E User Interface Reference

This appendix contains comprehensive reference information for each user interface item (dialogs, panes, editors, and so on). Topics are provided in alphabetical order by user interface item.

Act As dialog

Use this dialog to select the user who you want to "act as"; that is the user whose account you want to access. You also use this dialog to return to your own user account after "acting as" another user. This dialog is available and includes a list of users only if you have been assigned the appropriate privilege and the administrator has configured this feature. For configuration information, see "Enabling Users to Act for Others" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

For more information, see "Acting for Other Users".



Use this option to select the ID of the user whose account you want to access. Based on the system settings, a text box might be displayed in this dialog. Generally, this text box is displayed if a long list of users is returned. In this text box, enter the ID of the user to act as.


Use this button to stop accessing another user's account and to return to your own account.

Action Link dialog

Use this dialog to add an action link to an initiative or objective in a Scorecard.

For more information, see:


State Equals

Use this box to select the state of the initiative or objective under which the action link is to be enabled.


Displays the action to be associated with the action link.

Create New Action

Use this button to select the type of action to create and display the "Add New Action dialog", where you create the action.

Select Existing Action

Use this button to display the "Select Existing Action dialog", where you select an existing action.

Link Text

Use this field to enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.

Action Links dialog

Use this dialog to add an action link to a KPI threshold range.

For more information, see:


Action Links List

Displays the action links that have been added to the KPI, including the text of the action links and the actions associated with the links.

Add Action Link

Use this option to display the "New Action Link dialog", where you create a new action link.

Edit Action Link

Use this button to display the "Edit Action Link dialog", where you edit the selected action link.

Remove Action Link

Use this button to remove the selected action link.

Action Link Menu Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set the properties of an action links menu on a dashboard page.

For more information, see:


Menu Label

Use this field to enter the text to display for the menu.


Use this field to enter a caption to be displayed above the menu text.

Action Links

Displays a list of action links associated with the action links menu.


Use this button to display the "Action Link Properties dialog", where you add an action link to the action links menu.


Use this button to display the "Action Link Properties dialog", where you edit the currently selected action link.


Use this button to delete the currently selected action link.


  • Use the arrows to the right of the Action Links list to reorder the list of action links and change the order of how they are displayed in the action link menu.

Action Link Properties dialog

Use this dialog to set the properties of an action link on a dashboard page.

For more information, see:


Link Text

Use this field to enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.


This field is available only for actions links that are not displayed on an action link menu.

Use this field to enter a caption to display above the link text.


Displays the action to be associated with the action link.

New Action

Use this button to select the type of action to create and display the "New Action dialog", where you create an inline action. For more information on inline actions, see "What Are Inline Actions?"

Select Action

Use this button to display the "Select Existing Action dialog", where you select a named action. For more information on named actions, see "What Are Named Actions?"

Edit Parameter Mapping

This button is available only for named actions that have parameters that are not fixed or hidden.

Use this button to display the "Edit Parameter Mapping dialog", where you edit the action parameters. For more information on action parameters, see "What Are Action Parameters?"

More (>>)

Displays these options for the currently selected action:

  • Edit Action — Use this option to display the "Edit Action dialog", where you edit an action.

  • Remove Action — Use this option to remove the action.

  • Save Action As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the action to the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. If the action is an inline action, then the action is saved to the catalog rather than saved with the dashboard. If the action is a named action, then you can save the action with the same name or another name.

Open Link in New Window

This box is available only for actions that navigate to related content, such as Navigate to a Web Page and Navigate to BI Content actions.

Use this box to specify, for an action link that navigates to a URL or to other BI content, whether to open the link in a new browser window or new tab (if the browser supports tabs). Select this box to open the action link in a new browser window or tab. Deselect this box to open the action link in the same browser window or tab.


If you selected a named action for this action link, the default value for this component is determined by the definition of the named action (that is, by the value specified for the Open In New Window component in the "Action Options dialog: Invoke Action tab". You can override this default value. The value you set here ultimately determines whether to open a new window or new tab.

Add to Briefing Book

This box is available only for Navigate to BI Content actions.

Use this box to specify whether the action associated with the action link can be executed in a briefing book, but only if the number of briefing book navigation links to be followed is greater than 0. (You set the number of briefing book navigation links to be followed in the "Save Briefing Book Content dialog" or in the "Page Properties dialog".)

If you select this box, then the action can be executed in a briefing book. A briefing book icon is displayed to the left of the action link on the dashboard page and in the briefing book to indicate that the action can be executed.

If you deselect this box, then the action cannot be executed in the briefing book.

See "Working with Briefing Books".

Show Link

Use this box to specify one of the following options:

  • Always — Use this option to specify that the action link is always to be enabled.

  • Conditionally — Use this option to specify that the action link is to be enabled only if the associated condition is satisfied. Selecting this option displays the Condition area.


(Displayed only if the Conditionally option is selected.)

Use this area to specify the condition under which the action link is to be enabled. It includes the following components:

  • New Condition — Use this button to display the "New Condition dialog", where you create a new condition.

  • Select Condition — Use this button to display the "Select Condition dialog", where you select an existing condition.

  • More (>>) — Display these options:

    • Test Condition — Use this button to test if the condition evaluates to true or false.

    • Edit Condition — Use this button to display the "Edit Condition dialog", where you edit the condition.

    • Remove Condition — Use this button to remove the condition.

    • Save Condition As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the condition to the catalog.

Action Options dialog

Use this dialog to customize information to display to users when they execute an action.

For more information, see:


Invoke Action

Use the "Action Options dialog: Invoke Action tab" to:

  • Specify whether to display a confirmation prompt to users when they execute the action

  • Customize the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values before the action is executed

  • Customize the invocation successful message that is displayed to users

  • Customize the invocation failure message that is displayed to users

Action Results

This tab is available only for Invoke a Web Service actions.

Use the "Action Options dialog: Action Results tab" to customize a dialog to display information to users about the results of the action, if the action executed successfully.

Action Options dialog: Action Results tab

Use this tab of the "Action Options dialog" to customize a dialog to display information to users about the results of the action, if the action executed successfully.

For more information, see:


Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup".

Dialog Text

Use this field to enter the Web Service results information to display to users.

XPath Results

Use this area to specify one or more XPath expressions to be used to extract values from the XML returned from the Invoke a Web Service action.


Before specifying any XPath expressions, you must know what the Web Service returns. You can find out what a Web Service returns by reading the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL).

To add an XPath Expression to the list, click the Add XPath Expression button. A row is added to the list, where you then specify the following information:

  • In the Name column, enter a unique name for the XPath expression, for example, filename. You then can use this name to embed the XPath expression as a token in the dialog text, for example, @{filename}.

  • In the XPath Expression column, enter the XPath expression. For example, if you know that the name of a file can be identified by the XPath expression "Body/writeToFileResponse/result", you enter Body/writeToFileResponse/result.

  • In the Default Value column, enter the value to display when the XPath expression is not found in the action results. If you do not enter a default value and the XPath expression is not found, then an empty string is displayed.


If multiple values for an XPath expression are found in the results, then only the first value is shown.

To delete an XPath expression from the list, select the XPath expression and click the Delete XPath Expression button.

Dialog Title

Use this box to specify the title of the dialog, for example, Action Results.

Dialog Width

Use this field to specify the width for the dialog. Specifying a width causes the content to wrap and a scroll bar to be displayed, if necessary.

If you do not specify the width, then the dialog is sized based on its content.

You might want to specify a width, for example, if the dialog text contains a long sentence without any explicit line breaks, which would result in a very wide dialog.

Dialog Height

Use this field to specify the height for the dialog. Specifying a height causes the content to wrap and a scroll bar to be displayed, if necessary.

If you do not specify the height, then the dialog is sized based on its content.

You might want to specify a height, for example, if the dialog contains extensive text, which would result in a very long dialog.

Show Preview

Use this button to preview how the dialog is displayed. (Note that this does not run the action.)

Working with HTML Markup

Various dialogs and editors in which you can enter HTML codes include the Contains HTML Markup box. These dialogs and editors include the "Action Options dialog: Action Results tab", the "Edit Footer or Header dialog", the "Results tab: Narrative editor", the "Results tab: Static Text editor", the "Results tab: Ticker editor", and the "Text Properties dialog".

This option is available in the Action Options dialog: Action Results tab only if you have been granted the Save Actions containing embedded HTML privilege, and in the other dialogs and editors only if you have been granted the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege by the administrator.

Use this box to specify whether the text that you enter in the appropriate field contains HTML markup. (For example, in the Action Results tab, the field is labeled Dialog Text.) Select this box if the text contains HTML markup. Deselect this box if it contains only plain text. If the text contains HTML markup and you do not select this box, then the text is displayed as plain text.

You can add HTML that contains formatted text, and depending on the security settings of the servers, Active-X controls or Java scripts, sound bites, animation, a background image, and so on. The HTML code can contain anything that is supported by the browser.

Table E-1 contains usage notes and examples for several HTML elements. If you find an example in the table that is similar to what you want to do, then you can copy and paste the example, then tailor it to your needs.

Table E-1 Usage Notes and Examples for HTML Elements

HTML Element Usage Notes and Examples


Any HTML tags can be used to control the format of the text. The following HTML tags are examples of some of the formatting you can apply.

  • To center the text in the section:

    <CENTER>Centered Text</CENTER>

  • To make the text bold:

    <B>Bold Text</B>

  • To set font size and color:

    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT>

  • You can also combine tags for additional effects:

    <CENTER><B><FONT COLOR="red">Bold Centered Red Text</FONT></B></CENTER>

Active-X object

The Active-X object must be self-contained and supported by the browser. Paste or type the object into the HTML text window, ensuring that you include the beginning and ending tags <object...> and </object>.

JavaScript and VBScript

The script must be self-contained and supported by the browser. Paste or type the script into the HTML text window, ensuring that you include the beginning and ending tags <script> and </script>.

Specify the script language in the opening <SCRIPT> tag, either <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> or <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="vbscript">.


Ensure that you know where the audio clip is located. If the audio clip is for use in a shared environment, then it must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users. Use the HTML tag <EMBED> to add audio in the dashboard. The following HTML code is an example:

<EMBED SRC="audio" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

where "audio" is the location and name of the audio clip.

Note: You might need to adjust the HTML for the browser.

The following HTML tags are examples of the <EMBED> tag.

  • To add an audio clip located on the hard drive, specify the following HTML code:

    <EMBED SRC="c:\mycomputer\MIDIfiles\wakeup.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

  • To add the same audio clip from a shared location on the Web server, specify the following HTML code:

    <EMBED SRC="/DashboardFiles/wakeup.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

Action Options dialog: Invoke Action tab

Use this tab of the "Action Options dialog" to:

  • Specify whether to display a confirmation prompt to users when they execute the action.

  • Customize the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values before the action is executed.

  • Customize the invocation successful message that is displayed to users.

  • Customize the invocation failure message that is displayed to users.

For more information, see:


Run Confirmation

Use this box to specify whether to display a confirmation prompt to users when they run the action. The confirmation prompt includes the text that you enter, a Yes button to run the action, and a No button to cancel the running of the action.

Select this box to display a confirmation prompt and then enter the text of the confirmation prompt in the field to the right. Deselect this box to not display a confirmation prompt.

Dialog Title

Use this box to customize the title of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values.

Select this box to customize the title and then enter the title in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default title Invoke Action.

Action Help Text

Use this box to specify the text of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values.

Select this box to specify the text and then enter the text in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default text Enter the values for action parameters and execute.

To embed a URL link within the text, use the token @{URL}. The URL link is substituted for the token.

Link URL

Use this box to specify whether to display a URL link below or within the text of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values. This enables you, for example, to display a link that navigates to a URL that provides more information about the action being executed.

Select this box to display a URL link below or within the text and then enter the URL in the box to the right. If the @URL token is embedded in the text, the URL (or URL label if provided) is displayed within the text. If the token is not embedded in the text, then the URL (or URL label if provided) is displayed beneath the text.

Deselect this box to not display a URL below or within the text.


Use this field to enter the text to display for the URL link.

Execute Button Text

Use this box to customize the name of the button that is shown on the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values, and that users click to execute the action when they have supplied parameter values.

Select this box to customize the name of the button and then enter the name in the box to the right. Deselect this box to use the default value Execute.

Open In New Window

This box is available only for actions that navigate to related content, such as Navigate to a Web Page and Navigate to BI Content actions.

Use this box to specify, for an action link that navigates to related content, whether to open the link in a new browser window or new tab (if the browser supports tabs). Select this box to open the action link in a new browser window or tab. Deselect this box to open the action link in the same browser window or tab.


The setting you specify for this Open In New Window component determines the default value for the Open Link in New Window box in the "Action Link Properties dialog", but only when you select a named action for the action link that you are adding to a dashboard page.

Successful Invocation Message

This box is not available for some action types.


For an Invoke a Web Service action, you can use the "Action Options dialog: Action Results tab" to customize a dialog to display information to users about the results of the action, if the action executed successfully.

Use this box to customize the message that is displayed to users when the action is successfully executed.

Select this box to customize the message and then enter the message in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default message Action invocation was successful.

Invocation Failure Message

This box is not available for some action types.

Use this box to customize the message that is displayed to users when the action is not successfully executed.

Select this box to customize the message and then enter the message in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default message Action invocation was unsuccessful.

Add Application Roles, Catalog Groups, and Users dialog

Use this dialog to select the users, Application roles, and Catalog groups to:

  • Receive the delivery content of an agent.

  • Have permission to access a section or alert section in a dashboard.

  • Have permission to use a saved customization.

  • Add or edit for an existing Catalog group.

  • Assign permissions to a catalog object.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Add Groups dialog
Edit Groups dialog
Select User dialog


Group Name

Available only when working with Catalog groups. Enter the name to use for this group.


Available only when you are working with catalog object permissions. Displays the catalog location of the object with which you are working.

Available Members

Use this area to:

  • Initiate a search in the Search area.

  • Select accounts to move to the Selected Members area.

Click to see effective permissions

Available only when you are working with catalog object permissions. Use this button to add the Permissions column to the Available Members list. This column displays the permissions that the corresponding Application role, Catalog group, or user would have if you add them to the object for which you are assigning permissions. The effective permissions that display in the table are determined by the membership that the Application role, Catalog group, or user has in the other roles, groups, and users previously added to the Permissions dialog. For example, suppose that you have a catalog object called Report1 and you grant the BIAdministrator Application role the Full Control permission. Then you access the Add Application Roles, Catalog Groups, and User dialog to search for and add User A to the object's permission list. Since User A belongs to the BIAdministrator role, the effective permissions that displays for User A is Full Control.

Search Binoculars

Use this button to show and hide the Search area within the Available Members area.

Search area

Use this area to search for users, Application roles, and Catalog groups.

To initiate a search, enter the string for which you want to search in the Name field; select either Application Roles, Catalog Groups, Users, or All and click the Search button. The results are displayed in the Available Members list.


Use these buttons move accounts between the available and selected areas.

Selected Members

Use this area to view the accounts that you have selected from the Available Members area and moved to the Selected Members area.

Set Permission to

Available only when you are working with catalog object permissions. Use this box to select the permission for the accounts that are listed in the Selected Members area. For more information about the options in this list, see "Permission Definitions" and "Permissions Available by Object Type".

Add Columns dialog

Use this dialog to select the attribute or hierarchical column to use as a dimension for the KPI.


List of Columns

Displays the subject area's attribute and hierarchical columns that you can use as dimensions for the KPI. Use this list to select a column.

Related Topics

"Creating or Editing KPIs"

Add Comment dialog

Use this dialog to add new comments to or reply to existing comments attached to initiatives, objectives, and KPIs. (Remember that a comment is associated with a specific point of view.)

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

New Comment dialog
Reply dialog



Use this box to enter the subject of the comment.


Use this box to enter your comment.


This area is not available when the New Comment dialog is displayed from the "Collaboration pane".

Displays any comments that previously have been added to the initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.

To expand or collapse the History area, click the Expand All or Collapse All button.


  • Ensure that you save objectives, initiatives, and KPIs after adding new comments to or replying to existing comments attached to them.

Add Dashboard Page dialog

Use this dialog to specify the name and description of the page that you are adding to a dashboard.

For more information, see "Adding New Pages to Dashboards".


Page Name

Use this field to enter a name for the page.

Page Description

Use this field to enter a description for the page.

Add KPI dialog

Use this dialog to provide a label for a KPI usage or to pin (or set) the value of one or more KPI dimensions.

Pinning is optional. Typically, it is best not to pin most of the dimensions so that the data is controlled by the point of view settings.

You pin values of KPI dimensions, for example, when you add a KPI to one of the following tables:

When you view the KPI, the data displayed is determined by the dimension values that you selected.

This dialog also displays as:

Edit Watchlist Entry dialog


KPI Name

Displays the name of the saved KPI that you are adding (for example, Revenue KPI).

Subject Area

Displays the name of the subject area that contains the KPI dimension or dimensions.


This box is not available for a dimension whose value has been set in the KPI.

Use this box to specify a dimension value. Consider the following options:

  • For all dimensions, you can select a column value or roll up value (for example, for the Dimensions.Geog dimension, you can drill and select North American, or drill further and select Los Angeles).

  • Select Point-of-View to set no dimension value. If you use this option, at run time a dimension field displays in the point of view area where the user can select a dimension value.

  • For measures column, you can select Use Variable to set the dimension's value with either a session or repository variable. When you select this option, the "Select Variable dialog" displays. For more information about variables, see "Using Variables".


Use this field to enter a user-friendly, descriptive KPI name to display in the watchlist or the Objectives & KPIs table.


If you select a specific value for a dimension, rather than the Use Point-of-View option, then enter a label that describes the pinning. For example, if you select Central for the Region dimension, you might enter Sales Central Region.

Add a Related Document dialog

Use this dialog to add links to business intelligence objects and documents that are stored in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog or web pages that provide additional information about or can be used with the KPI.



Use this field to enter the name of the link that is displayed in the related documents table. The user clicks this link to access the corresponding Web site, document, or business intelligence object.


Use this list to indicate how you want to provide the path to the related document.

  • Select Catalog and click the Browse button to navigate to the document or business intelligence object in the catalog.

  • Select Link and enter or paste the URL of the online document or business intelligence object.


This field displays if you select Catalog in the Type field.

Displays the location of the business intelligence object that you select from the catalog. To provide a location in this field, click the Browse button to access the "Select an Object from the BI Catalog dialog" and select a catalog object.


This option is available if you select Catalog in the Type field. Use this button to access the "Select an Object from the BI Catalog dialog" to browse the Presentation Services catalog and choose an object.


This field displays if you select Link in the Type field.

Use to enter or paste the URL of the related object.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: Related Documents page"

"Collaboration pane"

Add/Remove Subject Areas dialog

Use this dialog to add or remove related subject areas from which to select columns.

For more information, see:


List of Subject Areas

Displays the primary subject area and any related subject areas that you have permission to access. The primary subject area (which you select when you create a new analysis, a new named filter, or a new dashboard prompt) is always listed first.

A check mark beside a subject area identifies a related subject area that has been added. A grayed-out check mark identifies the primary subject area or a related subject area whose data is currently being used in the analysis, named filter, or column prompt. You cannot remove a primary subject area. You can remove a related subject area only if its data is not currently being used.

Use this list to add or remove related subject areas. Check a related subject area to add it. Deselect a subject area to remove it.

Administration page

Use this page to administer Oracle BI Presentation Services. You perform administration tasks such as managing privileges and metadata for maps.

The functions of the Administration page are described in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Product Information

Use this collapsible section to see the following information about your installation of Oracle BI EE:

  • Product Version — Specifies the version number for Oracle BI EE.

  • Catalog Path — Specifies the complete directory name for the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

  • Oracle BI Server Data Source — Specifies the name of the data source that is specified in the Oracle BI Server.

  • Available Paging Memory (MB) — Specifies the amount of physical memory that is available plus any paging memory that is available. If this value is very low, then Oracle BI Presentation Services might run out of memory. Available for Windows systems only.

  • Available Virtual Address Space (MB) — Specifies the amount of virtual address space remaining to process. If this value is very low, then Oracle BI Presentation Services might run out of memory. Available for Windows systems only.

  • Replication — Indicates whether replication of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog is enabled or disabled.

  • Maintenance Mode — Indicates whether Maintenance mode is turned on or off. You modify this setting using the Toggle Maintenance Mode link on this page. In maintenance mode, the catalog is read-only; no one can write to it.

Manage Catalog Groups

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Catalog Groups page" in which you manage Catalog groups.

Manage Privileges

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Privileges page" in which you view and administer privileges that are associated with various components. Privileges are actions that users have the right to perform.

Manage Sessions

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Sessions page" in which you view information about active sessions and about the cache for each analysis.

Manage Agent Sessions

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Agent Sessions page" in which you view information about currently active agent sessions that are triggered by Oracle BI Scheduler.

Manage Device Types

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Device Types page" in which you create, edit, view or delete device types for use with agents.

Toggle Maintenance Mode

Use this link to turn maintenance mode on or off. You can see the setting of the mode in the Product Information area. When Maintenance Mode is on, users cannot write to the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Reload Files and Metadata

Use this link to reload XML message files, refresh metadata from the Oracle BI Server, and clear caches.

Issue SQL

Use this link to display the "Administration: Issue SQL page" in which you enter a SQL statement to run against the Oracle BI Server.

Manage Map Data

Use this link to display the "Administration: Manage Map Data page" in which you manage layers, background maps, and images.

Manage Marketing Jobs

Use this link to display the Marketing Job Management page in which you manage background jobs and the database cache.

Manage Marketing Defaults

Use this link to display the Manage Marketing Defaults and Contact Planning Rules pages, in which you select the default Campaign Load File Format, the default Global Audience segment and the Profile Dashboard for each Target Level.

Manage BI Publisher

Use this link to display the Administration page for BI Publisher where you can manage BI Publisher users, permissions, jobs, and files and folders.

For information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

Administration: Issue SQL page

Use this page to enter a SQL statement to send directly to the Oracle BI Server. This feature is useful for testing the server only. Results are not formatted, and it is not possible to save the SQL statement that you issue here as an analysis.

For more information, see Appendix D, "Logical SQL Reference".



Use this field to enter a SQL statement to send directly to the Oracle BI Server.

Issue SQL

Click this button to send the SQL statement to the Oracle BI Server.

Logging Level

Use this box to select the Oracle BI Server logging level, from 0 through 7. Each user receives a default logging level during user creation in the BI Server Administration tool. Select Default in this box to specify the use of your default level.

For information on logging levels, see "Viewing and Configuring Diagnostic Log Files" Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Use Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache

Use this box to specify whether to use the Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache. Deselect this box to specify that you do not want the query to use the Presentation Services cache. In general, you should avoid deselecting this box as disabling the cache has potential performance degradation issues.

Administration: Manage Agent Sessions page

Use this page to view information about currently active agent sessions that are triggered by Oracle BI Scheduler.

For more information, see "Monitoring Active Agent Sessions" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Agent Sessions

Displays a table with information about each agent session. You can see details such as the job identifier, the instance identifier, the primary agent, and the day and time at which the agent session was last accessed.

Click the Sort button at the top of various columns to sort the sessions. Click the link in the Primary Agent column to display the agent in the "Agent editor".

Click the Expand button to see the list of agents in that session.


Displays a table with information about each agent. You can see details such as the path for the agent and its state. The state can be either Created, Populated, or Conditional Request Resolved.

Click the link in the Path column to display the agent in the "Agent editor". Click the Expand button to see the list of recipients for that agent.


Displays a table with the name and type of each recipient of the agent.

Administration: Manage Catalog Groups page

Use this page to manage Catalog groups. These groups are for backward compatibility with previous releases (prior to 11g) only.

For more information, see "Working with Catalog Groups" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Create a New Catalog Group

Use this button to display the "Add Groups dialog", in which you create a new group.

Edit Selected Group

After selecting a group in the list, use this button to display the "Edit Groups dialog", in which you edit an existing group.

Delete Selected Groups

After selecting one or more groups in the list, use this button to delete the groups.


Enter the name of a group that you need and click Search to display a list of groups that match that name. You generally must use this field only when you have a very long list of groups and are having difficulty finding the one that you need.

More Groups

Click this button to display either a list of additional groups or a message box that states that no other groups are available. Groups are displayed in lists of 25.

Administration: Manage Device Types page

Use this page to create, edit, view or delete device types for use with agents. The types that are specified on this page can be selected on the "Create Device dialog" from the "My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab".

For more information, see "Managing Device Types for Agents" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Device Type Name

Displays the names of device types that were previously created.


Displays the category of the device type, such as mobile phone, pager, or handheld device.

Create New Device Type

Click this link to display the "Create New Device Type dialog".


Click this button to display the "Edit Device Type dialog".


Click this button to begin the process of deleting the device type. A confirmation dialog is displayed in which you verify the deletion of the device type.

Administration: Manage Map Data page

Use this page to administer maps and data, so that users can create map views. You perform administration tasks such as managing layers and background maps. Click OK when you have finished updating the page, to save your changes.

For more information, see "Administering Maps" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.



Use this tab to work with the layers for display on a map.

Background Maps

Use this tab to work with the main maps for use with map views.


Use this tab to specify the images for use with map views. You must specify images only if you want content designers to include them as part of formats on the map.


Use the import buttons on each tab to display a dialog in which you can import layers, background maps, or images to the tab.

Edit and Delete

Use the edit or delete button on each tab, after importing a layer, background map, or image to either display a dialog in which you can edit the item or delete it from the tab.


Use the sort buttons beside Name and Location on each tab to sort the layers, maps, or images.

Administration: Manage Privileges page

Use this page to view and administer privileges that are associated with various components. Privileges control the rights that users have to access the features and functionality of Oracle BI Presentation Services.

For more information, see "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Privilege Table

Use this table to:

  • View privileges. The privileges are organized by categories (such as Access, Catalog, and so on). Users, roles, and Catalog groups who have explicit access to a privilege are identified to the right of each privilege.

  • Administer a privilege by clicking the link for the users, roles, and groups who have explicit access to the privilege. Clicking the link displays the "Privilege dialog", where you can change the users, roles, and Catalog groups who are granted that privilege.

Administration: Manage Sessions page

Use this page to view information about active sessions and about the cache for each analysis. See Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on active sessions.


Sessions area

Displays the total number of active sessions. Also displays a table that includes the following information about sessions that have been created for users who have logged in:

Field Description
User ID The name that the user entered when logging in.
Host Address The name or IP address of the computer that initiated the HTTP connection to the Web server. This could be a user's PC, a handheld device, a firewall, and so on.
Session ID A unique identifier assigned by Presentation Services for each client session.
Browser Info Information about the browser from which the user logged on.
Logged On The time stamp on which the user logged on.
Last Access The time stamp of the last activity for this user on Presentation Services. This can be any kind of activity on the system, such as switching from one dashboard page to another.

Cursor Cache area

Displays a table that includes the following information about each analysis:

Field Description
ID The unique internal cache identifier for this entry.
User The name of the user who ran the analysis and last placed it into the cache. If two IDs are shown, then the second ID is impersonating the first. For example, the entry lhurley/administrator means that the Administrator account logged on and impersonated lhurley. This can happen when Oracle BI Scheduler starts an agent on someone's behalf. Oracle BI Scheduler logs on and impersonates that user so security and content filters still apply.
Refs The number of references to this entry since it was placed into the cache.
Status The status of the analysis that is using this cache entry:
  • Starting — The analysis is starting to run.

  • Running — The analysis is currently running.

  • Finished — The analysis has finished.

  • Queued — The system is waiting for a thread to become available so the analysis can be processed.

  • Canceling — The application is in the process of canceling the analysis.

  • Error — An error was encountered during the processing or running of the analysis. Look in the Statement column for information about the error.

Time The time taken to process and run the analysis, displayed in one-second increments. A value of 0s (zero seconds) indicates that the analysis took under 1 second to complete.
Action The following links that you can click to affect the analysis:
  • Cancel — Terminates the analysis. Is displayed for in-progress analyses. The user running the analysis receives an informational message indicating that the analysis was canceled by an administrator.

  • Close — Clears the cache entry associated with this analysis. Is displayed for completed analyses.

  • View Log — Displays the entry in the nQQuery.log file for this analysis (if logging is turned on for this user). This file logs query activity on the system at the individual user level.

    Query logging is turned off by default. It can be enabled for individual users at different logging levels. The administrator can use the Identity Manager to enable logging for a user.

    You can also view the nQQuery.log file (located by default in the Log directory in the Oracle Business Intelligence installation directory) using a text editor such as Windows Notepad. The administrator determines the maximum size of the nQQuery.log file by setting the USER_LOG_FILE_SIZE parameter in the NQSConfig.INI file.

Last Accessed The time stamp of the last time the cache entry for this analysis was used to satisfy an analysis.
Statement The SQL statement that was issued for the analysis; or if the analysis resulted in an error, information about the nature of the error.
Information Usage tracking information (for example, what analysis contained the query).
Records The number of records in the result set that have been seen (for example, 50+ to indicate that 50 records have been seen but there are additional records to be fetched or 75 to indicate that 75 records have been seen and there are no more records to be fetched).

Cancel Running Requests

Use this button to cancel all requests that are running for analyses.

Close All Cursors

Use this button to close all cursors, which removes all information in the Cursor Cache table.


Use the arrow button beside each column heading to sort the table by that value.

Advanced SQL Filter dialog

Use this dialog to edit the SQL code that is generated for a column filter.

For more information, see "Creating and Editing the SQL Statements for a Column Filter in an Analysis".



Use this field to modify the SQL WHERE clause to be used as a filter.

For descriptions of SQL clauses, see Appendix D, "Logical SQL Reference".

Related Topics

"Creating or Editing Column Filters"

Advanced Ticker Options dialog

Use this dialog to specify additional options for a scrolling ticker.

For more information, see


# of Loops

Use this field to enter the number of times that the results scroll. The default is an infinite number of times.

You must specify a whole number.

Scroll Amount

Use this field to enter the number of pixels between successive redraws of the results.

Scroll Delay

Use this field to enter the number of milliseconds between successive redraws of the results.

Background Color

Use this field to enter the color to use for the background. Depending on what the browser supports, you can enter a color name, such as yellow or blue, or use the 6-digit hexadecimal format, such as #AFEEEE for pale turquoise. (You can omit the number sign character from the hexadecimal format.)

Additional Marquee Attributes

Use this field to enter other marquee options that the browser might support, such as ALIGN="top | middle | bottom" to align the ticker to the top, middle or bottom of the text around it. You can also add HTML to further customize the look of the ticker.

Agent editor

Use this editor to create or edit an agent.

For more information, see:



Displays a summary of the current settings for the agent. Use the Plus and Minus buttons to expand and collapse this summary.


Use the "Agent editor: General tab" to specify the priority of the content that the agent is to deliver and how to send the delivery content


Use the "Agent editor: Schedule tab" to specify whether the agent is to be run based on a schedule, how often it runs, and when its running is to start and end.


Use the "Agent editor: Condition tab" to specify whether the agent always delivers its content and executes its actions, or conditionally delivers its content and executes its actions.

For more information about conditions, see Chapter 9, "Working with Conditions."

Delivery Content

Use the "Agent editor: Delivery Content tab" to specify the content to deliver with the agent, such as a dashboard page or a saved analysis.


Use the "Agent editor: Recipients tab" to specify who is to receive the delivery content of the agent and who is allowed to subscribe to the agent.


Use the "Agent editor: Destinations tab" to specify where the content is to be delivered.


Use the "Agent editor: Actions tab" to specify one or more actions to execute when the agent finishes.

For more information about actions, see Chapter 10, "Working with Actions."


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save this Agent — Use this button to save the agent.

  • Save this Agent as — Use this button to save a copy of the agent by another name.

  • Delete this Agent from the Catalog — Use this button to delete the agent.

  • Discard changes made to this page — Use this button to discard any changes you have made on the current tab.

  • Run Agent Now — Use this button to run the agent.This is helpful, for example, to test the agent.

Agent editor: Actions tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify one or more actions to execute when an agent finishes.

You can specify actions to execute under the following circumstances:

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to true or if there is no condition associated with the agent

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to false

For more information, see:


Agent Condition True or No Condition Exists

Use this area to specify one or more actions to execute only if the agent condition evaluates to true or if there is no condition associated with the agent.

Agent Condition is False

This area is enabled only when a condition has been specified for the agent. See "Agent editor: Condition tab".

Use this area to specify one or more actions to execute only if the agent condition evaluates to false.

Invoke per Row

This box is enabled only when a condition has been specified for the agent. It is not available for Invoke Server Script actions, Invoke Agent actions, or actions for which one of the parameters is a result set mapping.

Use this box to specify whether to execute the action for each row returned by the condition. Select this box to execute the action for each row. Deselect this box to execute the action only once, regardless of the number of rows returned.

Add New Action

Use this button to display the "Create New Action dialog", where you create a new action.

Add Existing Action

Use this button to display the "Select Existing Action dialog", where you select an existing action.

Edit Action

Use this button to display the "Edit Action dialog", where you edit the selected action. For inline actions, you can edit the action definition. For named actions, you can edit only parameter values.

Delete Action

Use this button to delete an action.

Agent editor: Condition tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify whether an agent always delivers its content and executes its actions, or conditionally delivers its content and executes its actions.

To determine whether the agent delivers its content and executes its actions, you use a condition. (For more information on conditions, see Chapter 9, "Working with Conditions.")

For more information, see:



Use this box to select one of the following options:

  • Do Not use a Condition (always deliver content and run actions) — Use this option to specify that the agent is always to deliver its content and execute its actions.

  • Use a Condition — Use this option to specify that the agent is to conditionally deliver its content and execute its actions.


Use this button to display the "Create Condition dialog", where you create an inline condition.


Use this button to display the "Select Condition dialog", where you select a named condition.

Edit Condition

This button is available only if you created an inline condition.

Use this button to display the "Edit Condition dialog", where you edit an inline condition. (You cannot edit named conditions.)


This button is available only if you selected a named condition that is based on an analysis that includes one or more prompted filters.

Use this button to display the "Customize Condition dialog", where you can customize the condition.

Test Condition

Use this button to test whether the condition evaluates to true or false.

Save To Catalog

This button is available only if you created an inline condition.

Displays the "Save As dialog", where you save the condition to the catalog as a named condition.

Agent editor: Delivery Content tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify the content to deliver with the agent, such as a dashboard page or a saved analysis. You can also specify:

  • The delivery format for the content, such as HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV, or text

  • A subject line to include with the content

  • A text message to provide context for an agent attachment

  • A narrative text description of the conditional analysis (but only when you specify that the conditional analysis is also the delivery content)

  • An explanation to deliver when an agent is to be delivered conditionally and the condition evaluates to false

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter the subject line for the agent.


Use this box to select the type of content to deliver:

  • Analysis — Use this option to deliver saved analyses (shared and private).

  • Dashboard Page — Use this option to deliver dashboard pages from My Dashboard or dashboard pages from public (shared) dashboards.

  • Briefing Book — Use this option to deliver a briefing book.

  • Condition Analysis — This option is available only if you have specified a condition on the Conditions tab. Use this option to deliver the results of the analysis on which the condition is based.


    If you attempt to clear the content or select different delivery content, and you have selected the option to show only relevant rows to each user on the "Agent editor: Recipients tab", then a message is displayed. The message alerts you that the option to show relevant rows will be reset if you proceed with clearing the content or selecting different delivery content. Click Yes to proceed, or No to retain the current delivery content choice. If you click Yes, then the recipients will still be determined from the conditional analysis, but users will receive all content, and not only the content that pertains to them.


Use this button to display the "Choose Delivery Content dialog", where you select the content.


(This button is not available if you have specified Condition Analysis as the delivery content. Instead, the customizations specified on the Conditions tab are used.)

Use this button to display the "Customize Delivery Content dialog", where you customize the content to be delivered.


Use this button to remove content previously selected.


Use this box to select the format in which to deliver the content. The format options depend upon the type of delivery content. The format options are:

  • (Device default) — Uses the device default to determine the content format.

  • HTML — Sends delivery content as HTML.

  • Plain Text — Sends delivery content in plain text format.

  • CSV data — Sends delivery content as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) attachment.

  • Excel 2003+ — Sends delivery content as an XLS attachment.

  • PowerPoint — Sends delivery content as a PPT attachment.

  • PDF — Sends delivery content as a PDF attachment.

  • Narrative Text — (This option is available only if you have specified the Condition Analysis as the delivery content.) Sends a narrative description of the results of the analysis on which the condition is based. If you select this option, a box is displayed in which you enter the narrative description to send. To include column n from the results in your text, use @n.)


Use this area to select whether to deliver the content directly or as an attachment:

  • Deliver Results Directly — This option is available only for these format options: (Device default), HTML (except for dashboard pages), Plain Text, and Narrative Text. Use this option to deliver the content directly.

  • Deliver as Attachment — Use this option to deliver the content as an attachment.

    If CSV data, Excel, or PDF is selected in the Format box, then this option is automatically selected.

    If you select the Deliver as Attachment option, in the Attachment Note field, then enter a text message to provide context for the agent attachment.

Attachment Note

Use this field to enter a text message to provide context for the agent attachment.

If Condition is False

Use this area to specify whether to deliver a text message to recipients when there is no agent content to deliver to them. To deliver a text message, select Deliver this Message and then enter the text message to be delivered.


  • You can reference variables in the Subject, Attachment Note, and If Condition is False Deliver this Message fields. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • To use the @ character, precede it with the \ (backslash) character to separate it from the variable syntax. For example, Dear @{NQ_SESSION.DISPLAYNAME}, \@ New York, is displayed as Dear Joe Smith, @ New York.

Agent editor: Destinations tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify where content is to be delivered.

For more information, see:


Home Page and Dashboard

Use this box to specify whether content is to be delivered to the Home page and dashboard pages.


Use this option to specify whether content is to be delivered to specified devices. If you select this option, then you must select one of the following options:

  • Active Delivery Profile — Use this option to specify that content is to be delivered to the devices specified in the active delivery profile.

    The active delivery profile is configured through the "My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab".

  • Specific Devices — Use this option to specify that content is to be delivered to specific devices and then select one or more of the following device options:

    • Email

    • Pager

    • Digital Phone

    • Handheld Device

    If you select a specific device here, then the default device selected in the My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab overrides the devices that are set in the active delivery profile for a user. Devices that are specified here are used instead of the devices specified in the active delivery profile. An agent, for example, need not be dependent upon a user's configuration. The agent can be configured to use device information from default devices in the Devices area in the My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab.

    For more information about active delivery profiles and devices, see "Configuring Your Devices and Delivery Profiles".

Oracle BI Server Cache (For seeding cache)

This option is available only for administrators who have been granted the Manage Catalog Groups privilege.

Use this option to specify whether to seed the cache.

Administrators can create Server cache for individual users. The cache seeding operation enables administrators to run analyses on dashboard pages or analyses that are stored in the catalog, and to create a Server cache. This speeds up response time for users when they actually run the analyses on the dashboards. If data exists in the cache for a given analysis, then the data is deleted and refreshed when the agent runs.

The cache for the analysis or the dashboard page is created at the appropriate schedule for the indicated set of users.


To have the cache created for each user, select the Run As Recipient or Specified User box in the General tab.

Generally, if you are using the analysis that you have specified as the content for this agent to seed the cache, then you do not select any other user destinations (such as Email).

Agent editor: General tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify the priority of the delivery content that an agent is to deliver and how to generate the delivery content.

For more information, see:



Use this option to specify the priority of the delivery content — High, Normal, Low. The priority works with the delivery profile for a user to determine the destination for delivery content of different priorities.

For more information on delivery profiles, see "What Are Devices and Delivery Profiles?" and "Configuring Your Devices and Delivery Profiles".

Run As

Use this option to specify how to generate the delivery content (that is, what user to run the query as):

  • Recipient — Select this option to use the credentials of each recipient.

  • Specified User — This option is available only to the administrator. Select this option to use the credentials of a specified user. All recipients receive the same content as if they were the specified user. Then specify the user by typing the user's name in the box to the right of the option or by clicking the Set User button to display the "Select Business Owner dialog", where you can select a user.

  • Use Agent Owner's Credentials — This option is not available to administrators. Select this option to use the credentials of the agent owner. All recipients receive the same content as if they were the agent owner.

Created by

This information is displayed when the agent has been saved.

Displays the name of the person who created the agent.

Last Modified

This information is displayed when the agent has been saved.

Displays the date and time when the agent was last modified.


This information is displayed when the agent has been saved.

Displays the description of the agent that was provided when the agent was saved.

You can edit the description of the agent by navigating to the agent on the "Catalog page" and using the Properties option on the More menu.

Agent editor: Recipients tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify who is to receive the delivery content of the agent and who is allowed to subscribe to the agent.

For more information, see:


Select Recipients

Use this area to view and specify who is to receive the delivery content of the agent.


  • Add users, Application roles, and Catalog groups, click the Add Recipient button to display the "Select User dialog", where you select the users, Application roles, and Catalog groups.

  • Add e-mail recipients, click the Add Email Recipient button to display the "Enter Email Address dialog", where you enter their e-mail addresses.

  • Delete a selected recipient, select the recipient in the list and then click the Delete button.

  • Show only a particular set of selected recipients, use the Show box to select one of the following options: All, Users, Emails, Catalog Groups & Application Roles.


When a user subscribes to and customizes an agent, if you then select the same user as a recipient, then the user's customizations are lost when the agent is next run.

Get Recipients from the Request Used in the Agent Condition

This box is enabled only if you have specified a condition that is based on an analysis for the agent. In addition, you must include the recipient information in the conditional result set (that is, you must include a column that contains who the recipient should be for each row).

Use this box to specify whether recipients are to be determined dynamically from the results of a conditional analysis. Select this box to have recipients determined dynamically from the results of a conditional analysis. Deselect this box to have the recipients determined from the Select Recipients area.


If you select the option to allow the recipients to be determined from the results of a conditional analysis and choose to show only relevant rows to each user, then it is assumed that you want the results of the conditional analysis set as the delivery content in the "Agent editor: Delivery Content tab". If the content has been set to something else (through clicking Clear or Browse), then a message is displayed asking if you want to update the delivery content to be the results of the conditional analysis. Click Yes to proceed and update the delivery content, or No to retain the current delivery content. If you click No, then the recipients will still be determined from the conditional analysis, but users will receive all content, and not only the content that pertains to them.

Column Containing Recipients

This box is available only if the Get Recipients from the Request Used in the Agent Condition box is selected.

Use this box to select the column in the conditional analysis that contains the desired recipients.

2nd Column Containing Recipients (optional)

This box is available only if the Get Recipients from the Request Used in the Agent Condition box is selected.

Use this box to optionally select an additional column in the conditional analysis that contains desired recipients.

Only Return Rows Relevant to the User Running the Agent

This box is available only if the Get Recipients from the Request Used in the Agent Condition box is selected.

Use this box to specify whether only rows in the results that are relevant to the user running the agent are sent in the delivery content. Select this box to send only rows that are relevant to the user running the agent. Deselect this box to send all rows.

Publish for subscription

Use this box to specify whether the agent is to be published so that users can subscribe. Note the following:

  • When you deselect the Publish Agent for subscription box, any selected subscribers are disabled, and the Allow Subscribers to Customize Agent box is deselected and disabled.

  • You can only publish agents that have content and actions (if any) that can be shared.

For more information on how to subscribe to agents, see "Subscribing to Agents".

Allow Subscribers to Customize Agent

This box is available only when the Recipient box is selected on the "Agent editor: General tab".

Use this box to specify whether subscribers can customize their subscription of the agent, for example, by providing values for a prompted filter associated with an analysis.

For more information on how to customize an agent subscription, see "Customizing Your Agent Subscriptions".

Agent Subscribers

Use this area to view and specify who is allowed to subscribe to this agent. In the list of agent subscribers, the Name column identifies the users, Application roles, and Catalog groups that are allowed to subscribe to the agent and the Currently Subscribed column identifies (with a check mark) those users, Application roles, and Catalog groups that are currently subscribed.


  • Add users, Application roles, and Catalog groups that are allowed to subscribe to this agent, click the Add Subscriber button to display the "Select User dialog", where you select the users, Application roles, and Catalog groups.

  • Delete a user, Application role, or Catalog group from the list of users, Application roles, and Catalog groups who are allowed to subscribe to the agent, select the user, Application role, or Catalog group in the list and then click the Delete button.

  • To unsubscribe a user, Application role, or Catalog group that is currently subscribed to the agent, select the user, Application role, or Catalog group in the list and then click Unsubscribe.


    The Unsubscribe button is available only to administrators and users who have been granted the privilege Modify Current Subscriptions for Agents.
  • Show only a particular set of users and groups who are allowed to subscribe to this agent, use the Show boxes. In the first box select the All, Users, or Catalog Groups & Application Roles, and in the second box select All, Unsubscribed, or Subscribed. To show:

    • All subscribed and unsubscribed users, Application roles, and Catalog groups, select All and All

    • All unsubscribed users, Application roles, and Catalog groups, select All and Unsubscribed

    • All subscribed users, Application roles, and Catalog groups, select All and Subscribed

    • All subscribed and unsubscribed users, select Users and All

    • Only unsubscribed users, select Users and Unsubscribed

    • Only subscribed users, select Users and Subscribed

    • All subscribed and unsubscribed Catalog groups and Application roles, select Catalog Groups & Application Roles and All

    • Only unsubscribed Catalog groups and Application roles, select Catalog Groups & Application Roles and Unsubscribed

    • Only subscribed Catalog groups and Application roles, select Catalog Groups & Application Roles and Subscribed

Agent editor: Schedule tab

Use this tab of the "Agent editor" to specify whether the agent is to be run based on a schedule, how often it runs, and when its running is to start and end.

Agents can execute based on a specified schedule. You can define a starting date and time for the agent, a recurrence schedule, and an ending date.

You can also create a nonscheduled agent. This is useful when you want to create an agent that runs only as part of an agent chain, or an agent that is initiated by an external process.

For more information, see:



This box is disabled when the Frequency box is set to Never.

Use this box to specify whether to enable the agent to run as scheduled. This is useful if you have defined a schedule for an agent but find you want to stop it for a certain period of time.

You also can enable and disable an agent's schedule from the "Catalog page". See "Disabling and Enabling Agents' Schedules".


Use this box to select one of the following options to specify how often the agent runs:

  • Never — Creates a nonscheduled agent.

  • Once — Runs the agent one time only.

  • Daily — Runs the agent on a daily schedule. If you select this option, then the following additional option is displayed:

    • Days — Use this box to specify the daily interval, such as every 3 days.

  • Weekly — Runs the agent on a weekly schedule. If you select this option, then the following additional options are displayed:

    • Weeks —Use this box to specify the weekly interval, such as every 6 weeks

    • On — Use this option to specify the days of the week, such as Monday and Friday

  • Monthly — Runs the agent on a monthly schedule. If you select this option, then the following additional options are displayed:

    • On — Use this option to specify either the day occurrence (such as the first Tuesday or the first day of the month) or the day of the month.

    • Months —Use this box to specify the months, such as March, June, September, December.


Use this box to specify the date and time to start the agent and the time zone. Click the Select Date and Time button to display the Select Date and Time dialog, where you select the date, time, and time zone.

Re-run Agent Every

Use this box to specify whether to run the agent multiple times within a day. Select this box to run it multiple times within a day. Then enter the interval between executions (in minutes) and specify the time to stop the repetition by clicking the Select Time button to display a dialog in which to select the time.

Deselect this box to run it one time within the day.


Use this area to specify when to end the running of the agent:

  • No End Date — Use this option to specify that the agent is to be run indefinitely.

  • Select End Date — Use this option to specify an end date. Click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog, where you specify the date on which to end the running of the agent.


When you select the date and time, for time zones where daylight savings applies, the time zone reflects the daylight savings time. For example, if, during the summer months, you select (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, this means BST (British Summer Time).

Alert dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • View information about an alert

  • View the content of an alert

  • Clear an alert

  • Edit the agent that generated an alert, if you have permission to modify the agent

  • Run the agent that generated an alert, if you have permission to execute the agent

For more information, see:


Alert Information

Displays the following information:

  • Priority — Identifies the priority (High, Normal, or Low) of the alert.

  • Delivered — Identifies the last delivery date and time of the alert.

  • Recurrence — Identifies the number of occurrences of the alert.

  • Source Agent — Identifies the name of the agent that generated the alert and includes the following buttons:

    • Edit Agent — (This button is available only if you have permission to modify the agent.) Use this button to display the agent that generated the alert in the "Agent editor", where you can edit the agent.

    • Run Agent — (This button is available only if you have permission to execute the agent.) Use this button to run the agent that generated the alert.

Alert Content

Displays the content of the alert.

Clear Alert

Use this button to delete the alert.

Alerts dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • View a list of your alerts

  • View the content for an alert

  • Clear an alert

  • Edit the agent that generated the alert, if you have permission to modify the agent

  • Run the agent that generated the alert, if you have permission to execute the agent

  • Subscribe to an RSS feed for alerts

  • Clear all of your alerts

For more information, see:



Displays a list of your alerts, including the name, priority (High, Normal, or Low), last delivery date and time, and number of occurrences for each alert.

To view the latest occurrence of an alert, click its name. The "Alert dialog" is displayed, where you can view information about the alert and the content of the alert. You can also edit and run the agent that generated the alert.

Each alert contains a toolbar that displays when you hover over the alert name. The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Edit Agent — (This button is available only if you have permission to modify the agent.) Displays the agent that generated the alert in the "Agent editor", where you can edit the agent.

  • Run Agent — (This button is available only if you have permission to execute the agent.) Use this button to run the agent that generated the alert.

  • Clear alert/Clear all recurrences of this alert — Use this button to delete the alert, or if the alert has recurrences, delete all recurrences of the alert.

Subscribe to RSS feed

Displays the browser's page that lets you subscribe to an RSS feed. Using this page, you can subscribe to an Oracle BI Alerts feed (that is, the channel that contains the delivered agents).

Clear All

Use this button to delete all alerts. When you clear all alerts, the Alerts! button in the global header and the Alerts area on the "Home page" are no longer displayed.


Use this button to refresh the list of alerts.

Analysis editor

Use this editor to create or edit an analysis. Analyses let you explore and interact with information by visually presenting data in tables, graphs, pivot tables, and so on. You can include the views that you create in an analysis for display in dashboards.

For more information, see:



Use the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab" to specify the criteria for an analysis, including columns and filters. You can work with selection steps after displaying the "Selection Steps pane".


Use the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to create different views of the analysis results such as graphs, tickers, and pivot tables. You can also work with selection steps.


Use the Analysis editor: Prompts tab to access the "Prompt editor" to create prompts that allow users to select values that dynamically filter all views within the analysis or all analyses on a dashboard.


Use the "Analysis editor: Advanced tab" to examine or edit the XML code and logical SQL statement that is generated for an analysis.


The toolbar includes the following buttons:

  • Save Analysis — Use this button to save an analysis.

  • Save As — Use this button to save an analysis as another name.

Related Topics

"What Is the Analysis Editor?"

Analysis editor: Advanced tab

Use this tab of the "Analysis editor" to examine or edit the XML code and logical SQL statement that is generated for an analysis. This tab is for use only by advanced users and developers who have the appropriate privileges. See "Examining the Logical SQL Statements for Analyses" for additional important information on working with this tab.

For more information, see:


Referencing the Results

Use this area at the top of the tab to access links that are identified with the name of the analysis and offer the following functions:

  • Displaying individual pages that contain links for refreshing, modifying, and viewing the results of the analysis. You can bookmark these pages for use as links from other Web pages and portals.

  • Generating and downloading a Web Query (.IQY) file, which enables you to work with the tables and pivot tables of the analysis in Microsoft Excel.

These links execute for the analysis as it is currently saved. If you update the analysis later, then the links are also changed for those updates. The links are not visible if you have not yet saved an analysis.

Analysis XML

Use this area to view and modify the XML code for an analysis.


Analyses are stored in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog in XML format. If you change the XML code, then you change the analysis in the catalog.

Use the following components in this area:

  • XML Code Box — Use this box to view the XML code for the analysis and to enter any changes to that code.

  • Apply XML — Click this button to commit the XML code modifications that you made to the catalog.

  • Partial Update — Use this box to specify whether to update the SQL statement and HTML code only for views or for the entire analysis in response to an event.

    • Select either Default or Affected Views to update the SQL statement and HTML code only for the views that have been affected by an event such as drilling or sorting. These settings ensure better performance because the SQL statement and HTML code is generated only for affected views, which prevents the entire analysis from redrawing.

    • Select Entire Report to rebuild and redraw the entire analysis.


    To apply this setting, you must also click the Apply SQL button at the bottom of the tab.
  • Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache — Use this box to specify whether you want the query to use the Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache. In general, you should avoid selecting this box as enabling the cache has potential performance degradation issues.


    To apply this setting, you must also click the Apply SQL button at the bottom of the tab.

SQL Issued

Use this read-only box to view the SQL statement that is sent to the Oracle BI Server when the analysis is executed.

New Analysis

Click this button to display the "Analysis Simple SQL Statement dialog", in which you create a new analysis using the SQL statement from the current analysis as the starting point. Any hierarchical columns, selection steps, groups, or formatting that are specified in the current analysis are removed before the dialog is displayed. You can edit the SQL statement in this dialog.

Advanced SQL Clauses

Use this area to modify the SQL statement for an analysis. You can include additional SQL clauses and change the subject area or the FROM clause for certain analyses. All but one of these features are disabled for analyses that contain hierarchical columns, member selections, or groups. Only the ability to specify a prefix is enabled.

Use the following components in this area:

  • Issue an Explicit Distinct — Select this box to send a SELECT DISTINCT SQL statement to the Oracle BI Server. If you deselect this box, then a simple SELECT command is sent to the Oracle BI Server. The SELECT DISTINCT command ensures that you obtain only unique results, with no duplicate values.

  • FROM — Enter either the name of the subject area to use for the analysis or enter a complex FROM clause.

  • GROUP BY — Enter a comma-delimited list of columns from the analysis to use in a GROUP BY command.

  • Prefix — Enter any SQL statements to be run before the SQL statement for the analysis runs. For example, you can modify the values of session variables.

  • Postfix — Enter any additional SQL clauses that you would like to include with the analysis, including a full SQL statement. For example, you can affect the SQL statement for the analysis by entering JOIN, UNION, or ORDER BY commands. If you include an ORDER BY command, then you override any ORDER BY commands from the SQL statement for the analysis.

    In general, only enter statements for Postfix if you are very familiar with SQL code.

Apply SQL

Click this button to apply the:

  • Partial Update box setting

  • Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache box setting

  • SQL statement modifications that you made


Use care when clicking this button. When you do, Oracle BI EE essentially creates a new analysis based on the SQL statement that you have added or modified. Therefore, you lose all views, formatting, and so on that you had previously created for the analysis. The XML code is also modified for the new analysis.


Analysis editor: Criteria tab

Use this tab of the "Analysis editor" for:

Common Components

Subject Areas

Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select the columns and hierarchy levels for an analysis and to work with subject areas.


Use the "Catalog pane" to drag and drop objects from the catalog to add to the analysis.

General Components

Use the following components when you are not creating a direct database request.

Selected Columns

Use the "Selected Columns pane" to modify the columns and hierarchy levels that have been selected for an analysis.


Use the "Filters pane" to create new filters for an analysis.

Selection Steps

Use the "Selection Steps pane" to create and modify steps for data selections. This pane is not visible until you click the button on the toolbar to display it.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Show/Hide Filters pane — Click this button to show and hide the "Filters pane".

  • Show/Hide Selection Steps pane — Click this button to show and hide the "Selection Steps pane".

  • Edit Analysis Properties — Click this button to display the "Analysis Properties dialog", where you specify properties for the entire analysis.

Direct Database Request Components

Use the following components when you create a direct database request.

For more information, see "Working with Direct Database Requests".

Connection Pool

Enter the name of the connection pool for the database that is defined in the physical layer of the Oracle BI Administration Tool. A sample name is sql_samples.

For information about connection pools, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

SQL Statement

Enter the SQL statement to send directly to the database. Oracle BI Server security rules for data are bypassed and cannot be applied when you send a direct database request.

The statement that you execute is affected by the user name that is specified for this connection pool in the Oracle BI Administration Tool. You might find that not all columns from the database are returned to you, if the specified user name is not permitted to see them.

Validate SQL and Retrieve Columns

Click this button to validate the SQL statement and retrieve any columns that you have specified in the request. The columns are displayed in the Result Columns area.

If any errors are returned from the database, then you see them in the area below this button. See Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information on resolving any errors.

Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache

Use this box to specify whether to use the Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache. Select this box to specify that you do want the request to use the Presentation Services cache. In general, you should avoid selecting this box as enabling the cache has potential performance degradation issues.

Result Columns

Use this area to work with the columns that are returned, if any, from the valid SQL statement. This area includes each column name and data type with the following options:

To change which columns that are returned, modify and validate the SQL statement.

Analysis editor: Results tab

Use this tab of the "Analysis editor" to create different views of the analysis results such as graphs, tickers, and pivot tables. For more information, see "Displaying the Results of Analyses".


Subject Areas

Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select the columns and hierarchy levels for an analysis and to work with subject areas.


Use the "Catalog pane" to display objects from the catalog to use with views.


Use the "Views pane" to create and modify views to work with analyses.

Compound Layout

Use the "Compound Layout" to assemble different views for display on a dashboard and to create additional layouts.

Selection Steps

Use the "Selection Steps pane" to create and modify steps for data selections.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Print this analysis — Use this button to specify whether to print the views for the analysis as HTML or PDF.

  • Export this analysis — Use this button to select an option for exporting the views for the analysis. For information, see "Export Menu Options for Views and Results".

  • Schedule — Use this button to save the analysis and then display the "Agent editor", where you can create an agent from the analysis. For more information, see "Creating Agents from Analyses".

  • Show how results will look on a Dashboard — Use this button to preview how the edited view is displayed on a dashboard.


    If the Show how results will look on a Dashboard button is not available, then the administrator has suppressed its display.
  • Print Options — Use this button to display the "Print Options dialog", where you specify settings for printing.

  • Refresh the results of the current analysis — Use this button to refresh the results of the current analysis. Clicking this button does not bypass the Oracle BI EE server cache.

  • New View — Use this button to display a list of views from which you can select the view to create. The view is added to the current compound layout.

  • New Group — Use this button to display the "New Group dialog", where you create a new group.

  • New Calculated Item — Use this button to display the "New Calculated Item dialog", where you build calculated items.

  • Edit Analysis Properties — Use this button to display the "Analysis Properties dialog", where you specify properties for the entire analysis.

  • Import formatting from another analysis — Use this button to display the "Open dialog", where you select an analysis from which to import formatting for columns and views. For more information, see "Using a Saved Analysis to Modify the Cosmetic Appearance of Other Analyses".

  • Create Compound Layout — Use this button to create an instance of the compound layout. A new compound layout is displayed in a tab in the "Compound Layout" and contains only a title.

  • Copy Compound Layout — Use this button to create a copy of the current compound layout. The copy is displayed in a tab in the Compound Layout and contains the same views as the compound layout that you copied.

    When you copy, you do not actually create additional copies of the analysis or its views. The analysis and views exist only once. Any changes that you make to the analysis or its views are reflected in the multiple instances of the compound layout.

  • Delete Compound Layout — Use this button to delete the current compound layout. The views on the layout are not deleted from the analysis. This button is not available if you attempt to delete the last compound layout in the analysis.

  • Show/Hide Selection Steps Pane — Use this button to show or hide the display of the "Selection Steps pane" in the Results tab.

Analysis Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify properties for the analysis.

For more information, see "Specifying the Criteria for Analyses".


No Results Settings

Use this box to select the type of message (default or custom) that is displayed if no results are returned from an analysis. You might see the message, for example, if you have a very restrictive filter placed on the columns in the analysis. You do not see the custom message if you simply create the analysis and include no columns.


Edit the header to use for the custom message. Available only when you specify a custom message for No Results Settings.


Edit the message to use for the custom message. Available only when you specify a custom message for No Results Settings.

View for Text Delivery

Use this box to manually control which compound layout, including its associated views, is sent to a particular destination. For more information, see "Customizing Views for Delivery to Agent Users".

Placement of Added Members

Use the buttons within this area as follows, to control how members are added to hierarchical columns in this analysis using selection steps:

  • Within the Hierarchy: Does not display duplicate members within all hierarchies in the analysis. If the member is in the view, within the hierarchy, then this setting is ignored. Applies only to level-based hierarchies.

  • Outside the Hierarchy: Members are added at the bottom. Members, groups, and calculated items are added below the last members at the top level of the hierarchy, in the order in which they are added.

For more information on selection steps, see "Creating Selection Steps".

Analysis Simple SQL Statement dialog

Use this dialog to enter simple SQL statements that you can use to easily create an analysis. This dialog is displayed from the following places:

  • When you select New in the global header and select Analysis or when you click Analysis in the Create area of the Home page, then select Create Analysis from Simple Logical SQL. The dialog is displayed with no existing SQL statement.

  • When you select New Analysis when examining the SQL statement for an existing analysis in the "Analysis editor: Advanced tab". The dialog is displayed using the SQL statement from the current analysis as a starting point.

For information, see "Creating New Analyses" and "Examining the Logical SQL Statements for Analyses".

Analytics pane

Use this pane as follows:

  • For an initiative or objective, to specify basic information about the initiative or objective, to identify the KPIs and other initiatives or objectives that support and measure the performance of the initiative or objective, and to add action links.

  • For KPI details, to view basic KPI settings and a graph that presents actual values and target values, to pin dimensions, and to run actions.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab", the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" and the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab".

Components for KPI Details


Displays a graph that presents actual values and target values that enable you to view KPI performance over time or using dimensions selected from the following:

  • The point of view area

  • The Dimensionality area below the graph

The graph shows multiple time periods only if trending was enabled in the KPI's definition.

Parent Initiative or Parent Objective

Displays the name of the parent initiative or the parent objective whose progress is measured by the KPI.


Displays the action links associated with each KPI performance level or range. Use to perform actions in response to the KPIs current performance state. (You add or edit the action links in the KPI definition. See "Adding Actions to KPIs" and "Editing Actions and Action Links Added to KPIs".)


Displays the following KPI values and data:

  • Value — The KPI value that was manually entered, calculated, or referenced from the subject area.

  • Variance — The amount by which the actual value differs from the target value.

  • Change — If you enabled trending, this is the value by which the current actual value differs from that from the previous period. For example, if the actual value for an "Annual Sales" KPI is 30000 and was 2650 last year, the change is 27350.

  • Target — The value that you want the KPI to achieve.

  • % Variance — The amount by which the actual value differs from the target value expressed as a percentage.

  • % Change — If you enabled trending, this is the value by which the actual value differs from that from the previous period, as a percentage.

Indicator Type

Displays the following options to indicate whether the performance of the KPI drives other KPIs, or is affected by the performance of other KPIs, or other data or processes:

  • Undefined — Use this option to not define an indicator type.

  • Leading — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the KPI drives the performance of other KPIs. For example, a Sales KPI would lead a Profits KPI.

  • Lagging — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the KPI is affected by the performance of other KPIs, or by other data or processes.


Displays the perspectives available for the scorecard. Select the perspective with which to align the initiative or objective. For example, you might align an objective for Increased Product Sales with the Financial perspective.

For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"


Displays the dimensions associated with the KPI. Use this area to pin the dimensions.

Pinning is optional. Typically, it is best not to pin most of the dimensions so that the data is controlled by the point of view settings.

To pin a dimension, click the down-arrow button to the right of the dimension and select one of the following options:

  • A specific value

  • Use Point-of-View — Use this option to use the value currently selected in the in the point of view area.

  • Use Variable — Use this option to display the "Select Variable dialog", where you specify a variable to use to set the value. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

Components for Initiatives and Objectives


Displays the score for the initiative or objective in a gauge and numerically.

For more information on scores, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".

Parent Initiative or Parent Objective

Displays the name of the parent initiative (for an initiative) or the parent objective (for an objective).

Start Date

This box is available only for initiatives.

Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative is to begin and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.

Due Date

This box is available only for initiatives.

Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative is due and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.

Completion Date

This box is available only for initiatives.

Use this box to specify the date on which the initiative was actually completed and the time zone. To select a date, click the Select Date button to display the Select Date dialog.


Displays for the initiative or objective:

  • The number of its child initiatives or child objectives in each status.

  • The number of its child KPIs in each status.

If there is at least one child objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the child object or objects.


Displays for the initiative or objective:

  • The number of its descendant initiatives or objectives in each status.

  • The number of its descendant KPIs in each status.

If there is at least one descendant objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the descendant object or objects.


Displays the perspectives available for the scorecard. Select the perspective with which to align the initiative or objective. For example, you might align an objective for Increased Product Sales with the Financial perspective.

For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"

Assessment Formula

Displays the following options to specify the rule to be used to assess the overall performance of the initiative or objective:

  • Worst case — Use this option to specify that the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective is to be used.

  • Best case — Use this option to specify that the status of the best performing child KPI or objective is to be used.

  • Most Frequent (Worst Case) — Use this option to specify that, if half the child KPIs and objectives have high performance and half have low performance, then use the status of the worst performing child KPI or objective.

  • Most Frequent (Best Case) — Use this option to specify that, if half the child KPIs and objectives have high performance and half have low performance, then use the status of the best performing child KPI or objective.

  • Weighted — Use this option to use a weighted average based on the weights you have assigned to the child KPIs and objectives.

Indicator Type

Displays the following options to indicate whether the performance of the objective drives other objectives, or is affected by the performance of other objectives or other data or processes:

  • Undefined — Use this option to not define an indicator type.

  • Leading — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the objective drives the performance of other objectives. For example, an objective for Increased Sales would drive an objective for Increased Profits.

  • Lagging — Use this option to indicate that the performance of the objective is affected by the performance of other objectives or by other data or processes.


This box is available only for initiatives.

Displays the options High, Medium, and Low to identify the importance and urgency of an initiative.


Displays the action links that have been added to an initiative or objective, including the text of the action links, the actions associated with the links, and under which states of the objectives or initiatives the action links are enabled.

Use this area to view and manage action links:

  • To add a new action link, click the New Row button to display the "Action Link dialog".

  • To edit an action link, select the link in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the "Action Link dialog".

  • To delete an action link, select the link in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Initiatives & KPIs or Objectives & KPIs

Use this table to view and manage:

  • For an initiative, KPIs and other initiatives that are used to evaluate the performance of the initiative

  • For an objective, KPIs and other objectives that are used to evaluate the performance of the objective

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table

The Initiative and KPIs table "Analytics pane" of the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" and the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab", the Objectives & KPIs table, the Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, the New KPI Watchlist table, and the Breakdown table display initiatives, objectives, and KPIs as follows:

These tables contain the following components:

  • Objects — Displays these options:

    • Open — This option is not available in the New KPI Watchlist table. Use this option to open the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.

    • Open KPI Definition — This option is available only in the New KPI Watchlist table. Displays the "KPI editor", where you edit the selected KPI.

    • Edit Watchlist Entry — This option is available only in the New KPI Watchlist table. Displays the "Edit Watchlist Entry dialog", where you edit the dimension values and label for the selected KPI.

    • Delete — This option is not available in the New KPI Watchlist table or the Breakdown table. Use this option to delete the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.

    • Remove KPI — This option is available only in the New KPI Watchlist table. Removes the selected KPI from the watchlist.

    • Analyze — Use this option to create an analysis based on the KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.


      Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders.
    • Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can send a message to the business owner of the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.

    • Add KPI — This option is available only in the Objectives & KPIs table, the Initiatives & KPIs table, and the New KPI Watchlist table. Use this option to display the "Select a KPI dialog", where you select a KPI to add.

  • View — Displays these options:

    • Show More Columns — Use this option to display the "Show More Columns dialog", where you add columns to or remove columns from the table. Table E-7 lists and describes some of the commonly used columns.

    • Change Column Labels — This option is available only in a New KPI Watchlist table. Use this option to display the "Change Column Labels", where you change the labels of the columns. Table E-7 lists and describes some of the commonly used columns.

  • Summary — Displays, of the initiatives, objectives and KPIs that are used to evaluate the performance of this initiative, objective or KPI, the number that fall into each assessment range, for example, OK (2), Critical (1).

  • Red asterisk (in a cell in the Status column) — This symbol is available only if there are status overrides applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI. Use this symbol to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override.

  • Blue triangle (in the upper-right corner of a cell in the Status column and in other columns for a KPI) — This symbol is available only if there are comments attached to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current dimension settings. Use this button to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment.

  • Right-click menu in a column cell — The options that are available depend on the tab in which the table is displayed and on the column in which you right-clicked, and can include the following:

    • Action Links — Displays the action links that are available for the current status of the initiative, objective or KPI. Click a link to execute the action.

    • (for a cell in a KPI row only) Open KPI — Displays the KPI details for the selected KPI (that is, the details are displayed in the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab").

    • (for a cell in a KPI row only) Remove KPI — Use this option to remove the selected KPI from the KPI watchlist.

    • (for a cell in an initiative or objective row only) Open Initiative or Open Objective — Use this option to open the selected initiative or objective (that is, it is displayed in the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" or "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab" in the current mode).

    • (for a cell in an initiative or objective row only) Delete Initiative or Delete Objective — Use this option to delete the selected initiative or objective.

    • (for a cell in a KPI row only) Analyze — Use this option to create an analysis based on the selected KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.


      Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders.
    • Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you compose a message to the business owner.

    • (for a cell in the Status column only) Add Comment — Displays the "Add Comment dialog", where you add a comment to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.

    • (for a cell in the Status column only) Override Status — Displays the "Status Override dialog", where you override the status of an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view or cancel an override.

Status window

The Status window shows the following information:

  • If you are working with comments, all the comments that have been added to, and all status overrides and override cancellations that have been applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.

  • If you are working with status overrides, all status overrides and override cancellations that have been applied to an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view.

Use this window to view and manage this information as follows:

  • To add a new comment, click the New Comment button to display the "Add Comment dialog".

  • To override a status or cancel an override, click the New Override button to display the "Status Override dialog".

  • To expand or collapse all comments, click the Expand All or Collapse All button.

  • To expand or collapse an individual comment, click the Expand or Collapse button.

  • To reply to a comment, click Reply to display the "Reply dialog".

  • To pin the Status window so that it stays open as you work, click the Pin button in the top-right corner of the window.

Apply Saved Filter dialog

Use this dialog to specify how to add a named filter to the analysis with which you are working.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed with the following name, with fewer options that are read-only:

View Saved Filter dialog


Clear all existing filters before applying

Use this option to remove all existing filters from the analysis before adding the named filter.

Apply contents of filter instead of a reference to the filter

Select this option to add the filter as an inline filter. The filter is added to the "Filters pane", where you can edit it. Any changes that you make to the filter are saved with the analysis, but not to the catalog.

Deselect this option to add the filter as a named filter. Deselecting this option adds a reference to the filter (that is, add the filter as a named filter). The filter is added to the Filters pane, where you can view it but not edit it.

Archive dialog

Use this dialog to specify if and how you want to apply the existing folder or object permissions when preparing the archive file. See "What is Archiving?"


Keep Permissions

Use this option to maintain the object or folder's existing permissions. If you do not select this option, then the archiving process does not include any permissions. Upon unarchiving, the system assigns the parent folder's permissions to all of the objects and folders.

Keep Timestamps

Use this option to maintain the timestamps assigned to the object or folder. If you do not select this option, then the archiving process does not include timestamp information. Upon unarchiving, the system applies a timestamp that indicates the time at which the object or folder is unarchived.


Before you archive, ensure that the Archive\Unarchive privilege is assigned to your account.

Bar Graph (Layer) dialog

Use this dialog to specify the formatting of bar graphs on a map view. The bar height varies with metric values. For pie graphs, the slice size varies as a percentage of the whole.

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Pie Graph (Layer) dialog



Displays the name of the data column whose values are displayed in graphs on the map and used as their labels.

Name Automatically

Deselect this box to specify that you want to enter the label for the graphs, rather than having the label specified automatically as the column name.


Use this list to select the column whose name is used as the tooltip when you hover over a value of the data column on the map.

Bar Size or Slice Size

Use this list to specify the measure column whose values control the size of the bars or slices, such as Dollars or Units.

Graph Size

Use this box to specify the size in pixels of each graph that is displayed on the map.

Bars or Slices

Use this list to select the attribute column whose values show as bars or slices in the graphs, such as Product or Channel.

For example, you can create pie graphs that have a slice for each Product. The size of the slice depends on the Dollars sold for that Product.

BI Composer wizard

Use this wizard to quickly and easily create, edit, or view an analysis, without the complexities of the "Analysis editor".

The steps of this wizard display the following panels:

For more information, see:


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."


BI Composer train

This train is available only after you select a subject area in the Subject Areas tab and click Create, or select an existing analysis in the Catalog tab and click Edit.

Use the buttons in this train to navigate the steps of the BI Composer wizard. The availability of some buttons depend on your actions. For example:

  • The Select Columns button is the only button enabled until you select at least one column in the Select Columns panel.

  • The Edit Table and Highlight buttons are enabled only if you select a table view in the Select Views panel.

  • The Edit Graph button is only enabled if you select a graph view in the Select View panel.

You can navigate among the enabled steps in any order. For example, from the Highlight step, you can click the Select Views button to navigate back to the Select Views step. You do not have to navigate these steps in order.

Catalog tab

Displays the following folders from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog:

  • My Folders — Contains your personal folders and analyses

  • Shared Folders — Contains the folders and analyses that you have permission to access

You use this tab to select an existing analysis to edit or view.

For more information on the Oracle BI Presentation catalog, see "What is the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog?"


Use this button to refresh the objects that are displayed in the Catalog tab.

Subject Areas tab

Displays the list of available subject areas. You use this tab to select a subject area from which you want to select columns to create an analysis.

For more information on subject areas, see "What Are Subject Areas and Columns?"


Use this button to display the "Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Select Columns panel", where the analysis that is selected in the Catalog tab is available for you to edit.


Use this button to display the analysis that is selected in the Catalog tab for viewing.


Use this button to display the "BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Columns panel", where you create an analysis using columns from the subject area selected in the Subject Areas tab.

View Area

Displays the analysis that is selected in the Catalog tab for viewing.

Collapse (Restore) Pane

Use this toggle button to collapse and restore a pane. For example, you might want to collapse the Catalog and Subject Areas pane to provide more room for the display of one of the panels, such as the Select Views panel.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Columns panel

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to select the columns that are to appear in the analysis.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Select Columns panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."


Subject Area: Subject_Area_Name

Displays the subject area from which to select columns to appear in the analysis.

Use this area to select a column to add to the analysis. To do so, expand the subject area folder that contains the column that you want, select the column, and then click Add.

To manage a subject area folder, right-click the folder to display the following options:

  • Collapse — Use this option to collapse the selected folder.

  • Expand — Use this option to expand the selected folder.

  • Expand All Below — Use this option to expand all folders below the selected folder.

  • Collapse All Below — Use this option to collapse all folders below the selected folder.

  • Show As Top — This option is not supported for BI Composer.

For more information on subject areas and columns, see "What Are Subject Areas and Columns?"

Selected Columns

Displays the columns that have been added to the analysis.


  • Remove a column from the list, select the column and click Remove.

  • Remove all columns from the list, click Remove All.


Use this button to add the column selected in the Subject Area: Subject_Area_Name list to the Selected Columns list.


Use this button to remove the selected column from the Selected Columns list.

Remove All

Use this button to remove all columns from the Selected Columns list.

Up and Down Arrows

Use these buttons to reorder the columns in the list and, thus, change the order of the columns in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Views panel

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to:

  • Select the views that are to be included in the analysis. You can include one of each of the following types of views:

    • Title

    • Table

    • Graph


      Some graph types (for example, gauges) are not supported.

    For more information on views, see What are Views?

  • Preview the results.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Select Views panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."



Use this field to enter the title for the analysis.


Use this box to select the type of tabular view to include in the analysis:

  • None — Use this option to specify no tabular view.

  • Table (recommended) — Use this option to specify a table. (This is the recommended table type for nonhierarchical data).

  • Table Summary — Use this option to specify a table that also includes summaries of the data (for example, grand totals).

  • Pivot — Use this option to specify a pivot table (recommended for hierarchical data).

  • Pivot Summary — Use this option to specify a pivot table that also includes summaries of the data (for example, grand totals).


Use this box to select the type of graph view to include in the analysis:

  • None — Use this option to specify no graph view.

  • Bar (recommended) — Use this option to specify a bar graph. (This is the recommended graph type by default.)

  • Area — Use this option to specify an area graph.

  • Scatter — Use this option to specify a scatter graph.

  • Pie — Use this option to specify a pie graph.

  • Line-Bar — Use this option to specify a line-bar graph.


Use this box to select the placement of the table and graph views in the analysis. The options are:

  • Table above Graph

  • Table below Graph

  • Table to left of Graph

  • Table to right of Graph


Use this box to specify whether to display a preview of the results:

  • Select this box to display a preview of the actual analysis and data.


    Selecting this box might impact performance if the query for data results in very large data sets.
  • Deselect this box to display an image that represents each view in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Edit Table panel

This panel is available only if you have added a table view to the analysis using the "BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Views panel".

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to:

  • Edit the layout of the table (if you have included a table view). You can create prompts, use a column to section the analysis, and exclude certain columns from the table.

  • Preview the results.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Edit Table panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."



This target area is available only for pivot tables.

Displays the columns that are to be shown as rows in a pivot table.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the table by moving rows to different target areas.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.


Displays the columns that are to be shown as columns in a table or pivot table.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the table by moving columns to different target areas.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Move To

Displays the following options to move a column to a different target area:

  • Rows — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Rows target area.) Moves the column to the Rows target area.

  • Columns — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Columns target area.) Moves the column to the Columns target area.

  • Prompt For — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Prompt For target area.) Moves the column to the Prompt For target area.

  • Section By — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Section By target area.) Moves the column to the Section By target area.

  • Excluded — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Excluded target area.) Moves the column to the Excluded target area.

Additional Layout Options

Use this option to display the following target areas Prompt For, Section By, and Excluded.

Prompt For

Displays the columns that are to be displayed as prompts.

Use this target area to move a column to another other target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Section By

Displays the columns that are to be to used to divide the table into sections.

Use this target area to move a column to another target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.


Displays the columns that are to be excluded from the view.

Use this target area to move a column to another target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Up and Down Arrows

Use these buttons to reorder the columns in the target areas.


Use this box to specify whether to display a preview of the results:

  • Select this box to display a preview of the actual analysis and data.


    Selecting this box might impact performance if the query for data results in very large data sets.
  • Deselect this box to display an image that represents each view in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Edit Graph panel

This panel is available only if you have added a graph view to the analysis using the "BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Views panel".

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to:

  • Edit the properties and layout of the graph (if you have included a graph view). You can create prompts, use a column to section the analysis, and exclude certain columns from the graph.

  • Preview the results.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Edit Graph panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."



Use this box to select the graph subtype.

Vary Color By

This target area is not available for pie graphs.)

Displays the columns for which each column value or column value combination is to be shown in a different color.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the graph by moving columns to different target areas (or positions).

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Group By or Points

This target area is named Group By for bar, area, and line-bar graphs, and Points for scatter graphs.

This target area not available for pie graphs.

Displays the columns for which the axis labels are to be clustered into groups. For example in a vertical bar graph whose criteria includes the Region, District, and Dollars column, if this target area contains the Regions column, then the data is grouped by region on the horizontal axis.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the graph by moving columns to different target areas (or positions).

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.


This target area is available only for pie graphs.)

Displays the columns for which each column value or column value combination is to be shown as a separate slice of the pie.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the graph by moving columns to different target areas (or positions).

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.


This target area is available only for pie graphs.)

Displays the columns for which each column value or column value combination is to be shown as a separate pie.

Use this target area to modify the way that data is arranged in the graph by moving columns to different target areas (or positions).

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Move To

Displays the following options to move a column to a different target area:

  • Group By — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Rows target area.) Moves the column to the Rows target area.

  • Vary Color By — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Columns target area.) Moves the column to the Columns target area.

  • Prompt For — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Prompt For target area.) Moves the column to the Prompt For target area.

  • Section By — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Section By target area.) Moves the column to the Section By target area.

  • Excluded — (This option is not available in the Move To menu in the Excluded target area.) Moves the column to the Excluded target area.

Additional Layout Options

Use this option to display the following target areas Prompt For, Section By, and Excluded.

Prompt For

Displays the columns that are to be displayed as prompts. Use this target area to move a column to another other target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Section By

Displays the columns that are to be to used to divide the graph into sections. Use this target area to move a column to another target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.


Displays the columns that are to be excluded from the view. Use this target area to move a column to another target area.

To move a column, select the column, click Move To, and then select one of the options on the Move To menu.

Up and Down Arrows

Use these buttons to reorder the columns in the target areas.


Use this box to specify whether to display a preview of the results:

  • Select this box to display a preview of the actual analysis and data.


    Selecting this box might impact performance if the query for data results in very large data sets.
  • Deselect this box to display an image that represents each view in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Sort and Filter panel

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to:

  • Specify sorting for the results that are displayed in graphs, pivot tables, and tables. You can sort attribute and measure columns. You cannot sort hierarchical columns. For more information on the types of columns, see "What Are the Types of Columns?"

  • Create filters on attribute and measure columns. You cannot create filters on hierarchical columns.

    For more information on filters, see "What are Filters and Selection Steps?"

  • Preview results.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Sort and Filter panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."


Expand Sort or Collapse Sort

Use this button to expand or collapse the Sort area.


Use this area to specify and manage sorting. This area contains the follow components:

  • Add Sort — Use this button to select the column on which to specify a sort order and to add a sort order entry to the Sort table.

  • Sort Table — Displays an entry for each column that is to be sorted. You manage each entry as follows:

    • To specify the sort order, click a sort order option, for example, Ascending, or Low to High.

    • To prioritize the sort entries, use the up and down arrows to reorder the entries in the table.

    • To delete an entry, click Delete.

Expand Filter or Collapse Filter

Use this button to expand or collapse the Filter area.


Use this area to specify and manage filters. This area contains the follow components:

  • Add Filter — Use this button to select the column on which to filter and to add a filter entry to the Filter table. When selecting the column on which to filter you can select one of the columns in the analysis or one of these options:

    • More Columns — Use this option to display the Select Column dialog, where you select a column from the same subject area as the columns in the analysis but is not included in the analysis.

    • Saved Filters — Use this option to display the Saved Filters dialog, where you can select a filter that has been saved to the catalog.

  • Show — Use this box to select one of the following options to combine filters:

    • Data Satisfying All Filters — Use this option to specify that the criteria specified in each filter must be met.

    • Data Satisfying Any Filter — Use this option to specify that the criteria that is specified in at least one of the column filters must be met.

  • Filters Table — Displays an entry for each column that is to be filtered. You manage each entry as follows:

    • To specify the operator for the filter, select the operator in the Operator box. The operator list from which you can select is populated based on the type of column. For more information about each operator, including the is prompted operator option, see "Operators".

    • To specify one or more values to use when applying the filters, enter or select the value or values in the Value field. Use a semicolon to separate multiple values.

      You can use the Search button (available only for certain operators) to display the "Select Values dialog", where you can search for a value. (Note that this version of the Select Values dialog contains only a limited number of the components of the standard version.)

    • To delete an entry, click Delete.

  • Saved Filters Table —Displays an entry for each saved filter that you added using the Save Filters option. You manage each entry as follows:

    • To delete an entry, click Delete.


Use this box to specify whether to display a preview of the results:

  • Select this box to display a preview of the actual analysis and data.


    Selecting this box might impact performance if the query for data results in very large data sets.
  • Deselect this box to display an image that represents each view in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard --Create Analysis: Highlight panel

This panel is available only if you have added a table view to the analysis using the "BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Select Views panel".

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to:

  • Apply conditional formatting to measure columns in table views. Conditional formatting helps direct attention to a data element if it meets a certain condition. For example, you can show below-quota sales figures in a certain color.

    (You cannot apply conditional formatting to attribute or hierarchical columns.)

  • Preview the results.

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Highlight panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."


Expand Formatting or Collapse Formatting

Use this button to expand or collapse the Formatting area.


Use this area to specify and manage conditional formatting on columns. It contains the follow components:

  • Add Column Format — Use this button to select the column to which to apply conditional formatting and to add a formatting entry to the Formatting table.

  • Formatting Table — Displays an entry for each column to which conditional formatting is to be applied. You manage each entry as follows:

    • To enter the values for the threshold that divide each formatting range, use the threshold fields.

      For example, suppose that you are working with the # of Orders column, and you want orders that fall below 5000 highlighted in red, orders between 5000 and 8000 highlighted in yellow, and orders over 8000 highlighted in green. To do so, in the first threshold field, you enter 5000, and in the second threshold field you enter 8000.

    • To select the color to represent each formatting range, click the down arrow to the right side of the Color box to display the color dialog.

    • To delete an entry, click Delete.


Use this box to specify whether to display a preview of the results:

  • Select this box to display a preview of the actual analysis and data.


    Selecting this box might impact performance if the query for data results in very large data sets.
  • Deselect this box to display an image that represents each view in the analysis.

BI Composer wizard -- Create Analysis: Save panel

Use this panel of the "BI Composer wizard" to save the analysis with the same name or with a different name. You can also:

  • Create new folders in which to save the analyses

  • Rename folders and analyses

  • Delete folders and analyses

  • Expand and collapse folders

For more information, see:

This panel is also displayed as:

Edit Analysis Analysis_Name: Save panel


In this release of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, the BI Composer wizard is available only in accessibility mode. For more information on accessibility, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."


Analysis Name

Use this field to enter a name for the analysis.


Use this field to enter a description of the analysis.

Save In

Use this area to select the location in which to save the analysis.


  • Create a new folder, click Create New Folder to display the Create New Folder dialog, where you enter the name of the folder.

  • To manage an existing folder, right-click the folder to display the following options:

    • Delete — Use this option to delete the selected folder.

    • Rename — Use this option to display the Rename dialog, where you enter a new name for the folder.

    • Collapse — Use this option to collapse the selected folder.

    • Expand — Use this option to expand the selected folder.

    • Expand All Below — Use this option to expand all folders below the selected folder.

    • Collapse All Below — Use this option to collapse all folders below the selected folder.

    • Show as Top — This option is not enabled and should be ignored.

BI Publisher Report Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify the information for adding an Oracle BI Publisher report to a dashboard page.

For more information, see "Adding Oracle BI Publisher Reports to Dashboard Pages".


Embedded Content

Use this button to specify that the report is to be embedded in the dashboard, rather than displaying as simply a link to BI Publisher. This option is selected by default for reports.

For more information about embedded content, see "Adding Content to Dashboards".

Width and Height

Use these fields to specify the width and height of the report on the dashboard, if the report is embedded.


Use this box to specify that a link is to be displayed on the dashboard (rather than embedding the report in the dashboard). The text of the link is the name of the report. By clicking the link, you open the report in BI Publisher.

View Latest Version

Use this box to indicate, for a report that is scheduled, that you want the most recently generated version of the report to be displayed on the dashboard page.

  • If this box is selected, then:

    • If there is a scheduled job associated with the report, then the report is not run again. The last saved output from the report is added to the dashboard page.

    • If there is no scheduled job associated with the report, then the report is run and the output from the report is added to the dashboard page.

  • If this box is not selected, then the report is executed each time, regardless of whether there is a scheduled job associated with the report, and the output is added to the dashboard page.

Break dialog

Use this dialog to add page and column breaks to the layout of a dashboard page.

For more information, see "Properties Buttons for Objects".


No Break

Use this option to place the column next to the column that is above it.

Column Break

Use this option to place the column beneath the column that is currently to the left of it (or next to it).

Page Break with Column Break

Use this option to place the column on another page in printed and PDF versions. This option also places the column below the column that it is next to, if you have not selected the Column Break option.

Bubble (Layer) dialog

Use this dialog to specify the formatting of bubbles on a map. Bubble size represents the value of a metric. Bubble location indicates the geographic region. Bubbles, images, and shapes can apply to both polygon layers and point layers. Point layers cannot use a color fill format.

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Bubble (Custom Point Layer) dialog
Color Fill (Layer) dialog
Image (Custom Point Layer) dialog
Image (Layer) dialog
Variable Shape (Custom Point Layer) dialog
Variable Shape (Layer) dialog



Displays the name of the data column whose values are displayed as bubbles, color fills, images, or shapes on the map and used as their label.

Name Automatically

Deselect this box to specify that you want to enter the label for the bubbles, color fills, images, or shapes, rather than having the label specified automatically as the column name.

X (longitude) and Y (latitude)

Available only for the custom point layer and only if the Single Column box is not selected. Use this list to select the columns whose values specify the longitude and latitude of the point to represent on the map as a bubble, image, or shape.

You must specify different columns for longitude and latitude. These columns must store longitude and latitude values, values from a coordinate system that can identify a point, or address values that can be converted to longitude and latitude using the ETL system. The column values must adhere to the WGS84 coordinate system.

Single Column

Use this box to indicate that the values from one column specify the coordinates of the points to represent on the map. The column is specified in the Location box.


Available only for the custom point layer and only if the Single Column box is selected. Use this list to select the column whose values specify the longitude and latitude of the point to represent on the map as a bubble, image, or shape. Ensure that the column contains both longitude and latitude values.


Available only for the custom point layer and only if the Single Column box is selected. Use this box to enter the delimiter that is used in the single column that you specified in the Location box that holds the longitude and latitude values, such as a comma. This box has no default values. If you do not specify the proper delimiter, then the format cannot be displayed appropriately on the map.


Use this list to select the column whose name is used as the tooltip when you hover over a value of the data column on the map.


Available only for shapes. Use this list to select the shape to include on the map. You can select Circle, Triangle, or Diamond.

Vary Size By or Vary Color By or Vary Image By

Use this list to specify the measure column whose values control the images, the color fills, or the size of the bubbles or shapes, such as Dollars or Units. For example, you can vary the color of the shapes by one measure column and the size of the shape by another measure column.

Minimum Size

Available only for bubbles and shapes. Enter the minimum size of the bubbles or shapes.

Maximum Size

Available only for bubbles and shapes. Enter the maximum size of the bubbles or shapes.


Available only for bubbles and shapes. Use this list to select the color for the bubbles or shapes on the map. For bubbles, this box is disabled when you click Vary By Measure. When varying color by measure, you specify a palette of colors that corresponds to the binned values of the measure.

Bin Type

Use this list to select the type of grouping for the values to indicate using images or shapes. You can select one of the following types:

  • Percentile Binning — Group geographies by their rank, such as the top 33%. Percentile threshold values are specified automatically; you cannot modify them.

  • Value Binning — You specify the minimum and maximum values for each of the groups.

  • Continuous Color — For color fill only. A gradient of color is varied and applied to the ranks of the geographies. You make no specifications for minimum and maximum values.


Use this list to select the number of bins for grouping the values to indicate using color fills, images or shapes. You can select various integers, Quartile (4), or Decile (10). The number of bins that you select corresponds to the number of colors that the map format shows.


Available only for shapes and color fills. Use this list to select the shape or gradient to display. The number of colors in the style depends on the number that is specified for Bins.

Minimum and Maximum

Use these boxes to enter the minimum, maximum, and other values for the bins. You can enter the values only if you select Value Binning for Bin Type. If you select Percentile Binning, then the values are specified automatically.


Enter the labels for the bins. Labeling a bin helps users understand what a particular bin, or bucket, means. A label for the top quartile might say "Top Selling Products" instead of "Top 25%". You can customize these labels, and the map provides automatic bin labels for particular types of data sets (percentage bins).


Available only for images. Use this list to select the images for the bins. Click an image to display the "Select Image dialog" where you select the image for the bin. Images are shown at a latitude and longitude coordinate.


Available only for color fill. Use this list to select the colors for the bins. Click a color to display a dialog where you select the color for the bin.

Allow Dashboard Users to Edit Thresholds

Available only for color fill when Bin Type is set to Percentile Binning or Value Binning. Select this box to display a slider component that enables end users to dynamically adjust threshold values. These adjustments allow users to perform visual analysis on their map data, which is sometimes referred to as "what-if analysis."

If you allow users to edit thresholds and they modify them, then the setting for Bin Type is automatically changed to Value Binning from any other settings.

For information, see "Modifying Thresholds for Formats on a Map View".

Catalog page

Use the Catalog page to locate objects in the catalog and perform tasks specific to those objects. The objects and options that are available to you are determined by your system privileges and the permissions assigned to individual folders and objects.

Use the Catalog page to:

  • Perform basic tasks. For example, open, copy, delete, search for objects, and create folders.

  • Move objects by dragging and dropping them to different locations within the catalog.

  • Perform object-specific tasks. For example, assigning an agent or adding an object to a briefing book.

  • Archive specific folders, objects, or the entire catalog.

  • Set permissions on individual objects and folders.

For more information, see:


Folders pane

Use the "Folders pane" to display the catalog as a directory hierarchy or to display only those folders and objects that you created or that you marked as your favorites.

Search pane

Use the "Search pane" to provide search criteria and initiate a catalog search.

Catalog area

Use the "Catalog area" to view the results of your search, open folders to browse content, and initiate tasks specific to an object.

Tasks pane

Use the "Tasks pane" to initiate tasks specific to an object.

Preview pane

Use the "Preview pane" to preview the object that you selected in the Catalog area. This pane is not visible until you click the button to display it.


The buttons that are enabled for the toolbar vary between object types. The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • User View — Defaults to User View. You can select Admin View if you have administrative permissions. Admin View enables you to perform all administrative tasks and access the catalog root folders, which provide detailed information about all users and system objects.

  • New — Use to create new objects. After you select the object to create, the object's editor displays where you can begin building the object.

    If you have administrative permissions, then the New menu displays the Folder link that you can select to create a catalog folder.

  • Refresh — Use to update the catalog with content or folder changes.

  • Up — Use to navigate to a parent folder or directory.

  • Show/Hide folders panes — Use to hide or show the Folders pane and Tasks pane.

  • Search — Use to display the Search pane. Deselect this button to display the Folders pane.

  • Change list view type — Use this list to select how much information about folders and objects to display in the Catalog area.

    • Descriptive — Select to display the object or folder's name, type, owner, and date modified and Expand, Open, Edit, and More links. This view enables you to perform tasks directly from the object's listing.

    • Details — Select to display the object or folder's name, type, owner, and date modified.

    • List — Select to display object and folder name, only.

  • View — Use to view the selected object. For example, if you select a report and click this button, the report viewer launches and shows you the report.

  • Edit — Use to modify a selected object using the associated editor or run a script, URL, or Web service action.

  • Print — Use to print the current page or the information in the Preview pane.

  • Export — Use to export a copy of an object or the object's data to a variety of formats (for example, PDF or XLS).

  • Delete — Use to remove a selected object or folder from the catalog.

    When deleting shared folders or objects, be aware that other users who have added shared objects to their personal dashboards no longer have access to them.

  • Copy — Use to copy a selected object or folder to paste in another directory.

  • Paste — Use to paste a copied object to another location.


Displays the directory path of a selected object. Use as a way to determine where you are within the directory structure.

Show Hidden Items

Select to display all object-related settings and data such as system privileges, metadata, and cached data. When you select this option, hidden folders, including the following folders, are displayed: _Portal, _Filters, _Prefs, _Alerts, _Agents, and _Delivers.

Catalog area

Use this area to view your search results and browse business intelligence objects and folders. You can also use this pane to perform object-specific tasks and to move objects by dragging and dropping them to different areas within the Catalog. You can drag and drop objects within the Catalog area or from the Catalog area to the "Folders pane".

This area is part of the "Catalog page".

For more information, see:



Use this list to specify which object type to display in the catalog area. Selecting an object type applies only to the folder that you are viewing and not to the whole catalog. For example, if you are viewing content in the /My Folders location and select the Dashboard object type, only the dashboards within the /My Folders location display in the Catalog area.


This field displays if you selected either the List or Descriptive view type in the Change list view type list located in the "Catalog Page" toolbar.

Use this list to specify how you want to sort the objects in the Catalog area. By default, objects display in alphabetical order (A-Z). For example, you can select the Last Modified Ascending option to view the object chronologically.

Show More Details

This field displays if you selected the Descriptive view type in the Change list view type list located in the "Catalog Page" toolbar.

Use to display more information about specific object types. For example, if the Catalog pane listing contains agents and you select the Show More Details option, the information listed with the agent includes last run, next run, recipient, and priority information.

Object/Folder Links

Use to view a list of catalog objects and to initiate a specific tasks from an object. The way in which the objects display in this area (for example, list or details) is determined by the view type selection that you made in the Change list view type list located in the "Catalog Page" toolbar.

The tasks available for each object depend upon the object's type, the object's permissions, and your privileges. The tasks that display in the Catalog area also display in the "Tasks pane". For descriptions of these tasks, see "Tasks Options".

Catalog pane

Use this pane to add objects from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to analyses, dashboards, and so on. The objects available for you to add depend on the task that you are performing. For example, if you are creating:

  • A dashboard, you can add objects that are appropriate to add to a dashboard (such as pages, columns, analyses, and prompts) and for which you have appropriate permissions.

  • An analysis, you can add filters, calculated items, and groups for which you have appropriate permissions.

This pane is displayed in numerous places, including the tabs of the "Analysis editor", the "Dashboard builder", and the "New Calculated Item dialog".

For more information, see:



This box is not available in the Dashboard builder or the New Calculated Item dialog.

Use this box to select which objects to display in the Catalog Tree. The options can vary depending on whether the Catalog pane is displayed but can include the following:

  • All —Use this option on the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab" to display all filters (for Criteria tab only), calculated items, and groups. On all other tabs of the Analysis editor, use this option to include all calculated items and groups.

  • Filters — Use this option to display only filters.

  • Calculated Items — Use this option to display only calculated items.

  • Groups — Use this option to display only groups.

Catalog Tree

Displays catalog objects that are appropriate for the task that you are currently performing and for which you have appropriate permissions.

Use this tree to:

  • Add a filter, calculated item, and group to an analysis. To do so, select the filter, calculated item, or group and click the Add More Options button.

  • Add an object to a dashboard. To do so, drag and drop the object to the "Page Layout area".

  • Add a group or calculated item as a selection step. To do so, drag and drop the object to the appropriate column in the "Selection Steps pane".


This toolbar is available only in the Catalog pane displayed in the tabs of the Analysis editor.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Add More Options — Use this button to add a filter, calculated item, or group to the analysis. To do so, first select the object, and then click this button:

    • For a filter, the "Apply Saved Filter dialog" is displayed, where you specify how the filter is to be applied to the analysis.

    • For a group, the following options are displayed:

      • Add — Use this option to add the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: group-name" step in the Selection Steps pane. You see an outline value for the group in a table or pivot table.

      • Add Members — Use this option to add the members of the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: Members of group-name" step in the Selection Steps pane. You do not see an outline value in a table or pivot table; you see the members of the group.

    • For a calculated item, use this button to add the calculated item to the view.

  • View — This button is available only when you select a filter. Use this button to view information about the selected object. When you click this button, the appropriate view dialog displays. For example, from the "View Saved Filter dialog", you can view the filter's Catalog path and the syntax of the filter (for example, Region is equal to/is in EASTERN REGION; SOUTHERN REGION).

  • Edit — Use this button to edit the selected object.

  • Refresh — Use this button to refresh the objects that are displayed in the Catalog Tree. For example, if you cannot locate a specific saved filter, then click the Refresh button to display it in the Catalog Tree.

Catalog pane for Scorecard

Use this pane to work with objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. For example, if you are creating an objective, you can add predefined KPIs to evaluate the objective's performance and progress by dragging and dropping KPIs from this pane to the objective.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor" and the "KPI Watchlist editor".


Catalog Tree

Displays catalog objects for which you have appropriate permissions.

Use this tree to work with the catalog objects. For example, you can add a KPI to an objective or initiative by dragging and dropping it, you can open a KPI, and so on.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • New Object — (This button is available only in the KPI Watchlist editor when the editor is displayed within a scorecard.) Displays these options:

    • New Folder — Use this option to create a folder. To rename the folder, right-click the folder, select Rename, and enter a new name.

    • KPI — Use this option to create a KPI. When you select this option the Select Subject Area menu is displayed, where you select the subject area, and then the "KPI editor" is displayed.

    • Create Agent — (This option is available only when you select a KPI.) Use this option to display the "Create New Agent dialog", where you create an agent from the KPI.

  • Open — Use this option to open the selected object. (Whether you can open an object and whether the object opens as read-only depends on your privileges and permissions and on the type of object.)

  • Delete — (This option is available only in the KPI Watchlist editor when the editor is displayed within a scorecard.) Use this option to delete the selected folder or object.

  • Refresh — Use this button to refresh the objects that are displayed in the Catalog Tree. For example, if you cannot locate a specific saved filter, then click the Refresh button to display it in the Catalog Tree.

Causal Linkage dialog

Use this dialog to specify the strength of a cause and effect relationship, and how the values of one impact the values of the other.

For more information, see:



Use this box to specify whether the strength of the cause and effect relationship is Strong, Moderate, or Weak.


Use this box to specify whether changes in performance or value in the cause and effect relationship are directly proportional (Direct) or inversely proportional (Inverse).

Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog

Use this dialog to specify how cause and effect relationships are to be displayed on a cause & effect map.

For more information, see:



Use the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: General tab" to specify which types of cause and effect relationships are to be displayed on a cause & effect map. You can also specify the slant of the lines that link objects and how many levels of the strategy hierarchy are to be displayed.

Hidden Nodes

Use the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: Hidden Nodes tab" to specify which objectives and KPIs on a cause & effect map are to be hidden.

Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: General tab

Use this tab of the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog" to specify which types of cause and effect relationships are to be displayed on a cause & effect map. You can also specify the slant of the lines that link objects and how many levels of the strategy hierarchy are to be displayed.

For more information, see:


Show Link Strengths

Displays the following boxes to specify which types of cause and effect relationships are to be displayed on the map:

  • Strong — Use this option to specify that strong cause and effect relationships are to be displayed.

  • Moderate — Use this option to specify that moderate cause and effect relationships are to be displayed.

  • Weak — Use this option to specify that weak cause and effect relationships are to be displayed.

Show Link Interactions

Displays the following boxes to specify whether only associated objectives and KPIs whose changes in performance or value are directly proportional to the objective are to be displayed on the map, or only associated objectives and KPIs whose changes in performance or value are inversely proportional to the objective are to be displayed on the map, or both:

  • Direct — Use this option to specify that only associated objectives and KPIs whose changes in performance or value are directly proportional to the objective are to be displayed.

  • Inverse — Use this option to specify that associated objectives and KPIs whose changes in performance or value are inversely proportional to the objective are to be displayed.

Link Angle

Use this box to specify the degree to which the lines that link objects on the map are to slant. To use straight lines, specify 0.

Number of Levels

Use this box to specify how many influencing, child objectives, to display on the map. This is helpful to reduce the visual complexity of the map.

Related Topics

"Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: Hidden Nodes tab"

Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: Hidden Nodes tab

Use this tab of the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog" to specify which objectives and KPIs on a cause & effect map are to be hidden.

You might, for example, want to hide some nodes so that you can view only the nodes for which you are the business owner.

For more information, see:


Associated Objectives and KPIs (left pane)

Displays all objectives and KPIs that are associated with the objective or KPI that is the root of the map.

Hidden Objectives and KPIs (right pane)

Displays all objectives and KPIs that are to be hidden on the map.


Use these buttons move objectives and KPIs between the two panes.

Cause & Effect Map tab: Details tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Cause & Effect Map tab" to specify supporting information for a cause & effect map.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the cause & effect map.


Use this field to enter a description of the cause & effect map.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the cause & effect map. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Objectives and KPIs

Use this table to view and manage the objectives and KPIs that are displayed in the cause & effect map.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the cause & effect map.

Related Documents area

Displays the documents that provide supporting information to a scorecard object, such as an objective.

Use this area to view and manage the documents:

  • To add a new document, click the New Row button to display the "New Related Document dialog".

  • To edit document, select the document in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the "Edit Related Document dialog".

  • To delete a document, select the document in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Cause & Effect Map tab: Diagram tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Cause & Effect Map tab" to create a diagram that illustrates the cause and effect relationships of an objective or KPI.

For more information, see:



Use this area to drag and drop the objective or KPI whose cause and effect relationships you want to diagram.

Each node (that is, the representation of an objective or KPI) on the diagram shows the status of the objective or KPI by displaying the icon and color that represents the assessment range. A KPI node also displays the actual value of the KPI and the percent variance from the target.

To display options that allow you to work with a node, right-click the node or click the Options button (on the right side of the node) to display the "Node Options Menu".

To display additional performance data for the KPI, such as target value or variance, click the down arrow at the bottom center of the node. To collapse this data, click the up arrow.

To edit a causal linkage, right-click the linkage line and select Edit Causal Linkage. The "Causal Linkage dialog" is displayed.

To delete a causal linkage, right-click the linkage line and select Delete Causal Linkage.

To zoom in and out of the diagram or to set preferences, use the toolbar buttons on the "Scorecard editor: Cause & Effect Map tab".

To work with comments (if any), click the Comment button in the upper-right corner of a node to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment. See "About Comments".

To work with status overrides (if any), click the red asterisk in a node to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override. See "About Status Overrides".


Use the "Legend pane" to view the legend for the cause & effect map.

Change Aggregation Rule dialog

Use this dialog to select the aggregation rule for a column when performing a direct database request. For more information, see "Working with Direct Database Requests".



Displays the name of the column for which you are changing the aggregation rule.

Aggregation Rule

Use to select the aggregation rule for this column. In this dialog, Default indicates the default aggregation rule; that is, the rule that is determined by the Oracle BI Server (such as the rule that is defined in the Oracle BI repository).

For a list of the valid values, see "Aggregation Rules and Functions".

Change Column Labels

Use this dialog to change the labels of the columns (such as % Change) that are displayed in a KPI watchlist

Table E-7, "Commonly Used KPI Data Columns" describes some of the commonly used columns.

You can change the column labels in a stand-alone KPI watchlist or in a KPI watchlist that has been added to a scorecard. You cannot change the labels in a KPI watchlist that has been added to a dashboard.

For more information, see:



Use this box to enter a new label for the column. For example, you might want to change the % Change column label to Percent Change.

Choose Request Column dialog

Use this dialog, when adding an inline action to an agent that is conditionally executed based on an analysis, to select a column in the analysis whose value is to be used as the value of an action parameter.

For more information, see:



Use this list to select the request column whose value is to be used as the value of an action parameter.


Displays the name of the selected column.


  • If the action is being executed per row, then the value from each row is passed to the parameter; otherwise, the value from the first row are passed.

Related Topics

Chapter 9, "Working with Conditions"
"Agent editor: Condition tab"

Collaboration pane

Use this pane to identify information that is helpful for collaborating on KPI details, an initiative, or an objective, including the business owner, key resources, and related documents.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab", "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab", and "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab".



Displays the comments that have been added to the KPI, initiative, or objective. For more about comments, see "About Comments".

Use this area to view and manage the comments. Before you begin to work with comments, ensure that the point of view controls reflect the values for which you want to add or view comments.


  • Add a new comment, click the New Comment button to display the "New Comment dialog".

  • Reply to a comment, click the Reply link to display the "Reply dialog".

  • Expand or collapse all comments, click the Expand All or Collapse All button.

  • Expand or collapse an individual comment, click the Expand or Collapse button.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the initiative, objective, or KPI. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Select Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Related Documents

(for KPI details) Displays links to documents that provide supporting information to the KPI. You added these links when you created or edited the KPI. For more information, see "Creating or Editing KPIs".

(for initiatives and objectives) Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the initiative or objective.

Key Resources

This area is available only for initiatives.

Displays the key resources for an initiative, that is the users who are working on an initiative.

Use this area to view and manage the key resources:

  • To add a new key resource, click the New Row button to display the "Key Resource dialog".

  • To edit a key resource, select the key resource in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the "Key Resource dialog".

  • To delete a key resource, select the key resource in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Color Selector dialog

Use this dialog to specify the color in which the cells that contain the KPI's actual values are displayed. The color that you choose reflects the value's performance levels.


Color Samples

Use these samples to select a color. When you select a color, a sample of the color and its hexadecimal value displays in the Customizations field.


Use this box to modify the selected color's hexadecimal value or enter the hexadecimal value corresponding to the desired color (for example, #FF0000 or #996600).

Related Topics

"Creating or Editing KPIs"

Column Properties dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • Edit the properties for a column or hierarchy level to control the appearance and layout of a column or hierarchy level and its contents

  • Specify formatting to apply only if the contents of the column or hierarchy level meet certain conditions

  • Specify the interactions that are to occur when users click in a data view

  • Set the properties of a column that affect write back

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchical Level Properties dialog

For more information, see:



Use the "Column Properties dialog: Style tab" to format the content of columns and hierarchy levels.

Column Format

Use the "Column Properties dialog: Column Format tab" to modify how folder and column headings are displayed in the analysis and to specify how repeated values display in the column.

Data Format

Use the "Column Properties dialog: Data Format tab" to override the data's default display characteristics.

Conditional Format

Use the "Column Properties dialog: Conditional Format tab" to add a condition, or filter, to the column or hierarchy level.


Use the "Column Properties dialog: Interaction tab" to specify what you want to happen when the user clicks a value for a column or hierarchy level.

Write Back

Use the "Column Properties dialog: Write Back tab" to set the properties of a column that enables it for writing back values from a table.

Save As Default

Use this button to affect the default property settings for columns and hierarchy levels, based on the specifications in this dialog. You need the appropriate privileges to save the properties as a systemwide default.

  • Select Restore properties defaults to return the property values for the column or hierarchy level back to the last saved default values.

    To restore the defaults that were shipped with the product, you must manually delete the default formats file from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

  • Select Save as the system-wide default for <name> to save these properties as the systemwide default for this column or hierarchy level in all analyses in which it is used.

  • Select Save as the system-wide default for this data type to save these properties as the systemwide default for all columns or hierarchy levels that have the same data type as this column or hierarchy level.

Click OK to save these properties for this column or hierarchy level in this analysis only.

The Save as Default button applies slightly differently to the various tabs of this dialog:

  • The properties on the Style, Column Format, and Data Format tabs are saved or restored when you select an option with this button.

  • The settings on the Conditional Format tab cannot be saved or restored.

  • On the Write Back tab, only the Enable Write Back property can be saved or restored.

  • On the Interaction tab, you can save and restore properties, but the display differs for action links. If you set the interaction mode to action links, then you can create action links and they are displayed in the Action Links area of the tab. If you save the default settings, click OK to close the dialog, then re-display the dialog, you do not see the action links in the Action Links area. You can click the Add Action Link button to display a list of the saved actions so that you can select one to use.

Column Properties dialog: Column Format tab

Use this tab of the "Column Properties dialog" to modify how folder and column headings are displayed in the analysis and to specify how repeated values display in the column or hierarchy level.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchical Level Properties dialog: Level Format tab

For more information, see Chapter 7, "Formatting Analyses, Views, and Dashboard Pages".



Not available for hierarchy levels. Use this box to hide the column in the analysis. You can hide columns whose appearance adds no value to the analysis. Hidden columns do not affect the aggregation of the values. For example, you want to build an analysis that includes only customers located in Illinois. To build the proper filter, you must include the column called Customers.State. Because this column was added for filtering purposes, only, and its appearance adds no value to the analysis, then you can hide this column.

Folder Heading and Column Heading

Not available for hierarchy levels. Use these fields to view or modify the name of the folder or column that is provided by the repository in which the column resides. To modify this field, you must first select the Custom Headings box, then you can specify a different heading to use. To modify the heading's appearance, click the Edit Format button.

Edit Format

Use this button to modify the corresponding heading's format. For example, you can modify the heading to be displayed in 14-point bold Helvetica font. Any formatting changes that you specify override the Oracle BI EE style sheet and any formatting preferences that you specified on the "Column Properties dialog: Style tab" for this column.

Custom Headings

Use this box to enable the Folder Heading and Column Heading fields for editing. The fields are read-only until you select this box.

You can reference variables in the Folder Heading and Column Heading fields. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

Show TimeZone

This box displays only for the columns and hierarchy levels that have the date/time data type. Use this box to include the Time Zone button with the column or hierarchy level. Click the box multiple times to move through the three different states. When the box is selected, the button is displayed. When the box is not selected, the button is not displayed. When the box appears to be not available, then the default system behavior is used.

The Time Zone button displays with the data column or hierarchy level in a view, and you can click the button to view the name of the display time zone. For more information about modifying the time zone, see "Display Time Zone" in "Column Properties dialog: Data Format tab".

Value Suppression

Use the buttons in this area to affect the display of repeating data values for the column or hierarchy level.

The data in one column or hierarchy level of a folder might be repeated in relation to rows of data in other columns or hierarchy levels in the folder. For example, if one column lists customer names and another column lists the regions that those customers are in, then the region data could be repeated for each customer row. You can choose to display duplicate data only once, or display it for every row. Displaying repeating or duplicated data only once can make a table somewhat easier to read, and can make distinctions in that data more apparent.

You can select one of the following buttons:

  • Suppress — Displays repeating data only once and suppresses the duplicate rows in the column or hierarchy level.

  • Repeat — Displays repeating data for every row in the column or hierarchy level.

  • Default — Retains the default display characteristics of the column or hierarchy level.

Column Properties dialog: Conditional Format tab

Use this tab of the "Column Properties dialog" to add a condition to a column or hierarchy level. You specify a condition to affect the formatting of values based on certain criteria. The formatting that you specify for a column or hierarchy level on this tab is visible in any view that can display data and its formatting, except for graphs, funnel graphs, and gauges. For information on conditional formatting in graphs, see "Graph Formatting Based on Columns".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchical Level Properties dialog: Conditional Format tab

For more information, see "Applying Conditional Formatting to Tables and Pivot Tables".


Add Condition

Use this button to begin the process of creating a conditional format by adding a condition to any type of column or to a hierarchy level.

When you access the "New Condition dialog" from the Conditional Format tab, the dialog shows the options that apply to conditional formats. For example, the Operator list contains the operators that are used in conditional formats, and you can apply presentation variables. For information on presentation variables, see "Using Variables".

When you have created a conditional format, you see it listed at the top of this tab. Use the buttons that are displayed with the conditional format to edit the condition, format the values, or delete the format.

Clear All

Use this button to delete from the tab any conditional formats that you have created. This button is available only when at least one format exists.

Column Properties dialog: Data Format tab

Use this tab of the "Column Properties dialog" to override the data's default display characteristics by specifying custom formats. The options that display on this tab depend upon the data type (text, numeric, or date) of the column or hierarchy level. For example, if the data type is numeric, then you can add the thousands separator to the values.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Data Format dialog
Hierarchical Level Properties dialog: Data Format tab

For more information, see "Custom Format Strings"


Override Default Data Format

This box is displayed for all data types.

Use this box to specify to enter an override format for the column or hierarchy level. Selecting this box enables the remainder of the settings on the tab.

Treat Text As

This list is displayed for the text data type.

Use this list to specify how you want to display the text for the values. You can select from options such as plain text, HTML, or a link. Based on your choice, the Custom Text Format field displays the applicable HTML string used to display the data.

If you select the Custom Text Format option, then you can type the custom format into the Custom Text Format field.

Custom Text Format

This field is displayed for the text data type.

Use this field to view the HTML string that corresponds to the option that you selected in the Treat Text As list. This field is read-only for all options except the Custom Text Format option.

When you specify the Custom Text Format option, you use this field to write HTML calls that provide formatting. You can also type any valid HTML string, including JavaScript, VBScript, and so on.

The first character must be an at sign character (@). This enables devices that are incapable of displaying the custom format to display the data in the appropriate default format.

For example, the following example HTML code sets the width and height of a column or hierarchy level in tables and pivot tables. In the example, the text html enclosed in brackets ([html]) means to use HTML, and the at sign (@) character represents the dynamic contents of the column or hierarchy level.

@[html]<span style="width:200px; height:50px">@</span>

If you are unfamiliar with HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, and so on, then consult a third-party reference.

Treat Number As

This list is displayed for the numeric data type.

Use this list to specify how you want to display the number values. You can select from options such as Currency, Percentage, and Month Name. The option that you select determines the fields that display in the Data Format tab.

Currency Symbol

This list is displayed if you selected the Currency option in the Treat Number As list.

Use this list to select the currency symbol to be displayed in the column or hierarchy level. For example, you can select the British Pound or the Polish Zloty.

To use the symbol of a user's preferred currency, select the User's Preferred Currency option. (Users specify their preferred currencies in the "My Account dialog".)

Negative Format

This list is displayed if you selected the Number, Currency, or Percentage option in the Treat Number As list.

Use this field to specify how you want negative numbers to be displayed in the column or hierarchy level. For example, you can select negative numbers to be displayed as -123 or (123).

Decimal Places

This list is displayed if you selected the Number, Currency, or Percentage option in the Treat Number As list.

Use this list to specify how many numbers you want to include after the decimal point when displaying the value in a view. For example, you can specify two decimal places. Decimal values are always rounded rather than truncated.

In this list, you can use the up to options to indicate the maximum number of decimal places to include. In the database, values for a single column or hierarchy level can be stored with various numbers of decimal places. Some might have 2, 4, or 6 for example. If you specify up to 4 in this list, then values are displayed with no more than 4 decimal places, but potentially with less if the value has less than 4 decimal places.

Use 1000's Separator

This box is displayed if you selected the Number, Currency, or Percentage option in the Treat Number As list.

Select this box to include a separator, such as a comma, in numbers that are 1000 or greater.

Custom Numeric Format

This field is displayed if you selected the Custom option in the Treat Number As list.

Use this field to enter a custom number format. For custom format strings that you can enter, see "Custom Format Strings".

You can use the number sign (#) to include significant digits, and the number zero (0) to include as many digits as specified, even if the number does not contain that detail.

For example, specifying ##.# shows 12.34 as 12.3, and specifying ##.000 shows 12.34 as 12.340.

Date Format

This list is displayed for the date and time zone data type.

Use this list to specify how you want the date to display in the column or hierarchy level. For example, 5/8/2003 07:34:57 AM or 05/08/2003 7:34:57. If you select the Custom option, then you can create a date format in the Custom Date Format field.

Custom Date Format

This field is displayed for the date and time zone data type and only if you selected the Custom option from the Date Format list.

Use this field to enter a date format. For custom format strings that you can enter, see "Custom Format Strings".

Display Time Zone

This list is displayed for the date and time zone data type.

Use this list to select and apply a specific time zone to the column or hierarchy level. Note the following default conditions:

  • If you select the Default option and the administrator has specified a system default time zone, then the system default time zone is used to display the time value in the column or hierarchy level.

  • If you select the Default option and the administrator has not specified a system default time zone, then the user's preferred time zone is used to display the time value in the column or hierarchy level.

  • If you select the Data time zone option, then the time values are displayed in the column or hierarchy level exactly as they are stored in the database.

  • If you select a specific time zone (for example, GMT +05:45 Kathmandu) and the administrator has specified a system default time zone, then the system's default time zone is converted into the specific time zone that you selected.

Data Time Zone Offset

This field is displayed for the date and time zone data type.

Use this field to specify an offset for the time zone that you selected. For example, suppose you selected GMT +05:45 Kathmandu. You can specify an offset of 15 minutes to use when displaying time values for columns or hierarchy levels.

Column Properties dialog: Interaction tab

Use this tab of the "Column Properties dialog" to specify what you want to happen when the user clicks a column heading or value (for example, the user can click a column value to drill down into the data that was summed to create the column value).

This dialog is also displayed as:

Hierarchical Level Properties dialog: Interaction tab

For more information, see:


Column Heading: Primary Interaction and Value: Primary Interaction

Use this box to specify what happens when you click either the column heading or a value in the column or hierarchy level. The values that are available depend on the type of column and on column heading versus value.

  • Default (type) — Specifies what happens by default when you click the column heading or a value. When you first install Oracle Business Intelligence, the default depends on the type of column. You can change the default by selecting another option from this list, then clicking the Save as Default button to save that option as the default for the column.

  • None — Specifies that nothing happens when you click the column heading or a value. This option turns off drilling for attribute columns; it does not turn off drilling for hierarchical columns.

  • Drill — Not available for hierarchical column headings. Specifies that you drill up or down after clicking the column heading or a value for a column.

  • Action Links — For hierarchical column headings, this option is Drill + Action Links. Displays the Action Links area, where you add action links that apply when you click the column heading or a value.

  • Send Master-Detail Events — Available only for attribute column values and is shown as Drill + Send Master-Detail Events for hierarchical column values. Use this option to specify that data views in this analysis are to act as master views in master-detail relationships and send master-detail events. This option also displays the Specify channel field, which you must complete if you select this option.

    For more information on master-detail relationships, see "What is Master-Detail Linking of Views?"

Specify channel

This field is displayed only if you select Send Master-Detail Events in the Primary Interaction field for a value.

Use this field to enter one or more channels on which data views are to send master-detail events. Note that the name of the channel is case sensitive.

Action Links

The Action Links area is displayed if you select Action Link from the Column Heading: Primary Interaction box or Value: Primary Interaction box.

Displays the action links that have been added to a column heading or value, including the text of the action links, the actions associated with the links, and whether the action links are always enabled or enabled conditionally.

Use this area to view and manage action links:

  • To add a new action link, click the Add Action Link button to display the following options:

    • Action (where Action is the name of an action that has been saved as a default) — Use this option to add the action to the analysis. For more information on saving defaults, see the "Column Properties dialog".

    • New Action Link — Use this option to display the "New Action Link dialog", where you create a new action link.

  • To edit an action link, select the link in the list and click the Edit Action Link button to display the "Edit Action Link dialog".

  • To delete an action link, select the link in the list and click the Delete Action Link button.

  • To specify that, when only one action link is available at run time, the action link is to be executed immediately rather than be displayed in a menu for selection, select the Do not display in a popup if only one action link is available at runtime box.

Column Properties dialog: Style tab

Use this dialog to specify properties for displaying values in various locations such as in a column or hierarchy level of data, in a view such as a table, and in a column or section that you are adding to a dashboard page.

In this dialog, a setting of Default (System) indicates that a user has not yet overridden the default values that were provided during installation. Each property has only one default setting at a time.

For table and pivot table views, the formatting that you specify in this dialog applies to the look of a table. The formatting is displayed slightly differently in a pivot table. For example, the default colors differ for tables and pivot tables.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Column Properties dialog
Edit Column Format dialog
Edit Font Format dialog
Edit Format dialog
Format Caption dialog
Format Container dialog
Format Legend View dialog
Format Logo dialog
Format Narrative View dialog
Format Static Text View dialog
Format Subtitle dialog
Format Text dialog
Format Time dialog
Format Title dialog
Format Title View dialog
Hierarchy Level Properties dialog: Style tab
Section Heading Properties dialog
Section Properties dialog



Not all components are available in each version of this dialog.


The toolbar displays only in those instances in which you can copy and paste cell formatting properties from one location to another. The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) — Use this button to remove the specifications that you have made and to return the settings to the values that they had when defaults were last saved.

    The Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) and the Copy Cell Format buttons affect the settings in the following ways:

    • If the dialog has no tabs, then the button affects all the settings in the dialog.

    • If the dialog has multiple tabs, then the button affects only those settings in the tab in which the button is displayed.

  • Copy Cell Format — Use this button to copy the formatting specifications from the dialog, so that you can apply them elsewhere.

  • Paste Cell Format — Use this button to paste the formatting that you have copied into the appropriate location.


This box applies to totals that you include with tables and pivot tables. Use this box to specify custom text to insert into a total heading. Enter the text as follows

  • @ — Displays the value of the data

    For example, if a total is specified for the Region column, and you enter the following text into the Caption field for the total heading:

    - All values in the @

    The total heading would display the following text for the Western Region:

    - All values in the Western Region

  • "@" — Displays the @ symbol

  • "\"" — Displays the double quote

  • "\\" — Displays the \ symbol

  • \ — Displays the \ symbol

    The double quote syntax is not limited to a single character. In general you can use a backslash escaped string inside double quotes. For example:

    "1234567890\\abc\\d\"x\"yz!@#$%^&*()-+=_{}[];:'|?/><,.` ~"

    Is displayed as:

    1234567890\abc\d"x"yz!@#$%^&*()-+=_{}[];:'|?/><,.` ~

For more information, see "Adding Totals to Tables and Pivot Tables".


Use this box to select the font family.


Use this field to enter the font size.


Use this box to select the font color.


Use this box to select the font style, such as bold or italic.


Use this box to select the font effects, such as underline or strike through.

Horizontal Alignment

Use this box to select the type of horizontal alignment, such as left, right, or center.

Background Color

Use this box to select the color of the background.

Vertical Alignment

Use this box to select the type of vertical alignment, such as top, bottom, or center. Vertical alignment does not have any impact unless the column spans multiple rows of other columns.


Use this field to specify the image to display inside of the cell. When you click the field, the Graphics dialog is displayed. For more information, see "Graphics dialog".

Wrap Text

Use this box to wrap the text within the column.

Note that if the width of a word extends beyond the width of the column, then the column is extended so as not to divide the word.

Border Position

Use this box to select the position of the border of the cell, column, or section, such as none or all. You can select or deselect custom borders by clicking the top, bottom, left, and right borders near the Position list.

Border Style

Use this box to select the style of the border, such as single, double, or thick.

Border Color

Use this box to select the color of the border.


Use this field to specify the width of the cell, column, or section on the page.


Use this field to specify the height.

Indent (Left Padding)

Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the left padding).

Right Padding

Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the right padding).

Top Padding

Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the top padding).

Bottom Padding

Use this field to specify the indent (that is, the bottom padding).

Use Custom CSS Style

Use this box to specify a custom cascading style sheet style to use for formatting, for example, background-color: #ff0000; font-size:28pt.

Use Custom CSS Class

Use this box to specify a custom cascading style sheet class to use for formatting.

Column Properties dialog: Write Back tab

Use this tab of the "Column Properties dialog" to set the properties of a column that affect writing back values to the data source to expose the write-back capability in tables. To use write back, you must also use the Table Properties dialog: Write Back tab. Write back is not available for hierarchical columns.

For more information, see "Modifying Values and Performing Write Back".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Write Back Settings dialog


Enable Write Back

Use this box to allow users to modify values in the column, if the following are true:

  • If the column has been enabled for write back in the repository.

  • If the column has a data type of measure, text, or date and time.

    Use care when allowing users to enter decimal values. Presentation Services simply sends the value that the user types to the Oracle BI Server, which must be configured to handle users by locale. For example, the Oracle BI Server must be aware of the locale for each user, so that it can properly handle a decimal value that includes either a period or comma as a decimal separator.

If the column has not been enabled for write back in the repository, then the Enable Write Back box is disabled.

When you select this box, additional options for write-back are displayed.

Text Field Width

Use this box to select the width for the text field where users enter values, for text columns. Use the box to scroll among the values.

This box is not available on the Write Back Settings dialog.

Compound Layout

Use this area to assemble different views for display on a dashboard. The views are displayed in separate containers within a compound layout. Each container has a toolbar.

Use this area also to view multiple compound layouts, each on its own tab. For more information, see "Creating Additional Compound Layouts".



Displays the views assembled for display on a dashboard, according the selected compound layout.

When you run a new analysis, the default assemblage of views can include a title view and either a table or pivot table view. The administrator might have configured a different default assemblage for your company.


The toolbar for each view contains the following buttons:

  • Format Container — Use this button to display the "Format Container dialog", where you format the container in a compound layout for the view. For example, you can place a green background behind the view in the compound layout. To format the view itself, click the Edit View button.

  • Edit View — Use this button to display the editor for the view.

  • Remove View from Compound Layout — Use this button to remove the view from a compound layout. The view remains as part of the analysis.

Contact Owner dialog

Use this dialog to send a message to the business owner of a Scorecard object, such as an initiative or objective.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the person who is responsible for managing and improving the business value and performance of the scorecard object.


Use this box to enter the subject of your message.


Displays the options High, Normal, and Low to identify the importance and urgency of your message.


Use this box to enter the text of your message.

Content pane

This pane to the right of the "Catalog page" displays the contents of folders and objects that you select in the "Folders pane" or the results of a search. Use this pane to perform tasks such as:

  • Expand the content of folders

  • Perform basic tasks on selected objects such as copy and rename

  • Perform object-specific tasks (create agents for KPIs, and run prompts for example) using the More link below objects.

For information, see "Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog".

Create Delivery Profile dialog

Use this dialog to create a delivery profile.

You can create any number of delivery profiles. However, only one profile can be active at any given time.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Delivery Profile dialog



Use this field to enter the name of the delivery profile. For example, for your office phone, you might use Phone - Office.

Device Priorities

Use this area to indicate, for each of your delivery devices, what priority content is to be delivered to the device. To do so, next to each delivery device to use when this profile is the active profile, select one or more of the priority content options — High, Normal, or Low.

For example, if you have a pager as one of your delivery devices, you might associate it with high priority content only. When you know that you must be away from your office frequently, and out of e-mail range, you might associate your e-mail device with low priority content.


Do not set the priority for devices that you do not want to use. Devices that do not have a priority selected are not used by the profile.

Create Device dialog

Use this dialog to create a delivery device.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Device dialog



Use this field to enter the name of the device.


Use this box to select the device category. For example, if you are adding an e-mail device, select Email. The value in this box affects the values that are available in the Device Type box.

Device Type

Use this box to select the type of device. For example, if you are adding an e-mail device, select either HTML Email for Plaintext Email.

The list of device types is specified on the "Administration: Manage Device Types page".


Use this field to enter the address for the device. For example, for an e-mail device, enter the e-mail address or for a phone, enter the phone number.


When typing a phone number for a device, do not use punctuation such as spaces, dashes, or parentheses.

Create New Action dialog

Use this dialog to create an action.

For more information, see Chapter 10, "Working with Actions."

This dialog is also displayed as:

Add New Action dialog
New Action dialog
Edit Action dialog



This button is not available only for all action types.

Displays one of the following dialogs:


In order for Hyperion resources, Web Service operations, EJBs, and functions to be exposed in their respective dialogs, some setup is required beforehand. For how to expose Hyperion resources, Web Service operations, EJBs, and functions in their respective dialogs, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


This field is available only for Navigate to a Web Page and Invoke an HTTP Request actions and only if URL aliases have been defined for these actions.

Use this field to enter the URL of the Web page.

Be sure to encode the URL, if required. See "About Encoding the URL for a Navigate to a Web Page or Invoke an HTTP Request Action".


Copy the URL from the browser and paste it in this field.

If URL aliases have been defined for Navigate to a Web Page and Invoke an HTTP Request, and you want to specify an alias for the URL, click the Show URL location aliases button (that is, the down arrow) and select the alias.

For more information on defining URL aliases, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Use this box to select one of the following options:

  • GET — Use this option to retrieve information from the URL. Any parameters added to the action are appended to the URL using the following syntax:

    &paramName1=paramValue1&paramName2=paramValue2 (and so on)
  • POST — Use this option to post information to the URL. Any parameters added to the action are posted to the URL as name value pairs.

This field is available only for Invoke an HTTP Request actions.

Define Parameters

This button is available only for Navigate to a Web Page and Invoke an HTTP Request actions

Use this button to display the Define Parameters area. It also automatically parses the specified URL for parameters and lists them in the Define Parameters area.

For example, this URL:


Becomes this:


And an action parameter with the name 1 and a default value of ORCL is displayed in the Define Parameters area.

Any part of a URL can be converted into a token if the token name matches the parameter name. When an action is executed, the value of the parameter is used in the final URL.


This box is available only for Invoke Server Script actions.

Use this box to select the script type — either JavaScript or VB Script.

Script Path

This field is available only for Invoke Server Script actions.

Use this field to enter the path of the script to be executed. Use a path name relative to the value of the DefaultScriptPath element in the instanceconfig.xml file for Scheduler. (For more information on the DefaultScriptPath element, see "General Scheduler Configuration Settings That Affect Agents" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.)

Function Name

This field is available only for Invoke a Browser Script actions.

Use this field to enter the name of the JavaScript function to be executed. Click Browse to display the "Select Script Function dialog", where you can select a script.


This field is available only for Invoke Agent actions.

Displays the path to the agent that is to be invoked.

Execute for Recipients

This box is available only for Invoke Agent actions.

Use this box to select one of the following options to specify the scope of the recipients:

  • of specified Agent — Specifies the recipients of the agent to be invoked (that is, the agent specified in the Path box).

  • of current Agent — Specifies the recipients of the current agent (that is, the agent to which the action is being added).

  • of both specified and current Agent — Specifies the recipients of both the agent to be invoked and the current agent.

  • common to specified and current Agent — Specifies the recipients that are common to both the agent to be invoked and the current agent.

  • of specified Agent, and not current Agent — Specifies the recipients of the agent to be invoked but with the recipients of the current agent excluded.

Define Parameters

Use this area to define the action parameters.

Depending on the action type, some action parameters might be displayed automatically in this area. For example:

  • For an Invoke a Web Service action, the parameters are read and displayed from the Web Service Definition Language file.

  • For an Invoke a Browser Script action, the parameters are read and displayed from the script file, if they have been declared and published in the file.

  • For a Navigate to E-Business Suite action, these parameters are displayed:

    • FunctionCode — The name of the function that relates to the target E-Business Suite form, for example, GLXIQJRN.

    • ConnectionPool — The name of the connection pool for the Oracle E-Business Suite database in the Oracle BI repository, for example, EBS12.

      You can also define optional parameters for passing the context from Oracle Business Intelligence to EBS forms.

This area includes, depending on the type of action, some of the following buttons and columns:

  • Add Document Parameter — This button is available only for an Invoke Server Script action. Use this button to add a document parameter. A document parameter enables you to pass either the delivery content or the results of the analysis on which the agent condition is based to the script.

  • Add Parameter — Use this button to add a parameter. (Whether you can add a parameter for an action, depends on the action type.)

  • Delete Parameter — Use this button to delete a parameter.

  • Name — Use this column to view, edit, or enter the name of the parameter.

    For Navigate to a Web Page and Invoke an HTTP Request actions, to embed a parameter value anywhere within the URL, enter the token @{Name} where 'Name' is the value specified in the Name column below. There is no limit to the number of parameters that can be embedded.

  • Prompt — Use this column to enter the prompt to be displayed to users, if the user is to provide the parameter value.

  • Value — Use this column to specify the parameter value. To specify a the value:

    • For a parameter row, click the Change type of value button to select one of the following types of values and then specify the value:

      • Value — Select this option to specify a value and then enter the value in the field.

      • Session Variable — Select this option to use the value of a session variable, and then enter the name of the session variable in the field, or click the Show popular Session variables button (to the right of this field) and select a session variable from a list of commonly-used variables.

      • Repository Variable — Select this option to use the value of a repository variable and then enter the name of the repository value in the field.

      • Request Column — Select this option to display the "Choose Request Column dialog", where you select the column in an analysis whose value is to be used as the value of an action parameter.

        This option is available only when you are adding an inline action to an agent that is conditionally executed based on an analysis.

      • Column Value — Select this option to use a column value in your analysis criteria and then click the Column Value button and select the column.

        For example, suppose you have the Region and District columns in your analysis criteria and define an action link on the District column that maps a parameter to the Region column. When you execute that action link (by clicking on a district), the region value for that district is used. Note that in a pivot table, the mapped values depend on the current layout or state of the table.

        This option is available only when you are adding an inline action to an analysis.

      For more information on session and repository variables, see "Using Variables".

    • (for an Invoke Server Script action only) For a document parameter row, click the Format button to select the format in which the content is to be passed (PDF, MIME HTML, Text, XML, Comma-separated values, Excel, Excel 200, Microsoft PowerPoint) and then select the type of content to be passed. Valid types of content are:

      • Delivery Content — Use this option to specify that the delivery content of the agent is to be passed. (You specify the delivery content in the "Agent editor: Delivery Content tab".)

      • Condition Analysis — Use this option to specify that the results of the analysis on which the agent condition is based is to be passed. (You specify the analysis on which an agent condition is based in the "Agent editor: Condition tab".)

  • Fixed — Use this column to specify whether to allow users to see but not set the parameter. Select the box to allow users to see but not set the parameter. Deselect this box to allow users to see and set the value.

  • Hidden — Use this column to specify whether to hide the parameter from users. Select the box to hide the parameter from users. Deselect this box to show the parameter to users.

  • Optional — Use this column to specify whether the parameter requires a value before the action can be executed. Select this box to make the value optional. Deselect this box to make the value required.


This area is available only for an action that invokes an agent that is conditional based on an analysis that filters its data by a column prompt.

Use this area to map any column of the specified agent (that is, the agent to be invoked) that contains a column prompt to any to column of the current agent (that is, the agent to which the action is being added). At run time, the system generates a filter based on the data returned by the execution of the conditional analysis of the current agent.

For more on how filters work in an Invoke Agent action, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


This button is available only for actions where it is appropriate to display information to users. For example, this option is not available for actions added to agents.

Use this button to display the "Action Options dialog", where you specify information to display to users when they run an action.

Save As

This button is available only on the Edit Action dialog for named actions.

Use this button to display the dialog, where you save the action to the catalog as a new action with another name.


About Encoding the URL for a Navigate to a Web Page or Invoke an HTTP Request Action

If the URL that you specify for a Navigate to a Web Page or Invoke an HTTP Request action contains characters outside the ASCII character set or contains characters in an international language, you must encode it. Encoding involves replacing the characters that are outside the ASCII character set or the characters in an international language with "%" and the two hexadecimal digits that correspond to the character values in the ISO-8859-1 character set. Note the following about encoding the various parts of a URL:

  • The protocol (that is, http:// or https://) — You usually do not need to encode this part.

  • The address (for example, foo.example.com:9704) — You usually do not need to encode this part unless it contains characters in an international language.

  • The path (for example, /a/path/to/a/resource) — You must encode this part if it contain characters that require encoding. If you used variables for parts of the path, then you do not need to encode those parts as they are encoded automatically when the variable is substituted with a value.

  • The query string (that is, the part of the URL which follows the path and is separated from it by a '?') — You must encode this part if the names of the query parameters (for example, eport=foo&destination=email) or any fixed values (unless they come from an analysis) contain characters that require encoding. (Within the query string, individual parameters are separated by a '&' character, for example, analytics/saw.dll?report=foo&destination=email.)

The following example shows an encoded URL:


Note that in the example URL:

  • The path required encoding, as indicated by the %20.

  • The @{...} parts did not require encoding as it included variables, which are encoded automatically.

  • If @{bivariable2} or @{bivariable1} expands to a company name, for example, "Example Corporation", then the ' ' (space) in "Example Corporation" is replaced automatically with the encoded form "Example%20Corporation".

Create New Agent dialog

Use this dialog to create an agent from a KPI.

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter a name for the agent.


Use this field to enter a description of the agent.


Use this field to select a folder or create a new folder in which to save the agent. To create a folder, click the New Folder option in the list to display the "Create New Folder dialog". To select a folder that is not listed, click the Folder button to display the "Select Agent Location dialog".

Trigger Agent if KPI Status is

Use this box to select the KPI status that is to initiate the agent to deliver its content and execute its actions.


Displays the dimensions that must be pinned. Select a value for each dimension.

Create New Device Type dialog

Use this dialog to create a delivery device type. This dialog is displayed from the "Administration: Manage Device Types page".

For more information, see "Managing Device Types for Agents" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Device Type dialog



Enter the name of the device type.


Use this box to select the category of the device type. Select from Mobile Phone, Pager, or Handheld Device.


Enter the domain or e-mail extension of the service provider, such as pagenet.net.

Custom Permissions dialog

Use this dialog to assign a specific permission or build a specific set of permissions for a catalog object. For information about assigning detailed privileges that further refine the tasks users can perform, see "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

For more information, see:



Use this option to enable users to view, but not modify, the object.


Use this option to enable users to run or launch the programs or applications associated with the object, such as an agent or the actions for an action link.


Use this option to give the user authority to bypass any permissions set on the folder that would prevent the user from accessing the object. Note that this option does not change the folder's permissions. For example, if you grant users Traverse Folder permission to the /Shared Folders/Test folder, they cannot access objects in the/Shared Folders/Test folder but can access objects stored in lower-level folders, such as the /Shared Folders/Test/Guest folder.


Use this option to enable users to modify the object.


Use this option to enable users to delete the object.

Change Permissions

Use this option to enable users to modify or assign other permissions to the object.

Set Ownership

Use this option to enable users to specify the owner of the object.

Run Publisher Report

This option displays for all object types; however, you can only apply it to Oracle BI Publisher objects. Use this option to allow the user to run the report. When the user runs the report, the report is compiled using the most current data.

Schedule Publisher Report

This option displays for all object types; however, you can only apply it to Oracle BI Publisher objects. Use this option to allow the user to schedule the report.

View Publisher Output

This option displays for all object types; however, you can only apply it to Oracle BI Publisher objects. Use this option to allow the user to view, but not run or modify, the report.

Custom View Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify a background image, a background color, or both for the diagram in a custom view.

For more information, see:


Background Image

Use this field to enter the URL to the background image.

Note that when you enter a URL in the Background Image field, the Width and Height fields are automatically populated with the actual image size (if possible).


A custom view uses the Adobe Flash component to render its content. The background image is fetched by the Adobe Flash component and rendered. Flash components have security restrictions on the content to which they have access. Generally, Flash components can load or render the content from the same domain from which the original Flash movie was downloaded (that is, the Oracle BI Server). If you want a background image from any other server or domain, then the remote server must allow access to the BI Server's domain to retrieve the image. This is done by configuring the crossdomain.xml on the remote server. For how to configure the crossdomain.xml on the remote server, see the following knowledge base article:



Use this area to specify the position of the background image in the diagram. To do so, specify the following:

  • In the pixels from left box, the number of pixels from the left of the diagram at which to position the image.

  • In the pixels from top box, the number of pixels from the top of the diagram at which to position the image.


Use this area to specify whether to maintain the aspect ratio or to size the image to fit the diagram. To do so, select one of the following options:

  • Maintain aspect ratio — Use this option to maintain the aspect ratio. A visual indicator showing that the width and height of the image are tied together is displayed.

  • Size to fit — Use this option to size the image to fit the diagram. Note that when you select this option, the Width and Height fields are disabled.

Background Color

Use this box to display the Color dialog, where you select the color to use for the background of the diagram.

Custom View tab: Details tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Custom View tab" to specify supporting information for a custom view.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the custom view.


Use this field to enter a description of the custom view.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the custom view. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Objectives and KPIs

Use this table to view and manage the objectives and KPIs that are displayed in the custom view.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the custom view.

Custom View tab: Diagram tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Custom View tab" to create a diagram that shows a customized view of your business and strategy data.

For more information, see:


Diagram area

Use this area to drag and drop objectives and KPIs to show in your customized view.

Each node (that is, the representation of an objective or KPI) on the diagram shows the status of the objective or KPI by displaying the icon and color that represents the assessment range. A KPI node also displays the actual value of the KPI and the percent variance from the target.

To display options that allow you to work with a node, click the Options button (on the right side of the node) to display the "Node Options Menu".

To display additional performance data for the KPI, such as target value or variance, click the down arrow at the bottom center of the node. To collapse this data, click the up arrow.

To zoom in and zoom out of the diagram, or to specify a background image, a background color, or both for the diagram, use the toolbar buttons on the "Scorecard editor: Custom View tab".

To work with comments (if any), click the Comment button in the upper-right corner of a node to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment. See "About Comments".

To work with status overrides (if any), click the red asterisk in a node to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override. See "About Status Overrides".

Customize Condition dialog

Use this dialog to customize a condition that is based on an analysis that includes one or more prompted filters. (A prompted filter is a filter whose operator is set to Is Prompted.)

For more information, see "Agent editor: Condition tab".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Customize Delivery Content dialog


Edit the Prompted Filters

Displays the prompted filters associated with the analysis.

Click the Edit button adjacent to a prompted filter to display the "Edit Parameter Filter dialog", where you edit the filter.

Customize Gauge Limit dialog

Use this box to customize the minimum or maximum gauge limit.

For more information, see "Gauge Properties dialog: Scale tab".


Gauge Limit

Use this box to specify the custom gauge limit by selecting one of the following options:

  • Static Value — Select this option to specify a static value, such as 1000. You can specify either an actual value or a percentage. The value you specify depends on the range of data points. For example, the maximum gauge limit should be more than the maximum data point so that all data points are shown on the gauge.

  • Variable Expression — Select this option to specify a string. When you select this option, the Default Value field is displayed in which you enter the string.

    You can reference one or more variables in the string (or expression). For example, you might reference a presentation variable named MaxSales. For guidelines on referencing a variable in an expression, see Table 2-2. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • Column — Select this option to specify a measure column and then select the name of the column, for example, Dollars.


    Only columns that are in the metadata repository or that are based on repository columns (such as Dollars*0.10) are displayed as selections.
  • SQL Statement — Select this option to specify a SQL statement and enter the SQL statement, for example:

    "Sales Measure"."Year Ago Dollars"*10

Customize Scale Marker dialog

Use this dialog to set the value for one of the following items for a graph:

  • Position of a line scale marker

  • Low value of a range scale marker

  • High value of a range scale marker

To set the value, you can use a static value, a presentation variable, a measure column, or a SQL query. If a value is not valid, then the scale marker is ignored.

For more information, see "Scale Markers dialog".


Static Value

Use this option to set the value to a hard-coded value that you specify. If you select this option, then enter the hard-coded value in the field to the right of the option.

Variable Expr

Use this option to set the value to the value of a presentation variable. If you select this option, then enter the presentation variable in the field to the right of the option and a default value in the (default) field.

Column Name

Use this option to set the value based on a measure column. If you select this option, then select the measure column in the box to the right of the option.

Note that using a measure column could yield numerous values. Only the first value is applied.

SQL Query

Use this option set the value based on the results of a SQL query. If you select this option, then enter the SQL query in the box beneath the option.

Note that the results could be a table but only the first row and first column cell value is applied.

Customize Subscription to Agent dialog

Use this dialog to customize an agent subscription.

For more information, see "Customizing Your Agent Subscriptions".



Use "Customize Subscription to Agent dialog: Condition Parameters tab" to customize prompted filters for an analysis that is used in an agent condition.


Use "Customize Subscription to Agent dialog: Content Parameters tab" to customize prompted filters for an analysis that is the delivery content for an agent.

Customize Subscription to Agent dialog: Condition Parameters tab

Use this tab of the "Customize Subscription to Agent dialog" to customize prompted filters for an analysis that is used in an agent condition.

For more information, see "Customizing Your Agent Subscriptions".


Edit the prompted filters

Displays the prompted filters that you can customize.

Modify operator/value for this parameter

Use this button to displays the "Edit Parameter Filter dialog", where you can customize the prompted filters.

Customize Subscription to Agent dialog: Content Parameters tab

Use this tab of the "Customize Subscription to Agent dialog" to customize prompted filters for an analysis that is the delivery content for an agent.

For more information, see "Customizing Your Agent Subscriptions".


Edit the prompted filters

Displays the prompted filters that you can customize.

Modify operator/value for this parameter

Use this button to displays the "Edit Parameter Filter dialog", where you can customize the prompted filters.

Dashboard builder

Use this Dashboard builder to build or edit dashboards. The process of building or editing a dashboard includes:

  • Adding and changing pages, objects, and other content on the dashboard

  • Changing the properties of the dashboard

For more information, see:


Page Tabs

Use the tabs across the top of the editor to select the dashboard page to edit.

Dashboard Objects

Use the "Dashboard Objects pane" to select the objects to include on a dashboard page and drag and drop them to the Page Layout area.


Use the "Catalog pane" to select objects from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to include on a dashboard page and drag and drop them to the Page Layout area. This adds a shortcut to the content as saved in the catalog. If the content changes, then the change is reflected on the dashboard page.

To locate the content, you can browse by either the catalog folder it is stored in, or by the dashboard on which it is located.

Page Layout

Use "Page Layout area" to layout and place the content (that is, objects from the Dashboard Objects pane and the Catalog pane) to include on a dashboard.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Add Dashboard Page — Use this button to display the "Add Dashboard Page dialog", where you create a new page in this dashboard. The page is displayed in a new tab in the Dashboard builder.

  • Delete Current Page — Use this button to delete the current dashboard page.

  • Tools — Use this button to display a menu with the following options.

  • Preview — Use this button to view how a dashboard page is displayed to an end user. This is helpful to see what the page looks like before you save the content.

  • Run — Use this button to exit the Dashboard builder and return to the dashboard in run time.

  • Save — Use this button to save your changes to the dashboard.

  • Save Dashboard As — Use this button to save the dashboard by another name.

Page Layout area

Use this area to layout and add the content that you want on a dashboard by dragging and dropping objects from the "Dashboard Objects pane" and "Catalog pane". After you drop an object to this area, you can modify the object using the buttons on its Toolbar.

This area is part of the "Dashboard builder".


Object Representations

Each object that you drag and drop to the Page Layout area is represented by a rectangle.

Object Toolbars

Each object dropped to the Page Layout area contains a toolbar that displays when you hover over the object. The Object Toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Properties — Use this button to select from various options for modifying the object. What this button displays depends on the type of object. For some objects a properties dialog is displayed. For other objects, a menu of options is displayed. See "Properties Buttons for Objects".

  • Delete — Use this button to delete the object from the dashboard page.

  • Vertical Layout — This button is available for sections only. Use this button to arrange the objects in the section so that they are stacked one on top of another.

  • Horizontal Layout — This button is available for sections only. Use this button to arrange the objects in the section so that they are positioned side-by-side.

Properties Buttons for Objects

Each object that is represented on the "Page Layout area" has a toolbar that contains a Properties button. What the button displays depends on the type of object. The following sections describe, for each type of object, what the Properties button displays.

Column Properties

This button displays the following options:

  • Break — This option is available only if the page has multiple columns and only for columns after the first column. Use this option to display the "Break dialog", where you add page and column breaks to the page layout.

  • Column Properties — Use this option to display the "Column Properties dialog", where you specify the properties for the column, such as cell alignment, border color and so on.

Section Properties

This button displays the following options:

  • Condition — Use this option to display the "Section Condition dialog", where you specify the condition to be used to determine whether the section is to be displayed. See "Using Conditions to Determine Whether Sections Are Displayed in Dashboard Pages".

  • Permissions — Use this option to display the "Section Permissions dialog", where you specify which accounts are granted or denied access to the section.

  • Format Section — Use this option to display the "Section Properties dialog", where you specify the properties for the section, such as cell alignment, border color and so on.

  • Rename — Use this option to display the "Rename dialog", where you rename the section.

  • Drill in Place — Use this option to specify how the results are displayed when a user drills in an analysis.


    • Show the new results directly in the dashboard, replacing the original analysis, click this option until a check mark is displayed next to the option. This is the default behavior. The area occupied by the original analysis resizes automatically to hold the new results.

    • Replace the entire dashboard with the new results, click this option until the check mark is removed.

    This option applies to all drillable analyses within the section. The user can click the browser's Back button to return to the original analysis or the dashboard.

    Use this option for prompts that are created for hierarchical columns.

    For more information, see "Drilling in Views".

  • Collapsible — Use this option to specify whether the user can expand and collapse this section on a dashboard page or whether the section is always expanded.

  • Show Section Header — Use this option to specify whether to display the header for the section, which initially includes the title of the section. You can hide the title using the Show Section Title option.

  • Show Section Title — Use this option to specify whether to display the title of the section.

    To format the title, use the Rename option to display the "Rename dialog".

Alert Section Properties

This button displays the following options:

  • Section Condition — Use this option to display the "Section Condition dialog", where you specify the condition to be used to determine whether the alert section is to be displayed.

  • Permissions — Use this option to display the "Section Permissions dialog", where you specify which accounts are granted or denied access to the section.

  • Format Section — Use this option to display the "Section Properties dialog", where you specify the properties for the alert section, such as cell alignment, border color and so on.

Action Link Properties

Use this button to display the "Action Link Properties dialog", where you set the properties of an action link.

Action Link Menu Properties

Use this button to display the "Action Link Menu Properties dialog", where you set the properties of an action links menu.

Link or Image Properties

Use this button to display the "Link or Image Properties dialog", where you specify properties for a text link or image link that you are adding to a dashboard page.

Embedded Content Properties

Use this button to display the "Embedded Content Properties dialog", where you specify the URL and other information about content to embed on a dashboard page.

Text Properties

Use this button to display the "Text Properties dialog", where you specify properties for a text object, including the text and formatting tags.

Folder Properties

Use this button to display the "Folder Properties dialog", where you add a view of a Catalog folder and its contents.

BI Publisher Report Properties

Use this button to display the "BI Publisher Report Properties dialog", where you specify the information for adding an Oracle BI Publisher report.

Analysis Properties

This button displays the following options:

  • Display Results — Displays the following options to specify how to display the results of the analysis:

    • Embedded in Section — Use this option to execute the analysis automatically and display the results directly in the dashboard page

    • Link - Within the Dashboard — Use this option display a link that users must click to execute the request and see the results within the dashboard

    • Link - In a Separate Window — Use this option display a link that users must click to execute the request and see the results in a new window

  • Report Links — Use this option to display the "Report Links dialog", where you select which links are displayed with the analysis on the dashboard page.

  • Show View — Use this option to specify how to display the analysis, either as a default compound view or as one of the available views. (Note that the icon representing the object changes to indicate the type of view.) For more information on views, see. "Adding Views for Display in Dashboards".

  • Rename — Use this option to display "Rename dialog", where you rename the analysis.

  • Edit Analysis — Use this option to edit the analysis in the "Analysis editor".

Prompt Properties

This button displays the following options:

  • Edit — Displays the "Prompt editor", where you create prompts.

  • Scope — Displays the following options to specify scope of the prompt:

    • Dashboard — Use this option to specify that the prompt applies to the entire dashboard.

    • Page — Use this option to specify that the prompt applies to the dashboard page.

Scorecard Object Properties

This button displays the following options:

Dashboard Objects pane

Use this pane to select the dashboard objects to include on a dashboard page and drag and drop them to the "Page Layout area".

For more information, see "Adding Content to Dashboards".

This pane is part of the "Dashboard builder".


List of Objects

Use the list of dashboard objects to decide what to include on a dashboard page. Drag and drop an object from the list to an appropriate location in the page layout area on the right side of the Dashboard builder.

For more information on dragging and dropping, see "Dragging and Dropping Objects to the Page Layout Area in the Dashboard Builder".

Table E-2 lists and describes the dashboard objects that you can include on a dashboard page.

Table E-2 List of Dashboard Objects

Dashboard Object Description


Used to align content on a dashboard. (Sections within columns hold the actual content.) You can create as many columns on a dashboard page as you need. Note that the columns used in the Dashboard builder are not related to the columns used in the Analysis editor.


Used within columns to hold the content, such as action links, analyses, and so on. You can drag and drop as many sections as you require for a column.

Alert Section

Used to add a section in which to display Alerts from agents, if any.

On users' My Dashboard, an Alert section is added automatically to the first page, if you do not manually place one there. You cannot disable the appearance of an Alert section on the first page of users' My Dashboard. You can add an Alert section to an additional dashboard page so that section is then displayed on both dashboard pages.

Action Link

Used to add an action link. An action link is a link that you embed in an analysis, dashboard page, or KPI that, when clicked, runs an associated action.

For more information, see Chapter 10, "Working with Actions."

Action Link Menu

Used to add an action link menu. An action link menu let users choose, from a list of action links, the right action to be executed.

For more information, see Chapter 10, "Working with Actions."

Tip: If you add an action link to an action link menu and later decide that you do not want the link to be displayed in the menu, you can simply drag and drop it elsewhere on the page.

Link or Image

Used to add text links and image links and specify what should happen when a user clicks them. For example, you can direct users to another Web site or dashboard, open documents, launch applications, or perform any other action that the browser supports. You can also add an image or text only, without any links.

Embedded Content

Used to add embedded content. Embedded content is any content that is displayed within a window (called a frame) inside the dashboard, as opposed to content that is accessed by clicking a link. Content that you might want to embed includes analyses, Excel charts, documents, Web sites, tickers from Web sites, and so on. When you embed content into a dashboard, the required HTML is automatically added to the target content.

Analyses are embedded by default. Embedding an analysis in a dashboard causes it to execute automatically and to display the results within the dashboard. This provides access to current results.

Note: Some third-party Web sites, because of the way they have been created, cannot be embedded within another Web page. If you see unexpected results when viewing an embedded Web site, then you might need to click the browser's Back button until an Oracle Business Intelligence screen reappears, or close and then reopen the browser. Then, remove the embedded Web site from the dashboard.


Used to add plain text or, if allowed at your organization, HTML.

See the administrator to find out if adding HTML is allowed at your organization.

To add embedded content, which is content that is displayed in a window within the browser, then use the Embedded Content object instead. Then, using the Embedded Content feature, specify the name and location of the target, and the required HTML is wrapped around the target for you.


Used to add a view of a Catalog folder and its contents. For example, you might add a folder that contains a collection of saved analyses that you run frequently. Then from the dashboard, you can open the folder, navigate to a saved request, and click it to run it.

Dashboard Filters and Variables dialog

Use this dialog to add hidden named prompts to a dashboard or a dashboard page.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Filters and Variables - page dialog


Embed New Hidden Dashboard Prompt

Use this button to access the "Open dialog", which enables you to browse and select the named prompt to add to the dashboard. After you select a prompt, its path displays in the Prompts Path table.


Use this button to access the "Open dialog", which enables you to browse and replace the currently selected prompt with another prompt. After you select another prompt, its path is displayed in the Prompts Path table.


Use this button to delete the selected prompt.

Prompt Path

Displays the paths of the hidden prompts that you added to the dashboard. You can select a prompt and then click the Edit or Remove button to replace or delete the prompt.

Dashboard Properties dialog

Use this dialog to change the properties of a dashboard and its pages.

For more information, see "Changing the Properties of a Dashboard and its Pages".



Use this option to select a style for the dashboard. Styles control how dashboards and results are formatted for display. The administrator might have created styles that you can choose from. If not, analyses are formatted using a default style.


Use this field to enter a description for the dashboard. Descriptions are displayed when administrators use the Catalog Manager. The description is not displayed on the dashboard.

Filters and Variables: Edit

Click this button adjacent to the Filters and Variables heading to display the "Dashboard Filters and Variables dialog", where you add hidden named prompts to the whole dashboard. See "Adding a Hidden Dashboard Prompt to a Dashboard or Dashboard Page".

Dashboard Report Links: Edit

Use this button to display the "Report Links dialog", where you select which links are to be displayed with all analyses on the dashboard, unless customized settings have been specified for an individual dashboard page or analysis.

Dashboard Pages

Displays the pages in the dashboard. Use this area to perform operations (such as hide or rename) on dashboard pages using the dashboard pages toolbar buttons.

Dashboard Pages Toolbar

This toolbar contains the following buttons:


These operations are not reversed when you click Cancel in this dialog.

Hide Page

Use this box to specify whether the page is to be displayed when the dashboard is shown. This option is helpful when you are working with a dashboard page and want to hide it from users until your changes are complete. When you select this option, the page remains visible to any users who are currently viewing it.

Show Add to Briefing Book

Use this box to specify whether the Page Options menu for the page contains the Add to Briefing Book option. For more information on the Add to Briefing Book option, see "Dashboard page".


Use these buttons to specify the order of the pages on the dashboard.

  • To move a dashboard page up in the list, click the Move Up button.

    On the dashboard, this moves the tab for the page to the left.

  • To move a page down in the list, click the Move Down button.

    On the dashboard page, this moves the tab for the page to the right.

Dashboard page

Use a dashboard page to view and navigate a dashboard.

For more information, see:


Page Tabs

Use the tabs across the top of the viewer to select the dashboard page to view and navigate.


The toolbar contains the Page Options button, which displays the following options:

Definition pane

Use this pane to add, organize, and manage the prompt's columns. You can use column prompts, image maps, currency prompts, and variable prompts.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Prompt editor".


Definition Table

Use this table to view high-level information about the prompt's columns. You can also use this table to select columns for editing or deleting, arrange the order in which the prompts are displayed to the user, or insert row or column breaks between prompt items.

Note the following Definition Table components.

  • Label — This column displays the prompt label that you specified when creating the item. This field is read-only. To edit this field, select the table row and click the Edit button.

  • Type — This column displays the prompt type that corresponds to the item. The prompt types are: column, image, currency, or variable. This field is read-only.

  • Prompt For — This column displays the data column that corresponds to the item. This field is read-only.

  • Description — This column displays the items description that you entered in the Edit Prompt or New Prompt page. You can edit this column by placing your cursor in the field and typing.

  • Required— When this column contains a green check mark, it indicates that the user must select or enter a value for this prompt item. The content designer designates a prompt as required by selecting the Require user input box in the "New Prompt dialog". When no check mark is displayed in this column, the user does not have to select or enter a value and can select to skip the prompt item. This field is read-only.

  • New Column— This column indicates how the items in the prompt are structured on the page. When you select a prompt's New Column box, the corresponding item is moved to a new column on the page and to the right of the item before it in the table. When you deselect the box, the corresponding item is displayed below the item before it in the table.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Preview — Use this button to view and test the prompt. When you preview the prompt, it displays in a new browser window and includes data from the subject area.

  • New — Click this button to add a column to the prompt. After you click this button, you then choose which prompt type you want to add (for example, Column Prompt or Image Prompt).

    The page that displays after you click the New button depends upon the prompt item type that you select. Note the following:

  • Open — Click this button to display the "Open dialog", where you can open a saved Catalog object.

  • Insert Page Break — Click this button to insert a new prompts page after the selected prompt item. This functionality, along with the New Column option in the Definition table, enables you to arrange a complex prompt into an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

    After you insert a new prompts page, you can highlight the page's row in the table and click the Edit button to display the "Edit Page Settings dialog". Use this dialog to modify the page title, instructions, and page formatting.

  • Edit — Click this button to display the "New Prompt dialog", where you can modify the prompts preferences. For example, click this button to change a column's display option from Radio Button to Checkbox.

  • Delete — Click this button to delete the prompt item that you selected in the Definition Table.

Dimension Pinnings dialog

Use this dialog to pin (or set) the value of one or more KPI dimensions. You set values of KPI dimensions, for example, when you add a strategy map that contains one or more KPIs that are dimensioned to a dashboard.

Pinning is optional. Typically, it is best not to pin most of the dimensions so that the data is controlled by the point of view settings.

For more information, see:


List of Dimensions

Displays a list of the dimensions to be pinned.

To pin a dimension, click the down arrow to the right of the dimension and select one of the following options:

  • A specific value

  • Use Variable — Use this option to display the "Select Variable dialog", where you specify a variable to use to set the value. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • Not Pinned — Use this option to specify that, initially, all dimension values are to be used. However, if, on a dashboard page, Scorecard, or KPI Watchlist, a control is provided, a user can dynamically change the value to explore the data.

Display pane

Use this pane to view the prompt's layout and design. The Display pane is updated as you use the "Definition pane" to arrange the prompt items and the "Prompt editor" to add and modify prompt items. The items displayed in the Display pane do not access the prompt's data source and, therefore, do not include the columns' data selection options. To test the prompt with data selection options and view the resulting dashboard or analysis, click Preview.

For more information about creating and adding prompts, see:

This pane is part of the "Prompt editor".



Use this button to access the"Edit Page Settings dialog" to specify the prompt page's title and instructional text, and the text and tables formats (for example, font size, cell color, and border width).

Edit dialog

Use this dialog to work with values as part of the "Select Values dialog".



Use this area to work with values in the following ways:

  • Enter values into the list of selected values.

  • Copy values from a previously saved list (for example a list of values in Excel) into the list of selected values.

  • Copy values from the selected list of values.

Separate values that you enter with carriage returns (Enter key) or pipe (|) characters. Values that you copy in can be separated by carriage returns (the Enter key), | (pipe) characters, or tabs.

Press the Tab key to move the focus to the OK button.

Edit Background Map dialog

Use this dialog to edit a map from the Background Maps tab of the "Administration: Manage Map Data page". Before editing a background map, add layers using the Layers tab. A background map is a non-interactive map that serves as a base for the map view. It might display a satellite image or a map with roads. (A background map is referred to as a "tile" in MapViewer.)

For more information, see "Administering Maps" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.



Use this field to enter the name of the map.


Use this field to enter a description of the map, which is displayed in the following locations:

  • On the Maps tab of the Administration page.

  • As a tooltip for the map when selecting a map from the list, when editing the map view.

Interactive BI Layers area

Use this area to specify the layers from the Oracle Database that are available on the map and their zoom level. The first time that you display this dialog after adding a map, this area lists any appropriate layers that are specified on the Layers tab, with their default zoom level settings.

The layers are listed from bottom to top, in terms of how they are applied to the map. A sample order is Countries, States, Cities. The lower level layers generally have the lower zoom levels. For example, if you have a States layer and a Cities layer, then include lower zoom levels for State than City.

This area contains the following components:

  • Click the Add Layers button to display a list of the layers that have been imported on the Layers tab and associated with a BI column, then select the layers to add to the map. When you add a layer that is part of the map definition from MapViewer, the layer displays at its default zoom levels. If the layer is not part of the map definition, then specify the zoom levels yourself.

  • Click the Sort Layers By Zoom Level button to list the layers in ascending or descending order based on visibility on the map. The sort order that is specified here does not affect the order in which layers are applied on the map. Instead, the sorting order affects the zoom levels. For example, the States layer might have zoom levels 1 through 3 and the Cities layer has zoom levels 4 through 9. The lower layers have the lower zoom level numbers. The zoom levels that you specify correspond to the tick marks on the zoom slider on the map.

  • Click the Turn On Layer Visibility or Turn Off Layer Visibility button to control the visibility of layers on the map. Use the buttons to indicate whether the layer is visible in the Preview map in this dialog only. The layer is still visible on a map view. You can modify the zoom levels for a layer with a visibility turned off.

  • Click a cell under a zoom level for a layer to see one of the following:

    • If you click a blue cell that is between other blue cells, then you see a popup menu with Clear Left and Clear Right buttons, which allow you to change the zoom level in either direction. For example, if you click the cell for zoom level 4 and click the eraser on the right, all cells to the right are cleared for that zoom level.

    • If you click a blue cell that at the end of a line of blue cells, then the cell turns white to indicate that it is no longer part of that zoom level.

    • If you click a white cell, then you increase the zoom level on either side of the existing blue cells. For example, suppose cells 4 through 6 are colored blue to reflect the zoom level. If you click in cell 2, then the zoom level becomes 2 through 6.

    If you do not set any zoom levels for a layer, then that layer does not display on the map.

  • Hover over the layer name to display a More menu from which you can make the following selections:

    • Delete — Deletes the layer from the Interactive BI Layers area. The layer continues to be available on the Layers tab and can be added to this area again.

    • Move Up or Move Down — Moves the layer up or down so you can specify the order in which layers are applied to the map.

    • Reset to Default Visibility — Resets the current visibility range for this layer as defined in the underlying map definition. If this layer is not natively associated with the map, then this option is disabled for that layer.

  • Use the yellow border that surrounds the column of boxes for a zoom level to determine which zoom level is currently displayed in the map area.

Map area

Use this area to specify how the map is displayed to users. Use the panning and zooming controls to affect the display of the map. If you hover over the zoom slider, then you see tooltips that specify the names of the layers that are currently associated with that zoom level.

Edit Briefing Book dialog

Use this dialog to edit a briefing book. You can reorder content, delete content, and change the content type, the number of navigation links to follow, and the content description.

For more information, see:



Displays the contents of the briefing book. To edit or delete content, select the content and then use the toolbar buttons. To reorder content, select the content and drag and drop it to the desired location.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Edit Page — Use this button to display the "Page Properties dialog", where you can change the content type, the number of navigation links to follow, and the content description of the currently selected content.

  • Delete Page — Use this button to delete the currently selected content.

Related Topics

"Adding Content to New or Existing Briefing Books"
"Downloading Briefing Books"
"Adding a List of Briefing Books to a Dashboard Page"
"Using Agents to Deliver Briefing Books"

Edit Column Formula dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • Specify custom text for headings for a column's folder and for a column.

  • Specify the aggregation rule for the column totals for an attribute or measure columns or for a KPI-related formula.

  • Edit the formula for an attribute or measure column. A column formula specifies what the column values represent. By editing this formula, you can present analysis results in a variety of ways.

  • Create formulas that calculate KPI actual values, target values, and thresholds.

You cannot customize headings, specify the aggregation rule, or edit the formula for a hierarchical column or for a hierarchy level; however, you can specify a hierarchical column within a formula for an attribute or measure column.

For more information, see:



Use the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab" to customize headings, specify the aggregation rule, and edit the formula for a column.


Use the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Bins tab" to combine values for the column into sets.

Edit Column Formula dialog: Bins tab

Use this tab of the "Edit Column Formula dialog" to perform "binning," which enables you to combine values for the column into sets. For example, suppose that the Region column has a value EASTERN. You can specify "My Home Region" instead as the text that displays for that value in the view that displays that column's data.

Binning differs from groups in that groups allow the view to display each member that is part of the group. For information, see "What are Groups?"

For more information, see "Editing the Formula for a Column".


Add Bin

Use this button to display the "New Filter dialog", where you can create a filter expression to display as a CASE statement in the Formula area of the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab".

You can combine multiple values or ranges of values from a given column into bins. When you add and name the bins, all instances of the various values that comprise the bin in the result set are replaced by the bin name. Aggregations are performed accordingly as well. For example, you can specify that all values over $10M are displayed as "My10M."

Bins List

Displays the list of bins that you have created for this column using the Add Bin button. Use the following buttons within this list:

  • Edit Bin Filter — Displays the "Edit Filter dialog", where you can edit the filter for the bin.

  • Edit Bin Name — Displays a dialog in which you can edit the name for the bin.

  • Delete — Removes the bin from the list.

  • Move Up or Move Down — Moves the bin up or down one place within the list. The order of bins in the list is significant. You can include a certain value within multiple bins. However, the value is used only by the first bin that encounters it.

Create a bin for all other values

Use this box to create an entry in the Bins list called "All other values" and to display the dialog in which you can enter a name for this bin. This bin includes all values that have not yet been included in another bin in the list. You cannot edit the filter for this bin nor can you reorder it. It must be the last bin in the list.

Treat result as a numeric value or expression

Use this box to indicate that binned numeric values that you specify are treated as numbers, rather than as the default of text. For example, suppose that you specify 35 as the bin name. If you do not select this box, then the name is treated as text, rather than as the number 35 when it is displayed in views. If you select this box, then the value 35 is treated as a number, which affects operations that are specific to data types such as sorting.

Clear All

Use this button to remove the bins that you have created. When you click this button, a message prompts you to decide whether to keep the CASE statement in the formula on the Formula tab:

  • If you select Yes, then you clear all bins from the Bins tab and the formula with the CASE statement is available for you to edit on the Formula tab.

  • If you select No, then you clear all bins and the formula on the Formula tab returns to its default value.


  • The Bins tab is not affected by the button bar in the Formula area in the Formula tab. However, if you create a CASE statement using the Bins tab, the button bar is hidden when you click the Column Formula tab. The button bar is displayed only if you clear all bins.

Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab

Use this tab of the "Edit Column Formula dialog" to:

  • Specify custom text for headings for the column's folder and for the column.

  • Specify the aggregation rule for the column totals for an attribute or measure columns or for a KPI-related formula.

  • Edit the formula for an attribute or measure column. A column formula specifies what the column values represent, for example, "Sales Measures"."Dollars". By editing this formula, you can present analysis results in a variety of ways.

  • Create formulas that calculate KPI actual values, target values, and thresholds.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Formula dialog


Folder Heading

Not available for KPIs.

Use this field to enter the text for the heading for the column's folder. To enable this field, select the Custom Headings box.

Column Heading

Not available for KPIs.

Use this field to customize the heading to reflect the data in the column. To enable this field, select the Custom Headings box. For example, to change the column heading to "Dollars Increased by 10%", select the Custom Headings box and then, in the Column Heading field enter Dollars Increased by 10%.

Custom Headings

Not available for KPIs.

Use this box to enable the Folder Heading and Column Heading fields so that you can customize the headings to suit your needs. For example, if you change the formula of a column, you might want to change the column heading to something that is more representative of the column.

Aggregation Rule (Totals Row)

Use this box to select the aggregation rule for the:

  • Column totals for attribute or measure columns. For example, if you want column totals to show the minimum value of the rows in the result set, then select Min. If you want them to show the sum of all the values in the result set, then select Sum, which is the default.

  • KPI-related formula

For a list of the valid values, see "Aggregation Rules and Functions".


Displays the primary subject area and any related subject areas that have been added to the "Subject Areas pane". Use this area to select columns to use in formulas. To insert a column in a formula, select the column and click the Add Column button (the arrow button between the Available and Column Formula areas). Note that when you insert a column, if you have something highlighted in the Column Formula area, it is replaced.

Column Formula

Use this area to perform these tasks:

  • Create or edit the formula for an attribute or measure column.

  • Create the formula to calculate a KPI actual value, target value, or range.

When you have text selected in the Column Formula box, it is replaced by values that you select elsewhere, such as in the Available list or by inserting functions or filters. The selected text is also displayed in the Insert Function and Insert Filter dialogs when you invoke them.

You can enter the formula manually or use these components:

  • f(. . .) — Use this button to display the "Insert Function dialog", where you select a function from a tree of function groups. For example, you can build a formula based on a SQL function, such as RANK("Sales Measures"."Dollars").

    For information about SQL functions, see Appendix D, "Logical SQL Reference."

  • Filter. . . — Use this button to display the "Insert Filter dialog", where you can add a SQL filter. For example, you can build a formula that uses the SQL FILTER function to filter the data, such as FILTER("Sales Measures"."Dollars" USING ("Markets"."Region" = 'EASTERN REGION').

  • Column > — Use this button to select a column from a list of the available attribute and measure columns that are included in the analysis criteria to use in the formula. This is helpful for example, if you have cleared the formula area and want to get back to where you started.

  • Variable > — Use this button to select the type of variable (Session, Repository, or Presentation) to add. The "Insert Variable dialog" is displayed, where you specify the name of the variable.

    For example, you can build a formula using a presentation variable, such as "Sales Measures".Dollars + @{PercentIncrease}{1.50}, where PercentIncrease is the name of the presentation variable and 1.50 is its default value.

  • + — Use this button to insert the addition operator to add values.

  • - — Use this button to insert the subtraction operator to subtract values.

  • x —Use this button to insert the multiplication operator to multiply values.

  • / — Use this button to insert the division operator to divide values.

  • % — Use this button to insert the percent sign to divide values by 100.

  • ( — Use this button to insert the left parenthesis to enclose data in brackets.

  • ) — Use this button to insert the right parenthesis to enclose data in brackets.

  • ||— Use this button to insert the concatenation operator.

Treat as an Attribute Column

Available only for measure columns and only when the dialog is invoked from the Criteria tab. The default is that the box is not selected. Use this box to specify that a measure column be treated as an attribute column. This setting forces a Group By of the column values when the measure column is positioned outside the Measures area to an edge of the view This setting is not applied to a measure column in the Columns and Measures area of a table or the Measures area for a pivot table or graph.

This box is required to facilitate functionality in this release that specifies to not show all the detail when a measure column is moved to an edge but rather to aggregate the measure column to the grain of the edge. For example, aggregating dollar values to the Region grain.

Suppose that you have an analysis that contains the Region, Units, and Dollars columns. Using the Bins tab of the Edit Column Formula dialog for Units, you create one bin for values greater than or equal to 10 million and you specify that bin name as X. All other values use the bin name of Y. These bins create a CASE statement in the formula for this column.

When you display that analysis in a table on the Results tab, you see values for X and Y in the Units column. If you display that analysis in a pivot table with the Units column on the Measures edge, you also see values for X and Y. If you move the Units column to another edge, such as the Row edge of a pivot table, then you see only values for X. This is because the values of the column were aggregated for each region and none are now less than 10 million.

To resolve this problem and have views display data as in previous releases (prior to 11g), you select the Treat as an Attribute Column box to specify that the measure column be handled as an attribute column, which prevents the aggregation of the values.

All analyses are upgraded from Release 10g with all measure columns having the Treat as an Attribute Column box selected, to ensure that the measure columns are treated as attribute columns, as they were in Release 10g.


To manually enter a variable in an expression in the Formula area, follow the guidelines for referencing variables in expressions that are described in Table 2-2.

Related Topics

"Edit Column Formula dialog: Bins tab"

Edit Dimension Settings dialog

Use this dialog to set up the control for a dimension in the point of view area of a scorecard. Specifically, you can specify:

  • A default value for the dimension

  • Whether a control for the dimension is to be displayed in the point of view area

  • The label to be displayed in the point of view area for the dimension

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the dimension in the database, for example, "A - Sample Sales"."Products"."P1 Products".


Use this field to enter a user-friendly label for the dimension's point of view control when no specific value has been set for the dimension. For example, you might enter Products for the dimension "A - Sample Sales"."Products"."P1 Products". Note that you do not need to specify a label for:

  • A dimension that is pinned to a specific value (the value is displayed instead). You can pin the dimension to a specific value using the Default Value box.

  • A dimension for which you prevent the display of a control in the point of view area. (You use the Prompted field to prevent the display of a point of view control.)

Default Value

Use this box to select one of the following options:

  • A specific value for the dimension. If you specify a specific value, the value is for the dimension label.

  • Search — Use this option to display the "Search Members dialog", where you search for a value for the dimension.

  • Not Pinned — Use this option to specify that, initially, all dimension values are to be used. However, if you select the Prompted box, you later can change the value using the point of view control.

If you select a specific value and:

  • Prevent the display of a control for this dimension in the point of view area by deselecting the Prompted box, then you are pinning the dimension to a constant value for this scorecard, and users cannot change the value.

  • Display a control for this dimension in the point of view area by selecting the Prompted box, then you are pinning the dimension to an initial value for this scorecard, and users can change the value.


Use this box to specify whether a control for this dimension is to be displayed in the point of view area of the scorecard:

  • Select this box to specify that a control for this dimension is to be displayed in the point of view area.

  • Deselect this box to prevent the display of a control for this dimension in the point of view area. You should prevent the display of a control in the following cases:

    • If you have pinned the dimension to a specific value or to all dimension values and you do not want users to change this setting.

    • If a dimension that is equivalent to this dimension is used in another KPI in the Scorecard and this dimension should share a point of view control with the other dimension.

      In this case, you must also complete the Prompted By box.

      For example, suppose two KPIs used in the Scorecard both have a Quarter dimension. The Quarter dimensions have the same values but come from different databases. In this case, for one of the Quarter dimensions, you should deselect the Prompted box for one of the Quarter dimensions and in the Prompted By box select the other Quarter dimension so that both dimensions share one control.


      Before you set up dimensions to share a point of view control, ensure that their values match exactly. After you to set up the shared control, test the control to ensure that it sets the value of each dimension that it controls.

Prompted By

This box is available only if you have deselected the Prompted box. Use this box to select the dimension whose control in the point of view area this dimension is to share.

Edit Footer or Header dialog

Use this dialog to specify the information for adding a footer or header to PDF and HTML output, when printing a dashboard page. Each header and footer can contain as many as three lines.

For more information, see:

"Print Options dialog"
"Changing the Properties of a Dashboard and its Pages"


Bold, Italic, Underline

Use these buttons to apply Bold, Italic, or Underline to characters in the footer or header.

Line Break

Use this button to insert a line break between characters in the footer or header.

Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup".

Insert Field

Use this menu to select a field to include in the header or footer, such as the author name, date, or page number.


Use these fields to enter the text for the header or footer.

You can reference variables in these fields. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

Edit Format

Click this button to display the "Edit Format dialog", in which you specify formatting for the text in the footer or header.

Display in browser when applicable

Use this option to specify whether to display the header or footer in the HTML output. If you deselect this box, then the header or footer is displayed in the PDF output only.

Edit Layer dialog

Use this dialog to edit a layer from the Layers tab of the "Administration: Manage Map Data page". One important task is to associate the layer of spatial data with data for Oracle BI EE.

Spatial data is managed in MapViewer and stored in an Oracle Database. To display data for Oracle BI EE on a map, you must associate a spatial layer with the appropriate columns of data from the Oracle BI Server. The combinations of BI data columns are referred to as "BI Keys". When you associate the layer of spatial data with data for Oracle BI EE, that layer becomes available for use with the specified columns in the specified subject areas.

For more information, see "Administering Maps" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.



Use this field to enter the name of the layer.


Displays the location of the layer in the data source from MapViewer.


Use this button to display the "Import Layers dialog", in which you select a source location to associate with the layer. Your selection is reflected in the Location box.


Use this field to enter the description of the layer, which is displayed in the following locations:

  • On the Layers tab of the Administration page.

  • When you hover over the layer name in the Map Formats area when editing the map.

Layer Key

Use this box to select the column of spatial data from MapViewer to associate with data for Oracle BI EE. Each column value corresponds to a shape that is stored in the Oracle database. For example, a MY_CITIES layer might have a layer key called CITY. By default, the selected value is a "best guess" at the appropriate column. Use the list to select the appropriate column.

Click the Sample Data link to display an actual value for that column that you can use as an example.

If the box is empty, then the administrator must define the key column for the shapes in the spatial table for that layer in MapViewer. The map is drawn only where common values exist between the spatial data column and the associated column of Oracle BI EE data. Otherwise, the map might show a white area to indicate a missing value. To verify that common values exist for the two columns, display the column of Oracle BI EE data in the Oracle BI Administration Tool and review its values. In MapViewer, verify that the associated layer contains all the appropriate geometry definitions for the values in the corresponding column of Oracle BI EE data.

The following list provides the reasons why a white area might be drawn, using the country of Mexico as an example:

  • The column has a null value for the country of Mexico, but a shape exists for Mexico in the spatial column.

  • The column has a value for the country of Mexico, but no shape exists for Mexico in the spatial column.

  • The column has a value for the country of Mexico and the shape exists for Mexico in the spatial column, but the names are mismatched. The BI column might have the value MEX and the spatial column might have MXC.

BI Key Delimiter

Available only when multiple columns are specified for one key. Use this field to enter a single ASCII character (such as a comma or underscore) to function as a delimiter for combining the BI data columns that form a key.

Geometry Type

Use this box to specify whether the layer is a point geometry layer or a polygon layer. The specification for a point or polygon layer affects the formatting that can be applied to that layer.

BI Key Columns Area

Use this area to select the columns of data from the Oracle BI Server to associate with the layer. You can have multiple columns associated with a single layer. You can select multiple columns from one subject area or from multiple subject areas. The columns and delimiter that you select must exactly match the name of the Layer Key value. Suppose the Layer Key value is STATE_CITY. You must select the STATE and CITY BI data columns and specify the underscore character as the delimiter for use in creating the BI Key to associate with the layer.

Click the following options:

  • Add New BI Key — Displays the list of available subject areas. When you select one, the "Select BI Key Columns dialog" is displayed in which you select one or more columns of BI data to associate with the layer.

  • Delete BI Key — Deletes the selected key from the Key area.

  • Edit BI Key — Displays the "Select BI Key Columns dialog" where you edit the BI data columns for the selected key.

  • Sample Data — Displays an actual value for that column that you can use as an example. Ensure that the values for the data column match those from the spatial data column.

When a content designer creates a map view, a default main map is selected as the basis for that map view. If at least one data column from the analysis is associated with a layer that is associated with a main map, then that main map is selected by default.

Show Qualified Names

Use this box to specify whether to display the fully qualified name of the column in the BI Key Columns Area or simply the column name.

Edit Page Settings dialog

Use this dialog to modify the page title, instructions, and page formatting. For more information, see "Definition pane".



Use this field to enter the title to display on the prompt page. You can format this title by clicking the Format button.


Use this field to enter instructions for the prompt page. For example, "Use this page to specify sales measure prompt values."


Click this button to display the "Edit Format dialog", in which you specify the formatting options that you can apply to the prompt page. For example, you can specify a font size and style for the title and a background color for the cell.

Prompt Display

Use this field to specify if you want the prompt label to display beside the prompt field or above the prompt field.

Wrap label to fit

Use this field to specify if you want to wrap the prompt labels. Selecting this option moves long prompt labels to multiple rows, if necessary. Note that if the total row length is longer than the user interface, Oracle BI EE adds a horizontal scroll bar to the prompts page.

The default maximum label size is 250 pixels. Note that this value differs if the Administrator modified the default pixel value in the Oracle BI EE configuration file.

Set width of all prompts to

Use this field to specify if and how you want Oracle BI EE to adjust the field width for all prompts on the prompts page. When selected, this field overrides any prompt width settings that you added to individual prompts. The field width is where the prompt values display, and does not include the field's label. If you selected the is between operator, each field ("from" and "to") is sized to the pixel size that you specify.

Select this field to apply the specified width to all prompts on the prompts page. Deselect this field to set each prompt width individually in the "New Prompt dialog".

After you select this field, you can specify the one of the following options:

  • Select Dynamic if you want Oracle BI EE to size the field width up to 500 pixels. For most prompt types, a user can mouse-over a truncated member value and Oracle BI EE displays the member's full value.

  • Select Pixels and specify a pixel value, if necessary. Oracle BI EE defaults a value of 250 pixels into this field. Note that this value differs if the Administrator modified the default pixel value in the Oracle BI EE configuration file. Enter a pixel value to override the default pixel value. Note that if the member values are longer than the pixel value that you specify, Oracle BI EE truncates the member name. For most prompt types, a user can mouse-over a truncated member value and Oracle BI EE displays the member's full value.

    Note the following items:

    • If you choose Pixels and specify a value, Oracle BI EE writes this value to the Choice List Width field on the "New Prompt dialog".

    • If you change this field from Pixels to Dynamic, Oracle BI EE sets the Choice List Width field to Dynamic on the "New Prompt dialog".

    • If you modify an individual prompt width value on the "New Prompt dialog", Oracle BI EE clears the prompts page setting's Set width of all prompts to field.

Apply display properties to all prompt pages

Use this field to apply the page display properties that you specified to all of the prompts pages. Deselect this field to apply the properties to the prompts page upon which you are working, only.

Edit Parameter Filter dialog

Use this dialog to edit a prompted filter that is associated with an analysis on which a condition is based.

For more information, see:

"Customize Condition dialog"
"New Condition dialog"



Displays the name of the column on which the filter is built.


Use this box to select the operator to apply to the value specified in the Value field. For guidelines on operators, see "Operators".


Use this field to specify the value to use when applying the filter. You can type a value or click the Show list of values button to search for one or more specific values.

To specify a session or repository variable as the value, click the Value label and select Session Variable or Repository Variable. The Value field label changes to either Session Variable or Repository Variable. Then, enter the name of the session or repository variable.

For more information on session and repository variables, see "Using Variables".

Show list of values

Use this button to display the "Select Values dialog", where you can select one or more values from a list of available values.

Add another filter value

Use this button to add another Value field.

Delete Filter Value

Use this button to delete the corresponding value and field.

Edit Parameter Mapping dialog

Use this dialog to edit the action parameters associated with an action.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Add Existing Action dialog


Define Parameters

Use this area to define the action parameters. It includes the following components:

  • Name — Use this column to view or enter the name of the parameter.

    For Navigate to a Web Page or Invoke an HTTP Request actions, to embed a parameter value anywhere within the URL, enter the token @{Name} where 'Name' is the value specified in the Name column below. There is no limit to the number of parameters that can be embedded.

  • Prompt — Use this column to enter the prompt to be displayed to users, if the user is to provide the parameter value.

  • Value — Use this column to enter the parameter value. Click the Change type of value button to select one of the following types of value and then specify the value:

    • Value — Select this option to specify a value and then enter the value in the field.

    • Session Variable — Select this option to use the value of a session variable, and then enter the name of the session variable in the field, or click the Show popular Session variables button (to the right of this field) and select a session variable from a list of commonly-used variables.

    • Repository Variable — Select this option to use the value of a repository variable and then enter the name of the repository value in the field.

    • Request Column — Select this option to display the "Choose Request Column dialog", where you select the column in an analysis whose value is to be used as the value of an action parameter.

      This option is available only when you are editing the parameters for an inline action added to an agent that is conditionally executed based on an analysis.

    • Column Value — Select this option to use a column value in your analysis criteria and then click the Column Value button and select the column.

      For example, suppose you have the Region and District columns in your analysis criteria and define an action link on the District column that maps a parameter to the Region column. When you execute that action link (by clicking on a district), the region value for that district is used. Note that in a pivot table, the mapped values depend on the current layout or state of the table.

      This option is available only when you are adding an inline action to an analysis.

    For more information on session and repository variables, see "Using Variables".

  • Fixed — Use this column to specify whether to allow users to see but not set the parameter. Select this box to allow users to see but not set the parameter. Deselect this box to allow users to see and set the value.

  • Hidden — Use this column to specify whether to hide the parameter from users. Select this box to hide the parameter from users. Deselect this box to show the parameter to users.

  • Optional — Use this column to specify whether the parameter requires a value before the action can be executed. Select this box to make the value optional. Deselect this box to make the value required.

  • Add Parameter — Use this button to add a parameter. (Whether you can add a parameter for an action, depends on the action type.)

  • Delete Parameter — Use this button to delete a parameter.

Edit Saved Customizations dialog

Use this page to edit the customizations saved for a dashboard page. You can:

  • Rename customizations

  • Change which customization to use as your default

  • Change permissions for those customizations that have been shared with others

  • Delete customizations

For more information, see:


Saved Customizations

This area displays the customizations, both personal and shared, that have been saved for the dashboard page.

To rename a customization, overwrite the old name with the new name.

To set a customization as your default, select the button in the My Default column for the customization. To have no personal customizations as your default, select the button in the My Default column for the No Personal Customizations entry.


Use this button to display the "Saved Customization Permissions and Defaults dialog", where you specify the accounts that have permission to use the customization and whether the customization is to be the default customization for the accounts.


Use this button to delete the selected customization.

Embedded Content Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify the URL and other information about content to embed on a dashboard page.

For more information, see "Adding Content to Dashboards".



Use this field to enter the location and name of the content to embed.

These are examples:


The URL that you specify should begin with http:// unless you plan to use an item that is saved on the Web server. If you use a network path to indicate the location of the item, then ensure that you use the exact path. Items that are embedded on a shared dashboard must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users.


Use this field to specify the width of the embedded content in the dashboard. Note the following about width and height specifications:

  • If you do not specify a value, then the system uses the default settings (300 by 150 pixels). If you have only specified one value, then the system uses the default value for the non-specified value.

  • You can specify the value in either pixels (px) or percent (%). Because browsers cannot fully interpret percent values, only the width percentage is rendered. If you specify the height in percentage, then 150 pixels is substituted for the height value.

  • If you do not specify either pixels or percent, then the value is interpreted in pixels.

  • You can enter spaces within the value. For example, you can enter either 130px or 130 px.


Use this field to specify the height of the embedded content in the dashboard. Adjust the height setting for the best display results.

Hide Scroll Bars

Select this box to indicate that the scroll bars for the embedded content are not displayed. If you do not select this box, then scroll bars are automatically added to the window if they are needed.

Enter Email Address dialog

Use this dialog to add e-mail recipients who are to receive the delivery content of an agent.

For more information, see:


Email address for content delivery (separate multiple addresses with commas)

Use this field to enter the e-mail address of each e-mail recipient who is to receive the delivery content of the agent. Use commas to separate multiple addresses.

Enter Expression dialog

Use this dialog to enter a variable expression or SQL query to use to set a gauge threshold.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Enter SQL Query dialog



Use this box to enter the expression or SQL query.

You can reference one or more presentation variables in the expression. For guidelines on referencing a variable in an expression, see Table 2-2. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

Filter editor

Use this editor to create or edit a named filter.

For more information, see:


Subject Areas

Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select the attribute column or measure column to be included in the filter. If your repository is configured for double columns, typically, you choose a display column on which to filter. However, you can choose a code column on which to filter but only if the code column is exposed in the Presentation layer in the Oracle BI EE repository. For more information on the Presentation layer, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

After you select a column, the "New Filter dialog" displays where you specify the new filter's criteria.


Use the "Catalog pane" to search for and drag and drop named filters from the catalog to the Filter editor. When you add a named filter to the Filter Editor, you are given the choice of either copying a catalog reference to the named filter or copying the named filter's contents to the analysis. When you include a reference to the named filter, you cannot modify the filter. When you include a copy of the named filter, you can modify the filter's contents and either save the filter as an inline or named filter.

Saved Filter

Use this area to work with a filter just as you would in the "Filters pane".

Filters pane

Use this dialog to create or edit a named filter or inline filter.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab".

This pane also displays as the Saved Filter pane on the "Filter editor".


Filters Pane Toolbar

The toolbar contains the following buttons.

  • Create a filter for the current subject area — Use this button to choose an attribute column or measure column from a list of the columns that are currently selected for the analysis. You can also select the More columns option to display the "Select Column dialog", where you can select an attribute column or a measure column from the current subject area. If your repository is configured for double columns, typically, you choose a display column on which to filter. However, you can choose a code column on which to filter but only if the code column is exposed in the Presentation layer in the Oracle BI EE repository. For more information on the Presentation layer, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    After you select a column, the "New Filter dialog" displays where you specify the new filter's criteria.

  • Remove All Filters — Use this button to delete all of the filter items in the Filters pane. To delete a selected filter item, you must go to the listing of filter items in the Filters pane and click the Delete button for the item to remove.

  • More Options — Click this button to access the following options:

    • Save Filters — Use this option to save the filter and all of its contents to the catalog. Filters saved to the catalog are called named filters and can be added to other analyses and dashboards. If you save the filter as a named filter and then continue to work on the filter within the Filters pane, any changes that you make are not automatically saved to the catalog. To re-save the named filter, you must again click the Save Filters option. Note that selecting the Save Filters option does not save the analysis and inline filter upon which you are working. To save the inline filter with the analysis, go to the Analysis Editor's toolbar and click the Save button.

    • Add EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function — Use this option to display the "New EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function dialog", where you create a function.

Filter Item Toolbar

The filter item toolbar is the collection of buttons that displays when you hover over a filter item within the list of filter items. It includes the following buttons:

  • Edit Filter — Use this button to display the "Edit Filter dialog", where you edit the filter item's criteria.

  • Copy Filter — Use this button to copy the filter item. When you click this button, a copy of the filter displays below the original filter item. You can use this functionality to save time by copying an existing filter item upon which to base a new filter item rather than creating a new filter item from scratch.

  • Delete— Use this button to delete the filter item.


Click the operator to toggle between AND and OR. When you add a filter item, the default operator is AND. The AND operator means that the criteria specified in each filter must be met. This is the default method for combining column filters. The OR operator means that the criteria that is specified in at least one of the column filters must be met.

If you have specified three or more filters and click AND, then Oracle BI EE automatically groups the filter item with the filter item above it. Grouped filters are indented in the filters list. You can click the operator to group the filters in several layers. Grouped filters are always processed before ungrouped filters.

Edit Filter Group

This button displays when you hover over a collection of grouped filters. Use this button to specify what you want to do with the corresponding group. If you are working with a multi-level group, then ensure that you are clicking on the correct Edit Filter Group button. Note the following options:

  • Ungroup — Use this option to ungroup the highlighted filters group. If you are working with a group that has several layers of groupings, then clicking this option ungroups only the highlighted group.

  • Delete Group — Use this option to delete the highlighted filter group from the filter.

  • Duplicate Group — Use this option to copy and paste the highlighted filter group. When you click this option, Oracle BI EE pastes the copy below the copied filter group. The copied filter group is also nested within the filter group from which it was copied.

Folder Properties dialog

Use this dialog to add a view of a catalog folder and its contents, such as saved analyses, or a list of briefing books to a dashboard page. For example, if you have a collection of saved analyses that you run frequently, you can open the folder in the dashboard, navigate to a saved analysis, and click it to run it.

For more information, see:



Displays the path to the folder whose view you want to add to the dashboard page, for example, /Shared Folders/Briefing Books. Click the Browse button to display the "Open dialog", where you select the folder.


Use this option to specify whether to show an expanded view of the folder.

Show RSS Link

Use this option to specify whether to add an RSS feed option to the folder.

The RSS feed option enables a user to access the dashboard's catalog folder from an RSS 2.0 compatible reader that supports HTTP basic authentication. If Oracle BI Presentation Services uses HTTPS protocol, then the RSS Reader that you use must also support the HTTPS protocol. An RSS reader is a third-party program that enables the user to aggregate information from different web-based locations into one browser window (for example, news feeds or events listing).

When the RSS link is added to the dashboard's catalog folder, an XML button that provides the catalog's URL is displayed for that folder. When a user accesses a catalog folder from an RSS reader, the reader prompts the user to log in to the Oracle BI Server.

You can include an RSS feed option to a catalog folder that is displayed on a dashboard page. Users must have the proper privilege to add the RSS feed option to a dashboard page's catalog. The RSS Feeds privilege is granted by the administrator.

Folders pane

Use this pane to display and navigate the content of personal (My Folders) and shared folders that all users can access. Administrators can display the catalog root folder that contains all system, object, and user data and settings. You can also use this pane to move objects by dragging and dropping them to different areas within the Catalog. You can drag and drop objects within the Folders pane or from the Folders pane to the "Catalog area".

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Catalog page".


Show Folder Tree

Use this button to display all folders in hierarchical directories.

Show Quick Access Folders

Use this button to list, excluding their hierarchy, these folders:

  • My folders — Contains all the objects that you have created.

  • Shared folders — Contains folders for agents, common objects such as reports, and the contents of the subject area.

  • My <object> folder — Depending on the object, contains all the analyses, reports, agents, and scorecards that you have created or modified, or the agents to which you are currently subscribed. (Note that agents that you have been designated a recipient of are not included in the My Agent Subscriptions folder.)

My Folders

Contains all of your personal folders.

Shared Folders

Contains folders to which you have the permissions to access.

Font Format: Item dialog

Use this dialog to set formatting properties for a graph, such as the font family for text.

For more information, see "Graph Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab".


Depending on what you are formatting, this dialog might be displayed without tabs. If so, then it contains only the components in the "Font Format: Item dialog: Font Format tab".


Display Options

Use "Font Format: Item dialog: Display Options tab" to set properties for the display of titles, scale labels, and data labels.

Font Format

Use the "Font Format: Item dialog: Font Format tab" to set properties for displaying text.

Number Format

This tab is not available for the vertical axis 2 of a pareto graph.

Use the "Font Format dialog: Number Format tab" to override the default numeric format in which data labels are currently displayed.

Font Format: Item dialog: Display Options tab

Use this tab of the "Font Format: Item dialog" to set properties for the display of titles, scale labels, and data labels in a graph.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Format: Item dialog: Display Options tab



This box is available only for titles.

Use this box to specify whether items are to be automatically truncated or truncated by a specified number of characters. If you select Specify, then enter the number of characters in the characters field.

Label Orientation

This box is available only for scale labels.

Use this box to select the number of degrees scale labels are to be rotated.


This box is available only for scale and data labels. It is not available for the vertical axis 2 of a pareto graph.

Use this box to select the abbreviation to use for scale and data labels. For example, if you select Million(m) for a scale label of 120,000,000, then the label is abbreviated to 120M.

Show Data Labels

This box is available only for data labels.

Use this box to specify whether to hide or show data labels. Data labels are displayed when you hover the mouse over elements in a graph or gauge.

Data labels are enabled by default for selected 2D graph types. Data labels have no effect on graphs such as 3D bar and column.

Font Format: Item dialog: Font Format tab

Use this tab of the "Font Format: Item dialog" to set properties for displaying text.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Font Format: Item dialog



The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) — Use this button to remove the specifications that you have made and to return the settings to the values that they had when defaults were last saved.

    The Clear Cell Format (restore defaults) and the Copy Cell Format buttons affect the settings in the following ways:

    • If the dialog has no tabs, then the button affects all the settings in the dialog.

    • If the dialog has multiple tabs, then the button affects only those settings in the tab in which the button is displayed.

  • Copy Cell Format — Use this button to copy the formatting specifications from the dialog, so that you can apply them elsewhere.

  • Paste Cell Format — Use this button to paste the formatting that you have copied into the appropriate location.


Use this box to select the font family.


Use this field to enter the font size.


Use this box to select the font color.


Use this box to select the font style, such as bold or italic.


Use this box to select the font effects, such as underline or strike through.

Font Format dialog: Number Format tab

Use this tab of the "Font Format: Item dialog" to override the default numeric format in which data labels are currently displayed.


The numeric format is inherited from the representative column in the Criteria tab. If two or more columns are selected for the same axis, then numeric formatting is not inherited.

For more information, see:

"Graph Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab"
"Gauge Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab"


Override Default Data Format

Use this box to specify that you want override the default numeric format in which data labels are currently displayed.

Treat Numbers As

Use this box to specify whether data labels are numbers, percentages, or currency.

Currency Symbol

This box is available only if you select Currency in the Treat Numbers As box.

Use this box to select the currency symbol to show in data labels.

Negative Format

Use this option to specify whether to display negative data labels using a minus sign (for example, -123) or parentheses (for example, (123).

Decimal Places

Use this box to select the number of decimal places (to a maximum of 6) in which to display numbers (for example, 120,000,000.000).

Use 1000's Separator

Use this box to specify whether to separate each magnitude of a thousand by a comma. (for example, 1,000,000,000.00

Gauge Properties dialog

Use this dialog to edit the properties of gauge.

For more information, see:



Use the "Gauge Properties dialog: General tab" to set properties related to the gauge canvas, such as, legend location.


Use the "Gauge Properties dialog: Style tab" to set properties that control the appearance of the gauge, such as width and height of the gauge.


Use the "Gauge Properties dialog: Scale tab" to set properties for gauge limits and tick marks.

Titles and Labels

Use the "Gauge Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab" to set properties that control the display of titles, footers, and labels for the gauge or gauges in a gauge set.

Gauge Properties dialog: General tab

Use this tab of the "Gauge Properties dialog" to set properties related to the gauge canvas, such as legend location.

For more information, see:


Gauges Per Row

Use this field to enter the number of gauges display per row in a gauge set.

Legend Location

Use this box to specify whether a legend is to be displayed and its location. Select one of the following options:

  • Default — Use this option to display the legend in the default location, that is, to the right of the gauge canvas.

  • None — Use this option to specify that no legend is to be displayed.

  • Top — Use this option to display the legend at the top of the gauge canvas.

  • Right — Use this option to display the legend to the right of the gauge canvas.

  • Bottom — Use this option to display the legend at the bottom of the gauge canvas.

  • Left — Use this option to display the legend to the left of the gauge canvas.

Listen to Master-Detail Events

Use this box to specify whether the gauge is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship and listen for master-detail events. This box also displays the Event Channels field.

To specify that a gauge is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship and listen for master-detail events, select this box and then specify the channel or channels in the Event Channels field.

For more information on master-detail relationships, see "What is Master-Detail Linking of Views?"

Event Channels

This field is displayed only if you select the Listen to Master-Detail Events box.

Use this field to enter the name of one or more channels on which the gauge is to listen for master-detail events raised by one or more master views. The channel name is case sensitive and must match exactly the channel name specified in the master view. Separate channels with commas, for example, channel a, channel b.

Gauge Properties dialog: Scale tab

Use this tab of the "Gauge Properties dialog" to set properties for the following parts of a gauge:

  • Gauge limits — The minimum and maximum points on the gauge value axis.

  • Tick marks — The markings along the value axis of the gauge. They can identify regular intervals, from the minimum value to the maximum value, and can also indicate threshold values. (You set threshold values in the "Settings pane".)

For more information, see:


Gauge Limits

Use this area to specify the gauge limits as follows:

  • Select the Default box to use the default gauge limits.

  • Select the Specify box to specify custom gauge limits. Then, in the Minimum field enter the lowest point and in the Maximum field enter the highest point.

    Click the Customize Gauge Limit button to the right of the Minimum or Maximum field to display the "Customize Gauge Limit dialog", where you specify the custom gauge limit. You can specify the limits as an actual value or a percentage.

Tick Type

Displays the following options to specify the number of tick marks to display:

  • Dynamic — Select this box to let the system automatically calculate (based on the data) the number of tick marks to display.

  • Specify — Select this option to specify the number of tick marks to display.

Show Major Ticks

This box is not available for bulb gauges.

Use this box to specify whether major tick marks are to be shown.

To show major ticks, select this box and then specify the number of major tick marks to show.

Show Minor Ticks

This box is not available for bulb gauges.

Use this box to specify whether to show minor tick marks.

Minor tick marks show only in dial gauges that show one measure.

To show minor ticks, select this box and then specify the number of minor tick marks to show.

Gauge Properties dialog: Style tab

Use this tab of the "Gauge Properties dialog" to set properties that control the appearance of the gauge, such as width and height of the gauge.

For more information, see:


Dial Arch Length

This box is available only for dial gauges.

Use this field to enter length of the dial arc in degrees. The maximum value is 360 degrees.

Gauge Size

Use this box to specify the size of the gauge — Fit to Canvas, Small, Medium, Large or Custom.

If you select Custom, then you must complete the Width and Height fields, where you specify the width and height in pixels.


This field is enabled only when you select Custom in the Gauge Size box.

Use this field to enter the width of the gauge in pixels.


This field is enabled only when you select Custom in the Gauge Size box.

Use this field to enter the height of the gauge in pixels.

Marker Type

This area is available only for dial gauges.

Use this area to specify, for each measure in the gauge, the type and color of the indicator. The indicator is the part of the gauge that points to the value that is plotted.

In the first box, select the type of indicator and then, in the second box, select the color. The types of indicators are:

  • Needle — Use this option to use a needle to point to the value that is plotted.

  • Line — Use this option to use a line to point to the value that is plotted.

  • Fill — Use this option to fill the area inside the dial gauge to the value that is plotted. This option is ignored if the gauge has thresholds or if the gauge shows multiple measure columns.

Gauge Colors and Border: Background

This box is available only for dial gauges.

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the gauge background.

Gauge Colors and Border: Border

This box is available only for dial gauges.

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the border around the gauge.

Canvas Colors and Border: Background

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the canvas background.

Canvas Colors and Border: Border

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the border around the canvas.

Gauge Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab

Use this tab of the "Gauge Properties dialog" to set properties that control the display of titles, footers, and labels for a gauge or gauges in a gauge set.

If the canvas consists of a gauge set, then titles and footers are displayed for each gauge. Titles and footers are optional.

For more information, see:


Gauge Set Title: Title

Use this field to enter the title for the gauge or gauge set. The title is displayed at the top of the canvas.

Use measure name as graph title

Use this box to use the name of the measure column or columns (for example, Dollars) for the title of the gauge or gauge set.

Gauge Titles: Title

Use this field to enter a title to be displayed above each gauge.

You can use a token (@n) to include the results from the designated column in the gauge title. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column, and @3 inserts the results from the third column.

Gauge Titles: Footer

Use this field to enter a footer to be displayed beneath each gauge.

You can use a token (@n) to include the results from the designated column in the gauge footer. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column, and @3 inserts the results from the third column.

Format Title

Use this button (which is displayed next to each Title field and the Footer field) to display the "Font Format: Item dialog", where you can format the title or footer.

Format Label

Use this button (which is displayed next to the Legend, Scale Labels and Data Labels labels) to display the "Font Format: Item dialog", where you can format the legend, scale labels, or data labels.

The Format Label button for scale labels is not available for bulb gauges.

Getting Started pane

Use this pane to learn how to use Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management to drive and assess corporate performance, to link to the Oracle Business Intelligence glossary, and to link to information about how to create scorecards.

For more information, see "Viewing Overview Information".

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: Overview tab".



Use this link display overview information about scorecarding.

Glossary of Terms

Use this link to display a glossary of Oracle Business Intelligence terms.

How do I?

Use link to display information on how to create scorecard components, such as objectives, initiatives, perspectives, and views.

Graph Properties dialog

Use this dialog to edit the properties of a graph.

For more information, see:



Use the "Graph Properties dialog: General tab" to set properties related to the graph canvas, such as legend location.


Use the "Graph Properties dialog: Style tab" to set properties that control the appearance of the graph, such as the style.


Use the "Graph Properties dialog: Scale tab" to set properties for axis limits and tick marks.

Titles and Labels

Use the "Graph Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab" to set properties that control the display of titles and labels for the graph.

Graph Properties dialog: General tab

Use this tab of the "Graph Properties dialog" to set properties related to the graph canvas, such as legend location.

For more information, see:


Canvas Width

Use this field to enter the width of the graph canvas in pixels.

Canvas Height

Use this field to enter the height of the graph canvas in pixels.

Legend Location

Use this box to specify whether a legend is to be displayed and its location. Select one of the following options:

  • Default — Use this option to display the legend in the default location, that is, to the right of the graph canvas.

  • None — Use this option to specify that no legend is to be displayed.

  • Top — Use this option to display the legend at the top of the graph canvas.

  • Right — Use this option to display the legend to the right of the graph canvas.

  • Bottom — Use this option to display the legend at the bottom of the graph canvas.

  • Left — Use this option to display the legend to the left of the graph canvas.

Zoom and Scroll

This component is not supported for radar, funnel, and pie graphs.

Use this area to specify whether to enable zooming and scrolling on the horizontal and vertical axes:

  • Enable for Horizontal Axis — Use this option to enable zooming and scrolling on the X axis.

  • Enable for Vertical Axis — Use this option to enable zooming and scrolling on the vertical axis.

When you enable zooming and scrolling for an axis, the Zoom button (from which you can zoom and scroll) is displayed in the graph area when you hover the mouse over the graph.

For more information on how to zoom and scroll, see "Zooming and Scrolling in Graphs".

Listen to Master-Detail Events

Use this box to specify whether the graph is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship and listen for master-detail events. This box also displays the Event Channels field.

To specify that a graph is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship and listen for master-detail events, select this box and then specify the channel or channels in the Event Channels field.

For more information on master-detail relationships, see "What is Master-Detail Linking of Views?"

Event Channels

This field is displayed only if you select the Listen to Master-Detail Events box.

Use this field to enter one or more channels on which the graph is to listen for master-detail events raised by one or more master views. The channel name is case sensitive and must match exactly the channel name specified in the master view. Separate channels with commas, for example, channel a, channel b.

Animate graph on Display

This box is not supported for funnel graphs.

Use this box to specify whether to show an initial rendering effect. The rendering effect varies from graph to graph. In a horizontal graph, for example, the bars start at the horizontal axis and move up to the current measurement level.

Graph Properties dialog: Scale tab

Use this dialog of the "Graph Properties dialog" to set properties for the following parts of a graph:

  • Axis limits — The minimum and maximum points on the vertical and horizontal axes.

  • Tick marks — The markings along the value axes of the graph. They can identify regular intervals, from the minimum value to the maximum value.

This tab is not available for pie graphs or funnel graphs.

For more information, see:



If a graph has both vertical and horizontal axes (for example in a scatter graph) or two vertical axes (for example in a line-bar graph), this tab contains sub-tabs so that you can set the scale properties for both axes.

Axis Limits

This area is disabled for a pareto graph.

Use this box to specify the limits of the vertical or horizontal axis. Select one of the following options:

  • Default (Dynamic) — Use this option to let the system determine the scale and set the axis to zero for positive numbers.

  • Specify — Use this option to specify to the minimum and maximum axis limits. Then in the Minimum field, enter the minimum axis limit and in the Maximum field, enter the maximum axis limit.

Tick Type

Displays the following options to specify the number of tick marks to display:

  • Dynamic — Select this box to let the system automatically calculate (based on the data) the number of tick marks to display.

  • Specify — Select this option to specify the number of tick marks to display.

Note that the color you select color for the horizontal and vertical gridlines on the "Graph Properties dialog: Style tab"also is applied to the major and minor tick marks.

Show Major Ticks

Use this box to specify whether to show major tick marks. If you select this box, then specify the number of major tick marks to show.

Show Minor Ticks

This box is disabled for vertical axis 2 of a pareto graph.

Use this box to specify whether to show minor tick marks. If you select this box, then specify the number of minor tick marks to show.

Use logarithmic scale

This box is disabled for a pareto graph.

Use this box to specify whether to use a logarithmic scale.

Click to edit Scale Markers

Displays the "Scale Markers dialog", where you define the scale markers for the graph.


  • For a time series line graph, you cannot set scale properties (that is, axis limits or major and minor ticks) for the horizontal axis.

  • For a Pareto graph, you cannot specify:

    • Axis limits for either vertical axis 1 or vertical axis 2

    • Whether to show minor tick marks for vertical axis 2

    • Whether to use a logarithmic scale

    By definition, vertical axis 2 of the pareto graph ranges from 0% to 100%. In addition, vertical axis 1 is synchronized with vertical axis 2, so it cannot be changed.

Graph Properties dialog: Style tab

Use this dialog of the "Graph Properties dialog" to set properties that control the appearance of the graph, such as the style.

For more information, see:



This box is not enabled for bubble and radar graphs.

Use this box to select the graph style. The options are:

  • For bar, line-bar, or pareto graphs: Default, Rectangle, Triangle, Cylinder, Diamond, Gradient or Pattern Fill

  • For a line or time-series line graph: Default, Standard Line, Stepped Line, or Curved Line

  • For an area or pie graph: Default, Solid Fill, Gradient Fill, or Pattern Fill

  • For a scatter graph: Default, Standard Scatter, or Scatter-with-Lines

Style and Conditional Formatting

Displays the "Style and Conditional Formatting dialog", where you specify formatting.


Use this box to specify whether the graph is to be three-dimensional.

Plot Area: Background

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the plot area background.


Use these boxes to specify whether to display the default gridlines or gridlines that you specify.

If you select the Specify option, then, for the major grid and for the minor grid, specify the gridlines that you want and their color using the following boxes:

  • Horizontal Line — Use this box to display a horizontal gridline.

  • Vertical Line — Use this box to display a vertical gridline.

  • Color — Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the horizontal and vertical gridlines. This color also is applied to the major and minor tick marks, which you specify on the "Graph Properties dialog: Scale tab".

If you select the Specify option only and do not select any checkbooks for the major and minor grid, no gridlines (not even the ones shown by default) are displayed.

Note that, for a pareto graph, enabling the horizontal major or minor gridlines shows only the gridlines corresponding to vertical axis 1.

Legend: Background

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the legend background.

Legend: Transparent

Use this box to specify whether the legend is transparent (that is, has no background color).

Legend: Border

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the border around the legend.

Canvas Colors and Borders: Background

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the canvas background.

Canvas Colors and Borders: Show Gradient

Use this box to specify whether the canvas background color is to gradually fade from the specified color at the top to white at the bottom.

Canvas Colors and Borders: Border

Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the border around the canvas.

Graph Properties dialog: Titles and Labels tab

Use this dialog of the "Graph Properties dialog" to set properties that control the display of titles and labels for the graph.

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter a title for the graph.

Use measure name graph title

Use this button to specify whether to use the measure name or names as the graph title.

Vertical Axis 1 Title

Use this field to enter a title for the vertical axis 1.

Use measure name axis title

Use this button to specify whether to use the measure name or names as the vertical axis 1 title.

Vertical Axis 2 Title

Use this field to enter a title for the vertical axis 2.

Use measure name axis title

Use this button to specify whether to use the measure name or names as the vertical axis 2 title.

Horizontal Axis Title

Use this field to enter a title for the horizontal axis.

Use column name axis title

Use this button to specify whether to use the column name or names as the horizontal axis title.

Format Title

Use this button (which is displayed next to each Title field) to display the "Font Format: Item dialog", where you can format the title.

Format Label

Use this button (which is displayed next to the Legend, Vertical Axis 1 Scale Labels, Vertical Axis 2 Scale Labels, Horizontal Axis Labels and Data Labels labels) to display the "Font Format: Item dialog", where you can format the legend, scale labels, or data labels.


For time series line graphs, no data formatting options are available for the time axis labels or data labels. You can modify font characteristics, but any other formatting selections are ignored.

For a time series line graph, labels that display on the time axis are locale-sensitive. For example, month and day names use the appropriate locale-sensitive short names.

Graphics dialog

Use this dialog to select images to display for the following:

  • Individual KPI performance thresholds

  • A column cell

You can select a standard image or manually enter a path to a custom image.


No Image

Use this box to indicate that no image is included in the column's layout. If you are creating a KPI threshold, select this option to display only KPI values and omit symbols that reflect performance levels or states.

Custom Image

Use this field to specify a custom image to include in the column's layout or with the KPI threshold. To do so, enter one of the following:


If you are trying to save an object that uses the fmap syntax, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

The custom image should be one that is accessible to all users who view or edit the scorecard.

Custom images can be used for both conditional and unconditional column results.

Select Standard Image

Use this pane to select an image distributed with Oracle Business Intelligence. To select an image, click the option next to the image to include in the column. These images are useful in conditional formatting, such as meters and trend arrows. The left pane shows the categories of images. When you click an image category, the right pane shows the images in that category.

Image Placement

Use this field to specify where you want the image to be displayed relative to the column's data or heading.

Select Choose Image Only if you want the column to contain the image without the text. Choose Default to use the image's default position, which is usually to the left of the column's data or heading.

Home page

Use this page to:

  • Quickly navigate to the area of the application where you can complete a specific task (for example, create a dashboard).

  • Access your objects or the objects to which you have been given permission to view or edit.

  • View your alerts.

  • Access Oracle Business Intelligence documentation and other Oracle product information.

  • Download Oracle applications that can integrate or interact with Oracle BI EE.

  • Quickly perform pre-defined searches (for example, search for all of your dashboards or Scorecard objects) or access the full-text catalog search option.

For more information, see:



Provides links to initiate the most popular creation tasks by category (for example, Published Reports or Actionable Intelligence). Click the More link to access a list of the category's other creation tasks. Oracle BI EE populates this list of categories based on what is installed on your company's system and the pieces to which you have been given the rights to access.

Browse /Manage...

Provides the ability to search the folders and objects to which you have permission to access. You can click the Catalog Folders [Search] link to access the catalog search interface where you can search for an object by name, location, and type. For more information about the catalog and how to search it, see "Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog".

This section also gives you the ability to quickly perform pre-defined searches of the catalog by clicking any folder/binocular button. For example, click My Scorecards folder/binocular button to access a list of all of the Scorecard objects located in your My Folders location. After you click a folder/binocular button, the Catalog page displays and contains the results of your search, as well as the pre-defined search's criteria defaulted into the Search fields.

Get Started...

This section contains the following links:

  • Oracle BI EE Documentation — Click this link to access the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation library, which contains the complete set of Oracle BI EE guides in HTML and PDF formats.

  • Help Table of Contents — Click the drop down button to choose which product document's table of contents you want to access. Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition displays in this list, along with the tables of contents for products that integrate with Oracle BI EE (for example, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Enterprise and Oracle Marketing).

  • Oracle Technology Network — Click this link to access the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), where you can search for technical articles about Oracle products, participate in discussions about Oracle products, ask the user community technical questions, and search for and download Oracle products.

  • Download BI Desktop Tools — Displays options that allow you to integrate with Microsoft Office. The options available depend on the products that you are eligible to download:

    After you have installed or configured a product, the product download link is no longer displayed in the list.


(This section is available only when one or more alerts are delivered to the Oracle BI EE Home page.)

Displays your alerts (up to a maximum of five), including the priority (High, Normal, or Low) and last delivery date and time for each alert.

To view the latest occurrence of an alert, click its name. The "Alert dialog" is displayed, where you can view information about the alert and the content of the alert. You can also edit and run the agent that generated the alert, if you have the appropriate permissions.

Each alert has the following links:

  • View — Use this link to display the Alert dialog, where you can view information about the alert and the content of the alert. You can also edit and run the agent that generated the alert, if you have the appropriate permissions.

  • Clear — Use this button to delete the alert.

  • More — Displays the following options:

    • Edit Agent — (This option is available only if you have permission to modify the agent.) Use this option to display the agent in the "Agent editor", where you can edit the agent.

    • Run Agent — (This option is available only if you have permission to execute the agent.) Use this option to run the agent that generated the alert.

    • Subscribe to this feed — Use this option to display the browser's page that lets you subscribe to an RSS feed. Using this page, you can subscribe to an Oracle BI Alerts feed (that is, the channel that contains the delivered agents). For more information, see "Subscribing to an RSS Feed for Alerts".

    • View all alerts — Use this option to display the "Alerts dialog", where you can view and manage all your alerts.

If more than five alerts have been delivered, the View All Alerts link is displayed. Click this link to display the "Alerts dialog", where you can view and manage all your alerts.

To configure an agent to deliver an alert to the Home page, you must select the Home Page and Dashboard option on the "Agent editor: Destinations tab". For more information about creating agents, see "Creating Agents".


Contains a list of the dashboards that you have recently viewed, created, or updated. Note that these dashboards display in the first row of this section. Click the More Dashboards link to access additional dashboards that you recently created and updated. All other recently created or updated objects display below the dashboard row.

The links that are included with an individual object (for example, Edit and Properties) are displayed based on the object's type and your permissions for that object. For example, if you can view but not edit a dashboard, only the Open link is displayed with the dashboard. If a dashboard that you created displays in this section, then the Open and Edit links display with the dashboard. Click the More link to access a list of more dashboard options, such as Properties.

Most Popular

Contains the objects that are accessed the most often by you and the users assigned to the groups to which you belong.

The links that are included with an individual object are displayed based on the object type and your permissions for that object. For more information about how Oracle BI EE determines the object's links, see the Recent component in this topic.

Image Map Prompt Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify information for the map column. For more information, see "Creating or Editing an Image Prompt" and "Other Prompt Types".



Use this field to enter a caption for the image map prompt. The caption is displayed as the prompt's field label. For example, "Click a region to see sales data." You can include HTML markup tags in the caption, such as <b>, <font>, and <table>.


Use this field to enter a description that is saved with the prompt. Descriptions are displayed when administrators use the Catalog Manager.

Image URL

Use this field to specify the location of the image file.

The image file must reside on a web server. Oracle recommends that you put the image files in the directory that contains all Web resource files (for example, app\res\region3.jpg). Placing the image files with the Web resource files prevents a security warning message from displaying when the user accesses the image from the dashboard or analysis

However, if you are using a Web server, such as WebServices, where the resource files are located in the deploy directory, then you must put the image file in the deploy directory and the directory that contains all Web resource files.

You can reference variables in this field. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".


Use this field to specify the HTML <map> tags. In the map tags, you indicate the map region's shape, X and Y coordinates, and region name.

Extract Image Map from HTML

Use this link to extract the values that you specified in the HTML <map> tags and put them in a table where you can link the regions to data columns and values.

Import Background Maps dialog

Use this dialog to import maps to the Background Maps tab of the "Administration: Manage Map Data page". For information, see "Administering Maps" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Add Layers dialog
Import Images dialog
Import Layers dialog


Look in

Use this box to select the connection to a data source in MapViewer that contains the predefined background maps, layers, or images from which you want to select. Each data source can contain a set of background maps, layers, and images. The sets are not related to each other. (In MapViewer, background maps are referred to as "tiles.")

The list of connections includes all those that have been defined during the configuration of MapViewer. This box is not available for the Add Layers dialog.


Use this list to select one or more background maps, layers, or images, depending on which dialog is displayed.

Initiative Linkage dialog

Use this dialog to specify how strongly an initiative drives an objective or how strongly an objective is driven by an initiative.

For more information, see:

This dialog also displays as:

Objective Linkage dialog



Displays the name of the initiative that drives the objective.


Displays the name of the objective that is driven by the initiative.


Use this box to specify whether the strength of the relationship between the objective and initiative is Strong, Moderate, or Weak.

For example, an initiative called "Upgrade Out Of Date Software" might moderately drive an objective called "Improved Employee Productivity".


Use this box to specify whether changes in performance or value in one object are directly proportional (Direct) or inversely proportional (Inverse) to changes in performance or value in the other object.

For example, in a relationship between an objective named Reduce Customer Complaints to 4% and an initiative named Improve Quality Control, the proportionality would be inverse because improvements in quality control should result in lower numbers of customer complaints.

Initiatives pane

Use this pane to create, modify, and delete initiatives.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor".


Initiatives Tree

Displays the initiatives that have been defined for the scorecard and the KPIs that measure their progress hierarchically. It also shows the statuses of initiatives and KPIs using the appropriate colors and symbols that you specified for assessment mappings. For more information on assessment mappings, see "Defining Assessment Mappings for Scorecards".


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Create Initiative — Use this button to display the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab", where you create a new initiative as a child of the selected initiative.

  • Open — Use this button to open the selected object for editing or viewing, depending on the current mode.

  • Delete — Use this button to delete the selected object, if you have the appropriate permission.

Right-Click Menu on an Object

Displays options for working with the object. The options vary depending on the object and whether Scorecard editor is in edit or read-only mode:

  • Open — Use this option to display the object for editing or viewing, depending on the current mode.

  • Create Initiative — Use this option to display the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab", where you create a new initiative as a child of the selected initiative.

  • Delete — Use this option to delete the selected object, if you have the appropriate permission.

  • Analyze — This option is available only when you select a KPI. Use this option to create an analysis based on the KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.


    Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders.
  • Create Agent — This option is available only when you select a KPI. Use this option to display the "Create New Agent dialog", where you create an agent from the KPI.

  • Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the object.

Insert Filter dialog

Use this dialog to add a SQL FILTER function to a column formula in the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab".

For more information, see:


Filter Function Area

Displays the SQL function in the form:

FILTER(expr USING filter_expressions)


  • expr is an expression that contains at least one measure column. For example, the expression "sales + 1" is allowed if "sales" is a measure column. The expression "productid" is not allowed if "productid" is a scalar attribute.

  • filter_expressions is a Boolean expression (evaluates to TRUE or FALSE) and does not contain any measure columns. Also, this expression cannot contain any nested queries.


    If you selected some text in the Formula area before clicking Filter, then it is incorporated in the inserted SQL function, replacing the expression token (expr). For example, if you had selected "Sales Measures".Dollars before clicking Filter, then the SQL function would look like this: FILTER("Sales Measures"."Dollars" USING filter_expressions).

    A complex filter statement might replace the filter_expressions token as follows:

    FILTER("Sales Measures".Dollars USING ((Periods."Year" = '1999') AND ((Markets.District = 'CINCINNATI DISTRICT") OR (Markets.District = 'DENVER DISTRICT'))))

Use this area to define filter_expressions by adding a single filter expression or building a complex filter statement using multiple filter expressions.

For each filter expression to add, select a column from the Subject Areas pane. The "New Filter dialog" is displayed where you create the filter to add to the filter expression.

As you define the filter_expressions, you can use the following:

  • Operator to toggle between AND and OR to specify the relationship between multiple filter expressions.

  • Filter item toolbar to manage a filter expression. The filter item toolbar is the collection of buttons that displays when you mouse over a filter expression. It includes the following buttons:

    • Edit Filter — Use this button to display the "Edit Filter dialog", where you edit the filter expression's criteria.

    • Copy Filter — Use this button to copy the filter expression. When you click this button, a copy of the filter expression is displayed below the original filter expression.

    • Delete— Use this button to delete the filter expression.

Subject Areas

Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select columns to add to the filter expression.


Use the "Catalog pane" to select filters from the catalog to add to the filter expression.

Insert Function dialog

Use this dialog to select a function to add to a formula in the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab".

For more information, see:



Use this tree to select a function to add to a formula. Expand a function group to show a list of functions within that group.


Displays the name of the function that is currently selected in the Functions tree.


Displays the syntax of the function that is currently selected in the Functions tree.


Displays descriptions of the arguments for the syntax.


Displays an example of the function.


Displays a description of the function that is currently selected in the Functions tree.


  • When you click the f(...) button in the Edit Column Formula: Column Formula dialog (or the Edit Formula dialog), if:

    • Some text is selected in the Formula area, then the selected text is incorporated into the inserted function formula when you click OK.

    • If no text is selected in the Formula area, then the function's expression is inserted and the first argument (denoted by tokens expr or expr1) is automatically selected when you click OK.

Insert Variable dialog

Use this dialog to add a variable (either session, repository, or presentation) to a formula in the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab" or in the "New EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function dialog".

For more information, see:


Variable Name

This field is available only if you have selected Session and Repository as the variable type to add.

Use this field to enter the name of the session or repository variable, for example USER.

Variable Expression

This field is available only if you have selected Presentation as the variable type to add.

Use this field to enter the name of the presentation variable, for example MyFavoriteRegion.

To type-cast (that is, convert) the variable to a string, enclose the name in single quotes, for example:


Default Value (Optional)

This field is available only if you have selected Presentation as the variable type to add.

Use this field to enter a default value for the presentation variable, for example EASTERN REGION.


  • When you click OK in this dialog, the appropriate expression for the variable is created and inserted in the Formula area. For example:

    @{MyFavoriteRegion}{EASTERN REGION}

Related Topics

"Using Variables"

Invoke Action dialog

Use this dialog to provide values for action parameters and to run an action.

For more information, see:

Key Resource dialog

Use this dialog to identify a user who is a key resource on an initiative.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of a user who is a key resource on the initiative. Click the Set User button to display the "Select Key Resource User dialog", where you search for and select the user.


Use this field to enter the percentage of full time hours the user devotes to this initiative, for example, 80%.

KPI editor

Use this editor to create and modify KPIs that monitor your company's performance and goals. The KPIs that you create define performance targets and evaluate the performance of objectives and initiatives.

For more information, see:

This editor is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab


General Properties

Use the "KPI editor: General Properties page" to enter the business owner, the actual value, the target value, and to turn on trending to compare KPI values with those from a previous period.


Use the "KPI editor: Dimensionality page" to specify dimensions that determine how Oracle BI EE aggregates data in the KPI.


Use the "KPI editor: States page" to specify the performance thresholds and range of values that determine how KPI performance is evaluated and represented. Also use this page to create action links for the KPI.

Related documents

Use the "KPI editor: Related Documents page" to attach any relevant document or business intelligence object stored in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Custom Attributes

Use the "KPI editor: Custom Attributes page" to create custom columns for the KPI.

Related Topics

"Scorecard editor"

KPI editor: Custom Attributes page

Use this page of the "KPI editor" to create custom columns for the KPI. You can add a maximum of five custom columns.

For more information, see:

This page is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab


Custom Columns

Displays the custom columns for the KPI.

Use this table to create custom columns. To add a custom column row to the table, click the Add button. Consider the following options:

  • Click the down-arrow button to access the subject area list and select a measure or a column that contains a measure-based formula. For example, "Sales Measures"."Dollars".

  • Place the cursor in the field and enter the formula that calculates the column values.

  • Click the Edit Formula button to display the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab", where you create a formula that calculates the column values. For example, ((Sales - Cost)/Sales) * 100.


Use this button to add a custom column row to the Custom Columns table.


Use this button to remove the row that is currently highlighted in the Custom Columns table.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: General Properties page"
"KPI editor: Dimensionality page"
"KPI editor: States page"
"KPI editor: Related Documents page"
"Scorecard editor"

KPI editor: Dimensionality page

Use this page of the "KPI editor" to add or remove KPI dimensions. This page also enables you to pin a value to a dimension.

Dimensions are based on attribute columns and hierarchical columns and determine how Oracle BI EE aggregates data in the KPI. For example, if you are creating a KPI for product sales, you could add dimensions that allow the user to view sales by both a specific region and a specific year.

Note that almost all KPIs should include a Time dimension, except constants or metrics defined only to be current snapshots like "Inventory On Hand" or "Current Phone Support Wait Time." It is not necessary to pin the time dimension to a specific value. It is a best practice to leave Time unpinned within the KPI definition. For more information, see the below description for the Value field. An unpinned Time dimension enables a dashboard or scorecard user to select the time period to display and enables the creation of trend and historical charts or tables.

For more information, see:

This page is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab



Displays the column name that you chose for the dimension. To add a dimension to the KPI, click the Add button.


Use the down arrow to browse or search for and choose a value to pin to the dimension. When a user views the KPI, the pinned value aggregates the KPI. Select Not Pinned to do one of the following:

  • Allow the watchlist or scorecard designer to pin the dimension values when adding the KPI to a watchlist or scorecard.

  • Provide the user with a field to select the dimension's value from the point of view area in the watchlist, scorecard, or dashboard.

Note that when the designer pins a dimension value, that value cannot be changed when a user adds the KPI to a watchlist or scorecard. Only the designer or user with the appropriate permissions can access the KPI editor to modify a dimension's pinned value.

Oracle suggests that you create KPIs that are not pinned in their initial definition. Such KPIs are more flexible, reusable, and prevent you from creating and managing many over-specific KPIs. Suppose that you create a Sales KPI without pinned region or time dimension values. You can then specify usages of the same KPI definition by pinning different region and time dimension values within scorecards, scorecard views, KPI watchlist rows, or dashboards.


Use to access the KPI's subject area where you can select another attribute or hierarchical column as a dimension.


Use to delete the highlighted dimension from the KPI.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: General Properties page"
"KPI editor: States page"
"KPI editor: Related Documents page"
"KPI editor: Custom Attributes page"
"Select Values dialog"
"Scorecard editor"

KPI editor: General Properties page

Use this page of the "KPI editor" to specify the actual value (collected or calculated value) and the target value (desired value) of the KPI. You can enter, insert, or calculate these values.

Also use this tab to assign the business owner responsible for the KPI and specify if the KPI should support trending. Trending enables you to compare previous values to current values. For example, you can compare your December 2009 sales to the current year's sales.

To analyze KPIs by multiple dimensions (for example, Product, Geography, and Time), ensure that the data you use to calculate actual and target values is also dimensioned by Product, Geography, and Time.

For more information, see:

This page is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab



Use this field to enter a description of the KPI.

Business Owner

Use this field to view and select the userID of the person responsible for the business performance of the KPI. Business owners have the ability to override the KPI's statuses.

Click the Set User button to search for and select a business owner.

Set User

Use this button to open the "Select Business Owner dialog", where you can search for the person whom you want to assign as the KPI's business owner.

Actual Value

Use this field to specify a value to compare to the target value. Consider the following options:

  • Click the down-arrow button to access the subject area list and select a measure or a column that contains a measure-based formula. For example, "Sales Measures"."Dollars".

  • Place the cursor in the field and enter the actual value.

  • Click Edit Actual Value Formula to access the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab" to create a formula that calculates the actual value. For example, ((Sales - Cost)/Sales) * 100.

Target Value

Use this field to specify the value that you want the KPI to achieve. The target value is a quantifiable goal for each measure. Consider the following options:

  • Click the down-arrow button to access the subject area list and select a measure or a column that contains a measure-based formula. For example, "Sales Measures"."Dollars".

  • Place the cursor in the field and enter the actual value.

  • Click Edit Target Value Formula to access the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab" to create a formula that calculates the actual value. For example, ((Sales - Cost)/Sales) * 100.

Down Arrow

Use this button to access the subject area list. From this list you can browse for and select a column for the value.

Edit Value Formula

Use this button to access the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab" to create a formula that calculates the value.

Enable Trending

Use this option to indicate the direction in which change occurs (up or down), the extent of the change (as a value and percentage), and if the change indicates an increase or decrease in performance. If trending is enabled, then users see a trend icon on nodes in Scorecard diagrams, in KPI watchlists, and in other tables within Scorecard that reference this KPI. Users also see a history chart on the KPI Details and KPI Overview tabs in Scorecard.

To use trending, ensure that a time dimension is defined in the subject area.

Data Format

Displays an example of how the numeric data displays in the KPI. Click Edit to access the dialog where you specify the data format settings for the KPI.

Compare to Prior

Use this option to select the period of time to use for trend analysis. The period that you select determines the time periods displayed in history charts on the KPI Details tab and KPI Overview tab in Scorecard.

For example, to compare Units Shipped quarterly, select "Fiscal Time"."Quarterly". In this example, the KPI trends upward, downward, or unchanged based on the KPI values from one quarter to the next. Any KPI change values are computed using "Quarterly" as the period of analysis.


Use this field to enter the tolerance value for the trend. This field enables you to prevent reporting non-significant trends, such as expenses being over-budget by $100.

The tolerance value that you enter must be a literal and can be expressed either as a percentage or absolute value (for example, 5,000 or 5%). The tolerance level must be met before the KPI displays the performance as improving or worsening.

Tolerance Down Arrow

Use this field to specify how to measure tolerance value that you entered in the Tolerance field. Choose % Change to measure it by percent or Change to measure tolerance by the actual value.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: Dimensionality page"
"KPI editor: States page"
"KPI editor: Related Documents page"
"KPI editor: Custom Attributes page"
"Scorecard editor"

KPI editor: Related Documents page

Use this page of the "KPI editor" to view and add links to business intelligence objects or web pages that provide additional information about or can be used with the KPI. After you add related documents to a KPI, the related documents display in the "KPI editor: Related Documents page" and on the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab".

For more information, see:

This page is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab



Displays the link to the related item. Click this link to access the related document, or click Edit to modify the link.


Displays the location of the related item. The location is either a location within the catalog or a URL to a location outside of the catalog.


Displays the type of item. "Catalog" displays if the item is located in the catalog, or "Web" displays if the item is located outside of the catalog.


Use to access the "Add a Related Document dialog" to add an item to the Related Documents table.


Use to remove the highlighted row from the Related Documents table.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: General Properties page"
"KPI editor: Dimensionality page"
"KPI editor: States page"
"KPI editor: Custom Attributes page"
"Scorecard editor"

KPI editor: States page

Use this page of the "KPI editor" to:

  • Indicate if high, low, or target KPI values are desirable

  • Specify the statuses and thresholds to be used to measure the performance of the KPI.

    KPI status is determined by comparing the actual value against the target value and then placing the result in a corresponding range that defines levels of performance status (for example, Good, Warning, or Critical).

  • Specify the scores to which KPI statuses are to be mapped.

    In a scorecard, the scores of KPIs that are used to measure the progress of initiatives and objectives are mapped to Scorecard scores so that they can be used to measure the performance of the objectives or initiatives. For more on scoring in Scorecard, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".

  • Create or assign action links that the user can click to initiate a predefined process based on KPI status.

For more information, see:

This page is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI tab



Use this list to specify if high, low, or closer to target values indicate the KPI's performance goal.

For example, select High values are desirable for a Customer References KPI or Low values are desirable for an Unresolved Support Calls KPI.

Status label

Use this field to enter the label for the status, for example, Critical.


Use this button to access the "Color Selector dialog" where you can select a text color to represent the corresponding status, for example, red for Critical.


Use this button to access the "Graphics dialog" where you can select an icon to represent the corresponding status, for example, a red X for Critical.


Use this button to display the "Action Links dialog" wherever the KPI displays, such as on objectives, initiatives, KPI Watchlist, or on the scorecard views on dashboards. This dialog specifies the processes or operations to be performed or invoked if the status of a KPI corresponds to a specific performance state. Action links display from the right-mouse click wherever the KPI displays, such as on an initiative or a KPI Watchlist.

For example, if a KPI for quarterly revenue is less than a particular amount, then an action is triggered that automatically schedules a mandatory meeting of sales directors and managers.

define as % of target value

Use this box to specify whether you want to define thresholds as discrete values or as percentages of the target value. Select this box to define thresholds as percentages of the target value. Deselect this box to define discrete values for thresholds.


Use these fields to enter the numeric values that set the boundaries for the status ranges.

Depending on whether you selected the define as % of target value box, you can specify either of the following:

  • Percentages of the target value, for example 80%.

  • Discrete values.

    For example, to indicate that sales 120 and below indicate critical performance but that sales above 120 reflect acceptable performance, enter 120 in the field that corresponds to the critical status.

    You can use the following as thresholds:


This button is displayed only if the Show Advanced Properties options is selected.

Use this button to remove the threshold.


This area is displayed only if the Show Advanced Properties options is selected.

Use this button to add another threshold above or below the threshold.

Show Advanced Properties

Use this option to specify whether to display the scores to which KPI statuses are mapped.


This area is displayed only if the Show Advanced Properties options is selected.

Uses this area to specify the scores to which KPI statuses are mapped. Use the Score button to display these options:

  • Enter value — Use this option to specify a numerical value for each score.

  • Use percent of target — Use this option to specify that the score is the percent the KPI's actual value is of the target value. For example, if the KPI's actual value is 85% of the target value, the score is 85.

  • Use percent of variance — Use this option to specify that the score is the percent by which the KPI's actual value differs from the target value. For example, if the percent by which the KPIs actual value differs from the target value is 50%, the score is 50.

  • Use a custom expression — Use this option to display the "Edit Formula dialog", where you create a custom expression to determine the score, for example Revenue * 5%.

If KPI returns no data

Use this box to specify the status to assign to a KPI that returns no data. The options are No status or one of the defined statuses, for example, Critical.

Related Topics

"KPI editor: General Properties page"
"KPI editor: Dimensionality page"
"KPI editor: Related Documents page"
"KPI editor: Custom Attributes page"
"Scorecard editor"

KPI Watchlist editor

Use this editor to create a KPI watchlist.

This editor is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: KPI Watchlist tab

For more information, see:



Use the "Catalog pane for Scorecard" to locate and drag and drop KPIs from the catalog to build a KPI watchlist.


Use the "KPI Watchlist editor: Performance tab" to build the watchlist by dragging and dropping KPIs from the catalog pane to the KPI Watchlist. The KPI watchlist displays the KPIs' performance levels and other KPI data.


Use the "KPI Watchlist editor: Details tab" tab to supply a description of the KPI watchlist, specify a business owner, and attach any necessary related documents.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Back — Use this button to go backward through your point of view history to select a previous point of view. The (Default Value) option returns to the point of view with which you started.

  • Forward — Use this button to go forward through your point of view history to select a previous point of view.

  • Save — Use this button to save the watchlist in the default location.

  • Save As — Use this button to name and save the watchlist to another location.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", which you can use to quickly contact the watchlist's business owner.

KPI Watchlist editor: Details tab

Use this tab of the "KPI Watchlist editor" to specify supporting information for the KPI watchlist.

For more information, see:


KPI Watchlist Name

Displays the name of the KPI watchlist.


Use this field to enter a description of the KPI watchlist.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the KPI watchlist. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the KPI watchlist.

KPI Watchlist editor: Performance tab

Use this tab of the "KPI Watchlist editor" to add KPI instances to the watchlist. When you add a KPI to the watchlist, you add an instance of the KPI. You can then assign default dimension values to the KPI's instance. From this tab you can also modify the KPI stored in the catalog, or view the KPI instance as an analysis.


KPI Watchlist

Use this table to add KPIs to and manage KPIs in the watchlist.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Topics

"KPI Watchlist editor: Details tab"

Layout pane

Use this pane to specify the layout of data in data views (graphs, gauges, funnel graphs, pivot tables, and tables).

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the following editors:

Components Common to All Data Views


This section describes the components that are common to all data views. Additional components are available in the Table and Pivot Table editors (see "Additional Components Common to the Table and Pivot Table Editors") and in the Graph, Funnel, and Gauges editors (see "Additional Components Common to the Graph, Funnel, and Gauge Editors").

Drop Targets

Use drop targets to modify the way that data is arranged in a view. By dragging columns from one drop target and dropping them in another, you can rearrange the data to suit your needs.

The drop targets that are displayed in this pane depend on the type of view. For more information, see "Understanding Drop Targets".


Use this button to display the Properties dialog for a drop target. For example, if you click the button beside the Sections drop target, then the "Section Properties dialog" is displayed. If you click the button beside the view type name for tables and pivot tables, then the Properties dialog for that type of view is displayed.

Additional Components Common to the Graph, Funnel, and Gauge Editors

Display as Slider

Use this box to specify whether the members of the columns dropped in the Sections drop target are to be displayed as a section slider rather than as unique views. Select this box to display the members as a section slider. Deselect this box to display the each member as a unique view. For more information on section sliders, see "Defining Section Sliders in Graphs and Gauges".

Use unified scale

This box is available only for line bar graphs.

