FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

REAL*16 (Quad Real) Constants

(SPARC only) A quadruple-precision constant is a basic real constant or an integer constant, such that it is followed by a quadruple-precision exponent. See "Real Constants". @

A quadruple-precision exponent consists of the letter Q, followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer.

A quadruple-precision constant can be positive, negative, or zero. If no sign is present, the constant is assumed to be nonnegative.

Example: Quadruple-precision constants:

$1.0Q2.0 					Invalid-$ not allowed, error message
82 					Not quad-need exponent
29,002.0Q0 					Invalid-comma not allowed, error message
1.6Q5000 					Invalid-too large, machine infinity is used
1.6Q-5000 					Invalid-too small, some precision is lost

The form and interpretation are the same as for a real constant, except that a Q is used instead of an E.

The restrictions are: