Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Submitting, Monitoring, or Deleting a Checkpointing Job From the Command Line

Type the following command with the appropriate options:

# qsub options arguments

The submission of a checkpointing job works in the same way as for regular batch scripts, except for the qsub -ckpt and qsub -c commands. These commands request a checkpointing mechanism. The commands also define the occasions at which checkpoints must be generated for the job.

The -ckpt option takes one argument, which is the name of the checkpointing environment to use. See Configuring Checkpointing Environments in Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 Administration Guide.

The -c option is not required. -c also takes one argument. Use the -c option to override the definitions of the when parameter in the checkpointing environment configuration. See the checkpoint(5) man page for details.

The argument to the -c option can be one of the following one-letter selections, or any combination. The argument can also be a time value.

The monitoring of checkpointing jobs differs from monitoring regular jobs. Checkpointing jobs can migrate from time to time. Checkpointing jobs are therefore not bound to a single queue. However, the unique job identification number and the job name stay the same.

The deletion of checkpointing jobs works in the same way as described in Monitoring and Controlling Jobs From the Command Line.