Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide


Three daemons provide the functionality of the grid engine system.

sge_qmaster – The Master Daemon

The center of the cluster's management and scheduling activities, sge_qmaster maintains tables about hosts, queues, jobs, system load, and user permissions. sge_qmaster receives scheduling decisions from sge_schedd and requests actions from sge_execd on the appropriate execution hosts.

sge_schedd – The Scheduler Daemon

The scheduling daemon maintains an up-to-date view of the cluster's status with the help of sge_qmaster. The scheduling daemon makes the following scheduling decisions:

The daemon then forwards these decisions to sge_qmaster, which initiates the required actions.

sge_execd – The Execution Daemon

The execution daemon is responsible for the queue instances on its host and for the running of jobs in these queue instances. Periodically, the execution daemon forwards information such as job status or load on its host to sge_qmaster.