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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto FIPS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class DSA

  extended by
      extended by

public final class DSA
extends Signature

The DSA signature algorithm, a.k.a. DSS, as described in X9.30 Part 1.

The encoding of signatures conforms to the following ASN.1 structure, defined in the PKIX draft:

                Dss-Sig-Value  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
                        r       INTEGER,
                        s       INTEGER  }

This class defines some constant OIDs for use in ASN1 keys and signatures (e.g., for certificates or CRLs). This is done using methods DSAPublicKey.setKeyAlgOID(), DSAPrivateKey.setKeyAlgOID(), and DSAPrivateKey.setSigAlgOID(). Note that no matter what OID you specify, the underlying signature algorithm is still the same (i.e., DSA with SHA-1).

dsaKeyOldOID and dsaSigOldOID are the OIDs used by Sun's DSA implementation in JDK 1.1 (in particular, for applet signing certificates). dsaSigOldOID2 is the OID used by SSLeay before version 0.9.0. dsaKeyOID and dsaSigOID are the OIDs specified in the IETF PKIX draft for the certificate profile, and they are the ones most likely to be used in future applications. dsaSigOID is supported by SSLeay since version 0.9.0.

The defaults are dsaKeyOID and dsaSigOID.

Field Summary
static ASN1ObjectID dsaKeyOID
          An ASN.1 OID which identifies DSA keys.
static ASN1ObjectID dsaKeyOldOID
          An ASN.1 OID which identifies the DSA signature keys.
static ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOID
          An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm.
static ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOldOID
          An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm.
static ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOldOID2
          An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm.


Fields inherited from class
document, signatureBytes


Constructor Summary
          Creates a new, uninitialized DSA signature object, with no keys defined.
DSA(DSAPrivateKey priv, byte[] doc)
          Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document.
DSA(DSAPrivateKey priv, RandomBitsSource rbs, byte[] doc)
          Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document with the given random bits source.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pk)
          Creates a new instance, which will use the specified public key.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pubKey, byte[] sigBytes, byte[] doc)
          Creates a new instance, and initializes for verification.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pub, DSAPrivateKey priv)
          Creates a new instance, which will use the specified public key and private key.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pub, DSAPrivateKey priv, byte[] doc)
          Produces a signature on a document.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pub, DSAPrivateKey priv, RandomBitsSource rbs)
          Creates a new instance with the given parameters.
DSA(DSAPublicKey pub, DSAPrivateKey priv, RandomBitsSource rbs, byte[] doc)
          Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document with the given random bits source.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String algName()
          Returns the name of the algorithm.
 AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgID()
          Gets the algorithm identifier of this Signature object.
 AlgorithmIdentifier getDigestEncryptionAlgID()
          Returns the algorithm identifier of the message digest encryption for this signature.
 void setAlgID(AlgorithmIdentifier algID)
          Sets the signature algorithm identifier to use,
 void setHash(byte[] hash)
          Sets the document digest to be used in the signature calculation, bypassing the digesting step.
 void setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
          Sets the private key to be used for signing.
 void setPublicKey(PublicKey publicKey)
          Sets the public key to be used for verification.
 void setRandomBitsSource(RandomBitsSource rbs)
          Sets the random bits source used to generate signatures.
 byte[] sign()
          Signs the document.
 boolean verify()
          Verify that the signature matches the document.


Methods inherited from class
getDocument, getInstance, getInstance, getInstance, getSigBytes, setDocument, setSigBytes


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final ASN1ObjectID dsaKeyOID
An ASN.1 OID which identifies DSA keys. It's value is defined in the PKIX draft:
                id-dsa ID ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57(10040) x9cm(4) 1 }


public static final ASN1ObjectID dsaKeyOldOID
An ASN.1 OID which identifies the DSA signature keys.


public static final ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOID
An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm. It's value is defined in the PKIX draft:
                id-dsa-with-sha1 ID  ::=  {
                iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) x9-57 (10040) x9cm(4) 3


public static final ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOldOID
An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm.


public static final ASN1ObjectID dsaSigOldOID2
An ASN.1 OID with identifies the DSA signature algorithm.

Constructor Detail


public DSA()
Creates a new, uninitialized DSA signature object, with no keys defined.


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pk)
Creates a new instance, which will use the specified public key. To verify a signature, the document must be set via setDocument.
pk - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
See Also:


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pub,
           DSAPrivateKey priv)
Creates a new instance, which will use the specified public key and private key. To generate or verify a signature, the document must be set via setDocument. The default random bit source will be used to generate a signature.
pub - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
See Also:


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pub,
           DSAPrivateKey priv,
           RandomBitsSource rbs)
Creates a new instance with the given parameters. In order to generate or verify a signature, the document must be set via setDocument.
pub - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
rbs - A random bits source used to generate signatures.
See Also:


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pub,
           DSAPrivateKey priv,
           byte[] doc)
    throws SignatureException
Produces a signature on a document.
pub - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
doc - The document to be signed.


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pub,
           DSAPrivateKey priv,
           RandomBitsSource rbs,
           byte[] doc)
    throws SignatureException
Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document with the given random bits source.
pub - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
rbs - A random bits source used to generate signatures.
doc - The document to be signed.


public DSA(DSAPrivateKey priv,
           byte[] doc)
    throws SignatureException
Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document. The default random bit source will be used.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
doc - The document to be signed.


public DSA(DSAPrivateKey priv,
           RandomBitsSource rbs,
           byte[] doc)
    throws SignatureException
Creates a new instance, and generates the signature for the given document with the given random bits source.
priv - A DSA private key used to generate signatures.
rbs - A random bits source used to generate signatures.
doc - The document to be signed.


public DSA(DSAPublicKey pubKey,
           byte[] sigBytes,
           byte[] doc)
Creates a new instance, and initializes for verification.
pub - A DSA public key used to verify signatures.
sigBytes - The signature bytes of the document to be verified.
doc - The document to be verified.

Method Detail


public void setAlgID(AlgorithmIdentifier algID)
              throws AlgorithmIdentifierException
Description copied from class: Signature
Sets the signature algorithm identifier to use,
Specified by:
setAlgID in class Signature
algID - The AlgorithmIdentifier to use to perform signature and verification.


public AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgID()
Description copied from class: Signature
Gets the algorithm identifier of this Signature object.
Specified by:
getAlgID in class Signature
An AlgorithIdentifier object representing the signature algorithm of this instance.


public AlgorithmIdentifier getDigestEncryptionAlgID()
Description copied from class: Signature
Returns the algorithm identifier of the message digest encryption for this signature. All concrete subclasses should override this method.
getDigestEncryptionAlgID in class Signature


public java.lang.String algName()
Returns the name of the algorithm.
Specified by:
algName in class Signature


public void setHash(byte[] hash)
Sets the document digest to be used in the signature calculation, bypassing the digesting step. Calling this method sets the document to null.
Specified by:
setHash in class Signature
hash - The message digest.
See Also:


public void setPublicKey(PublicKey publicKey)
                  throws InvalidKeyException
Sets the public key to be used for verification. The specified key must be an instance of DSAPublicKey.
Specified by:
setPublicKey in class Signature
publicKey - The public key used to verify the signature.


public void setPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey)
                   throws InvalidKeyException
Sets the private key to be used for signing. The specified key must be an instance of DSAPrivateKey.
Specified by:
setPrivateKey in class Signature
privateKey - The private key used to generate the signature.


public void setRandomBitsSource(RandomBitsSource rbs)
Sets the random bits source used to generate signatures.
setRandomBitsSource in class Signature
rbs - The random bits source to be used to generate signatures.


public boolean verify()
               throws AuthenticationException
Verify that the signature matches the document. The signature, public key and document must first have been specified via setSigBytes, setPublicKey and setDocument, or an appropriate constructor.
Specified by:
verify in class Signature
true if the signature is valid, and false if it is invalid
AuthenticationException - If the verification could not be performed.
See Also:
Signature.setSigBytes(byte[]), setPublicKey(, Signature.setDocument(byte[])


public byte[] sign()
            throws SignatureException
Signs the document. The bytes of the signature are returned, and may also be retrieved via getSigBytes.

The document and private key must first have been specified via setDocument and setPrivateKey, or an appropriate constructor.

Specified by:
sign in class Signature
the signature
SignatureException - If the signature could not be generated.
See Also:
Signature.setDocument(byte[]), setPrivateKey(, Signature.getSigBytes()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto FIPS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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