SunScreen SKIP User's Guide, Release 1.1

Installing Your Network Interface

The skipif command is used to install SunScreen SKIP on a network interface.

    If you are adding SunScreen SKIP to a machine with only one interface, make sure that you are root and type

    skipif -a 

    If you are adding SunScreen SKIP to a machine with multiple interfaces, make sure that you are root and type

    skipif -i <networkinterface> -a 

Note -

Replace <networkinterface> with the interface that you wish to specify. If you do not specify the network interface, it attaches to the first network interface that it finds.

    You can add SKIP on more than one interface. In that case, you need to run the skipif -a -i <interface> command for each interface on which you want to use SKIP.

    If you want to use SKIP on all the network interfaces present in the system, simply use the skipif -a -i all command.

Rebooting Your System

After you have installed the software, generated and installed the local identities, and installed the network interface, you must reboot your system.

    To reboot the machine, type

    init 6