Sun Cluster 2.2 Cluster Volume Manager Guide

2.1.4 Dirty Region Logging and CVM

Dirty Region Logging (DRL) is an optional property of a volume that provides speedy recovery of mirrored volumes after a system failure. Dirty Region Logging is supported in cluster-shareable disk groups. This section provides a brief overview of DRL and outlines differences between SSVM DRL and the CVM implementation of DRL. For more information on DRL, refer to Chapter 1 in the applicable Sun StorEdge Volume Manager 2.6 System Administrator's Guide.

DRL keeps track of the regions that have changed due to I/O writes to a mirrored volume and uses this information to recover only the portions of the volume that need to be recovered. DRL logically divides a volume into a set of consecutive regions and maintains a dirty region log that contains a status bit representing each region of the volume. Log subdisks store the dirty region log of a volume that has DRL enabled. A volume with DRL has at least one log subdisk, that is associated with one of the volume's plexes.

Before writing any data to the volume, the regions being written are marked dirty in the log. If a write causes a log region to become dirty when it was previously clean, the log is synchronously written to disk before the write operation can occur. On system restart, the volume manager recovers only those regions of the volume which are marked as dirty in the dirty region log.

The CVM implementation of DRL differs slightly from the SSVM implementation. The following sections outline some of the differences and discuss some aspects of the CVM implementation. Log Format and Size

As with SSVM, the CVM dirty region log exists on a log subdisk in a mirrored volume.

A SSVM dirty region log has a recovery map and a single active map. A CVM dirty region log, however, has one recovery map and multiple active maps (one for each node in the cluster). Unlike SSVM, CVM places its recovery map at the beginning of the log.

The CVM dirty region log size is typically larger than a SSVM dirty region log, as it must accommodate active maps for all nodes in the cluster plus a recovery map. The size of each map within the dirty region log is one or more whole blocks. vxassist automatically takes care of allocating a sufficiently large dirty region log.

The log size depends on the volume size and the number of nodes. The log must be large enough to accommodate all maps (one map per node plus a recovery map). Each map should be one block long for each two gigabytes of volume size. For a two-gigabyte volume in a two-node cluster, a log size of five blocks (one block per map) should be sufficient; this is the minimum log size. A four-gigabyte volume in a four-node cluster requires a log size of ten blocks, and so on. Compatibility

Except for the addition of a CVM specific magic number, CVM DRL headers are the same as their SSVM counterparts.

It is possible to import a SSVM disk group (and its volumes) as a CVM shared disk group and vice versa. However, the dirty region logs of the imported disk group can be considered invalid and a full recovery can result.

If a CVM shared disk group is imported by a SSVM system, SSVM will consider the logs of the CVM volumes to be invalid and will conduct a full volume recovery. After this recovery completes, the volume manager will use the CVM Dirty Region Logging.

CVM is capable of performing a DRL recovery on a non-shared SSVM volume. However, if a SSVM volume is moved to a CVM system and imported as shared, the dirty region log will probably be too small to accommodate all the nodes in the cluster. CVM will therefore mark the log invalid and do a full recovery anyway. Similarly, moving a DRL volume from a two-node cluster to a four-node cluster will result in too small a log size, which CVM will handle with a full volume recovery. In both cases, the system administrator is responsible for allocating a new log of sufficient size. Recovery With DRL

When one or more nodes in a cluster crash, DRL needs to be able to handle the recovery of all volumes in use by those nodes when the crash(es) occurred. On initial cluster startup, all active maps are incorporated into the recovery map; this is done during the volume start operation.

Nodes that crash (that is, leave the cluster as dirty) are not allowed to rejoin the cluster until their DRL active maps have been incorporated into the recovery maps on all affected volumes. The recovery utilities compare a crashed node's active maps with the recovery map and make any necessary updates before the node can rejoin the cluster and resume I/O to the volume (which overwrites the active map). During this time, other nodes can continue to perform I/O.

The CVM kernel tracks which nodes have crashed. If multiple node recoveries are underway in a cluster at a given time, their respective recoveries and recovery map updates can compete with each other. The CVM kernel therefore tracks changes in the DRL recovery state and prevents I/O operation collisions.

The master performs volatile tracking of DRL recovery map updates for each volume and prevents multiple utilities from changing the recovery map simultaneously.