Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Administration Guide

Chapter 4 Managing User Access

This chapter contains information about managing user accounts and other related accounts. Topics in this chapter include the following:

In addition to the background information, this chapter includes detailed instructions on how to accomplish the following tasks:

Setting Up a User

You need to perform the following tasks to set up a user for the grid engine system:

Configuring User Access

The grid engine system has the following four categories of users:

The following sections describe each category in more detail.

Configuring Manager Accounts

You can configure Manager accounts with QMON or from the command line.

Configuring Manager Accounts With QMON

On the QMON Main Control window, click the User Configuration button. The Manager tab appears, which enables you to declare which accounts are allowed to run any administrative command.

Dialog box titled User Configuration. Shows Manager tab with
list of managers. Shows Add, Modify, Delete, Tickets, Done, and Help buttons.

This tab lists all accounts that are already declared to have administrative permission.

To add a new manager account, type its name in the field above the manager account list, and then click Add or press the Return key.

To delete a manager account, select it, and then click Delete.

Configuring Manager Accounts From the Command Line

To configure a manager account from the command line, type the following command with appropriate options:

# qconf options

The following options are available:

Configuring Operator Accounts

You can configure operator accounts with QMON or from the command line.

Configuring Operator Accounts With QMON

On the QMON Main Control window, click the User Configuration button, and then click the Operator tab.

Dialog box titled User Configuration. Shows Operator tab with
list of operators. Shows Add, Modify, Delete, Tickets, Done, and Help buttons.

The Operator tab enables you to declare which accounts are allowed to have restricted administrative permission, unless the accounts are also declared to be manager accounts. See Configuring Manager Accounts With QMON.

This tab lists all accounts that are already declared to have operator permission.

To add a new operator account, type its name in the field above the operator account list, and then click Add or press the Return key.

To delete an operator account, select it, and then click Delete.

Configuring Operator Accounts From the Command Line

To configure an operator account from the command line, type the following command with appropriate options:

# qconf options

The following options are available:

Configuring User Access Lists

Any user with a valid login ID on at least one submit host and one execution host can use the grid engine system. However, grid engine system managers can prohibit access for certain users to certain queues or to all queues. Furthermore, managers can restrict the use of facilities such as specific parallel environments. See Configuring Parallel Environments for more information.

In order to define access permissions, you must define user access lists, which are made up of named sets of users. You use user names and UNIX group names to define user access lists. The user access lists are then used either to deny or to allow access to a specific resource in any of the following configurations:

Configuring User Access Lists With QMON

On the QMON Main Control window, click the User Configuration button, and then click the Userset tab. The Userset tab appears.

Figure 4–1 Userset Tab

Dialog box titled User Configuration. Shows Userset tab with
list of usersets. Shows Add, Modify, Delete, Tickets, Done, and Help buttons.

In the grid engine system, a userset can be either an Access List or a Department, or both. The two check boxes below the Usersets list indicate the type of the selected userset. This section describes access lists. Departments are explained in Defining Usersets As Projects and Departments.

The Usersets lists displays all available access lists. To display the contents of an access list, select it. The contents are displayed in the Users/Groups list.

Note –

The names of groups are prefixed with an @ sign.

To add a new userset, click Add.

To modify an existing userset, select it, and then click Modify.

To delete a userset, select it, and then click Delete.

When you click Add or Modify, an Access List Definition dialog box appears.

Figure 4–2 Access List Definition Dialog Box

Dialog box titled QMON. Shows Userset Name and User/Group fields,
and list of Users/Groups included in the userset. Shows Ok and Cancel buttons.

To add a new access list definition, type the name of the access list in the Userset Name field. If you are modifying an existing access list, its name is displayed in the Userset Name field.

To add a new user or group to the access list, type a user or group name in the User/Group field. Be sure to prefix group names with an @ sign.

The Users/Groups list displays all currently defined users and groups.

To delete a user or group from the Users/Groups list, select it, and then click the trash icon.

To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Configuring User Access Lists From the Command Line

To configure user access lists from the command line, type the following command with appropriate options.

# qconf options

The following options are available:

Defining Usersets As Projects and Departments

Usersets are also used to define grid engine system projects and departments. For details about projects, see Defining Projects.

Departments are used for the configuration of the functional policy and the override policy. Departments differ from access lists in that a user can be a member of only one department, whereas one user can be included in multiple access lists. For more details, see Configuring the Functional Policy and Configuring the Override Policy.

