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System Administration Guide: Security Services     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


Part I Security Overview

1.  Security Services (Overview)

Part II System, File, and Device Security

2.  Managing Machine Security (Overview)

3.  Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks)

4.  Virus Scanning Service (Tasks)

5.  Controlling Access to Devices (Tasks)

6.  Using the Basic Audit Reporting Tool (Tasks)

7.  Controlling Access to Files (Tasks)

Part III Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges

8.  Using Roles and Privileges (Overview)

9.  Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)

10.  Role-Based Access Control (Reference)

11.  Privileges (Tasks)

Managing and Using Privileges (Task Map)

Managing Privileges (Task Map)

Managing Privileges

How to Determine the Privileges on a Process

How to Determine Which Privileges a Program Requires

How to Add Privileges to a Command

How to Assign Privileges to a User or Role

How to Limit a User's or Role's Privileges

How to Run a Shell Script With Privileged Commands

Determining Your Privileges (Task Map)

Determining Your Assigned Privileges

How to Determine the Privileges That You Have Been Directly Assigned

How to Determine the Privileged Commands That You Can Run

How to Determine the Privileged Commands That a Role Can Run

12.  Privileges (Reference)

Part IV Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Services

13.  Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework (Overview)

14.  Oracle Solaris Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)

15.  Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework

Part V Authentication Services and Secure Communication

16.  Using Authentication Services (Tasks)

17.  Using PAM

18.  Using SASL

19.  Using Solaris Secure Shell (Tasks)

20.  Solaris Secure Shell (Reference)

Part VI Kerberos Service

21.  Introduction to the Kerberos Service

22.  Planning for the Kerberos Service

23.  Configuring the Kerberos Service (Tasks)

24.  Kerberos Error Messages and Troubleshooting

25.  Administering Kerberos Principals and Policies (Tasks)

26.  Using Kerberos Applications (Tasks)

27.  The Kerberos Service (Reference)

Part VII Oracle Solaris Auditing

28.  Oracle Solaris Auditing (Overview)

29.  Planning for Oracle Solaris Auditing

30.  Managing Oracle Solaris Auditing (Tasks)

31.  Oracle Solaris Auditing (Reference)



Managing Privileges

The most secure way to manage privileges for users and roles is to confine use of privilege to commands in a rights profile. The rights profile is then included in a role. The role is assigned to a user. When the user assumes the assigned role, the privileged commands are available to be run in a profile shell. The following procedures show how to assign privileges, remove privileges, and debug privilege use.

How to Determine the Privileges on a Process

This procedure shows how to determine which privileges are available to your processes. The listing does not include privileges that have been assigned to particular commands.

Example 11-1 Determining the Privileges in Your Current Shell

In the following example, the privileges in the parent process of the user's shell process are listed. In the second example, the full names of the privileges are listed. The single letters in the output refer to the following privilege sets:


Is the effective privilege set.


Is the inheritable privilege set.


Is the permitted privilege set.


Is the limit privilege set.

% ppriv $$
1200:   -csh
flags = <none>
        E: basic
        I: basic
        P: basic
        L: all
% ppriv -v $$
1200:   -csh
flags = <none>
        E: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        I: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        P: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        L: cpc_cpu,dtrace_kernel,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,…,sys_time

Example 11-2 Determining the Privileges of a Role That You Can Assume

Roles use an administrative shell, or profile shell. You must assume a role and use the role's shell to list the privileges that have been directly assigned to the role. In the following example, the role sysadmin has no directly assigned privileges.

% su - sysadmin
Password: <Type sysadmin password>
$ /usr/ucb/whoami
$ ppriv -v $$
1400:   pfksh
flags = <none>
        E: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        I: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        P: file_link_any,net_access,proc_exec,proc_fork,proc_info,proc_session
        L: cpc_cpu,dtrace_kernel,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user,…,sys_time

How to Determine Which Privileges a Program Requires

This procedure determines which privileges a command or process requires to succeed.

Before You Begin

The command or process must have failed for this procedure to work.

  1. Type the command that is failing as an argument to the ppriv debugging command.
    % ppriv -eD touch /etc/acct/yearly
    touch[5245]: missing privilege "file_dac_write"
         (euid = 130, syscall = 224) needed at zfs_zaccess+0x258
    touch: cannot create /etc/acct/yearly: Permission denied 
  2. Determine which system call is failing by finding the syscall number in the /etc/name_to_sysnum file.
    % grep 224 /etc/name_to_sysnum
    creat64                 224

Example 11-3 Using the truss Command to Examine Privilege Use

The truss command can debug privilege use in a regular shell. For example, the following command debugs the failing touch process:

% truss -t creat touch /etc/acct/yearly
creat64("/etc/acct/yearly", 0666)            
                       Err#13 EACCES [file_dac_write]
touch: /etc/acct/yearly cannot create

The extended /proc interfaces report the missing privilege after the error code in truss output.

Example 11-4 Using the ppriv Command to Examine Privilege Use in a Profile Shell

The ppriv command can debug privilege use in a profile shell. If you assign a rights profile to a user, and the rights profile includes commands with privileges, the commands must be typed in a profile shell. When the privileged commands are typed in a regular shell, the commands do not execute with privilege.

In this example, the jdoe user can assume the role objadmin. The objadmin role includes the Object Access Management rights profile. This rights profile allows the objadmin role to change permissions on files that objadmin does not own.

In the following excerpt, jdoe fails to change the permissions on the useful.script file:

jdoe% ls -l useful.script
-rw-r--r--  1 aloe  staff  2303 Apr 10 10:10 useful.script
jdoe% chown objadmin useful.script
chown: useful.script: Not owner
jdoe% ppriv -eD chown objadmin useful.script
chown[11444]: missing privilege "file_chown" 
            (euid = 130, syscall = 16) needed at zfs_zaccess+0x258
chown: useful.script: Not owner

When jdoe assumes the objadmin role, the permissions on the file are changed:

jdoe% su - objadmin
Password: <Type objadmin password>
$ ls -l useful.script
-rw-r--r--  1 aloe  staff  2303 Apr 10 10:10 useful.script
$ chown objadmin useful.script
$ ls -l useful.script
-rw-r--r--  1 objadmin  staff  2303 Apr 10 10:10 useful.script
$ chgrp admin useful.script
$ ls -l objadmin.script
-rw-r--r--  1 objadmin  admin  2303 Apr 10 10:11 useful.script

Example 11-5 Changing a File Owned by the root User

This example illustrates the protections against privilege escalation. For a discussion, see Prevention of Privilege Escalation. The file is owned by the root user. The less powerful role, objadmin role needs all privileges to change the file's ownership, so the operation fails.

jdoe% su - objadmin
Password: <Type objadmin password>
$ cd /etc; ls -l system
-rw-r--r--  1 root  sys   1883 Oct 10 10:20 system
$ chown objadmin system
chown: system: Not owner
$ ppriv -eD chown objadmin system
chown[11481]: missing privilege "ALL" 
     (euid = 101, syscall = 16) needed at zfs_zaccess+0x258
chown: system: Not owner

How to Add Privileges to a Command

You add privileges to a command when you are adding the command to a rights profile. The privileges enable the role that includes the rights profile to run the administrative command, while not gaining any other superuser capabilities.

Before You Begin

The command or program must be privilege-aware. For a fuller discussion, see How Processes Get Privileges.

  1. Become an administrator with the required security attributes.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights.

  2. Follow the procedure How to Run a Shell Script With Privileged Commands.

How to Assign Privileges to a User or Role

You might trust some users with a particular privilege all the time. Very specific privileges that affect a small part of the system are good candidates for assigning to a user. For a discussion of the implications of directly assigned privileges, see Security Considerations When Directly Assigning Security Attributes.

The following procedure enables user jdoe to use high resolution timers.

Before You Begin

You must be assigned the User Security rights profile.

  1. Become an administrator with the required security attributes.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights.

  2. Add the privilege that affects high resolution times to the user's initial inheritable set of privileges.
    $ usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,proc_clock_highres jdoe

    The values for the defaultpriv keyword replace the existing values. Therefore, for the user to retain the basic privileges, the value basic must be specified. In the default configuration, all users have basic privileges.

  3. Read the resulting user_attr entry.
    $ grep jdoe /etc/user_attr

How to Limit a User's or Role's Privileges

You can limit the privileges that are available to a user or role by reducing the basic set, or by reducing the limit set. You must have good reason to limit the user's privileges in this way, because such limitations can have unintended side effects.


Caution - You must thoroughly test any user's capabilities where the basic set or the limit set has been modified for a user.

  • When the basic set is less than the default, users can be prevented from using the system.

  • When the limit set is less than all privileges, processes that need to run with an effective UID=0 might fail.

  1. Determine the privileges in a user's basic set and limit set.

    For the procedure, see How to Determine the Privileges on a Process.

  2. (Optional) Remove one of the privileges from the basic set.
    $ usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,!priv-name username

    By removing the proc_session privilege, you prevent the user from examining any processes outside the user's current session. By removing the file_link_any privilege, you prevent the user from making hard links to files that are not owned by the user.


    Caution - Do not remove the proc_fork or the proc_exec privilege. Without these privileges, the user cannot use the system. In fact, these two privileges are only reasonably removed from daemons that do not fork() or exec() other processes.

  3. (Optional) Remove one of the privileges from the limit set.
    $ usermod -K limitpriv=all,!priv-name username
  4. Test the capabilities of username.

    Log in as username and try to perform the tasks that username must perform on the system.

Example 11-6 Removing Privileges From a User's Limit Set

In the following example, all sessions that originate from jdoe's initial login are prevented from using the sys_linkdir privilege. That is, the user cannot make hard links to directories, nor can the user unlink directories, even after the user runs the su command.

$ usermod -K limitpriv=all,!sys_linkdir jdoe
$ grep jdoe /etc/user_attr

Example 11-7 Removing Privileges From a User's Basic Set

In the following example, all sessions that originate from jdoe's initial login are prevented from using the proc_session privilege. That is, the user cannot examine any processes outside the user's session, even after the user runs the su command. This removal is useful for Sun Ray clients. The users cannot view other users' processes.

$ usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,!proc_session jdoe
$ grep jdoe /etc/user_attr

How to Run a Shell Script With Privileged Commands

Note - When you create a shell script that runs commands with inherited privileges, the appropriate rights profile must contain the commands with privileges assigned to them.

  1. Start the script with /bin/pfsh, or any other profile shell, on the first line.
    # Copyright (c) 2009 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  2. Determine the privileges that the commands in the script need.
    % ppriv -eD script-full-path
  3. Become an administrator with the required security attributes.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights.

  4. Create or modify a rights profile for the script.

    For the steps, see How to Create or Change a Rights Profile.

  5. Create an entry in the /etc/security/exec_attr file for the script.

    For more information, see Example 9-17.

    The rights profile name connects the commands in the exec_attr entry to the rights profile definition in the prof_attr file.

  6. Add the rights profile to a role and assign the role to a user.

    To execute the profile, the user assumes the role and runs the script in the role's profile shell.