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Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Part I Network Auto-Magic

1.  Introduction to NWAM

2.  NWAM Configuration and Administration (Overview)

3.  NWAM Profile Configuration (Tasks)

4.  NWAM Profile Administration (Tasks)

5.  About the NWAM Graphical User Interface

Part II Administering Single Interfaces

6.  Overview of the Networking Stack

7.  Datalink Configuration and Administration

Configuration of Datalinks (Tasks)

The dladm Command

How to Rename a Datalink

How to Display Information About Physical Attributes of Datalinks

How to Display Datalink Information

How to Delete a Datalink

Setting Datalink Properties

Overview of Datalink Properties

Setting Datalink Properties With the dladm Command

How to Enable Support for Jumbo Frames

How to Change Link Speed Parameters

How to Obtain Status Information About Datalink Properties

How to Set the e1000g Driver to Use Direct Memory Access Binding

How to Manually Set the Interrupt Rate

Additional Configuration Tasks on Datalinks

How to Replace a Network Interface Card With Dynamic Reconfiguration

Configuring STREAMS Modules on Datalinks

How to Set STREAMS Modules on Datalinks

How to Obtain autopush Link Property Settings

How to Remove autopush Link Property Settings

8.  Configuring an IP Interface

9.  Configuring Wireless Interface Communications on Oracle Solaris

Part III Administering Interface Groups

10.  Administering Bridges

11.  Administering Link Aggregations

12.  Administering VLANs

13.  Introducing IPMP

14.  Administering IPMP

Part IV  Network Virtualization and Resource Management

15.  Introducing Network Virtualization and Resource Control (Overview)

16.  Planning for Network Virtualization and Resource Control

17.  Configuring Virtual Networks (Tasks)

18.  Using Link Protection in Virtualized Environments

19.  Managing Network Resources

20.  Monitoring Network Traffic and Resource Usage



The dladm Command

The dladm command was introduced in Oracle Solaris 10 update releases. The full implementation of the GLDv3 driver configuration framework in the current release has expands the capabilities of the command. The framework enhances configuration of NIC drivers as follows:

To avail of the advantages previously listed when you configure datalinks, you should use dladm as the configuration tool instead of the customary tools in previous releases, such as the ndd command.

To administer datalinks, you use the following dladm subcommands:

The dladm command is also used to perform other types of link administration, such as the following:

For more information about these commands, see the dladm(1M) man page.

The following procedures show how to use the dladm command to configure datalinks. In most cases, datalink configuration is a part of the configuration of an IP interface over that link. Thus, where applicable, the procedures include IP interface configuration steps with the ipadm command. However, IP interface configuration and the ipadm command are discussed in further detail in Chapter 8, Configuring an IP Interface.

How to Rename a Datalink

Use this procedure if you want to change a datalink name, for example, to assign a meaningful name that would easily identify the link's role within your network setup.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have studied and prepared for other steps you need to perform on associated configurations that might be affected by the change of link names. For more information, see Working With Flexible Link Names.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. If an IP interface is configured over the datalink, remove the IP interface.
    # ipadm delete-if interface
  3. Change the link's current link name.
    # dladm rename-link old-linkname new-linkname

    Refers to the current name of the datalink. By default, the link name is hardware-based, such as bge0.


    Refers to any name that you want to assign to the datalink. For rules for assigning link names, refer to Rules for Valid Link Names. See also Working With Flexible Link Names for further information about renaming datalinks.

    If you do not want the new link name to persist across a system reboot, then use the -t option immediately after the subcommand. The option renames a link temporarily. The original link name reverts when the system is rebooted.

    Note - You can use dladm rename-link to transfer link configurations from one datalink to another. For an example, see How to Replace a Network Interface Card With Dynamic Reconfiguration. When you rename a link for this purpose, make sure that the link that is inheriting the configuration does not have any prior existing configurations. Otherwise, the transfer fails.

Example 7-1 Changing a Link Name

The following example shows how a link name is changed from a hardware-based name to a customized name.

# dladm rename-link bge0 net0

How to Display Information About Physical Attributes of Datalinks

This procedure lists the steps to display information about the physical attributes of a system's datalinks.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Display information about physical attributes of datalinks currently on the system.
    # dladm show-phys -P

    You can use the -P with this command to also display datalinks that are flagged as unavailable. A datalink becomes unavailable if its associated hardware has been removed. Without the -P option, the command displays only available datalinks.

    To view the /devices path of the datalinks, use the -v option.

Example 7-2 Displaying Available Datalinks

In the following example, the -P option includes the FLAGS column where unavailable links are indicated. The r flag for the datalink net0 indicates the hardware that is associated with the link (nge) has been removed.

# dladm show-phys -P
LINK        MEDIA          STATE     SPEED     DUPLEX     DEVICE   FLAGS
subitops1   Ethernet       up        100Mb     full       qfe3     -----
ibd0        Infiniband     down      0Mb       --         ibd0     -----
subitops0   Ethernet       up        100Mb     full       bge0     -----
net0        Ethernet       --        0Mb       --         nge0     r----

The following example shows the output that is generated when you use the -v option.

# dladm show-phys -v
net2     /pci@1f,700000/network@2
ibd3     /pci@1d,700000/network@2
bge3     /pci@1f,700000/network@2,1

How to Display Datalink Information

This procedure displays the status of available links.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Display link information.
    # dladm show-link

Example 7-3 Displaying Available Links

The following example shows persistent and available links on the system.

# dladm show-link -P
subitops1   phys      --         --
ibd0        phys      --         --
bge0        phys      --         --

The -P option also displays any existing persistent but unavailable links. A persistent link becomes unavailable if the link is temporarily deleted. A link also becomes unavailable if the associated hardware has been removed.

How to Delete a Datalink

This procedure deletes link configurations that are associated with NICs. If you detach a NIC without intending to replace it, then you can delete the link configuration that is associated with that NIC. After you complete this procedure, the link name can be reused.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see How to Obtain Administrative Rights in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Display the datalinks on the system including those links whose hardware have been removed.

    To include information about removed hardware, use the -P option.

    # dladm show-phys -P
  3. Remove the link configuration of the removed hardware that you do not intend to replace.
    # dladm delete-phys link

Example 7-4 Deleting a Datalink

In the following example, the r flag for net0 indicates that the link's associated hardware (ce) has been removed. Therefore, you can also remove the link net0 and then reassign the name to a new datalink.

# dladm show-phys -P
LINK        DEVICE     MEDIA        FLAGS
mylink0     nge0       Ethernet     -----
bge0        bge0       Ethernet     -----
net0        e1000g0    Ethernet     r----

# dladm delete-phys net0