A Userset is identified as a department by the Department flag, which is shown in Figure 4–1 and Figure 4–2. A Userset can be defined as both a department and an access list at the same time. However, the restriction of only a single appearance by any user in any department applies.

Configuring Users

You must declare user names before you define the share-based, functional, or override policies for users. See Configuring Policy-Based Resource Management With QMON.

If you do not want to explicitly declare user names before you define policies, the grid engine system can automatically create users for you, based on predefined default values. The automatic creation of users can significantly reduce the administrative burden for sites with many users.

To have the system create users automatically, set the Enforce User parameter on the Cluster Settings dialog box to Auto. To set default values for automatically created users, specify values for the following Automatic User Defaults on the Cluster Settings dialog box:

For more information about the cluster configuration, see Basic Cluster Configuration.

Configuring User Objects With QMON

On the QMON Main Control window, click the User Configuration button, and then click the User tab. The User tab looks like the following figure:

Dialog box titled User Configuration. Shows User tab with list
of users and User field. Shows Add, Modify, Delete, Tickets, Done, and Help buttons.

To add a new user, type a user name in the field above the User list, and then click Add or press the Return key.

To delete a user, select the user name in the User list, and then click Delete.

The Delete Time column is read-only. The column indicates the time at which automatically created users are to be deleted from the grid engine system. Zero indicates that the user will never be deleted.

You can assign a default project to each user. The default project is attached to each job that users submit, unless those users request another project to which they have access. For details about projects, see Defining Projects.

To assign a default project, select a user, and then click the Default Project column heading. A Project Selection dialog box appears.

Dialog box titled Select an Item. Shows Available Projects list
and Select a Project field. Shows OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.

Select a project for the highlighted user entry.

Click OK to assign the default project and close the dialog box. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without assigning the default project.

Configuring User Objects From the Command Line

To configure user objects from the command line, type the following command with appropriate options:

# qconf options

The following options are available:

Defining Projects

Projects provide a means to organize joint computational tasks from multiple users. A project also defines resource usage policies for all jobs that belong to such a project.

Projects are used in three scheduling policy areas:

Projects must be declared before they can be used in any of the three policies.

Grid engine system managers define projects by giving them a name and some attributes. Grid engine users can attach a job to a project when they submit the job. Attachment of a job to a project influences the job's dispatching, depending on the project's share of share-based, functional, or override tickets.

Defining Projects With QMON

Grid engine system managers can define and update definitions of projects by using the Project Configuration dialog box.

To define a project, on the QMON Main Control window, click the Project Configuration button. The Project Configuration dialog box appears.

Figure 4–3 Project Configuration Dialog Box

Dialog box titled Project Configuration. Shows Projects and Configuration
lists. Shows Add, Modify, Delete, Done, and Help buttons.

The currently defined projects are displayed in the Projects list.

The project definition of a selected project is displayed under Configuration.

To delete a project immediately, select it, and then click Delete.

To add a new project, click Add. To modify a project, select it, and then click Modify. Clicking Add or Modify opens the Add/Modify Project dialog box.

Dialog box titled Add/Modify Project. Shows Name, User Lists,
and Xuser Lists fields. Shows Ok and Cancel buttons.

The name of the selected project is displayed in the Name field. The project defines the access lists of users who are permitted access or who are denied access to the project.

Users who are included in any of the access lists under User Lists have permission to access the project. Users who are included in any of the access lists under Xuser Lists are denied access to the project. See Configuring Users for more information.

If both lists are empty, all users can access the project. Users who are included in different access lists that are attached to both the User Lists and the Xuser Lists are denied access to the project.

You can add access lists to User Lists or Xuser Lists, and you can remove access lists from either list. To do so, click the button at the right of the User Lists or the Xuser Lists.

The Select Access Lists dialog box appears.

Dialog box titled Select Access Lists. Shows Available Access
Lists and Chosen Access Lists. Shows Ok, Cancel, and Help buttons.

The Select Access Lists dialog box displays all currently defined access lists under Available Access Lists. The dialog box displays the attached lists under Chosen Access Lists. You can select access lists in either list. You can move access lists from one list to the other by using the red arrows.

Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving your changes.

Defining Projects From the Command Line

To define projects from the command line, type the following command with appropriate options:

# qconf options

The following options are available:

Using Path Aliasing

In Solaris and in other networked UNIX environments, users often have the same home directory, or part of it, on different machines. For example, the directory might be made accessible across NFS. However, sometimes the home directory path is not exactly the same on all machines.

For example, consider user home directories that are available across NFS and automounter. A user might have a home directory /home/foo on the NFS server. This home directory is accessible under this path on all properly installed NFS clients that are running automounter. However, /home/foo on a client is just a symbolic link to /tmp_mnt/home/foo. /tmp_mnt/home/foo is the actual location on the NFS server from where automounter physically mounts the directory.

A user on a client host might use the qsub -cwd command to submit a job from somewhere within the home directory tree. The -cwd flag requires the job to be run in the current working directory. However, if the execution host is the NFS server, the grid engine system might not be able to locate the current working directory on that host. The reason is that the current working directory on the submit host is /tmp_mnt/home/foo, which is the physical location on the submit host. This path is passed to the execution host. However, if the execution host is the NFS server, the path cannot be resolved, because its physical home directory path is /home/foo, not /tmp_mnt/home/foo.

Other occasions that can cause similar problems are the following:

To prevent such problems, grid engine software enables both the administrator and the user to configure a path aliasing file. The locations of two such files are as follows:

Format of Path-Aliasing Files

Both path-aliasing files share the same format:

How Path-Aliasing Files Are Interpreted

    The files are interpreted as follows:

  1. After qsub retrieves the physical current working directory path, the global path-aliasing file is read, if present. The user path-aliasing file is read afterwards, as if the user path-aliasing file were appended to the global file.

  2. Lines not to be skipped are read from the top of the file, one by one. The translations specified by those lines are stored, if necessary.

    A translation is stored only if both of the following conditions are true:

    • The submit host string matches the host on which the qsub command is run.

    • The source path forms the initial part either of the current working directory or of the source path replacements already stored.

  3. After both files are read, the stored path-aliasing information is passed to the execution host along with the submitted job.

  4. On the execution host, the path-aliasing information is evaluated. The source path replacement replaces the leading part of the current working directory if the execution host string matches the execution host. In this case, the current working directory string is changed. To be applied, subsequent path aliases must match the replaced working directory path.

Example 4–1 is an example how the NFS automounter problem described earlier can be resolved with an aliases file entry.

Example 4–1 Example of Path-Aliasing File

# cluster global path aliases file
# src-path  subm-host   exec-host   dest-path
/tmp_mnt/   *           *           /

Configuring Default Requests

Batch jobs are normally assigned to queues with respect to a request profile. The user defines a request profile for a particular job. The user assembles a set of requests that must be met to successfully run the job. The scheduler considers only those queues that satisfy the set of requests for this job.

If the user does not specify any requests for a job, the scheduler considers any queue to which the user has access without further restrictions. However, grid engine software enables you to configure default requests that define resource requirements for jobs even when the user does not specify resource requirements explicitly.

You can configure default requests globally for all users of a cluster, as well as privately for any user. The default request configuration is stored in default request files. The global request file is located under sge-root/cell/common/sge_request. The user-specific request file can be located either in the user's home directory or in the current working directory. The working directory is where the qsub command is run. The user-specific request file is called .sge_request.

    If these files are present, they are evaluated for every job. The order of evaluation is as follows:

  1. The global default request file

  2. The user default request file in the user's home directory

  3. The user default request file in the current working directory

Note –

The requests specified in the job script or supplied with the qsub command take precedence over the requests in the default request files. See Chapter 3, Submitting Jobs, in Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User’s Guide for details about how to request resources for jobs explicitly.

You can prevent the grid engine system from using the default request files by using the qsub -clear command, which discards any previous requirement specifications.

Format of Default Request Files

The format of both the local and the global default request files is as follows:

Suppose a user's local default request file is configured the same as, the script in Example 4–2.

Example 4–2 Example of Default Request File

# Local Default Request File
# exec job on a sun4 queue offering 5h cpu
-l arch=solaris64,s_cpu=5:0:0
# exec job in current working dir

To run the script, the user types the following command:

% qsub

The effect of running the script is the same as if the user specified all qsub options directly in the command line, as follows:

% qsub -l arch=solaris64,s_cpu=5:0:0 -cwd

Note –

Like batch jobs submitted using qsub, interactive jobs submitted using qsh consider default request files also. Interactive or batch jobs submitted using QMON also take these request files into account.