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Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Match Engine Reference     Java CAPS Documentation
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Master Index Match Engine Reference

About the Master Index Match Engine

Related Topics

Master Index Match Engine Overview

Data Matching Concepts

Deterministic and Probabilistic Data Matching

Weighting Thresholds

Probabilities and Direct Weights

Matching and Unmatching Probabilities

Agreement and Disagreement Weight Ranges

How the Master Index Match Engine Works

Master Index Match Engine Structure

Master Index Match Engine Configuration Files

Master Index Match Engine Matching Weight Formulation

Master Index Match Engine Data Types

The Master Index Match Engine and the Master Index Standardization Engine

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Standardization and Matching Process

Master Index Match Engine Matching Configuration

The Master Index Match Engine Match Configuration File

Master Index Match Engine Match Configuration File Format

Match Configuration File Sample

Probability Type Section

Matching Rules Section

Master Index Match Engine Matching Comparison Functions At a Glance

Master Index Match Engine Comparator Definition List

Master Index Match Engine Comparison Functions

Bigram Comparators

Bigram Comparator (b1)

Advanced Bigram Comparator (b2)

Uncertainty String Comparators

Advanced Jaro String Comparator (u)

Winkler-Jaro String Comparator (ua)

Condensed String Comparator (us)

Advanced Jaro Adjusted for First Names (uf)

Advanced Jaro Adjusted for Last Names (ul)

Advanced Jaro Adjusted for House Numbers (un)

Advanced Jaro AlphaNumeric Comparator (ujs)

Unicode String Comparator (usu)

Unicode AlphaNumeric Comparator (usus)

Exact Character-to-Character Comparator (c)

Numeric Comparators

Integer Comparator (nI)

Real Number Comparator (nR)

Condensed AlphaNumeric SSN Comparator (nS)

Date Comparators

Date Comparator With Years as Units (dY)

Date Comparator With Months as Units (dM)

Date Comparator With Days as Units (dD)

Date Comparator With Hours as Units (dH)

Date Comparator With Minutes as Units (dm)

Date Comparator With Seconds as Units (ds)

Prorated Comparator (p)

Creating Custom Comparators for the Master Index Match Engine

Custom Comparator Overview

About the Comparator Package

Defining Custom Comparators

Before You Begin

Step 1: Create the Custom Comparator Java Class





Return Value






Return Value






Return Value






Return Value


Step 2: Register the Comparator in the Comparators List

To Register the Comparators

Step 3: Define Parameter Validations (Optional)

To Define Parameter Validations





Return Value


Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional)

To Define Data Source Handling





Return Value


DataSourcesProperties Class





Return Value






Return Value






Return Value






Return Value


Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional)

To Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting





Return Value


Step 6: Compile and Package the Comparator

Step 7: Import the Comparator Package Into Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

To Import a Comparison Function

Step 8: Configure the Comparator in the Match Configuration File

Master Index Match Engine Configuration for Common Data Types

The Master Index Match String

Master Index Match Engine Match String Fields

Person Data Match String Fields

Address Data Match String Fields

Business Name Match String Fields

Master Index Match Engine Match Types

Configuring the Match String for a Master Index Application

Configuring the Match String for Person Data

Configuring the Match String for Address Data

Configuring the Match String for Business Names

Fine-Tuning Weights and Thresholds for Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Data Analysis Overview

Customizing the Match Configuration and Thresholds

Determining the Match Fields

Customizing the Match Configuration

Probabilities or Agreement Weights

Defining Relative Value

Determining the Weight Range

Weight Ranges Using Agreement Weights

Weight Ranges Using Probabilities

Comparison Functions

Determining the Weight Thresholds

Specifying the Weight Thresholds

Weight Distribution Method

Percentage Method

Fine-tuning the Thresholds

Configuring the Match String for a Master Index Application

The MatchingConfig section of mefa.xml determines which fields are passed to the Master Index Match Engine for matching (the match string). The match types specified in this section help the match engine determine the algorithm and custom logic to use for matching on each field.

If you are matching on fields parsed from a free-form text field, define each individual parsed field you want to use for matching in the Master Index Wizard or Configuration Editor. The match types you can use for each field in this section are defined in the first column of the match configuration file (matchConfigFile.cfg). Make sure the match type you specify has the correct matching logic defined in the match configuration file. See Master Index Match Engine Match Types for more information.

The following topics provide more information about matching on different types of data:

Configuring the Match String for Person Data

When matching on person data, you can include any field stored in the database for matching. To configure the match string, follow the instructions under Defining the Master Index Match String in Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide. For the Master Index Match Engine, each data type has a different match type (specified by the match-type element in the matching configuration file). The FirstName, LastName, SSN, Gender, and DOB match types are specific to person matching. You can specify any of the other match types defined in the match configuration file as well. For more information, see Master Index Match Engine Match Types.

A sample match string for person matching is shown below. This sample matches on first and last names, date of birth, social security number, gender, and the street name of the address.


Configuring the Match String for Address Data

For matching on street address fields, make sure the match string you specify in the MatchingConfig section of mefa.xml contains all or a subset of the fields that contain the standardized data (the original text in street address fields is generally too inconsistent to use for matching). You can include additional fields for matching, such as the city name or postal code.

To configure the match string, follow the instructions under Defining the Master Index Match String in Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide. For the Master Index Match Engine, each component of a street address has a different match type (specified by the match-type element in the matching configuration file). The default match types for addresses are StreetName, HouseNumber, StreetDir, and StreetType. You can specify any of the other match types defined in the match configuration file, as well. For more information, see Master Index Match Engine Match Types.

A sample match string for address matching is shown below.


Configuring the Match String for Business Names

For matching on business name fields, make sure the match string you specify in the MatchingConfig section of mefa.xml contains all or a subset of the fields that contain the standardized data (the unparsed business names are typically too inconsistent for matching). You can include additional fields for matching if required.

To configure the match string, follow the instructions under Defining the Master Index Match String in Oracle Java CAPS Master Index Configuration Guide. For the Master Index Match Engine, each data type has a different match type (specified by the match-type element of the matching configuration file). The PrimaryName, OrgTypeKeyword, AssocTypeKeyword, IndustrySectorList, IndustryTypeKeyword, and Url match types are specific to business name matching. You can specify any of the other match types defined in the match configuration file, as well. For more information, see Master Index Match Engine Match Types.

A sample match string for business name matching is shown below. This sample matches on the company name, the organization type, and the sector.
