
Using Sun Performance Library Fast Fourier Transform Routines Sun Microsystems



 Using Sun Performance Library Fast Fourier Transform Routines

Introduction to the FFTPACK and VFFTPACK Packages
Extensions to FFTPACK and VFFTPACK
The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Naming Conventions
Sun Performance Library FFT Routines
Calling FFT Routines
Fortran Interface Conventions
C Interface Conventions
Using 64-Bit FFT Routines
Sequence Length N
Work Array WSAVE for FFT and VFFT Routines
One-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform Routines
Arguments for One-Dimensional FFT and VFFT Routines
Data Storage for One-Dimensional FFT and VFFT Routines
Storage of Complex Sequences
Storage of Real Sequences
FFT: Fast Fourier Transform Routines
Sample Programs: Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform
EZFFT: EZ Fourier Transform Routines
Sample Program: EZ Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform
COSQ: Cosine Quarter-Wave Routines
Sample Programs: Cosine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
COST: Cosine Even-Wave Routines
Sample Program: Cosine Even-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
SINQ: Sine Quarter-Wave Routines
Sample Programs: Sine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
SINT: Sine Odd-Wave Transform Routines
Sample Program: Sine Odd-Wave Transform
Two-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform Routines
Arguments for Two-Dimensional FFT Routines
Data Storage for Two-Dimensional FFT Routines
Storage of Complex Two-Dimensional Sequences
Storage of Real Two-Dimensional Sequences
Using Two-Dimensional FFT Routines to Perform Two-Dimensional Convolution
Sample Program: Two-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform
Three-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform Routines
Arguments for Three-Dimensional FFT Routines
Data Storage for Three-Dimensional FFT Routines
Storage of Complex Three-Dimensional Sequences
Storage of Real Three-Dimensional Sequences
Sample Program: Three-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform
Convolution and Correlation Routines
Arguments for Convolution and Correlation Routines
Work Array WORK for Convolution and Correlation Routines
Sample Program: Convolution


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