Class netscape.messaging.mime.MIMEMultiPart
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Class netscape.messaging.mime.MIMEMultiPart


public class MIMEMultiPart
extends MIMEBodyPart
implements Cloneable
The MIMEMultiPart class implements the MIME multipart Content Type.

The multipart content type represents messages with multiple attachments of potentially different media. This content type describes a message that is made up of one or more sub-body parts. The Multipart type has several subtypes that describe how the sub-parts relate to each other. These include mixed, alternative, digest, and parallel.

Constructor Index

o MIMEMultiPart()
Constructs a MIMEMultiPart object.
o MIMEMultiPart(InputStream, String, int)
Constructs a MIMEMultiPart object with the specified text and filename.

Method Index

o addBodyPart(MIMEBodyPart, boolean)
Adds a MIMEBodyPart to this MultiPart.
o addBodyPart(String, int)
Adds the specified filename file as a (MIMEBasicPart) BodyPart to this MultiPart.
o clone()
Clones an instance of this MIMEMultiPart object.
o deleteBodyPart(int)
Deletes bodyPart at the requested index from this Multipart.
o getBodyPart(int, boolean)
Returns an Object of corresponding MIME BodyPart type at the specified index of this MultiPart.
o getBodyPartCount()
Returns the count of BodyParts in this MultiPart or Zero (0) if no parts exist.
o getContentType()
Returns Content-Type of this MIME Part.
o getPreamble()
Returns the preamble for this multipart if present.
o putByteStream(OutputStream)
Outputs a byte stream for this Message in MIME format.
o setPreamble(String)
Sets the preamble for this multipart.


o MIMEMultiPart
 public MIMEMultiPart()
Constructs a MIMEMultiPart object. Default constructor for the MIMEMultiPart
o MIMEMultiPart
 public MIMEMultiPart(InputStream textIS,
                      String filename,
                      int encoding) throws MIMEException, FileNotFoundException, SecurityException, IOException
Constructs a MIMEMultiPart object with the specified text and filename. Both textIS and filename cannot be null or an exception is thrown. (See MIMEMessage() if you need to do this.)
textIS - InputStream to text that becomes (first) text part of the multipart.
filename - Name of the file that becomes second part of the multipart.
encoding - Encoding for the file attachment. To select a default encoding, use -1.
Throws: MIMEException
If filename is null or textIS null.
Throws: FileNotFoundException
If filename file does not exist
Throws: SecurityException
If filename file can not be accessed
Throws: IOExcepton
On IO Errors on filename or textIS.
See Also:


o getContentType
 public String getContentType()
Returns Content-Type of this MIME Part. Always returns the String "MultiPart".
getContentType in class MIMEBodyPart
o getBodyPartCount
 public int getBodyPartCount()
Returns the count of BodyParts in this MultiPart or Zero (0) if no parts exist.
o getBodyPart
 public Object getBodyPart(int index,
                           boolean clone) throws MIMEException
Returns an Object of corresponding MIME BodyPart type at the specified index of this MultiPart.
index - Index for the BodyPart to return. Index ranges from 0 to (count_of_parts -1).
clone - Whether to return a reference to the internal BodyPart object or a cloned copy; if true: cloned copy; if false: reference to the BodyPart object.
Throws: MIMEException
If invalid index.
See Also:
MIMEBasicPart, MIMEMessagePart, MIMEMultiPart, getBodyPartCount
o putByteStream
 public void putByteStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException, MIMEException
Outputs a byte stream for this Message in MIME format. Applies transfer encoding all bodyParts as applicable.
os - OutputStream to be written to.
Throws: IOException
If an IO error occurs.
Throws: MIMEException
If detects an error during encoding.
o deleteBodyPart
 public void deleteBodyPart(int index) throws MIMEException
Deletes bodyPart at the requested index from this Multipart. Adjusts indices of any parts after the deleted part upwards as needed.
index - of the bodyPart to remove.
Throws: MIMEException
if invalid index.
o addBodyPart
 public int addBodyPart(String filename,
                        int encoding) throws MIMEException, FileNotFoundException, SecurityException, IOException
Adds the specified filename file as a (MIMEBasicPart) BodyPart to this MultiPart.
filename - Name of file to add as bodyPart.
encoding - Preferred MIME encoding for this part. To select a default, use -1.
The index at which this bodyPart is added.
Throws: MIMEException
If filename file is inaccessible or I/O errors.
Throws: FileNotFoundException
If filename file does not exist
Throws: SecurityException
If filename file cannot be accessed
Throws: IOExcepton
On IO Errors on filename
See Also:
o addBodyPart
 public int addBodyPart(MIMEBodyPart part,
                        boolean clone) throws MIMEException
Adds a MIMEBodyPart to this MultiPart. This part must already be constructed and fully set-up. As MIMEBodyPart is an abstract class, the object passed in the part parameter must be one of three concrete classes: MIMEBasicPart, MIMEMultiPart, or MIMEMessagePart. If not, a MIMEException is thrown.
part - bodyPart to add.
clone - Whether to store a reference to the passed object instead of cloning a copy; if true: clones a copy; if false: stores reference to the passed part object.
The index at which to add this bodyPart.
Throws: MIMEException
If part is malformed or is not an object of one of three classes: MIMEBasicPart, MIMEMultiPart, or MIMEMessagePart.
See Also:
MIMEBasicPart, MIMEMultiPart, MIMEMessagePart
o getPreamble
 public String getPreamble()
Returns the preamble for this multipart if present. Returns null if preamble does not exist for this part.
Preamble for the multipart if present, null otherwise.
o setPreamble
 public void setPreamble(String preamble)
Sets the preamble for this multipart.
preamble - Preamble string.
o clone
 public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clones an instance of this MIMEMultiPart object.
Throws: CloneNotSupportedException
If thrown by constituent components.
clone in class MIMEBodyPart

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