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Chapter 3

Advanced Workspace Management

To learn basic Configuring tasks, see Chapter 2. This chapter covers these advanced Configuring tasks:

Using Bringover/Putback Options

There are two types of options for bringovers/putbacks:

Setting Options During a Bringover/Putback

To access options during a bringover/putback:

1. In the Configuring window, choose a transaction from the Action Menu:

2. Click a check box in the Options section (see FIGURE 3-1).

FIGURE 3-1   Transactions Dialog Box: Options Section

Each check box in the Options section of the Bringover Create/Bringover Update/Putback tabs in the Transactions dialog box is described in TABLE 3-1.

TABLE 3-1   Bringover/Putback Options Check Boxes
Check Box Description
Preview Previews the results of the transaction. If you invoke a transaction with this option selected, the transaction proceeds without transferring any files. You can monitor the output messages in the Transaction Output window and verify the expected outcome of the transaction.
Verbose Increases the amount of information displayed in the Transaction Output window. By default, a message is displayed for each created, updated, or conflicting file. Verbose causes Configuring to print a message for each file, including those that are not brought over. If both the Verbose and the Quiet are specified, the Quiet option takes precedence.
Quiet Suppresses the output of status messages to the Transaction Output window.
Delta Comments Includes additional information in the Transaction Output window: delta number, owner, and comments.
Skip SCCS gets Inhibits the automatic invocation of the SCCS get command as part of the Bringover transaction. Normally g-files are extracted from the SCCS history after they are brought over. This option improves transaction performance although it shifts the responsibility to the user to do the appropriate gets at a later time.
Force Conflicts Cause all updates to be treated as conflicts.
Skip Backups Skips the step of copying the existing files to the Codemgr_wsdata/backup/files directory in the destination workspace. This option reduces the disk space occupied by the child workspace and improves transaction performance, but it removes the option of using Undo.

Setting Tool Property Options

Use the Bringover/Putback Options tab to set options for bringovers and putbacks. To open the Bringover/Putback Options tab, in the Configuring Window:

1. Choose Options Configuring.

2. Select the Bringover/Putback tab.

TABLE 3-2 lists the check boxes for the Bringover/Putback Tool Properties.

TABLE 3-2   Bringover/Putback Tool Properties
Check Box Description
Transaction File List: Autoload Reads the Codemgr_wsdata/args file and loads it into the File Pane whenever a new workspace is selected. Deselect this property when you want to use the same file list for a number of transactions involving different workspaces. The default is on.
Transaction Output: Auto Display Displays the Transaction Output dialog box during Bringover, Putback, and Undo transactions. If this is not selected, you must activate the Transaction Output dialog box using the Show Output button. The default is on.
Putback: Auto Bringover Update Invokes a bringover when a putback determines that files have changed in the parent. The default is off.
Bringover/Putback: Warn Comment Reusing Displays an alert reminding you that the comments are the same as the last Bringover/Putback. The default is on.

Creating Customized Bringover/Putback File Lists

Configuring maintains a list of files each time you bring over or put back to a specific workspace. This section explains how Configuring generates a default list of files for bringovers/putbacks and how you can change the default. You can also direct Configuring to generate a list of files to bringover or putback using an FLP (File List Program).

Saving a Default List of Files

Configuring saves the list of files and directories you include when performing a bringover or putback. This list is loaded by default for the next bringover/putback transaction in the same workspace. Each time you perform a bringover/putback, Configuring determines whether the file list is more encompassing than the list from the previous transaction; if the new list is of a wider scope, the new list replaces the old.

You can reload the default list at any time by clicking Load from args File. This is useful if you have made changes to the list that you do not want to save. Use Load List from args File to revert the list to its default state.

If you change the list and want to make the new list the default, click Save to args File. This is useful if you have eliminated files or directories from the list. If you add files, Configuring automatically adds them to the args file as part of a Bringover or Putback transaction.

Generating a Customized List of Files

In addition to explicitly specifying individual files for transfer, you can direct Configuring to execute a program to create a customized list of files to bringover/putback.

By default, Sun WorkShop TeamWare generates a list of files to include in a bringover/putback transaction by using File List Program (FLP). The FLP generates a list of files and then passes this list to bringover and putback transactions. Configuring uses a default FLP named def.dir.flp. The FLP def.dir.flp recursively lists the names of files that are under SCCS control in directories that you specify in the File List pane. The files generated by this (or any) FLP are included for transfer, in addition to any files that you also specify in the File List pane.

