Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

Using User Profiles on Windows 95

In Windows 95, user profiles are not created by default. The system administrator must enable user profiles.

Each time the user logs in, the client running Windows 95 passes to Windows the location of the user's home directory (\\home\username) on an NFS server. The username is the name the user types when logging in to the client machine. The \\home directory is the entry in the auto_home file in the NIS or NIS+ tables on the server, or in the local auto_home file.

For user profiles to work on Windows 95, you must configure the Solstice NFS Client as the Primary Network Logon, and you must configure either NIS or NIS+ as the name service on the client. When NIS or NIS+ is configured, the Automounter automatically mounts the user's home directory. If you configure the DNS or Files-based name service but not NIS or NIS+, the Automounter does not automatically mount user's home directories and user profiles stored in those directories are not downloaded to the client.