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Installing Oracle Java CAPS Domains and Runtime Components     Java CAPS Documentation
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Java CAPS Domain and Runtime Installation

Overview of New Domain Installation

Creating a New Java CAPS Domain

To Create a New Java CAPS Domain

Installing a Java CAPS Runtime on a New Domain

To Install Runtime Components on a New Domain

Adding the New Domain to NetBeans

To Add the New Domain to NetBeans

Installing Java CAPS JBI Runtime Components on a Stand-Alone GlassFish Instance

To Install JBI Runtime Components on a Stand-Alone GlassFish Server

Installing Java CAPS JBI Components on a New Domain

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From the Admin Console

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From NetBeans

To Install JBI Components on a New Domain From the Command Line

Finalizing the New Domain Installation

To Finalize the Installation

Creating a New Java CAPS Domain

You can create a new Java CAPS domain by running an asadmin command. The instructions below provide an example of a very simple command with few parameters, but you can specify additional information such as the location for the domain files, a password file, and so on. For a complete list of options, type asadmin create-domain at the command line.

Note - Do not abbreviate the following instructions by running asadmin and then entering all command at the asadmin prompt. Run each command separately as noted below to avoid any loss of information.

To Create a New Java CAPS Domain

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Add the following path to your PATH environment variable: appserver/bin, where appserver is the path to your GlassFish home directory for Java CAPS.
    • Navigate to appserver/bin.
  2. Run the following command:

    asadmin create-domain --portbase PortBaseNumber --savemasterpassword=true --savelogin=true DomainName

    where PortBaseNumber is the port number with which port assignment starts and DomainName is the name you want to give the new domain.

    Note - Use the --savemasterpassword option to encrypt and save the master password so you do not need to enter it for asadmin commands. Use the --savelogin option to encrypt and save the admin password in UserHomeDirectory/.asadminpass. This enables the Access Manager to configure itself after the domain is first started.

  3. Enter the administrator login credentials when prompted.
  4. (Optional) If you need STCMS (Java CAPS JMS) support in the new domain, run the following command:

    asadmin create-stcms --domainname DomainName --stcmsport PortNumber STCMSName


    • DomainName is the name you assigned to the new domain above

    • PortNumber is the port number for STCMS (typically the base port number plus seven)

    • STCMSName is a unique name for the message service

  5. Run the following command to start the new domain:

    asadmin start-domain DomainName

  6. Continue to Installing a Java CAPS Runtime on a New Domain.