Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform 1.1 Developer's Guide for Enterprise Connectors

ProcedureTo View and Build the MusicDB JAX-RS Connector Project

  1. In NetBeans IDE, select File -> Open Project.

  2. In the Open Project window, navigate to sgmp-client-1_1_01-fcs-b02/samples/secure-musicdb/src/connector/jaxrs/musicdb-ws-3.1.39 and click Open Project.

    The musicdb-ws project appears in the Projects tab. The source files are under the Source Packages node.

    If the project has a red exclamation point next to it, right click the project and choose Show and Resolve Problems. In the window that appears, click the Download Libraries button. After a short delay, thewindow disappears and the red exclamation point no longer appears next to the project.

  3. Right-click the project and choose Build to build the project.

    The first time you build a project using the Maven plugin, the build takes a long time while Maven downloads a large number of libraries.