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Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I Network Auto-Magic

1.  Introduction to NWAM

2.  NWAM Configuration and Administration (Overview)

Overview of NWAM Configuration

What Are Network Profiles?

Description of an NCP

Description of an NCU

Description of the Automatic and User NCPs

Description of a Location Profile

Description of an ENM

About Known WLANs

NWAM Configuration Data

NCU Property Values

Property Values of System-Defined Locations

How NWAM Profiles Are Activated

NCP Activation Policy

Example of an NCP Policy

NCU Activation Properties

Location Activation Selection Criteria

Using the nwamcfg Command to Configure Profiles

nwamcfg Interactive Mode

nwamcfg Command-Line Mode

nwamcfg Command-File Mode

nwamcfg Supported Subcommands

Using the nwamadm Command to Administer Profiles

Overview of the NWAM Daemons

Description of the NWAM Policy Engine Daemon (nwamd)

Description of the NWAM Repository Daemon (netcfgd)

SMF Network Services and the NWAM Process

Refresh and Restart Behavior of the NWAM Service

Overview of NWAM Security

Authorizations and Profiles That Are Related to NWAM

Authorizations That Are Required to Use the NWAM User Interfaces

3.  NWAM Profile Configuration (Tasks)

4.  NWAM Profile Administration (Tasks)

5.  About the NWAM Graphical User Interface

Part II Administering Single Interfaces

6.  Overview of the Networking Stack

7.  Datalink Configuration and Administration

8.  Configuring an IP Interface

9.  Configuring Wireless Interface Communications on Oracle Solaris

Part III Administering Interface Groups

10.  Administering Bridges

11.  Administering Link Aggregations

12.  Administering VLANs

13.  Introducing IPMP

14.  Administering IPMP

Part IV  Network Virtualization and Resource Management

15.  Introducing Network Virtualization and Resource Control (Overview)

16.  Planning for Network Virtualization and Resource Control

17.  Configuring Virtual Networks (Tasks)

18.  Using Link Protection in Virtualized Environments

19.  Managing Network Resources

20.  Monitoring Network Traffic and Resource Usage



Using the nwamcfg Command to Configure Profiles

The nwamcfg command, which is described in the nwamcfg(1M) man page, is used to configure properties and values of network profiles.

You can use the nwamcfg command to perform the following tasks:

You can use the nwamcfg user interface in interactive mode, command-line mode, or command-file mode. Because the nwamcfg command is hierarchical, it more easily understood when used in the interactive mode.

The concept of a scope is used for the nwamcfg command. When using the command interactively, the scope you are in at any given time depends on the profile type and the task you are performing. When you type the nwamcfg command in a terminal window, a prompt is displayed at the global scope.

From here, you can use the select or create subcommands to view, modify, or create the following top-level profiles:

Before creating or selecting a profile, the nwamcfg interactive prompt is displayed with the following form:


After you have created or selected a profile, the nwamcfg interactive prompt is displayed as follows:


Note - In command-line mode, you must type the complete command on a single line. Changes that you make to a selected profile by using the nwamcfg command in command-line mode are committed to the persistent repository as soon as you finish typing the command.

For step-by-step instructions on using the nwamcfg command, see Chapter 3, NWAM Profile Configuration (Tasks). For more information about using the nwamcfg command, see the nwamcfg(1M) man page.

nwamcfg Interactive Mode

Selecting or creating a top-level profile while working in the nwamcfg interactive mode results in a command prompt that is displayed in the profile scope for Location profiles and ENMs. For example:

nwamcfg> select loc foo

If an NCP is selected, the command prompt is displayed is in the NCP scope. From the NCP scope, an NCU can be selected or created. Selecting or creating an NCU results in a profile scope prompt for the selected NCU. In this scope, all of the properties that are associated with the currently selected profile can be viewed and set, as shown in the following example where the User NCP was first selected, then an NCU was created in the NCP scope. This action resulted in the profile scope for the newly created NCU. In this scope, the properties of the NCU can be viewed or set:

nwamcfg> select ncp User
nwamcfg:ncp:User> create ncu phys net2
Created ncu 'net2'.  Walking properties ...
activation-mode (manual) [manual|prioritized]>

At any given scope, the command prompt indicates the currently selected profile. Any changes that you make to the profile in this scope can be committed, meaning the changes are saved to the persistent repository. Changes are implicitly committed upon exiting the scope. If you do not want to commit the changes that you made to the selected profile, you can revert to the last committed state for that profile. Doing this action reverts any changes that you made to the profile at that level. The revert and cancel subcommands work similarly.

nwamcfg Command-Line Mode

In command-line mode, any subcommands that affect a selected profile or property must be performed in the particular scope that the selected profile or property exists. For example, to obtain the value of a property of an NCU, you would use the get subcommand in the scope of that particular NCU. When you are in the nwamcfg interactive mode, it is fairly easy to understand the syntax to use for this command. However, in command-line mode, the syntax might be less obvious.

For example, to obtain the value of a property “foo” which is an attribute of an NCU called “myncu” in the User NCP, you would use the following syntax:

$ nwamcfg "select ncp User; select ncu ip nyncu; get foo"

In this example, note the following information:

nwamcfg Command-File Mode

In command-file mode, configuration information is taken from a file. The export subcommand is used to produce this file. The configuration can then be printed to standard output or the -f option can be used to specify an output file. The export subcommand can be used interactively also. For more information, see nwamcfg Supported Subcommands.

nwamcfg Supported Subcommands

The following nwamcfg subcommands are supported in interactive and command-line mode. Note that certain subcommands have different semantics within each scope. If a subcommand cannot be used in a certain mode, it has been noted in the subcommand's description.

For task-related information, see Chapter 3, NWAM Profile Configuration (Tasks).