FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


Example 1: A simple POINTER statement:

       POINTER (P, V) 

Here, V is a pointer-based variable, and P is its associated pointer.

Example 2: Using the LOC() function to get an address:

       * ptr1.f: Assign an address via LOC() 
       POINTER (P, V) 
       CHARACTER A*12, V*12 
       P = LOC(A) 
       PRINT *, V(5:5) 

In the above example, the CHARACTER statement allocates 12 bytes of storage for A, but no storage for V; it merely specifies the type of V because V is a pointer-based variable. You then assign the address of A to P, so now any use of V refers to A by the pointer P. The program prints an E.

Example 3: Memory allocation for pointers, by MALLOC

       POINTER (P1, X), (P2, Y), (P3, Z) 
       P1 = MALLOC (36) 
       CALL FREE (P1) 


In the above example, you get 36 bytes of memory from MALLOC() and then, after some other instructions, probably using that chunk of memory, tell FREE() to return those same 36 bytes to the memory manager.

Example 4: Get the area of memory and its address

       POINTER (P, V) 
       CHARACTER V*12, Z*1 
       P = MALLOC(12) 


In the above example, you obtain 12 bytes of memory from the function MALLOC() and assign the address of that block of memory to the pointer P.

Example 5: Dynamic allocation of arrays:

       PROGRAM UsePointers 
       REAL X 
       POINTER (P, X) 
       READ (*,*) Nsize 	! Get the size. 
       P = MALLOC(Nsize)	! Allocate the memory. 
       CALL CALC (X, Nsize) 
       REAL A(N) 
                   ! Use the array of whatever size. 

This is a slightly more realistic example. The size might well be some large number, say, 10,000. Once that's allocated, the subroutines perform their tasks, not knowing that the array was dynamically allocated.

Example 6: One way to use pointers to make a linked list in f77:

demo% cat Linked.f
              STRUCTURE /NodeType/
                     INTEGER recnum
                     CHARACTER*3 label
                     INTEGER next
              END STRUCTURE
              RECORD /NodeType/ r, b
              POINTER (pr,r), (pb,b)
              pb = malloc(12) Create the base record, b.
              pr = pb                     Make pr point to b.
              NodeNum = 1 
              DO WHILE (NodeNum .LE. 4) Initialize/create records
                     IF (NodeNum .NE. 1) pr =
                     CALL struct_creat(pr,NodeNum)
                     NodeNum = NodeNum + 1
              END DO
     = 0
              pr = pb                     Show all records.
              DO WHILE (pr .NE. 0)
                     PRINT *, r.recnum, " ", r.label
                     pr =
              END DO
              SUBROUTINE struct_creat(pr,Num)
              STRUCTURE /NodeType/
                     INTEGER recnum
                     CHARACTER*3 label
                     INTEGER next
              END STRUCTURE

              RECORD /NodeType/ r
              POINTER (pr,r), (pb,b)
              CHARACTER v*3(4)/'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd'/

              r.recnum = Num                     Initialize current record.
              r.label = v(Num)
              pb = malloc(12)                  Create next record.
     = pb

demo% f77 -silent Linked.f
"Linked.f", line 6: Warning: local variable "b" never used
"Linked.f", line 31: Warning: local variable "b" never used
demo% a.out
       1 aaa
       2 bbb
       3 ccc
       4 ddd