Use this box to specify whether to display the lines and bars using the same scale or two separate scales, one for the lines and one for the bars.

Select this box to use one scale for both the lines and bars. The measure column that has the higher values is used for the scale.

Deselect this box to use two scales.

Show In Legend

Use this box to specify whether a legend is to be displayed to show the color variation of the columns dropped in the Vary Color By (Horizontal Axis) drop target.

Additional Components Common to the Table and Pivot Table Editors


Use this button to add a grand total for that drop target for the entire view for attribute columns and hierarchical columns and to display the following options:

  • None — Use this option to exclude totals.

  • Before — Use this option to include totals before the data items. For example, if you add a total on a row that contains regions and select Before, the total is shown before individual districts in the region are listed. (For pivot tables only.)

  • After — Use this option to include totals after the data items. (For pivot tables only.)

  • At the Beginning — Use this option to stack all the totals at the top of the view. (For pivot tables only.)

  • At the End — Use this option to stack all the totals at the bottom of the view (For pivot tables only.)

  • Labels Only (no totals) — Use this option to display labels for totals, but not the total values. (For pivot tables only.)

  • Format Labels — Use this option to display the "Edit Format dialog" where you specify the custom text to insert into a totals heading using the Caption field and where you format the labels.

  • Format Values — Use this option to display the "Edit Format dialog" where you specify the formatting of the totals values.

More Options

Use this button to display the following options:

  • Format Headings — Use this option to display the "Edit Format dialog", where you apply cosmetic formatting to the headings.

    For more information about the cosmetic formatting that you can apply to headings, see "What is Cosmetic Formatting?"

  • Format Values — Use this option to display the "Edit Format dialog", where you apply cosmetic formatting to the values.

  • Hidden — Use this option to hide the column from the output, or, for the Measure Labels element in a pivot table, to hide the measure labels. For more information on the Measure Labels element, see "Understanding Drop Targets".

    Hidden columns do not affect the aggregation of the values.

  • Show Data As — Use this option to display a measure as either an actual or a relative value. You can display the relative value of the measure, compared to the total, without the need to explicitly create a calculated item for it.

    For more information, see "Displaying Relative Values for Measure Columns in Pivot Tables".


    The Show Data As options is available only for items that are stored or calculated measures.

    Select one of the following options:

    • Values — Use this option to display the actual values of the measure column.

    • Percent of — Use this option to convert a stored or calculated measure into a percent of one of the following:

      • Column — Shows the percentage of the column that the value constitutes.

      • Row — Shows the percentage of the row that the value constitutes.

      • Section — Shows the percentage of the section that the value constitutes.

      • Page — Shows the percentage of the page that the value constitutes.

      • Column Parent — Shows the percentage of the column parent that the value constitutes.

      • Row Parent — Shows the percentage of the row parent that the value constitutes.

      • Layer — Displays a menu from which you select the column in the view from which you obtain the percentage that the value constitutes.


      The number of decimal places depends on the type of measure.
    • Index of — Use this option to convert a stored or calculated measure into an index value of one of the same options that are available for Percent of. For example, Column shows the index value of the column that this value constitutes.

  • Aggregation Rule — Use this option to override the default aggregation rule for a measure in tables and pivot tables by selecting the aggregation rule to apply, as described in "Aggregation Rules and Functions". For attribute columns, ensure that Report-Based Total is selected. This option is not available for the Prompts or Sections drop targets.


    If the Report-Based Total option is not selected, then the Oracle BI Server calculates the total based on the entire result set, before applying any filters to the measure columns.
  • Display as Running Sum — Use this option to display numeric measures as running sums, where each consecutive cell for the measure displays the total of all previous cells for that measure. This option is a display feature only that has no effect on actual pivot table results.

    For more information, see "Displaying Running Sums for Measure Columns in Pivot Tables".

  • Duplicate Layer — Use this option to duplicate a column. You create a duplicate that applies only to this view. The duplicate does not retain filters, selection steps, or formatting that were applied to the original.

  • Remove Column or Remove Duplicate — Use this option to remove the item on which you have clicked, such as a column or duplicated item. The column is removed from this view and all other views for the analysis. The duplicate is removed from this view only.

  • Place Value in New Row — Use this option to display section values on different rows. Where section values are displayed together in a row, you can specify that a section value is displayed on a new row.

  • Hide Repeated Values —Use this option to display column values for a section once and hide repeated values until the values change. When the section column value changes, it is displayed indented to the right to show the hierarchical structure.

  • Format Measure Label — This option is available only for the Measure Labels element in a pivot table. Use this option to display the "Edit Format dialog", where you apply cosmetic formatting to measure labels. For more information on the Measure Labels element, see "Understanding Drop Targets".

Aggregation Rules and Functions

The following list describes the aggregation rules that are available for measure columns in the "Layout pane" and for columns in the "Edit Column Formula dialog: Column Formula tab". The list also includes functions that you can use when creating a calculated item.

  • Default — Applies the default aggregation rule as in the Oracle BI repository or by the original author of the analysis. Not available for calculated items.

  • Server Determined — Applies the aggregation rule that is determined by the Oracle BI Server (such as the rule that is defined in the Oracle BI repository). The aggregation is performed within Presentation Services for simple rules such as Sum, Min, and Max. Not available for measure columns in the Layout pane or for calculated items.

  • Sum — Calculates the sum obtained by adding up all values in the result set. Use this for items that have numeric values.

  • Min — Calculates the minimum value (lowest numeric value) of the rows in the result set. Use this for items that have numeric values.

  • Max — Calculates the maximum value (highest numeric value) of the rows in the result set. Use this for items that have numeric values.

  • Average — Calculates the average (mean) value of an item in the result set. Use this for items that have numeric values. Averages on tables and pivot tables are rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • First — In the result set, selects the first occurrence of the item for measures. For calculated items, selects the first member according to the display in the Selected list. Not available in the Edit Column Formula dialog.

  • Last — In the result set, selects the last occurrence of the item. For calculated items, selects the last member according to the display in the Selected list. Not available in the Edit Column Formula dialog.

  • Count — Calculates the number of rows in the result set that have a nonnull value for the item. The item is typically a column name, in which case the number of rows with nonnull values for that column are returned.

  • Count Distinct — Adds distinct processing to the Count function, which means that each distinct occurrence of the item is counted only once.

  • None — Applies no aggregation. Not available for calculated items.

  • Server Complex Aggregate — Applies the aggregation rule that is determined by the Oracle BI Server (such as the rule that is defined in the Oracle BI repository). The aggregation is performed by the Oracle BI Server, rather than within Presentation Services. Not available for calculated items.

  • Report-Based Total (when applicable) — If not selected, specifies that the Oracle BI Server should calculate the total based on the entire result set, before applying any filters to the measures. Not available in the Edit Column Formula dialog or for calculated items. Only available for attribute columns.

Legend pane

Use this pane to view the legend for a cause & effect map or strategy map.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Cause & Effect Map tab: Diagram tab" or the "Strategy Map tab: Diagram tab".



Displays and explains the symbols used on the cause and effect map or strategy map to indicate the proportionality. That is, whether changes in performance or value in the cause and effect relationship are directly proportional (direct) or inversely proportional (inverse) and strength (strong, moderate, or weak) of cause & effect relationships.

Link or Image Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify properties for a text link or image link that you are adding to a dashboard page.

For more information, see "Adding Content to Dashboards".



Use this field to enter the text to display for the text link or image link.

Entering a caption for an image link is optional. If you do enter one, then you must also specify, in the Image Layout box, where the caption is to be displayed relative to the image.


Use this field to specify what is to happen when the user clicks the text or image:

  • To add text or an image only, without any links, leave the field empty.

  • To specify that an analysis or dashboard should be displayed when the user clicks the link or image, specify the destination as Analysis or Dashboard, and click Browse to display the "Open dialog" where you select the analysis or dashboard.

  • To specify that another action should occur, such as opening a Web site, document, or program, specify the destination as a URL and type the full path into the field that follows the Destination options.

    A link is defined as any URL that the browser can interpret. URLs can point to Web sites, documents, images, FTP sites, newsgroups, and so on. Depending on the browser, the following are examples of valid URLs:


    See Table E-3 for more information about the kinds of internal or external content to which you can link.


    Administrators should create a virtual directory on the Presentation server for shared documents called \DashboardFiles that maps to a shared network directory of the same name. This enables users with the appropriate permissions to publish files to this folder, and reference these files by their relative URL names rather than by their fully qualified network share names, for example, \DashboardFiles\AnnualReport.doc instead of \\SharedServer\CommonShare\DashboardFiles\AnnualReport.doc.


Use this box to specify whether the information is to be displayed in the Current Window or in a New Window for the browser.

For every action except sending mail and executing a program, you can control how the link should be displayed. Select the current window when you want the action to occur in the display pane of the dashboard. This leaves the dashboard active but in the background. Choose a new window when you want the action to take place in a new browser window. This opens another instance of the browser.


Use this field to enter the location and name of the image to be displayed. Specify the location as a URL. These are examples:


If the image is not on the local server, then the URL must include http://. If the image is for use in a shared environment, then ensure that the image is located on a network drive that is accessible to all users.

Image Layout

Use this box to select where to display the image, such as to the right or left of the caption or above or below the caption, if you entered a caption.


  • You can reference variables in the Caption, Destination and Image fields. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • Table E-3 provides information about the kinds of internal or external content to which you can link:

    Table E-3 Link Options for Adding a Text Link or Image Using the Dashboard Editor

    Link Option Comments

    Web site or document

    You must locate the URL, or address, for the site or document. You can copy the destination address from the browser's address or location box, and then paste it.

    For a Web site, you can omit the http:// portion of the address if the URL resides on the Web server, such as your intranet site.

    If the URL resides on your company's Web server, then you can enter the relative address of the file. For example:


    Local or shared document

    If the document is for use in a shared environment, then ensure that it is located on a network drive that is accessible to all users. Examples of the kinds of documents that you can open are spreadsheets that contains recent sales reports, a slide presentation that introduces a new product, a Microsoft Word document that contains your company's annual report, a graphic file that contains a map from the airport to your corporate headquarters, and so on.

    For example, if the document is for your use only, a sample location might be:


    For a shared document, specify the UNC name, for example:


    Send email to a specified user

    You must know the mailto URL, for example:


    When the user selects this link, the browser launches the mail application with the To: field filled in. (The browser controls the launching of the mail program.)

    Execute a program

    If the program is for use in a shared environment, then ensure that it is located on a network drive that is accessible to all users. You can use this feature to download and run an application. (The operating system controls the launching of the application.)

    For example, to launch Microsoft Word for your use only, a sample location might be:


    For a multiuser-licensed program on a shared drive, specify the UNC name for the location, for example:


    Refresh your browser using JavaScript

    Your browser must support JavaScript to use the following example.


    In the Target area, choose the option Current Window.

Map Properties dialog

Use this dialog to edit the properties of a map view, such as its size and the options that are available on the toolbar.

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".



Use the "Map Properties dialog: Canvas tab" to specify the size of the map.


Use the "Map Properties dialog: Tools tab" to specify which tools are available for display with the map.


Use the "Map Properties dialog: Interaction tab" to specify whether to automatically create formats when drilling in a map.


Use the "Map Properties dialog: Labels tab" to specify whether to show the labels for certain layers on the map view.

Map Properties dialog: Canvas tab

Use this tab of the "Map Properties dialog" to specify the size of the map.

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".


Canvas Size

Use this box to specify the size of the map within its container. You can select either Default, Custom, or a predefined size. If you select Default or a predefined size, then no other options are available and the map is sized to fit its container. The container is whatever area is holding the map, such as the area in the Map editor or the section of a dashboard page.


Use this field to specify the width of the map in pixels.


Use this field to specify the height of the map in pixels.

Map Properties dialog: Interaction tab

Use the Interaction tab and the Labels tab of the "Map Properties dialog" to do the following:

  • Specify whether to automatically create formats when users drill in a map. This setting applies to the entire map view, rather than to specific formats.

  • Specify whether to show the labels for certain layers on the map view.

The tab is also displayed as:

Map Properties dialog: Labels tab

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".


Automatically create formats when drilling

Available on the Interaction tab. Use this box to specify whether to automatically create formats each time that you drill in a map. The formats that you create are listed in the Map Formats pane and are based on the formats that exist on the base drill layer. For example, if you have a Region color fill format and a Region pie graph format and you drill on that layer, then you automatically create a new color fill format and a new pie format with the drill action.

You can also specify this option in the Map Formats area of the Map View editor. The option is updated in both places when you make a change in either place.

Show Labels for Spatial Layers

Available on the Labels tab. Use this box to specify whether to show labels for all layers or specific layers on the map view. The tab includes a box for each layer on the map view. The labels are displayed in the same order as that of the layers listed in the Map Formats area of the Map View editor. Custom point layers have labels hidden by default.

Map Properties dialog: Tools tab

Use this tab of the "Map Properties dialog" to specify which tools are available for display with the map.

For more information, see "Editing Map Views".



Use this box to specify the display of the following buttons on the toolbar:

  • Pan Hand

  • Zoom In, Zoom Out


Use this box to specify the display of the following options on top of the map:

  • Pan Buttons

  • Zoom Slider


Use this box to specify the display of the following options in the Information panel of the map:

  • Distance Indicator

  • Map Overview

Mission tab: Details tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Mission tab" and the "Scorecard editor: Vision tab" to specify supporting information for the mission or vision statement.

For more information, see:

The tab is also displayed as:

Vision tab: Details tab



Displays the name of the mission or vision statement.


Use this field to enter a description of the mission or vision statement.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the mission or vision statement. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the mission or vision statement.

Mission tab: Document tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Mission tab" and the "Scorecard editor: Vision tab" to enter and format your mission statement or vision statement.

For more information, see:

The tab is also displayed as:

Vision tab: Document tab



This toolbar contains buttons (such as Bold, Increase Font Size) for formatting your mission or vision statement.

My Account dialog

Use this dialog to specify your personal preferences, such as your locale, time zone, preferred currency, and delivery options for the delivery of alerts by agents. The options that display on this dialog depend upon your privileges.


If the Delivery Devices and Deliver Profiles tabs contains devices and profiles, then do not make any changes to these tabs without first consulting the administrator, as any changes you make override the delivery device and profile information that was configured for you.

For more information, see:


User ID

Displays the user ID that is shown in the user interface.

Display Name

Displays the name that is shown in the user interface.


Use the "My Account dialog: Preferences tab" to specify your account's display preferences.

BI Publisher Preferences

Use the "My Account dialog: BI Publisher Preferences tab" to specify your Oracle BI Publisher preferences.

Delivery Options

Use the "My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab" to configure your devices and profiles for the delivery of alerts.

Roles and Catalog Groups

Use the "My Account dialog: Roles and Catalog Groups tab" to view a list of the Application roles and Catalog groups to which you have been assigned by the administrator.

Delegated Users

Use the "My Account Dialog: Delegated Users tab" to view a list of users who have been given the privileges to access your analyses and dashboards, if the administrator has configured this functionality.

My Account dialog: BI Publisher Preferences tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to modify the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher preferences.

For more information, see:


Report Locale

Use this box to select a locale for reports. This locale can be different than the locale that you specified in the "My Account dialog: Preferences tab".

The reports that you view and create use the locale that you specify here. The locale usually corresponds to the language that you specify in the User Interface Language field that you selected in the "My Account: Preferences tab" or the country from where you are working. For example, your specified language is English and your locale can be English - United States or English - Canada. The locale that you select determines the date and time formats, daylight saving time settings, and currency formats settings.

Report Time Zone

Use this box to select the time zone to apply when viewing or creating reports. This time zone can be different than the time zone that you specified in the "My Account: Preferences tab."

This option is useful if you do not reside in the same physical location as the default time zone that was set by the administrator, and you want to select another time zone.

My Account Dialog: Delegated Users tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to view a list of users who can use the "Act As" functionality to access your analyses and dashboards. You cannot modify this list. This tab is available only if the administrator has configured this functionality.

Depending upon the privileges, users can inherit your user privileges, which enables them to change your default dashboard and modify your content and preferences, or they are granted restricted access to only view your analyses and dashboards. When users are granted restricted access, they maintain their own user privileges when accessing your business intelligence content.

For more information, see:

My Account dialog: Delivery Options tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to configure your delivery devices and delivery profiles. Your delivery devices, along with your delivery profiles, control how you are reached when an alert is generated by an agent.

For more information, see:



Use this area to configure your delivery devices. To do so, in the first box, select the category of the device, either Email, Phone, Pager, Handheld, or Other), and then to:

  • Create a device, click the Create Device button to display the "Create Device dialog", where you create a device.

    If you want a device to be the default device for the category, select the Default option in the Default column to the right of the device name.


    When the destinations specified for agents are specific devices, the default devices you specify here override the devices in your active delivery profile. For example, if an agent is defined to be delivered to e-mail devices, then default e-mail device that you specify here is used rather than any e-mail devices that you specify in your active delivery profile. (The destinations for agents are specified on the "Agent editor: Destinations tab").
  • Delete a device, select the device name and then click the Delete Device button.

  • Edit a device, select the device name and then click the Edit Device button. The "Edit Device dialog" is displayed.

Delivery Profiles

Use this area to configure your delivery profiles. Click the Create Delivery Profile button to display the "Create Delivery Profile dialog", where you create a delivery profile.

If you want a delivery profile to be your active profile, click the Active option in the Active column to the right of the profile name.

To delete a delivery profile, select the profile name and then click the Delete Profile button.

To edit a delivery profile, select the profile name and then click the Edit Profile button. The "Edit Delivery Profile dialog" is displayed.

My Account dialog: Preferences tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to specify your account's display preferences.

For more information, see:


Starting Page

Use this box to select the dashboard to display when you sign in to Oracle BI Enterprise Edition. Note the following options:

  • Default — Select this option to set your company's default dashboard, as specified by the administrator, as your default dashboard. In some cases, the administrator might require you to use only the company's default dashboard as the dashboard that displays when you sign into Oracle BI EE.

  • Home Page — Select this option to set the Home page as your default dashboard. You might select this option if creating objects or maintaining the catalog is your primary job responsibility.

  • My Dashboard — Select this option to set your My Dashboard that you have created and saved as your default dashboard.

  • Saved Dashboards — This list contains the names of all of the dashboards that have been created and saved to the catalog's dashboards subfolders (for example, Shared Folders then Marketing subfolder then Dashboards subfolder). You can set any of the dashboards that are displayed in this list as your default dashboard.

Locale (location)

Use this box to select a locale. The locale usually corresponds to the language that you specify in the User Interface Language field or the country from where you are working. For example, your specified language is English and your locale can be English - United States or English - Canada.

The locale that you select determines the date and time formats, daylight saving time settings, and currency formats settings.

User Interface Language

Use this box to select the language in which you want the Oracle BI EE interface to display. The language that you specify here persists, unless, for example, it is overridden for the session by the language that you specify in the "Sign In page". If your language is overridden, then the cause of the override displays in a second box within this field.

Time Zone

Use this box to select the time zone to apply when viewing content. This option is useful if you do not reside in the same physical location as the default time zone that was set by the administrator, and you want to select another time zone. For example, suppose that the Oracle BI Server that sends you alerts resides in the US Pacific time zone, but your work location is in the US Central time zone. After you set the Central time zone as your preferred time zone setting, the delivered time on your alerts is displayed in Central time.

Your account's time zone automatically applies to any items that you create, modify, run, receive, and print. The date and time columns included in analyses are displayed according to the content designer. The content designer can force a specific time zone to be displayed in the column or can allow your default time zone to be displayed in the column. A clock button is displayed in the column heading, and when you hover over this button, the name of the time zone used in the column is displayed.

For more information on how the administrator sets the Oracle BI Server time zone, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


This box is available only if the administrator has configured the userpref_currencies.xml file. For information, see "Configuring Currency Options" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Use this box to select the currency in which to view currency columns in dashboards and analyses.

This selection:

  • Takes effect in your current session.

  • Is saved to the catalog and remains in effect for all sessions until you again modify and save it.

  • Applies to all currency columns that have been converted by the Oracle BI Server and for which the currency data format has been set (by the content designer) to use the user's preferred currency.

The administrator defines the currency options that are available in this box.

Accessibility Mode

Use this option to select whether content for Oracle BI EE is rendered in a browser in a way that facilitates the use of a screen reader.

For information, see Appendix C, "Accessibility Features."

My Account dialog: Roles and Catalog Groups tab

Use this tab of the "My Account dialog" to view a list of the Application roles and Catalog groups to which you are assigned. You cannot modify this list. See the administrator to be added to or removed from Application roles.

An Application role defines a set of permissions. Any user or group assigned to an Application role is granted the permissions associated with that role. For example, you might belong to a role that enables you to view and not create business intelligence content.

A Catalog group is defined locally in Oracle BI Presentation Services and is used to grant privileges in the Oracle Business Intelligence user interface in addition to granting Oracle BI Presentation Catalog permissions.

For more information on Application roles and Catalog groups, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

New Action Link dialog

Use this dialog to create an action link to add to an analysis.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Action Link dialog


Link Text

Use this field to enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.


Displays the action to be associated with the action link.

Create New Action

Use this button to select the type of action to create. If you selected:

Select existing action

Use this button to display the "Open dialog", where you select an existing action to add to the analysis.

Edit Parameter Mapping

This button is available only for named actions that have parameters that are not fixed or hidden.

Use this button to display the "Edit Parameter Mapping dialog", where you edit the action parameters.

More (>>)

Displays these options:

  • Edit Action — Use this option to display the "Edit Action dialog", where you can edit the action.

  • Remove Action — Use this option to remove the action.

  • Save Action As — Use this option to display the "Save Action As dialog", where you can save the action to the catalog. If the action is an inline action, then the action is saved to the catalog rather than saved with the analysis. If the action is a named action, then you can save the action with the same name or another name.


Use this box to specify one of the following options:

  • Always — Use to specify that the action link is always to be enabled.

  • Conditionally — This option is not available when you are adding an action link to a column heading. Use to specify that the action link is to be enabled only under certain conditions. Selecting this option displays the Conditions area.

    For more information, see "About Conditionally Enabling Actions".


(Displayed only if the Conditionally option is selected.)

Use this area to create one or more conditions to be used to conditionally enable the action link.

To create a condition, you select either an attribute column or a hierarchical column on which to base it but with these restrictions:

  • If you select an attribute column, you can add multiple conditions.

  • If you select a hierarchical column, you can add only one condition.

  • You cannot combine conditions based on attribute columns with a condition based on a hierarchical column and vice versa.

If you add multiple conditions, then each additional condition you add is combined with the previous condition using the AND operator. The AND operator means that the criteria specified in each condition must be met. This is the default method for combining conditions. You can change the AND operator to OR by clicking AND. The OR operator means that the criteria specified in at least one condition must be met.

Depending on how you construct the condition combinations with the AND and OR operators, some conditions might be grouped. Grouped conditions are bounded by boxes.

This area includes the following components:

  • New Condition — Use this button to first select the column on which to base the condition and then display the "New Condition dialog", where you can create a new condition.

  • Edit Filter — Use this option to display the "Edit Condition dialog", where you edit the condition.

  • Copy Filter and Paste Filter — Use these options to add a copy of the condition to the list of conditions. The copy is added below the condition that you copied with the AND operator between them.

    You can then edit the copy of the condition. You can also change the operator to OR.

    This option is useful to quickly add a condition to the list by modifying an existing one.

  • Delete — Use this button to delete the condition.

  • AND or OR — Use this button to toggle between the AND and OR operators.

  • Edit Filter Group — This button displays only for a group of conditions.

    Displays these options:

    • Ungroup — Use this option to ungroup the group of conditions.

    • Delete Group — Use this option to delete the group of conditions.

    • Duplicate Group — Use this option to duplicate the group of conditions

New Calculated Item dialog

Use this dialog to create or edit a calculated item or a group.

For more information, see "Working with Groups and Calculated Items".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Calculated Item dialog
Edit Group dialog
New Group dialog


Display Label

Use this field to specify the label for the calculated item or group when it is displayed in a view. This label can differ from the name under which the object is stored in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Values From

Use this box to select an attribute column or hierarchical column, which is included in the analysis, whose values you want to use for the calculated item or group. This field is read-only if you displayed the dialog from the Layout pane or from a location in which a column was previously selected.


Use this box to select the function for the calculated item. Many of the functions are those described in "Aggregation Rules and Functions".

In addition, you can select Custom Formula, which provides a toolbar with which you select mathematical operators to include in the function for the calculated item. You can also enter the following functions: Absolute, Ceiling, Floor, Round, Sqrt.

A formula creates a dynamic custom grouping within the view. All measures referenced in a formula must be from the same column and must be present in the results. Formulas can be inserted into, or combined with, other calculated items.

Instead of specifying a named item for attribute columns, you can specify $n or $-n, where n is an integer that indicates the item's row position. If you specify $n, then the measure is taken from the nth row. If you specify $-n, then the measure is taken from the nth to the last row.


Use this area to select members to move to the Selected List area. The "Catalog pane" is displayed so you can select members or groups from there. When you move a member to the Selected List area, it is displayed with a green check mark beside it in the Available List area.


Use this button to display the Search area of the "Select Values dialog", where you can locate members.


Use this area to view the values that you have selected from the Available area and moved to the Selected area. If you selected Custom Formula, then use the toolbar of mathematical operators at the bottom to create the formula for this calculated item. Use the following operators:

  • + Plus sign, for an addition operation in the formula.

  • - Minus sign, for a subtraction operation in the formula.

  • * Multiply sign, for a multiplication operation in the formula.

  • / Divide By sign, for a division operation in the formula.

  • % percent sign, for include a percent in the formula.

  • $ Dollar sign, for acting upon the row position of an item in the formula.

  • ( Open parenthesis, to signify the beginning of a group operation in the formula.

  • ) Close parenthesis, to signify the ending of a group operation in the formula.


Use this button to display the "Edit Format dialog" where you format the calculated item or group. If you apply formatting in this dialog, this formatting is applied first, then conditional formatting is applied.

Hide Details

Use this box to suppress the display of the members that you have included in the calculated item in the view. For example, suppose that you have a pivot table that is displaying Region on the row edge, and it is currently showing the values Eastern, Western, and Central. Suppose that you create a new calculated item called "Other Regions" that is the sum of Western + Central. If you select Hide Details, then only two members are shown in the pivot table: Eastern and Other Regions.

If you select this box for a custom formula, then an implicit remove selection step is created using the items from either the custom formula or from the Selected list.

Selection Steps

Use this tab to see the steps that are saved as a group, if you select the Steps button. This tab is available only if you are editing a group that you have previously saved as a list of selection steps.


Use this tab to see the members that have been specified by the selection steps.

Steps (generate results dynamically at runtime)

Click this button to save the selection steps for a group. The results of the selection are refreshed at run time.

Results (generate results now and display every time)

Click this button to save a group as a list of members, rather than as a list of steps.


  • To select multiple values, press the Ctrl key, then click the values.

  • To select a range of values, click the first value in the range, press the Shift key, then click the last value in the range.

  • To move one or more values from the Available List area to the Selected List area, use the Move or Move All button. You also can double-click a single value in the Available List area to move it to the Selected List area.

    For a group, the following options are displayed when you click Move. These options are not available when you create a nested group.

    • Add — Use this option to add the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: group-name" step in the Selected List area. You see an outline value for the group in a table or pivot table.

    • Add Members — Use this option to add the members of the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: Members of group-name" step in the Selected List area. You do not see an outline value in a table or pivot table; you see the members of the group.

  • To remove one or more values from the Selected List area, use the Remove or Remove All button. You also can double-click a single value in the Selected List area to remove it.

New Condition dialog

Use this dialog to create or edit a condition.

For more information, see Chapter 9, "Working with Conditions."

This dialog is also displayed as:

Create Condition dialog
Edit Condition dialog


Create condition based on

Use this list to select whether the condition is to be based on an Analysis or KPI.


Use this button to display one of the following dialogs, where you select the analysis or KPI on which to base the condition:

Condition Data

Displays the following:

  • Selected Analysis — If the condition is based on an analysis, then use this button to view the analysis.

  • Information about the analysis or KPI on which the condition is based.


Displays the prompted filters associated with the analysis. (A prompted filter is a filter whose operator is set to Is Prompted.)

Click the Edit button adjacent to a prompted filter to display the "Edit Parameter Filter dialog", where you edit the filter.

Dimension Value area

Displays the KPI dimensions whose values were set to Not Pinned in the KPI. Use the Value fields to specify values for these dimensions.

True If Row Count

This area is available only if the condition is based on an analysis.

Use this area to specify the evaluation criteria as follows:

  • Operator — Use this box to select the operator to apply to the row count. Valid operators are:

    • is equal to — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is equal to the number of rows specified

    • is not equal to — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is not equal to the number of rows specified

    • is less than — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is less than the number of rows specified

    • is greater than — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is greater than the number of rows specified

    • is less than or equal to — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is less than or equal to the number of rows specified

    • is greater than or equal to — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is greater than or equal to the number of rows specified

    • is between — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is between the range of rows specified

    • is not between — Use to evaluate whether the number of rows in the analysis is not between the range of rows specified

  • Row Count — Use this box or boxes to specify the row count to be evaluated. For a range of rows, the start and end values that you specify are included in the range.

Condition true if KPI

This area is available only if the condition is based on a KPI.

Use this box to specify the KPI status on which the condition is to be evaluated.


Use this button to test whether the condition evaluates to true or false. Displays the Test Condition dialog, which provides the results of the condition evaluation.

New Condition Step dialog

Use this dialog to create a condition step as part of working with selection steps.

For more information, see "Working with Selections of Data".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Condition Step dialog


Select Type

Use to select from a list of condition types for the specified dimension column. The following list describes the categories of condition steps that you can create. The components in this dialog differ slightly, depending on which type you select.

  • Exception — Conditions that select members using comparisons of values for measure columns. Sample conditions are "Sales > Cost" and "Sales <= Cost + 10%."

  • Top/Bottom — Conditions that select the specified number of members after ranking the members by the specified measure column. You can specify an exact number of members or a percentage of the total members. Sample conditions are "Top 10 based on Sales" and "Top 5% based on Cost."

  • Match — Conditions that select members based on matches with text strings and attribute values. A sample condition is "Name contains abc." You can use this condition only with columns that have a string data type.

  • Time/Ordinal — Conditions that select members based on ranges of time and on hierarchical levels. A sample condition is "From July 2000 to December 2000." Available only for columns with a data type that relates to time.


Use this box to select the type of action to create for the members that the condition step specifies. You can select to add the selected members to the selection, keep only the selected members and remove all others, or remove the selected members from the selection.

Use the box beside the action type to select the column for whose members you are creating the condition step.


Use this area to select the operator, based on the type:

  • For Exception, depends on the type. Sample values include Within, Not Within, Between, Greater than, and Equals.

  • For Top/Bottom, whether the members have a ranking of top or bottom.

  • For Time/Ordinal, either:

    • Whether to use the last or first number of time periods, using the value in the Number field.

    • Whether the members start with, end with, or come before or after the column value in the Time Period field.

  • For Match, whether the members contain, begin with, end with, or match the string in the Text field.


Enter the number of time periods, such as 3, when creating condition steps of type Time/Ordinal.

Time Period

Select the column value on which to base the condition, when creating condition steps of type Time/Ordinal.

Rank or Range

Enter the percentage to use for the rank or range, such as 5, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom.


Enter the value to use for the comparison, when creating condition steps of type Exception.


Enter the string to use for matching with the members, when creating condition steps of type Match. Select Match Case to provide case-sensitivity for the matching.

Override with

Use this box to specify that an analysis prompt, a dashboard prompt, or a variable can override the values that you specify in this condition step. Depending on what you are overriding, you can override certain values with a prompt, a presentation variable, a session variable, or a repository variable.

If you select a variable type, then enter the name of the variable in the field. For example, suppose that you have a column called EMPLOYEE_ID. You can specify USER as the session variable with which to override the value of that column. When a user logs in, the column value is set to his login name. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

In a list of steps for a column, specify that only one step in the list be able to be overridden by a prompt or presentation variable.

For information, see Chapter 6, "Prompting in Dashboards and Analyses."


Use this list to select the name of the measure column whose data values you want to compare, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom.


Use this area to qualify all of the dimensions of the analysis other than the dimension whose members you want to select, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom. For each dimension, you select which of its members to include. You can select specific members, or All, which specifies to aggregate the members when creating the condition. For example, suppose that you are qualifying the Region dimension. You can select a specific region, such as East, whose value is used in the condition. If you select All, then the values of all regions are aggregated and used in the condition.

You can use the For area to create a qualified data reference (QDR). A QDR is a qualifier that limits one or more of the dimensions to retrieve a single value for a measure column. A QDR is useful when you want to temporarily reference a measure column value without affecting the current status of the dimensions.

When you specify a QDR, you can specify multiple members for limiting the dimensions. When you specify multiple members, the measure column value is aggregated using the default aggregation from the Oracle BI Server. For example, suppose that you want to create a condition for displaying those Regions in which Units is greater than 100. Suppose that you create a QDR for the Year dimension that specifies 2000 and 2001 and that the default aggregation is Sum. If the values for 2000 and 2001 for the Central region are 50 and 60 respectively, then both those years are displayed, because their sum exceeds the 100 units that was indicated.


Use this list to select either addition or subtraction, to enter the number and to specify whether the number is a percent, when creating certain condition steps of type Exception.

Match in

Use this box to select the part of the member to match when creating condition steps of type Match. Options include any label, member ID, long label, medium label, and short label.


To create a step that is based on a hierarchy, use the "New Hierarchy Selection Step dialog".

New Dashboard dialog

Use this dialog to specify the name, description, and location of the dashboard that you are creating.

For more information, see "Creating Dashboards".



Use this field to enter a name for the dashboard.


Use this field to enter a description for the dashboard.


Use this list to select a folder for the dashboard in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. If the folder you want is not in the list, click the Browse Catalog link (at the bottom of the list) to display the "Select Location dialog", where you can browse for the folder that you want.

If you choose a folder in which no dashboards have been saved, then a new "Dashboards" folder is automatically created in that folder in which to save the new dashboard. For example, if you choose folder named /Shared Folders/Sales in which no dashboards have been saved, a new Dashboards folder is automatically created and the Location entry changes to as /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboards.

If you save the dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/first level subfolder, then the dashboard is listed in the Dashboard menu in the global header. If you save it in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Eastern), then it is not listed.


Displays the following options:

  • Add Content Now — Select this option to add content to the new dashboard now. The new dashboard that contains one blank page is displayed in the "Dashboard builder" for editing.

  • Add Content Later — Select this option to add content to the new dashboard later. An an empty dashboard is created (but not displayed) to which you can add content later.

See "Editing Dashboards".

New EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function dialog

Use this dialog to create or edit the EVALUATE_PREDICATE function's formula.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function dialog



Displays the primary subject area and any related subject areas that have been added to the "Subject Areas pane". Use this area to select columns to use in the formula. To insert a column in a formula, select the column and click the Add Column button.


Use this area to create the EVALUATE_PREDICATE function's formula.

You can enter the formula manually or use these components:

  • Variable > — Use this button to select the type of variable (Session, Repository, or Presentation) to add. The "Insert Variable dialog" is displayed, where you specify the name of the variable.

  • + — Use this button to insert the addition operator to add values.

  • - — Use this button to insert the subtraction operator to subtract values.

  • x —Use this button to insert the multiplication operator to multiply values.

  • / — Use this button to insert the division operator to divide values.

  • % — Use this button to insert the percent sign to divide values by 100.

  • ( — Use this button to insert the left parenthesis to enclose data in brackets.

  • ) — Use this button to insert the right parenthesis to enclose data in brackets.

  • ||— Use this button to insert the concatenation operator.


To manually enter a variable in an expression in the Formula area, follow the guidelines for referencing variables in expressions described in Table 2-2.

New Filter dialog

Use this dialog to create or edit a column filter, to specify a condition under which an action link is to be enabled, or to specify a condition for applying graph formatting.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Condition dialog
Edit Filter dialog
New Condition dialog



When this dialog is displayed as the New Condition dialog or the Edit Condition dialog, not all components are available.


Displays the name of the column for the filter.

Edit Formula

Use this button to display the "Edit Column Formula dialog" where you can modify the column's formula for use with the filter that you are creating.

Data Time Zone

Use this button to select the time zone.


Use this list to select the operator to apply to the value specified in the Value. For guidelines, see "Operators".

Note that, if your repository is configured for double columns, and you are creating the filter on a display column and select the contains all, contains any, does not contain, begins with, ends with, is LIKE (pattern match), or is not LIKE (pattern match) operator, then filtering is always done by display values, not code values. For more information on double columns, see "Understanding the Double Column Feature".


Use this field to specify one or more values to use when applying the filter or condition. You can:

  • Type values.

  • Select values from the list box or calendar.

    To search for specific values from the list box, click Search in the list box. The "Select Values dialog" is displayed, where you can search for and select values.

    If the analysis has other filters, the following options appear to the right of Search:

    • Limited Values — Use this option to limit the values by any other filters that are associated with the analysis.

    • All Values — Use this option to list all values, without limiting the values by any other filters that are associated with the analysis.

If your repository is configured for double columns, and you are creating the filter on a display column, then by default you specify display values. However, if your organization allows the display of code values, then you can specify code values rather than display values, but only if you use one of the following operators:

  • is equal to / is in

  • is not equal to / is not in

  • is between

To specify code values, select the Select by Code Column box.


If you create or modify a filter or condition using code values and, subsequently, the code column for that value is removed from the Presentation layer using the Administration Tool, then filtering by code values remains in effect (although the code values are not visible). When you edit the filter or condition, the code value (for example, 1) is converted to the equivalent display value (for example, Excellent).

For more information on double columns, see "Understanding the Double Column Feature".

Select by Code Column

Available only if your repository is configured for double columns, you are creating the filter on a display column whose code column is exposed in the repository Presentation layer, and you selected either the is equal to / is in, is not equal to / is not in, or is between operator.

Use this box to allow code values to be specified in the Value field. When this box is selected, the list box displays both the code values and the display values (for example, 1 - Beverages) for selection and the Filter by box is selected but disabled. When this box is deselected, the list box displays only the display values (for example, Beverages).

Filter by Code Column

Available only if your repository is configured for double columns and you selected either the is equal to / is in, is not equal to / is not in, or is between operator.

Use this box to specify whether the column is to be filtered by code values or display values. Select this box to filter by code values. Deselect this box to filter by display values.

Saved Analysis

Available if you selected the is based on the results of another analysis operator.

Use this field to specify the saved analysis whose results are to be the basis for the filter.


Available if you selected is based on the results of another analysis in the Operator field.

Use this list to select the appropriate operator to determine the analysis' column results that set the filter.

Use values in column

This field displays if you selected the is based on the results of another analysis operator.

Use this list to view a matching column name in the analysis, if there is one. To use another column, then select it instead. The values in this column set the filter.

Add More Options

Available for all operators except is prompted or the is based on the results of another analysis.

Click this button to add a SQL expression or a session, repository, or presentation variable to the filter. You can add one or more of these options. When you select an option, a corresponding field is displayed where you specify either a SQL expression or the name of the variable.

When this dialog is displayed as the New Conditions dialog from the "Column Properties dialog: Conditional Format tab", you can add only a presentation variable.

For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

SQL Expression

Available if you selected SQL Expression from the Add More Options list.

Enter or paste a SQL expression.

Session Variable

Available if you selected Session Variable from the Add More Options list.

Enter the name of the session variable to use, for example USER.

Repository Variable

Available if you selected Repository Variable from the Add More Options list.

Enter the name of the repository variable to use, for example prime_begin.

Variable Expr.

Available if you selected Presentation Variable from the Add More Options list.

Enter the name of the presentation variable to use, for example MyFavoriteRegion.


Available if you selected Presentation Variable from the Add More Options list.

(Optional) Specify a default value to be used if no value is returned by the presentation variable.


Click this button to delete the corresponding value and field.

Clear All

Click this button to remove all values and codes. If you added a SQL expression or variable to the filter, then clicking the Clear Values button deletes all related values and fields.

Protect Filter

Select this option to protect the filter's value from being overridden by either a prompt value or when the user navigates to another analysis. When the user navigates from one analysis to another analysis, any prompt values that were specified in the first analysis transfer to the second analysis.

Convert this filter to SQL

Select this option to convert the filter that you have built to a SQL WHERE clause that you can edit manually. Note that after you convert a filter to SQL code, you can view and edit the filter item as SQL code in the "Advanced SQL Filter dialog", only. You can no longer view and edit the filter in the Edit Filter dialog.

Related Topics

"Applying a Named Filter to an Analysis"
"Combining and Grouping Column Filters"
"Using a Saved Analysis as a Filter"
"Creating and Editing the SQL Statements for a Column Filter in an Analysis"


Use the guidelines shown in Table E-4 when choosing an operator and specifying the required values. The operator list from which you can choose is populated based on the function you are performing (for example, creating a filter or creating a dashboard prompt) and the type of column that you selected.

