Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

package Profile Keyword

package package_name [add [retrieval_type location]| delete]

You can use package with both the initial installation and upgrade options. The package keyword enables you to do the following:


Specifies the package name in the form SUNWname. To view detailed information about packages and their names, on an installed system, use the pkginfo -l command.

add | delete

Specifies to add or remove the specified package. If you do not specify add or delete, add is used by default.

Note –

You can add more than one package by adding another package entry to the profile and omitting the location. The location of the previous package is used for all subsequent packages if the location is left blank.

[retrieval_type location]

Specifies the addition of a package or packages that are located outside the Solaris distribution that is being installed. The values of retrieval_type and location depend on where the package is stored. The following sections contain the values you can use for retrieval_type and location and examples of how to use the package_name keyword.

Packages Stored on an NFS Server

If the package is stored on an NFS server, use one of the following syntaxes for the package keyword.

package package_name add nfs server_name:/path [retry n]
package package_name add nfs://server_name:/path [retry n]

Specifies the package name in the form SUNWname. To view detailed information about packages and their names, on an installed system, use the pkginfo -l command.


Specifies the name of the server where you stored the package.


Specifies the location of the package directory on the specified server. If the path contains $HOST, $HOST is replaced with the name of the host system that you are installing.

retry n

Is an optional keyword. n is the maximum number of times the installation process attempts to mount the directory.

Example 8–12 Adding a Package by Using NFS

In this example, the package profile keyword adds the SUNWnew package from the NFS location nfs://golden/packages/Solaris_11/. If a mount fails, the NFS mount is tried five times.

package SUNWnew add nfs golden:/packages/Solaris_11 retry 5

Packages Stored on an HTTP Server

If the package is stored on an HTTP server, use one of the following syntaxes for the package keyword.

package package_name add http://server_name[:port] path optional_keywords
package package_name add http server_name[:port] path optional_keywords

Specifies the package name in the form SUNWname. To view detailed information about packages and their names, on an installed system, use the pkginfo -l command.


Specifies the name of the server where you stored the package.


Specifies an optional port. port can be a port number or the name of a TCP service that has a port number that is determined at runtime.

If you do not specify a port, the default HTTP port number 80 is used.


Specifies the location of the package to be retrieved from the specified server. When using an HTTP server, the package must be in package datastream format.


Specifies the optional keywords to use when you retrieve a package from an HTTP server.

Table 8–6 Optional package Keywords to Use With HTTP


Value Definition 

timeout min

The timeout keyword enables you to specify, in minutes, the maximum length of time that is allowed to pass without receipt of data from the HTTP server. If a timeout occurs, the connection is closed, reopened, and resumed. If you specify a timeout value of 0 (zero), the connection is not reopened.

If a timeout reconnection occurs, the package is retried from the beginning of the package and the data that was retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded. 

proxy host:port

The proxy keyword enables you to specify a proxy host and proxy port. You can use a proxy host to retrieve a Solaris package from the other side of a firewall. You must supply a proxy port when you specify the proxy keyword.

Example 8–13 Adding a Package by Using HTTP

In this example, the package profile keyword adds all the packages listed in the Solaris 11 directory from the HTTP location http://package.central/Solaris_11. If five minutes pass and no data is received, the package data is retrieved again. Previous package data is discarded. Either of the following formats can be used.

package SUNWnew add http package.central/Solaris_11 timeout 5 
package SUNWnew add http://package.central/Solaris_11 timeout 5 

Example 8–14 Adding a Package by Using HTTP with a Proxy Port

In this example, the package profile keyword adds all the packages listed in the Solaris_11 directory from the HTTP location http://package.central/Solaris_11. The package is retrieved across a firewall by using the proxy keyword.

package SUNWnew add http://package.central/Solaris_11 proxy webcache.east:8080

Packages Stored on a Local Device

You can retrieve a Solaris package from a local device if you stored the package on a file system-oriented, random-access device, such as a diskette or a DVD-ROM. Use the following syntax for the package keyword.

package package_name add local_device device path file_system_type

Specifies the package name in the form SUNWname. To view detailed information about packages and their names, on an installed system, use the pkginfo -l command.


Specifies the name of the drive where the Solaris package resides. If the device name is a canonical path, the device is mounted directly. If you supply a device name that is not a canonical path, the installation utility adds /dev/dsk/ to the path.


Specifies the path to the Solaris package, relative to the root (/) file system on the device you specified.


Specifies the type of file system on the device. If you do not supply a file system type, the installation utility attempts to mount a UFS file system. If the UFS mount fails, the installation utility attempts to mount an HSFS file system.

Example 8–15 Adding a Package by Using a Local Device With a UFS File System

In this example, the package profile keyword adds the SUNWnew package from the directory /Solaris_11/Product from the local device c0t6d0s0. This is a UFS file system.

package SUNWnew add local_device c0t6d0s0 /Solaris_11/Product ufs

Example 8–16 Adding a Package by Using a Local Device From an HSFS File System

In this example, the package profile keyword adds the SUNWnew package from the directory /Solaris_11/Product from the local device c0t6d0s0. This is an HSFS file system.

package SUNWnew add local_device c0t6d0s0 /Solaris_11/Product  hsfs

Packages Stored on a Local File

A package can be installed from the miniroot from which you booted the system. When you perform a custom JumpStart installation, you boot the system from a DVD, CD, or an NFS-based miniroot. The installation software is loaded and run from this miniroot. Therefore, a package that you stored in the DVD, CD, or NFS-based miniroot is accessible as a local file. Use the following syntax for the package keyword.

package package_name add local_file path 

Specifies the package name in the form SUNWname. To view detailed information about packages and their names, on an installed system, use the pkginfo -l command.


Specifies the location of the package. The path must be accessible to the system as a local file while the system is booted from the Solaris Software - 1 CD or from the Solaris Operating System DVD. The system cannot access /net when it is booted from the Solaris Software - 1 CD or from the Solaris Operating System DVD.

Example 8–17 Adding a Package by Using a Local File

In this example, the package profile keyword adds the SUNWnew package from the /Solaris_11/Product directory.

package SUNWnew add local_file /Solaris_11/Product

Limitations When Using the package Keyword

Note these limitations when using the package keyword:

Upgrade Behavior When Using the package Keyword

When you use package for an upgrade, the JumpStart program performs the following actions: