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Installing Patches for Oracle Java CAPS     Java CAPS Documentation
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Installing Patches for Java CAPS

Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Overview

Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Management Tools

Installing Java CAPS 6 Patches

To Install a GlassFish Enterprise Server Environment Patch

To Install an Enterprise Manager Environment Patch

To Install a Design-time NetBeans IDE Environment Patch

To Install a Command-line Codegen Environment Patch

To Install a Repository Environment Patch

Uninstalling Java CAPS 6.3 Patches

To Uninstall a Java CAPS Patch

Java CAPS 6.3 Patch Overview

The Java CAPS distribution consists of NetBeans IDE and GlassFish Enterprise Server in addition to Java CAPS specific components. The patching of NetBeans IDE and GlassFish Enterprise Server are done by the respective product patches. Java CAPS 6.3 supports command-line patch installation and uninstallation. See Installing Java CAPS 6 Patches and the patch readme.txt file for instructions on applying these patches.

Note - In Release 5.1.x patches were known as emergency software releases (ESRs) and temporary patches were known as a hot fixes.

Java CAPS 6.3 Patches

The Java CAPS 6.3 specific component patches can be applied to five environments:

Types of Patches

There are two types of Java CAPS 6.3 patches: