the JWindow component. See also primary window, window control.


(n.) The basic hardware or software for a system. A hardware platform might be a PC, Macintosh, or SPARCTM system. Software platforms include Windows, JavaTM, and UNIX®. Because of the variations on UNIX, always refer to the SolarisTM UNIX platform.

plug-in editor kit

(n.) An editor that can be used by the editor pane. The JavaTM Foundation Classes (JFC) supply plug-in editor kits for plain, styled, rich text format (RTF), and HTML data.


(1) (n.) A unit of measure used in printing. Twelve points are in a pica and 72 points are in an inch.

(2) (v). To move an indicator to an on-screen item with direction keys or a mouse.


(n.) A small graphic that moves around the screen as the user manipulates the mouse (or another pointing device). Depending on its location and the active application, the pointer can assume various shapes, such as an arrowhead, crosshair, or clock. By moving the pointer and pressing mouse buttons, the user can select objects, set the insertion point, and activate windows. Sometimes called a cursor. See also insertion point.

pointer grab

(n.) In the X protocol, a client can actively grab control of the pointer, causing button and motion events to be sent to the grabbing client rather than to the client indicated by the pointer.

pointing device

(n.) A mechanical or electronic device, such as a mouse, that manipulates the screen pointer.


(n.) A rule or set of rules that control behavior in an application, network, or system.

policy group

(n.) A collection that groups related policy rules, their conditions, and actions, and policy data. The collection has a unique name. For Sun JavaTM Desktop System Configuration Manager, a policy group contains policies and can be linked to organizations, groups, or users. Policy groups are stored in the policy repository.

policy repository

(n.) A collection that stores policy groups. A database or directory is an example of such a collection.


(n.) A homogeneous collection of resources from which each resource can be allocated and might later be returned to the collection. See also database connection pool, resource pool, storage pool, thread pool.


(n.) The location for accepting or sending data on a computer device. Ports can connect peripheral devices or are dedicated locations in memory.


(n.) A web-based aggregation of content and services that is customizable and dynamic, based on interests and entitlements.


(n.) A network system service on which all other remote procedure call-based services rely. The portmapper tracks the correspondence between ports (logical communications channels) and services on a machine, and provides a standard way for a client to look up the port number of any remote procedure call program supported by the server.

port monitor

(n.) A program that continuously checks for requests to log in or requests to access printers or files. After the port monitor detects a request, it sets the required parameters to establish communication between the operating system and the device requesting service. The port monitor then transfers control to other processes (for example, the login program) that provide the services needed.


(adj.) Characteristic of the orientation of a page or screen image that is taller than it is wide. Contrast with landscape.

positional parameters

(n.) The numbered variables used within a shell procedure to process the strings specified as arguments on the command line invoking the shell procedure.


See power-on self-test.


(n.) In an email system, the person who administers to problems with a mail account.

potential master

See potential primary.

potential primary

(n.) A cluster member that is able to master a failover resource type if the primary node fails. See also default master.

power-on self-test

(POST) (n., adj.) A set of hardware routines that run when a device is powered up.


(n.) A setting for an application or tool. Typically set by users. See also property.


(n.) Filter manager software for use with the NeWSprintTM package.


(n.) A routine or device that performs operations on input before it is processed.


(v.) To push down and hold a mouse button.


(n.) A node on which a resource group or device group is currently online. Specifically, a primary is a node that is currently hosting or implementing the service that is associated with the resource. See also secondary.

primary hostname

(n.) The name of a node on the primary public network. This is always the node name that is specified in /etc/nodename. See also secondary hostname.

primary window

(n.) A top-level window of an application, where the principal interaction with the user occurs. Primary windows always retain the look and feel of the user's native platform. In the JavaTM look and feel primary windows are created using the JFrame component. See also dialog box, secondary window.


(1) (n.) Basic computer instruction at the machine level.

(2) (n.) In computer graphics, a fundamental shape or object used primarily in the construction of more complex objects. Graphics primitives include point, line segment, polyline, circle, ellipse, triangle, square, and rectangle.


A uniquely named client/user or server/service instance that participates in a network communication. GSS–API–based transactions involve interactions between principals. Examples of principal names include the following:

  • joe

  • joe@machine

  • nfs@machine

  • 123.45.678.9


private hostname

(n.) The hostname alias that is used to communicate with a node over the cluster interconnect.


(1) (n.) A particular computer activity or job.

(2) (n.) A virtual address space containing one or more threads.

process code

(n.) See wide character.

process file system

(PROCFS) (n., adj.) A type of file system that resides in memory. The PROCFS contains a list of active processes, by process number, in the /proc directory. Information in the /proc directory is used by commands such as ps.

process identification number

(PID) (n.) A unique, system-wide, identification number that is assigned to a process. Also called process ID, process number.


(n.) A hardware device that executes the commands in a stored program in the computer system. In addition to the central processing unit (CPU), many sophisticated graphics systems contain a dedicated processor for the graphics accelerator.

processor bus

(n.) A bus on the SuperSPARCTM module.

process status

(n.) The current state of a process: running, stopped, waiting, and so on.


See process file system.

progress bar

(n.) An interface element that indicates one or more operations are in progress and shows the user what proportion of the operations has been completed. Progress bars are created using the JProgressBar component. See also slider.

PROM monitor

(n.) A command interpreter, stored in the workstation boot PROM, used for booting, resetting, low-level configuration, and simple test procedures.


(n.) A character or character string sent from the computer system to a terminal to indicate that the system is ready to accept input. Examples include $ and %.


(1) (n.) A characteristic of an object. Depending on the object, the user or the designer might set its properties. See also preference.

(2) (n.) In the X protocol, window-identifying information, consisting of name, type, data format, and some data. The protocol places no interpretation on properties; they are a general-purpose data storage and intercommunication mechanism for clients. See also atom.


(n.) A way to transmit data between devices. A computer or device must have a correct protocol to be able to communicate successfully with other computers or devices.

protocol data unit

(PDU) (n.) The ISO/OSI term for packet. A PDU is a data object that is exchanged by protocol machines (entities) within a particular layer. A protocol data unit consists of both protocol control information (PCI) and user data.


(n.) A software subsystem or driver with no associated hardware.

pseudo-device driver

(n.) A STREAMS software driver, not directly associated with a physical device, that performs functions internal to a Stream such as a multiplexer or log driver.

pseudo-terminal subsystem

(n.) A STREAMS user interface identical to a terminal subsystem except that a process is in place of a hardware device. It consists of at least a master device, slave device, line discipline module, and hardware emulation module.

pull-down menu

(n.) A menu that acts as if you held it and pulled it down. It only appears as long as you don't release it.

pushable module

(n.) A STREAMS module interposed between the Stream head and driver. It performs intermediate transformations on messages flowing between the Stream head and a driver. A driver is a non-pushable module.

put procedure

(n.) In STREAMS, a routine in a module or driver associated with a queue that receives messages from the preceding queue. It is the single entry point into a queue from a preceding queue. The put procedure can perform processing on the message and then generally either queues the message for subsequent processing by this queue's service procedure, or passes the message to the put procedure of the following queue.