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Sun Blade X3-2B (formerly Sun Blade X6270 M3) Installation Guide for ESX Software
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About the Sun Blade X3-2B Installation Guide for VMware ESXi

About VMware ESXi 5 Installation

Installation Task Map

VMware ESXi 5 and Server Module Documentation

Supported Software Versions and Server Module Updates

Software Installation Options

Single-Server Interactive Installation Methods

Preparing for ESXi 5 Installation

Set Up for Local Installation

Set Up for Remote Installation

Gather Required Information

Set the BIOS Mode

Creating a Virtual Disk and Setting the Boot Disk

Installing VMware ESXi 5

Install VMware ESXi 5 Using Local or Remote Interactive Installation

Install VMware ESXi 5 Drivers

Update VMware ESXi 5

Getting Server Firmware and Software

Firmware and Software Updates

Firmware and Software Access Options

Available Software Release Packages

Accessing Firmware and Software

Installing Updates


Update VMware ESXi 5

  1. Refer to the installation and setup documentation for ESXi 5.0 before performing the VMware ESXi 5 update.
  2. Check the VMware web site to see if any updates are available.

  3. Download and install any updates as described on the VMware web site.
Related Information