Sun N1 Grid Engine 6.1 User's Guide

Using the DRMAA 0.5 Java Language Binding

The DRMAA shared library, which is used by default, supports version 1.0 of the DRMAA Java Language Binding Specification. For reasons of backward compatibility, however, N1 Grid Engine also includes an implementation of the 0.5 version of the DRMAA Java Language Binding Specification. You should develop all new applications with the 1.0 shared library, but you might occasionally discover an application that requires the 0.5 implementation.

To use the 0.5 version of the drmaa.jar file, you should include the sge-root/lib/drmaa-0.5.jar file in your CLASSPATH either before or instead of the usual sge-root/lib/drmaa.jar file. In addition, the use of the 0.5 Java language binding requires enabling the 0.95 C language binding. See How to Use the DRMAA 0.95 C Language Binding.