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Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  Structure and Syntax of Encodings File

3.  Classification Encodings

4.  Information Label Encodings

5.  Sensitivity Label, Clearance, Channels, and Printer Banner Encodings

6.  Accreditation Range and Name Information Label Encodings

7.  General Considerations for Specifying Encodings

The Minimum Information Label

The Maximum Sensitivity Label

Consistency of Word Specification among Different Types of Labels

Mandatory Access Control Considerations When Encoding Words

Encoding MAC Words

Encoding MAC-Related Words

Encoding Non-MAC-Related Words

Using Initial Compartments and Markings to Specify Inverse Compartment and Marking Bits

Using Prefixes to Specify Special Inverse Compartment and Marking Bits

Choosing Names

Specifying Aliases

Avoiding "Loops" In Required Combinations

Visibility Restrictions for Required Combinations

Relationships between Required Combinations and Combination Constraints

Restrictions on Specifying Information Label Combination Constraints

Modifying Encodings Already Used by the System

Consistency of Default Word Specification

8.  Enforcing Proper Label Adjudications

A.  Encodings Specifications Error Messages

B.  Annotated Sample Encodings

C.  CMW Labeling Software C1.0 Release Notes, 6/8/93



Consistency of Default Word Specification

A default word is a word whose presence is specified by the initial compartments and initial markings associated with a classification value. In other words, a default word appears in all labels containing the classification(s) whose initial compartments and markings specify the presence of the word.

As with all other words, an output minimum classification can be specified (ominclass=) with a default word, in which case the word will appear in human-readable labels at or above the output minimum classification only. Also, a minimum classification can be specified (minclass=) with a default word, as long as the minimum classification is less than or equal to each classification for which the word is default. For example, the following encodings would be in error.


name= SECRET; sname= S; value= 5; initial markings= 3;

name= TOP SECRET; sname= TS; value= 6; initial markings= 3;



        name= word1;  markings= 3;  minclass= TS;

The error is that word1 is a default word for the classification SECRET, but has a minimum classification of TOP SECRET, which is greater than SECRET.

Care must be taken in the specification of default words to ensure consistency between the default words specified and any combination constraints involving a default word. If a combination constraint prevents a default word from being combined with a second word, then the second word should not be specified as a default word for the same classifications for which the first word is default. For example, the following encodings would be in error.


name= SECRET; sname= S; value= 5; initial markings= 3 4;



        name= word1;  markings= 3; 

        name= word2;  markings= 4;



        word1 ! word2

The error is that word1 and word2 are both default words, but are constrained not to be combined together.