If you want to have more control over which files are included in a bringover or putback, you can write your own FLP. You can, for example, include only files with a certain extension, such as html. If you want to use your own FLP(s) during a transaction, you specify them in the File List pane.

To generate your own list of files for a bringover/putback:

1. Write an File List Program (FLP) that creates the list of files you want to bringover/putback.

For example:

# my FLP
cd subdir/webfiles
ls *.html

2. In the Bringover/Putback tab, click the File List Programs (FLPs) button.

3. Click Add.

4. Select your FLP in the Add FLPs dialog box.

5. Click Add Files.

This sets the FLP for the current transaction only. You can direct Configuring to always use your FLP by setting the CODEMGR_DIR_FLP environment variable. This variable overrides Configuring's default FLP, which is named def.dir.flp.

% setenv CODEMGR_DIR_FLP /home/workspaces/my.flp

If you use the bringover or putback commands at the command line, use the -f option to specify an FLP. For more information about using command line commands, see Chapter 11.

Notifying Users of Transactions

You can have Configuring automatically send out an email to members of your team each time a transaction occurs in a workspace. The email will contain the transaction type, file names, and transaction comments.

To set up email notification:

1. Start Configuring.

2. Select Workspace Properties.

3. In the Workspace Properties dialog box, type the name of a workspace.

4. Click the Notification tab.

5. In the Notification tab, click Create Entry.

6. In the Notification Entry dialog box:

    1. Type an email address in the Mail To text box.
    2. Select the transactions for which you want to generate an email notification.
    3. If you want to generate a notification only for certain files in the workspace, click the Specify button.
    1. Click OK in the Notification Entry dialog box.

7. To save the entry, click OK in the Workspace Properties dialog box.

Giving a Workspace a Descriptive Name

Often, a workspace name is a long path, such as /home/src/rel7/ver2. Sun WorkShop TeamWare lets you give a workspace a name that is more meaningful to users, such as "current development area" or "Bob's workspace." The descriptive name is displayed in the Configuring window (when you select View Descriptive names), and appears as a part of email notification.

You can also create a detailed description of the workspace for your own use. The detailed description is displayed when you select View Descriptive names.

To give a workspace a descriptive name:

1. Start Configuring.

2. Choose File Load Workspaces.

3. Load the workspace you want to give a descriptive name.

4. Click on the workspace to select it.

5. Choose Workspace Properties.

6. In the Workspace Properties Dialog Box, click the Description tab.

7. In the Name text box, type a descriptive name for your workspace.

This name appears as a label for the workspace.

8. In the Description text box, type a longer description of your workspace.

This information is stored in the Codemgr_wsdata/description file.

Note – Clicking Load in the Description tab displays description information from the description file. It does not save any information.

9. Click OK.

To view descriptive names:

TABLE 3-3 lists the options to the workspace descr command.

TABLE 3-3   workspace descr Command Options
Option Description
-n Lists descriptive name only
-d Lists detailed description only
-a Lists both descriptive name and detailed description (default)
wsname Workspace name

For more information about using command line commands, see Chapter 11.

Reparenting a Workspace

As discussed in Parent and Child Workspaces, the parent-child relationship is the thread that connects workspaces to each other. Configuring provides the means for you to change this relationship. This section discusses:

Reasons to Change a Workspace's Parent

You can permanently or temporarily change a workspace parent for any of these reasons:

  1. Create a new (empty) Release 2 workspace (File Create Workspace).

  2. Make the Release 2 workspace the new parent of the Release 1 workspace.

  3. Use the Putback transaction to copy files to the Release 2 workspace.

  4. Reparent the Release 1 workspace to its original parent.

Ways to Reparent Workspaces

There are two equivalent ways to reparent workspaces permanently: using the Reparent command or dragging and dropping workspace icons. You can also change a workspace's parent during a bringover or putback transaction, but this new relationship lasts only for the duration of the transaction.

The Reparent Command

To reparent a workspace using the reparent command:

1. Start Configuring.

2. Choose File Load Workspaces.

3. Load the workspace you want to reparent.

4. Click on the workspace to select it.

5. Choose Workspace Reparent.

6. Type the name of the new parent in the Reparent dialog box.

7. Click OK.

If you do not specify a parent workspace in the New Parent Workspace Directory text box, the workspace is orphaned--it has no parent. The Workspace Graph pane is automatically adjusted to reflect its new status.

