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ONC+ Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris 11 Express 11/10
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to ONC+ Technologies

2.  Introduction to TI-RPC

3.  rpcgen Programming Guide

4.  Programmer's Interface to RPC

5.  Advanced RPC Programming Techniques

6.  Porting From TS-RPC to TI-RPC

7.  Multithreaded RPC Programming

8.  Extensions to the Sun RPC Library

New Features

One-Way Messaging


oneway Attribute

One-way call using a simple counter service

Non-Blocking I/O

Using Non-Blocking I/O

Using a simple counter with non-blocking I/O

clnt_call() Configured as Non-Blocking

Client Connection Closure Callback

Example of client connection closure callback

User File Descriptor Callbacks

Example of User File Descriptors

9.  NIS+ Programming Guide

A.  XDR Technical Note

B.  RPC Protocol and Language Specification

C.  XDR Protocol Specification

D.  RPC Code Examples

E.  portmap Utility

F.  Writing a Port Monitor With the Service Access Facility (SAF)



Chapter 8

Extensions to the Sun RPC Library

New features have been added to the Sun RPC library which are integrated into the standard Solaris 9 product.

New and altered man pages are available to describe the functionality added to the Sun RPC library.

The additions to the Sun RPC library are described in the following sections: