Sun WebServer 2.1 Command Reference
    • Book Information
    • man Pages(1m): Maintenance Commands
      • htIntro(1M) - introduction to the man pages for the Sun WebServer command-line utilities. The man pages offer detailed instructions and examples on options and subcommands for each utility.
      • htaccess(1M) - Allows manipulation of Sun WebServer access control lists (ACLs) configuration.
      • htcontent(1M) - Administers HTTP/1.1 meta-data associated with resources in a document tree.
      • hthost(1M) - Create, delete, and manage web sites on Sun WebServer httpd instances.
      • htmap(1M) - Manages maps at the site level.
      • htpasswd(1M) - Administers passwords for the users in HTPASSWD realms.
      • htrealm(1M) - Manages realms, users, and groups used to configure access control lists (ACLs) on a Sun WebServer web site.
      • htserver(1M) - Create, delete, and manage Sun WebServer httpd instances.
      • htservlet(1M) - Configures the behavior of a servlet engine.
      • httpd(1M) - Starts and stops servers.
    • man Pages(4): File Formats
      • htIntro(4) - Introduction to the man pages of the Sun WebServer configuration and log files. The man pages offer detailed instruction and examples on syntax and directives for each file.
      • access.conf(4) - Defines access control lists that regulate access to web site resources on a Sun WebServer web site.
      • content.conf(4) - Represents meta-data for directories, site preferences for languages, media and encoding types, and specifying variants for content.
      • groups(4) - Defines the groups in an HTPASSWD realm
      • httpd-instances.conf(4) - List of all Sun WebServer server instances.
      • httpd.conf(4) - Server instance configuration file.
      • httpd.event.logs(4) - Description of the Events Log files.
      • httpd.request.logs(4) - Description of the Sun WebServer request log files.
      • httpd.servlet.logs(4) - The log files for servlet requests and CGI script errors.
      • - Site instance configuration file.
      • map.conf(4) - Creates an alias to a path on the file system or a redirection to a remote URL from a URI on the host.
      • realms.conf(4) - Defines realms of user and group information employed by access control lists on a SunWebServer web site.
      • - Defines the servlet properties file in a general Java properties file format.
      • users(4) - Defines the users in an HTPASSWD realm