Drag-and-Drop Workspace Icons

You can change a workspace's parent by selecting its icon in the Workspace Graph Pane, pressing the Control key, and dragging it on top of its new parent's icon. You are prompted to confirm the change. The display is automatically adjusted to reflect the new relationship.

You can also "orphan" a workspace by selecting its icon, pressing Control, and dragging it to an open area on the Workspace Graph pane. The workspace no longer has a parent: the display is automatically adjusted to reflect its new status.

Temporary Reparenting

You can change a child workspace's parent for the duration of a single Bringover Update transaction by specifying the new parent's path name in the From Parent Workspace text field in the Bringover Update tab (Actions Bringover Update). You can also change a child workspace's parent for the duration of a single Putback transaction by specifying the new parent's path name in the To Parent Workspace text box in the Putback tab (Actions Putback). You change the parent for that transaction only.

A Reparenting Example

When a bug is fixed in a version of a product, often a patch release is made to distribute the fixed code. The code that was fixed must also be incorporated into the next release of the product as well. If the product is developed using Sun WorkShop TeamWare, the patch can be incorporated relatively simply by means of reparenting.

In the following example, a patch is developed to fix a bug in Release 1.0 of a product. The patch must be incorporated into the Release 2.0 code, which has already begun development.

1. In the Configuring window, you load two workspaces, Release2.0 and patch1.0.

These workspaces do not have a parent-child relationship (see FIGURE 3-2).

FIGURE 3-2   Two Unrelated Workspaces

2. Before you make any changes, make a child of the patch1.0 workspace using a Bringover Create transaction. (see FIGURE 3-3)

FIGURE 3-3   Clone Workspace Created

3. Change the parent of patch1.0_clone from patch1.0 to Release 2.0 using the reparent command (see FIGURE 3-4).

FIGURE 3-4   Clone Workspace Reparented to Release2.0

4. Update the patch1.0_clone with a Bringover Update from its new parent, Release2.0 (see FIGURE 3-5).

This includes merging the fixes made for the patch in patch1.0_clone with the files from Release2.0.

5. Put back the changes from patch1.0_clone to Release2.0 (FIGURE 3-5).

FIGURE 3-5   Files Brought Over, Merged, and Incorporated into the New Release

6. Now that it has served its purpose, you can delete patch1.0_clone using Workspaces Delete.

You now have the two unrelated workspaces, Release2.0,which now includes the fixes from patch1.0 and patch1.0,which is unchanged from the transactions. Now the patch is available to the children of Release2.0 (see FIGURE 3-6).

FIGURE 3-6   patch1.0_clone Deleted; Release2.0 Includes Fixes

Customizing Configuring Using Tool Properties

Using the Tool Properties dialog box (see FIGURE 3-7), you can customize the behavior of:

To open the Tool Properties dialog box, choose Options Configuring. The tabs in the dialog box lets you switch between the Configuring, Bringover/Putback, Resolve, and Workspace History Viewer panes. Options in the Resolve tab are described in Merging Options.

The CodeManager tab of the Tool Properties dialog box (see FIGURE 3-7) lets you change the behavior of the Configuring main window. The specific properties are described in TABLE 3-4.

FIGURE 3-7   Tool Properties: CodeManager Tab

TABLE 3-4   Configuring Tool Properties 
Property Description
Working Directory Lets you specify the directory to which Configuring actions are relative.
Workspace Double Click Action Lets you specify the commands you want launched when you double-click on a standard workspace icon. Select Versioning, History Viewer, or Other and type the path name of a command. The command executes based on the working directory and your search path. The default double-click action is Versioning (twversion).
Conflict Workspace Double Click Action Lets you specify the commands you want launched when you double-click on workspaces that contain conflicts. Type the path name required to execute the commands based on the working directory and your search path. By default, the Resolve Transaction window opens for conflicted workspaces.
Load Workspaces Select this check box if you want the parent and children of workspaces you load in the Workspace Graph pane automatically loaded with them. By default this box is not checked.
Load Children These radio buttons are active only if you have the Load Workspaces check box checked. Select Selective if you want to specify which child workspaces to load. Select All if you want all children to be loaded. By default, all children are loaded.
Orientation Select Vertical if you want workspace hierarchy displayed vertically from top to bottom. Select Horizontal if you want the workspace hierarchy displayed horizontally from left to right in the Workspace Graph pane. Vertical is the default. This property corresponds to the choosing View Orientation the Configuring main window.
Workspace Names Changes the format of workspace names. This property corresponds to choosing View Names in the Configuring main window.

Full Displays workspaces labeled with full path names in the Workspace Graph pane. (Default.)

Short Displays workspaces labeled with just the file name.

Descriptive Displays the descriptive name you have assigned to a workspace. See Giving a Workspace a Descriptive Name. If there is no descriptive name for the workspace, and you select Descriptive name, the file name appears in angled brackets, for example <myworkspace>.

Configuring Environment Variables

This section provides examples of how to use Configuring environment variables:

For information about how to set a default FLP using the CODEMGR_DIR_FLP variable, see Generating a Customized List of Files.

Loading Workspaces Automatically

You can set the CODEMGR_WSPATH variable to a single workspace, a list of workspaces, or to all the workspaces in a directory. To set the CODEMGR_WSPATH variable to the location of the workspace, type:

% setenv CODEMGR_WSPATH /home/ws/myworkspace

To load more than one workspace, put a list of workspaces in quotes:

% setenv CODEMGR_WSPATH "/home/ws/myworkspace /home/ws/anotherws"

To load all the workspaces in one directory, set the variable to a directory that contains multiple workspaces. For example:

% setenv CODEMGR_WSPATH /home/ws/myworkspaces

Setting Focus for Command-Line Commands

The CODEMGR_WS environment variable sets a workspace as the default for command-line commands. Once you set this variable, when you use command-line commands (bringover, putback, freezept extract, and so on) the workspace will be used automatically if you don't specify a workspace with the -w option. To set a default workspace:

% setenv CODEMGR_WS /home/workspaces/myworkspace

This variable also has the effect of loading the workspaces when you start Sun WorkShop TeamWare tools.

For more information about command-line commands, see Chapter 11.

Setting a Search Path

The CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY environment variable lets you dictate where Sun WorkShop TeamWare tools look for other Sun WorkShop TeamWare tools. To set the CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY environment variable:

% setenv CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY /bin/install/Teamware

If the CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY variable is not set, Sun WorkShop TeamWare looks for other tools in the current directory the tool is in, and then searches in the directories specified in the PATH environment variable.

Converting From an RCS Project

rcs2ws is a program that produces a Configuring workspace from an RCS (Revision Control System) source hierarchy. It converts a project developed in RCS and works its way down through the hierarchy to convert the RCS files to SCCS.

rcs2ws operates on RCS files under the parent directory and converts them to SCCS files, then puts the resulting SCCS files into a workspace. If a workspace doesn't exist, it will be created. The parent directory hierarchy is unaffected by rcs2ws. rcs2ws searches directories recursively.

To convert files, rcs2ws invokes the RCS co command and the SCCS admin, get, and delta commands. rcs2ws finds these commands using your PATH variable. If rcs2ws cannot find the SCCS commands, it looks for them in the /usr/ccs/bin directory.

Note – rcs2ws requires that you have the RCS utility. If you get the error "command not found," make sure you have RCS and that the location of RCS is set in your PATH.

rcs2ws does not convert RCS keywords to SCCS keywords. Keywords are treated as text in the SCCS delta.

The basic syntax of rcs2ws is:

rcs2ws -p [RCS_source_dir] -w [teamware_workspace] [files | directory]

The -p option names the RCS source directory and is required. Relative file names are interpreted as being relative to RCS_source_dir.
The -w option names the TeamWare workspace. If the workspace does not exist, using the -w option will create a workspace. The -w is optional if the workspace already exists and it is your default workspace, or if the current directory is contained within an existing TeamWare workspace.

For example, if you want to convert the RCS project /projects/prodA/release1 into a new TeamWare workspace /tw/workspaces/dev1, type:

% rcs2ws -p /projects/prodA -w /tw/workspaces/dev1 release1

If the workspace /tw/workspaces/dev1 already exists and it is your default workspace, you could type:

% rcs2ws -p /projects/prodA release1

Use "." to specify that every RCS file under RCS_source_dir should be converted. For example, if you want to convert all the RCS files in the project directory
/projects/prodA, type:

% rcs2ws -p /projects/prodA .

To see a complete list of rcs2ws options, see the rcs2ws(1) man page.

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