Table E-4 Guidelines for Choosing an Operator When Creating a Column Filter

Operator Usage Guidelines

is equal to / is in

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the value in the filter.

is not equal to / is not in

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column does not match the value in the filter.

is less than

Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than the value in the filter.

is greater than

Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than the value in the filter.

is less than or equal to

Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than or the same as the value in the filter.

is greater than or equal to

Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than or the same as the value in the filter.

is between

Valid for a column that contains numbers or dates. Specify two values. Result include only records where the data in the column is between the two values in the filter.

is null

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the absence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is no data in the column.

Sometimes it might be useful to know whether any data is present, and using the is null operator is a way to test for that condition. For example, suppose your business has a worldwide address book and you want to extract the United States addresses only. You could do this by checking for the presence or absence of data in the "State" field. This field should be unpopulated (null) for non-United States addresses and populated (not null) for United States addresses. You can obtain a list of United States addresses without the need to check the column for a specific value.

is not null

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the presence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is data in the column.

is ranked first

Valid for a column that contains text or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only the first n records, where n is a whole number specified as the value in the filter.

This operator is for ranked results. For example, you could use this operator to obtain a list that contains the first ten brand names in alphabetical order.

is ranked last

Valid for a column that contains text or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only the last n records, where n is a whole number specified as the value in the filter.

This operator is for ranked results. For example, you could use this operator to obtain a list of the dates of the last ten sales transactions.

is in top

Valid for a column that contains numbers. Specify a single value. Results include only the first n records, where n is a whole number specified as the value in the filter.

This operator is for ranked results. For example, you could use this operator to obtain a list of the top ten sales in dollars.

is in bottom

Valid for a column that contains numbers. Specify a single value. Results include only the last n records, where n is a whole number specified as the value in the filter.

This operator is for ranked results. For example, you could use this operator to obtain a list of the customers reporting the fewest numbers of problems.

contains all

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column contains all of the values in the filter.

does not contain

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column does not contain any of the values in the filter.

contains any

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column contains at least one of the values in the filter.

begins with

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column begins with the value in the filter.

ends with

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column ends with the value in the filter.

is LIKE (pattern match)

Valid for a column that contains text. Specify a single value or multiple values. Requires the use of a percent sign character (%) as a wildcard character. You might specify up to two percent sign characters in the value. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the pattern value in the filter.

is not LIKE (pattern match)

Valid for a column that contains text. Specify a single value or multiple values. Requires the use of a percent sign character (%) as a wildcard character. You might specify up to two percent sign characters in the value. Results include only records where the data in the column does not match the pattern value in the filter.

is prompted

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Choosing this operator for a filter's column flags it as ready to be filtered by a prompt. This means when a prompt is used, results include only records where the data in the column that is prompted matches the user's choices.

Note: This operator is required for columns included in prompts where no prefiltered values are desired.

is based on the results of another analysis

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. This operator constrains the filter by using the value of a column from the same subject area in another saved request.

prompt user

Valid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Choosing this operator enables the user to select the dashboard or analysis' prompt operator at run time.

New Folder dialog

Use this dialog box to specify the folder to create in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

New Prompt dialog

Use this dialog to define the column, variable, or currency prompt.

For more information, see "Creating or Editing a Column Prompt".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Prompt
Edit Prompt: Column dialog
New Prompt: Column dialog

Components Common to Column, Currency, and Variables Prompts


This section describes the components that are common to column, currency, and variable prompts. Additional components are available for the column and variable prompts. See "Additional Components for Column and Variable Prompts".


Use this field to enter an appropriate label for the prompt. For example, "Select a date range," "Select a currency," or "Select a percentage by which to calculate the region's dollars." You can include HTML markup tags in the caption, such as <b>, <font>, and <table>.


Use this field to enter a short description of the prompt. This description is displayed as tool tip text, which is displayed when the user mouses over the prompt's label in the dashboard or analysis.

Additional Components for Column and Variable Prompts

Prompt for Column

This field displays for column prompts, only.

Use this field to view information about the column that you selected. You can edit the formula that displays in this field by clicking the Edit Formula button. For more information, see "Edit Column Formula dialog".

Edit Formula

This field displays for column prompts, only.

This button displays for attribute and measure column types, but not for hierarchical columns; however, if you are creating a column or variable prompt and choose to modify the column's formula, you can specify a hierarchical column in the column's formula.

Use this button to display the "Edit Column Formula dialog" where you can modify the column's formula for use with the prompt.

If you added a SQL case statement to the analysis' column instance and you want to use that case statement within the prompt, then you must specify the same SQL case statement in the prompt's column formula.

For example, on the analysis' column, you can use the Edit Formula functionality to create a "Beverage Type" bin to group a long list of beverages into two categories called "Carbonated Beverages" and "Fruit Juices and Non-Carbonated Beverages." When building the prompt, you then add the same bin or SQL case statement to the prompt's column formula. When the prompt is completed and previewed, the "Carbonated Beverages" and "Fruit Juices and Non-Carbonated Beverages" items are displayed in the prompt's value list.

Data Time Zone

Use this field to set the time zone.

Prompt for

This field displays for variable prompts, only.

Use this field to select the type of variable to create and to type a name for the variable. This variable name is the name that you add to the analysis or dashboard where you want the variable prompt's value specified by the user to display. Currently, you can create only presentation variables.

Included Code Column

This field displays for display columns, only.

Displays the name of code column that is mapped to the display column.

For more information on display and code columns, see "Understanding the Double Column Feature".


This field displays for column prompts, only.

Use this list to select the prompt's operator. For more information about each operator, see "Operators".

Note the following items:

  • If you want the user to select the operator at run time, then select the *Prompt User operator.

  • If you are creating a dashboard prompt for an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report that receives its data from an Oracle BI Server or SQL Server, then you must set the operator to is equal to/is in.

  • If you are creating a prompt that includes a group in the prompt's value selection list, the Operator must be set to either is equal to/is in or is not equal to/is not in. For more information about groups, see "Working with Groups and Calculated Items".

  • If the repository is configured for double columns, and you are creating the prompt on a display column and select the contains all, contains any, does not contain, begins with, ends with, is LIKE (pattern match), or is not LIKE (pattern match) operator, then filtering is always done by display values, not code values. For all other operators, filtering is done by code values. For more information on double columns, see "Understanding the Double Column Feature".

User Input

This field displays for column and variable prompts.

Use this list to specify the user interface component where the user selects the prompt values (for example, prompt the user with radio buttons to select only one prompt value or prompt the user with a text box that requires the user to enter one or more specific prompt values). The input option that you select determines the fields that are displayed in the dialog. For a description and example of each user input option type, see "What Types of User Input Options Can I Use With a Column or Variable Prompt?"

User Input Values

This field displays for column and variable prompts.

Use this field to specify which data values you want to display in the user input method that you selected. For example, if you selected the Choice List user input method and the All Column Values option, then the user selects the prompt's data value from a list that contains all of the data values contained in the data source.

Note that for attribute columns and measures column, all choice list values type are available.

The User Input Values options are:

  • All Column Values – Indicates that users can choose from a list that contains all the existing values or members.

    If the number of column values exceed the number that is specified in the Page Values box, the list that displays in the view contains a Search link that the user clicks to access the Select Values dialog. Users can use the search to locate more values.

  • Custom Values – Indicates that users can select from a list of prompt values that you created rather than the values supplied by the column.

  • Specific Column Values – For attribute columns and measures column, this option indicates that users can choose from a list that displays the values that you have selected for the column. This option is useful when prompting for multiple columns, or when the results contain a filter. It prevents the user from choosing values that would result in no data. For example, suppose an analysis contains a country column and a city column, and contains the filter Country=France. By selecting limited values for the city column prompt, the choices are constrained to cities in France only, which prevents the possibility of the user choosing a city that is not located in France, such as Country=France and City=Rome.

    This list can also contain a group as a selection option. Users can also click Search from the list of values to search for a value that does not display in the list of values. You can click the Plus button to display the Select Values dialog where you can search for and select the desired values to display to users. In the Column Values pane, you see all values for the column and you can select only those that you want users to choose from. If you are using either the is equal to/is in or the is not equal to/is not in operator, then you can expand the Catalog pane to browse and add a saved group. When you select a group, it is presented as one value in the list of values. For example, if the group is named Sales by Region and contains the Eastern and Southern members, within the prompt's list of values you see Sales by Region and when you select this value, the analysis contains the Eastern and Southern members.

    For hierarchical columns, this choice indicates that a list is displayed from which users can choose among the members that you have selected for the column. This list can also contain a group as a selection option. See the above paragraph for more information.

  • SQL Results – Indicates that users can choose from a list that contains the values that you have specified through a SQL statement. A box is displayed where you can enter a SQL statement that creates the list of values from which users can choose. You likely want to enter a WHERE clause as part of the SQL statement to limit the number of values from which users can select and include sorting commands to have the values display in a logical order.

    If the SQL statement returns a list of values that exceeds the number that is specified in the Page Values box, then a Search link is displayed and when the user clicks this link, the Select Values dialog is displayed. Users cannot search in the Select Values dialog, but they can display more values to select from.

  • Members of Groups – This option is not available for hierarchical columns.

    Indicates that users can choose from a list that contains all members included in a specified group or groups. For example, if the group you select is named Sales by Region and contains the Eastern and Southern members, at run time you see Eastern and Southern regions listed in the prompt's list of values.

  • All Column Values and Specific Groups – This option is not available for hierarchical columns. This option is available for the is equal to/is in or the is not equal to/is not in operators, only.

    Indicates that users can choose from a list that contains all column values and the groups that you have selected. When you select a group, it is presented as one value in the list of values. For example, if the group is named Sales by Region and contains the Eastern and Southern members, within the prompt's list of values you see Sales by Region and when you select this value, the analysis contains the Eastern and Southern members.


    If you have a prompt with a choice list value that contains a group and the prompt is then used to override a Keep only or Remove selection step, then Oracle BI EE ignores the group at run time. If the override selection step is an Add selection step, then Oracle BI EE uses the group.

Select Values or Remove selected value buttons

These buttons display for column and variable prompts. These buttons display if you selected Custom Values, Specific Column Values, Members of Groups, or All Column Values and Specific Groups in the User Input Values field.

Use the Select Values button to open the "Select Values dialog" to search for and add values or groups to the Select List. The prompt presents this values list to the user. This functionality is useful when you want to limit the number of user choices to a small, intuitive list. For example, if you chose Radio Buttons as the user input method and created a specific values list of five dates, the prompt presents the user with five radio buttons, one for each date. If you selected Custom Values in the User Input Values field, the Enter Value dialog displays rather than the Select Values dialog, where you enter a custom value.

Use the Remove selected value button to remove the selected value.

SQL Statement

This field displays if you selected SQL Results in the User Input Values field.

Use this field to create or edit a SQL statement. When run, the SQL statement produces a group of values that is displayed in the Select List.

Include "All Choices" choice in the list

This box displays if you selected either the Choice List, List Box, or Radio Buttons user input type.

Use this box to display the "All Choices" option in the value list. Users can select the "All Choices" option to select all of the values in the list.

Limit values by

This box displays if you selected either the Check Box, Choice List, List Box, or Radio Buttons user input type.

Use this box to select an existing prompt column to limit the values that display in the select list for the prompt column that you are creating. This type of limitation is also known as a cascading prompt. For example, if a prompt contained a column prompt called Region and you create another column prompt called District and specify to limit it by the Region column prompt, the users is allowed to select regions that are located only within the district that they selected. If the users select the Central District, then they are allowed to select only a Region of Chicago, Minneapolis, or Milwaukee.

Enable user to select multiple values

This box displays if you selected either the Choice List or List Box user input type.

Use this box to allow the user to select multiple prompt values from the list of values. If you selected the Choice List user input option, then the prompt value selection list displays a check box before each prompt value.

If you selected the List Box option, then to select:

  • Multiple values, the user presses the Control key, then clicks the values

  • A range of values, the user clicks the first value in the range, presses the Shift key, then clicks the last value in the range

If you are creating the prompt on a hierarchical column, then this option is selected and you cannot deselect it. If you are creating a prompt with only one value, then use the "Select Values dialog" to select one value.

Enable user to type values

This box displays if you selected the Choice List user input type.

Use this box to allow the user to choose values from the choice list or place the cursor and type a value into the selection field. For example, select this box when the prompt's value list is lengthy and the user does not want to scroll through or search the list, or the user knows the specific prompt value. This option is useful when the prompt contains non-measure numeric values (for example, a product ID or employee ID) that cannot be easily or quickly located in a list of values.

If this option and the Enable user to select multiple values option are selected, users can enter multiple values (using the semicolon delimiter) into the prompt's selection field.

Require user input

This box displays for all user input types.

Use this box to make the prompt required. When the prompt is required, users cannot click the Go button to execute the prompt query until they have selected a prompt value. When you select this option, an asterisk displays to the left of the prompt label to indicate to the user that the prompt is required.

Slider Values

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to specify the prompt values and value range to display in the slider. Currently, Within Specific Limits is the only available Slider Values option.

Lower limit

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to specify the beginning prompt value that is displayed on the left-end of the slider. This prompt value is the lowest value that the user can select.

Upper limit

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to specify the ending prompt value that is displayed on the right-end of the slider. This prompt value is the highest value that the user can select.

Show Spinbox

This box displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this box to display a spinbox where the user can click arrows to select a value. When the user clicks the spinbox's arrows, the slider resets to the same value. Deselect this box to remove the spinbox from the prompt.

Compress Values

This box displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this box to remove the zeros from values of 1,000 and over. For example, 1,000 displays as 1K and 1,000,000 displays as 1M. If you select this option and are using a non-English environment, the compressed value label is not translated. The value label is displayed in English (for example, 1K or 1M).

Slider Orientation

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to specify whether you want the slider to be displayed horizontally or vertically on the prompts page.

Label location

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to specify where you want the prompt's label to display in relation to the slider. Currently, Left of Slider is the only available Label location option.

Slider size

This field displays for the Slider user input type, only.

Use this field to choose the size of the slider. You can select Small, Medium, or Large.

Default selection

Use this field to specify the prompt value that you want users to see initially. First select one of the following options, then (except for the None option) specify the value in the box that is displayed:

  • None – Select this option if you do not want to specify a default selection.

  • Specific Values – Select this option to choose a specific default value from the complete prompt list that Oracle Business Intelligence generates based on the option you selected in the Choice List Values field. When you select this option, the Default value field, the Select values button, and the Remove selected value button are displayed. Click the Select values button to access the "Select Values dialog" dialog, where you can search for, select, and deselect a default value. Use the Remove selected value button to remove the selected value from the Default value field.

  • All Column Values — This option is available only when the Include "All Choices" choice in the list option is selected. Select this option to specify the "All Choices" default value for the prompt.

  • Variable Expression — Select this option to specify a variable or an expression containing a variable. When you select this option, the Default value field is displayed in which you enter the variable or expression.

    For guidelines on referencing a variable in an expression, see Table 2-2. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • Server Variable — Select this option to specify a session or repository variable as the default value. When you select this option, the Default value field is displayed in which you enter the name of the variable. For a session variable, prefix the name with NQ_SESSION and a period, for example NQ_SESSION.USER.

    For guidelines on referencing a server variable, see Table 2-2. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".


    If you specify a session variable, and a request variable exists with the same name, the value of the request variable is used instead of the value of the session variable. For more information on request variables, see "What Are Request Variables?"
  • SQL Results — Select this option to set the prompt's default value based on the results of a logical SQL statement. If necessary, a presentation or server variable can be used in the logical SQL statement (for example, variables can be referenced in the "where" clause to constrain the default value based on another prompt).

    Each row of data returned by the SQL statement is treated as a value, and each row can have one or two columns. If each row contains one column, this would be both the display value and code value. If each row contains two columns, the first column is the display value and the second column is the code value. If the SQL statement returns multiple rows but the user interface can only accept one value, then the first row is used.

    If your repository is configured for double columns, and you are creating the prompt on a display column and specify a SQL statement, then filtering is done on display values, not code values.

Enable user to select by Code Column

This option displays for display columns, only.

Select this option to add a check box to the prompt that enables the user to specify whether to select prompt values by display values (for example, "Beverages") or by code-display values (for example, "1-Beverages"). This box is automatically labeled with the partial caption of "Select by." If you select this option, then add a label in the Label field that identifies what the user is selecting by.


This field displays for display columns, only.

Use this field to complete the "Select by" label for the check box that enables the user to specify whether to select prompt values by display values (for example, "Beverages") or by code-display values (for example, "1-Beverages"). For example, you might enter "product codes" so that the check box label is "Select by product codes."

Choice List Width

Use this field to specify the width of the prompt's field that displays on the prompts page. This field determines the width of the area where the prompt's member values display and does not include the field's label. Note the following options:

  • Select Dynamic if you want Oracle BI EE to automatically size the field width to accommodate the prompt's member values. Note that Oracle BI EE might truncates the member values. A user can mouse-over a truncated member value and Oracle BI EE displays the member's full value.

  • Select Pixels and specify the size in pixels to which you want Oracle BI EE to adjust the field width. Note that if member values are larger than the pixel value that you specify, then Oracle BI EE truncates the member name. A user can mouse-over a truncated member value and Oracle BI EE displays the member's full value. If you selected the is between operator for the prompt, then both fields ("from" and "to") are adjusted to the pixel size that you specify. This field's default size is 250 pixels. Note that this value differs if the Administrator modified the default pixel value in the Oracle BI EE configuration file.

Note that setting the Set width of all prompts to field on the "Edit Page Settings dialog" overwrites what you specify in the Choice List Width field. Likewise, specifying preferences for the individual prompt in the Choice List Width field deselects the Set width of all prompts to checkbox in the "Edit Page Settings dialog". For more information, see the help for the "Edit Page Settings dialog."

Set a variable

Use this field to create a variable that this column prompt is to populate.

Select the type of variable, either Presentation Variable or Request Variable, then, enter a name for the variable. Note if you selected Request Variable, you must use the name of the session variable that you want this request variable to override.


If you are creating a dashboard prompt for an Oracle BI Publisher report that receives its data from an Oracle BI Server or SQL Server, then you must type "Presentation" in the Variable Name field.

For more information about using variables, see "Using Variables".


This field displays if you selected either All Column Values, Specific Column Values, or Members of Groups from the User Input Values field.

This field displays the name of the column upon which you selected to populate the variable prompt's list of values. This field is read-only. To specify a different column name to display in this field, you must click the Select Column button and browse for and select another column.

Select Column

Use this button to display the "Select Column dialog" where you can browse for and select the column to use to generate the prompt's list of values.

New Related Document dialog

Use this dialog to add a document that provides supporting information to a scorecard object, such as an objective. A related document that you add is displayed as a link in the Related Documents table and can link to a dashboard page or analysis that is stored in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog or to a Web address. For example, you might want to add analysis as a related document for an objective.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Related Document dialog



Use this field to enter the text to be displayed as the link to the related document.

If you did not specify a name, then Oracle BI EE defaults to the name of the dashboard or analysis, or a shortened form of the URL.


Displays the following options to specify the type of related document:

  • BI Content — Specifies that the related document is a dashboard page or analysis from the catalog.

  • Web Address — Specifies that the related document is a Web address.


If you selected as the type:

  • BI Content, this field displays the path to the dashboard page or analysis. This path is read-only. To specify another path, click the Browse button and select another dashboard page or analysis.

  • Web Address, enter or paste the URL into this field.


This option is available only if you selected the BI Content type. Displays the "Select an Object from the BI Catalog dialog", where you select the dashboard page or analysis from the catalog.

New Scorecard dialog

Use this dialog to create a scorecard.

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter the name of the scorecard, for example, Marketing.


Use this list to select a folder or create a new folder in which to create the scorecard. To create a folder, click the New Folder option in the list to display the "Create New Folder dialog". To select a folder that is not listed, click the Folder button to display the "Select Scorecard Location dialog".


Use this field to enter a description of the scorecard.

Use Default Perspectives?

Use this box to specify whether you want to use the default perspectives defined by the Balanced Scorecard Methodology. You can associate initiatives and objectives with these perspectives or to other custom perspectives that you create. For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"

Open dialog

Use this dialog to open objects, select objects, or save objects.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Choose Delivery Content dialog
Create New Folder dialog
Save dialog
Save Action dialog
Save Action As dialog
Save Agent dialog
Save As dialog
Save Selection Steps dialog
Select dialog
Select Action dialog
Select Agent Location dialog
Select Analysis dialog
Select an Object from the BI Catalog dialog
Select BI Content For Action dialog
Select Condition dialog
Select Dashboard dialog
Select Existing Action dialog
Select Existing Agent dialog
Select KPI dialog
Select a KPI dialog
Select Location dialog
Select Request dialog
Select Scorecard Location dialog



Use this pane to select a folder in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to display in the Open In or Save In area.

Show Folder Tree

Displays the catalog folders in a tree structure.

Show Favorites

Displays your favorite folders in the Folder pane.

Open In or Save In

Displays the folder that is selected in the Folders pane and its contents.

You can save any object in any location. However, the "Save In" field sometimes recommends the best location based on the object type that you are saving. For example, you should save filters, groups, and calculated items within a subject area folder so that these items are available when you build an analysis for the same subject area. If a subject area folder does not exist in your /My Folders or within /Shared Folders, then a subject area folder is created automatically. The "Save In" field defaults a save path to /My Folders/Subject Area Contents/<subject area>, however, the dialog's Folders area displays all instances of the subject area folder in the catalog.

You can save other objects such as analyses, prompts, and conditions in any folder. Bear in mind the distinctions between shared and personal folders, when deciding whether to share the object that you are saving with other users.


Selects the folder that is one level higher in the folder structure.

New Folder

Adds a new empty folder under the folder that is specified in the Open In or Save In field.

Change list view type

Displays the following options to change the view of the list:

  • List — Displays the contents of the folder that is specified in the Open In or Save In field as a list of file or folder names preceded by small buttons.

  • Details — Displays the contents of the folder that is specified in the Open In or Save In field as a list of file or folder names preceded by small buttons and provides detailed information about the objects, including, name, type, the date modified, and owner.


Use this box to specify the name of the object to open, select, or save.

To specify the name of the object, do one of the following:

  • Click an object in the Open In area

  • Enter the name of the object

The name is displayed in the tree structure when a user moves the mouse over the object.


Use this field to enter a description of the object.

Descriptions are displayed when administrators use the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager. Descriptions for analyses are helpful when including them on dashboard pages.

Display Label

Available only for selection steps.

Use this field to enter the label for the group when it is displayed in a view. The display label can differ from the name of the group as it is saved in the catalog.


Available only for selection steps.

Click this button to save the selection steps for a group. The results of the selection are refreshed at run time.


Available only for groups.

Click this button to save a group as a list of members, rather than as a list of steps.

Replace current action (or steps, or condition) with a reference to the saved action (or group, or condition)

Use this box in the following situations:

  • When you are saving an action or condition to the catalog, to specify whether to replace the reference to the current action or condition with the saved action or condition.

  • When you are saving a series of steps to the catalog, to specify whether to replace the series of steps with the name of the group. For example, if you have created several selection steps for the Product column, click the Save button, then select this box in the dialog, the several steps are replaced by a single "Start with" step for the group.

Select this box to replace the reference with the saved action, group, or condition. Deselect this box to maintain the reference to the action, group, or condition.

Overview pane

Use this pane to view summary information about the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.

For more information, see "Viewing Overview Information".

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: Overview tab".

Summary Information

This area displays summary information about the selected objective, initiative, or KPI. For more information on the specific information that is displayed, see:

Initiative or Objective Overview

This view is displayed in the "Overview pane" when you select an initiative in the "Initiatives pane" or an objective in the "Strategy pane". Use this view to view basic settings for the selected initiative or objective (for example, status, business owner, and so on) and a status summary showing the number of KPIs and initiatives, or KPIs and objectives, that evaluate progress in each performance state.



Displays the score for the selected initiative or objective in a gauge.

For more information on scores, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".


Displays for the selected initiative or objective:

  • The number of its child initiatives or child objectives in each status.

  • The number of its child KPIs in each status.

If there is at least one child objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the child object or objects.


Displays for the selected initiative or objective:

  • The number of its descendant initiatives or objectives in each status.

  • The number of its descendant KPIs in each status.

If there is at least one descendant objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the descendant object or objects.


Displays the perspective with which the selected objective or initiative is associated. For example, an Improved Client Response Time objective might be associated with the Customer perspective.

For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the selected initiative or objective.

Assessment Formula

Displays the rule that is used to assess the overall performance of the selected initiative or objective, for example, Worst Case or Weighted.

Go to this initiative or Go to this objective

Displays the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" or the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab") for the selected initiative or objective in the current mode (edit or view).

KPI Overview

This view is displayed in the "Overview pane" when you select a KPI in the "Initiatives pane" or "Strategy pane". Use this view to view basic KPI settings for the selected KPI and performance data.



Displays the score for the selected KPI in a gauge.

For more information on scores, see "Understanding Initiative or Objective Performance Assessment".


Displays the perspective with which the selected KPI is associated. For example, a Net Profit KPI might be associated with the Financial perspective.

For more information on perspectives, see "What Are Perspectives?"


Displays information that indicates how the performance of the selected KPI has changed since the last reporting period or a date that you specify.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the selected KPI.


Displays the following performance data for the selected KPI:

  • Actual — Displays the current value of the KPI (for example, Product Sales).

  • Target — Displays the desired value of the KPI (for example, Product Sales + 1500).

  • Variance — Displays the amount by which the actual value differs from the target value. This partially determines the performance level of the KPI and indicates how realistic the target KPI value might be or if it must be adjusted.

  • % Variance — Displays the amount by which the actual value differs from the target value expressed as a percentage.

  • Change — If you enabled trending, displays the amount by which the current actual value differs from that of the previous period. For example, if an actual value for an "Annual Sales" KPI is 25000 but was 20000, the change is 5000.

  • % Change — If you enabled trending, this displays the change value as a percentage.


Displays a graph showing, for the selected KPI, the actual values over time, such as for financial quarter, according to their assessed performance. For example, if four performance states (critical, warning, good, and excellent) were defined, KPI values are displayed according to these mappings.

The graph shows multiple time periods only if trending was enabled in the KPI's definition.

Go to this KPI

Displays the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab" for the selected KPI in the current mode (edit or view).

Page Properties dialog

Use this dialog to edit the content in a briefing book. You can change the content type, the number of navigation links to follow, and the content description.

For more information, see:


Content Type

Use this area to select one of the following options:

  • Updatable — Refreshes the data whenever the briefing book is downloaded, or when it is specified as the delivery content for an agent.

  • Snapshot — Adds the content in its current state. Snapshot content preserves the original data and is not updated when the briefing book is rerun. Snapshot content is not updated when using agents.

Follow Briefing Book Navigation Links

This option applies only to updatable content, not to snapshot content.

Use this area to select one of the following options:

  • No — Specifies that briefing book navigation links are not to be followed.

  • Yes — Specifies that briefing book navigation links are to be followed. If you select this option, then you must also specify the number of links to follow.

  • Number of links to follow — Specifies the number of briefing book navigation links to be followed, if you selected the Yes option.


Use this field to enter a description of the content being saved to the briefing book.

Related Topics

"Adding Content to New or Existing Briefing Books"
"Downloading Briefing Books"
"Adding a List of Briefing Books to a Dashboard Page"
"Using Agents to Deliver Briefing Books"

Permission dialog

Use this dialog to set permissions for a catalog object. Permissions determine which user, group, or role can view, open, or modify the object. If you are using this dialog to assign permissions to a catalog object and need more information about the privileges that further refine the tasks users can perform, see "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as the:

Section Permissions dialog



Not all components are available in each version of the dialog.


Displays the folder in which the object resides.


Displays the account name of the object owner. To change the name that displays in this field, go to the Owner column in the Permission area and select the button corresponding to the account you want to assign as the owner. Note that this field sets the catalog owner of the object, which is differs from setting the business owner for a KPI or scorecard object. For more information about the business owner, see "KPI editor: General Properties page".


Use this area to add accounts and assign permissions. Note the following options:

  • To add accounts and assign permissions, use the Permissions toolbar buttons.

  • To assign a permission to an account, in the Permission column, select the permission from the Permission list.

    • If you are working with section permissions, select Granted to include the section in the corresponding account's dashboard. Select Denied to remove the section from the corresponding account's dashboard. Where applicable, these permissions override the permissions that are set on the catalog object.

    • If you are working with catalog permissions, see "Permissions Available by Object Type" and "Permission Definitions" for more information about the permission options. For information about the options available for the Custom permission option, see "Custom Permissions dialog". Note that most of the permissions in this list are compound permissions, made up of the most commonly used combinations of permissions, so when you select a permission from the list, Oracle BI EE displays a label listing what the selected permission includes. For example, if you selected the Modify permission, Oracle BI EE displays "Read, Write, Delete." If none of the permissions available in the permissions list meets your requirements, you can select the Custom option to access the Custom Permissions dialog where you can create your own compound permission for the object.

  • To change the owner of the object, select the button in the Owner column for the account to designate as the owner.

Permissions Toolbar

This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Apply effective permissions — Use this button to assign permissions based on the user's membership in a group. For example, if a user belongs to the Marketing group account which has full control permissions to a Corporate Sales scorecard directory, then the user also has full control to the directory.

  • Replace with parent's folder permissions — Use this button to inherit the permissions defined for the highest folder in the directory hierarchy.

  • Set parents folders permission to "Traverse Folder" — Use this button skip over any folders to which the permissions should not be applied.

  • Add users/roles — Use this button to display the "Add Application Roles, Catalog Groups, and Users dialog", where you select accounts to add.

  • Apply permissions for selected users/roles — Displays the permissions menu. Use this menu to select a permission to assign to the selected account or accounts. To select multiple accounts, hold down the Control key and then click the accounts that you want. For more information about the permissions that you can select, see "Permissions Available by Object Type". For information about the options available for the Custom permission option, see "Custom Permissions dialog".

  • Delete selected users/roles — Use this button to delete the selected accounts.

Apply permissions to sub-folders

Use this option to assign permissions to the folder's subfolders, but not to the individual objects within the folder.

Apply permissions to items within a folder

Use this option to assign permissions to the folder's individual objects, but not to the subfolders within the folder.

Perspectives pane

Use this pane to:

  • Create custom perspectives

  • Edit or view the four standard perspectives defined by the Balanced Scorecard Methodology (Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth) and any custom perspectives that you have created

  • Delete perspectives

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor".


Perspectives List

Displays a list of the perspectives for the scorecard.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • New Perspective — Use this button to display the "Scorecard editor: Perspective tab", where you create a new perspective.

  • Open — Use this button to display the selected perspective for viewing or editing, depending on your privileges and permissions.

  • Delete — Use this button to delete a perspective that you created or for which you have the permissions to delete.

Preview pane

Use this pane to preview the object that you selected in the Catalog page. Not all object types have previews available. For example, if you select an analysis or dashboard, those objects display in the Preview pane, but none of the interactive features such as drilling, pivoting, and sorting are available. However, if you select an action, the "View not available" message is displayed in Preview pane.

Working with the Preview pane expanded can consume considerable system resources, so Oracle recommends that you only open the Preview pane when needed.

This pane is part of the "Catalog page".

Print Options dialog

Use this dialog to specify page settings and header and footer content for the PDF output, when printing a dashboard or views.

Dashboards are printed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Reader 6.0 or greater is required to print using Adobe PDF.


The print selections that you specify apply to PDF output only. If you then print the PDF on a local or network printer, then the print selections that are specified in the browser are in effect, such as the selection for paper size.

This dialog is displayed from the PDF and Print Properties option in the Tools menu on the "Dashboard builder" toolbar and Print Options button on the "Analysis editor: Results tab" toolbar.

For more information, see:


Paper Size

Use this list to select the size of the paper to use for the PDF output.


Use this list to select the orientation of the PDF output, either Portrait or Landscape.

Print Rows

Use this list to specify which rows are displayed in the PDF output, either all rows or only the visible rows.

Hide Margins

Use this box to show or hide margins.

Include Header and Include Footer

Use these boxes to include a header, a footer, or both in the PDF output. Click Edit to display the "Edit Footer or Header dialog", where you can specify the layout and formatting of the contents of the header or footer. You can also specify whether to display the header or footer in the HTML output.

Privilege dialog

Use this dialog to control the privileges that users are granted. Privileges control the rights that users have to access the features and functionality of Oracle BI Presentation Services. This dialog is displayed from the "Administration: Manage Privileges page".

For more information, see "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.



Use this area to add accounts and grant or deny privileges.

To add accounts and grant or deny privileges, use the Permissions toolbar buttons.

To grant or deny a privilege to an account, in the Permission column, select either Granted or Denied.

Permissions Toolbar

This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Add Users/Roles — Use this button to display the "Add Application Roles, Catalog Groups, and Users dialog", where you select users, roles, or Catalog groups to add to the list in this dialog.

  • Apply Permissions for Selected Users/Roles — Use this button to grant or deny privileges to the selected accounts.

  • Delete Selected Users/Roles — Use this button to delete the currently selected accounts from the list in this dialog.

Prompt editor

Use this editor to create prompts.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Analysis editor: Prompts tab



Use the "Definition pane" to create prompts that allow users to select values that dynamically filter all views within the analysis.


Use the "Display pane" to view the prompt's layout and design.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the prompt.

  • Save As — Use this button to make a copy of the prompt.

Properties dialog

This dialog box is displayed when you select an object in the "Catalog page" and click Properties in the Tasks pane or click More, then Properties below the object.

For more information, see:



Use this area to view and modify general information about the object. You can view the object's name, type (such as action or analysis), and location in the catalog. You can also enter a description for the object.


Use this area to learn the following information about an object:

  • The date and time when it was created.

  • The date and time when it was last modified.

  • The date and time when it was last accessed.


Use the options in this area to set the following attributes of the object:

  • Hidden — Specifies that the object is hidden.

  • System — Specifies that the object is a system object.

  • Read Only — Specifies that the object is read-only.

  • Do Not Index — Specifies that the object should not be included in the index that is used by the full-text catalog search (Oracle BI Search). If you select to exclude the object, then it does not display in the results of any full-text catalog search. The object, however, can still be found using the basic catalog search.

    For information, see "Searching Using Full-Text Catalog Search".

Custom Properties

This area is read-only and contains system-generated information for troubleshooting object and catalog problems.


Use this area to take ownership of the object. This area displays only if the proper privileges were assigned to the user, group, or role. Note that the owner of an object or folder cannot automatically access the object or folder. To access an object or folder, the user must have the proper permissions assigned in the object or folder's "Permission dialog".

  • Set Ownership of this item — Click to become the owner of the item.

  • Set Ownership of this item and all subitems — Click to become the owner of the item and any subfolders or subitems contained within the item. For example, if you click this link for a scorecard, then you take ownership of all of the scorecard's components.

Publish Page to Dashboard dialog

Use this dialog to specify the shared dashboard to which you want to publish the current dashboard page so that you can share the page with others.

This dialog is displayed from the "Dashboard builder".

For more information, see "Publishing Dashboard Pages".



Use this field to specify the dashboard to which to publish the current dashboard page. Click Browse to display the "Select Dashboard dialog", where you select the dashboard.

Related Items pane

Use this pane to identify the following:

  • For a KPI listed in the "Strategy pane", objectives and KPIs that cause or effect the KPI.

  • For a KPI listed in the "Initiatives pane", initiatives and KPIs that cause or effect the KPI.

  • For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that cause or effect the objective, and initiatives that drive the objective.

  • For an initiative, the objectives that are driven by the initiative.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab", the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab" and the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab".



This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab and the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.

Displays the following:

  • For a KPI listed in the "Strategy pane", displays the objectives and KPIs that cause the KPI.

  • For a KPI listed in the "Initiatives pane", initiatives and KPIs that cause the KPI.

  • For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that cause the objective.

Use this table to view and manage the causes:

  • To add an objective, initiative, or KPI, drag it from the Strategy pane or the Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The "Causal Linkage dialog" is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added object impact or support the values of the object you are defining.

  • To edit a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.

  • To delete a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.


This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab and the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.

Displays the following:

  • For a KPI listed in the Strategy pane, displays the objectives and KPIs that effect the KPI.

  • For a KPI listed in the Initiatives pane, initiatives and KPIs that effect the KPI.

  • For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that effect the objective.

Use this table to view and manage the effects:

  • To add an objective, initiative, or KPI, drag it from the Strategy pane or Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added object impact or support the values of the object you are defining.

  • To edit a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.

  • To delete a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Initiatives driving this Objective

This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.

Displays the initiatives that drive the objective.

Use this table to view and manage the initiatives:

  • To add an initiative, drag it from the Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added initiative impact or support the values of the objective you are defining.

  • To edit an initiative link, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.

  • To delete an initiative link, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Objectives Driven by this Initiative

This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab.

Displays the objectives that are driven by the initiative.

Use this table to view and manage the objectives or KPIs:

  • To add an objective, drag it from Strategy pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added objective impact or support the values of the initiative you are defining.

  • To edit an objective link, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.

  • To delete an objective link, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.

Rename dialog

Use this dialog to enter a different name for an object in the catalog (a KPI or a dashboard page, for example).

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter a new name for the object.


This button is available when you rename a section in the "Dashboard builder".

Use this button to display the "Section Heading Properties dialog", where you can format the name of a section.

Use Dashboard Object name as link text

This option is available when you rename an analysis in the Dashboard builder.

Use this option to specify whether to use the new name of the analysis as the link text when you display analysis results as a link on a dashboard.

Select this box to use the new name you specify. Deselect this box to use the name with which the analysis is stored in the catalog.

For more information on displaying the analysis results as a link, see the Display Results option on the Analysis Properties button described in "Properties Buttons for Objects".

Preserve references to old name of this item

This option is not available for all objects.

Use this option to specify to maintain any existing references to the previous name of the object. This creates a shortcut with the old name that points to the renamed object in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. If you do not select this option, then existing references break.

Replace Icon dialog

Use this dialog to select an icon to represent an assessment range.

For more information, see:


Standard Images

Use the "Replace Icon dialog: Standard Images tab" to select a standard image to use as the icon.

Custom Images

Use the "Replace Icon dialog: Custom Image tab" to specify a custom image to use as the icon.

Replace Icon dialog: Custom Image tab

Use this tab of the "Replace Icon dialog" to specify a custom image to use as the icon to represent an assessment range.

For more information, see:


Web Address

Use this field to specify a custom image. To do so, enter one of the following:


If you are trying to save an object that uses the fmap syntax, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

The custom image should be one that is accessible to all users who view or edit the scorecard.

Update Preview

Use this button to display the image in the Preview area.


Displays the custom image.

Replace Icon dialog: Standard Images tab

Use this tab of the "Replace Icon dialog" to select a standard image to use as the icon to represent an assessment range. Also use this dialog to select an image to display for a range of data on a map. You display this dialog from the "Image (Layer) dialog".

This tab is also displayed as:

Select Image dialog

For more information, see:


Image Categories (left pane)

Displays the categories of images. Click a category to display the available images in the right pane. The bottom-most category, which is marked by a globe icon, indicates the list of images that you imported on the Image Library tab of the "Administration: Manage Map Data page".

Standard Images (right pane)

Displays the standard images that are available for the category that you selected in the left pane. Click the image that you want.

If you must add an image, then see the administrator.

Report Links dialog

Use this dialog to specify the links that are to be displayed with analyses on a dashboard page. You can specify these link setting at the following levels:

  • Dashboard level — The link settings apply to all analyses in the dashboard, unless customized settings have been specified for an individual dashboard page or analysis.

    To specify the report links at the dashboard level, click the Tools button on the "Dashboard builder" toolbar to display the "Dashboard Properties dialog" and then click the Dashboard Report Links Edit button.

  • Dashboard page level — The link settings apply to all analyses in the dashboard page, unless customized settings have been specified for particular analyses.

    To specify the report links at the dashboard level page, click the Tools button on the Dashboard builder toolbar and then select Page Report Links.

  • Analysis level — The link settings apply only to the particular analysis.

    To specify the report links at the analysis level, click the Properties button for the analysis in the "Page Layout area" of the Dashboard builder and select Report Links.

For more information, see:


Inherit Dashboard Settings

Select this option to specify that the link settings for the dashboard are to be used.

This option is available only when you are specifying the link settings at the dashboard page level.

For more information, see "Changing the Properties of a Dashboard and its Pages".

Inherit Page Settings

Select this option to specify that the link settings for the dashboard page are to be used.

This option is available only when you are specifying the link settings at the analysis level.


Select this option to customize the link settings for a particular dashboard page or analysis.

This option is available only when you are specifying the link settings for a dashboard page or an analysis.


Select this option to specify that the Analyze link is to be displayed. This link displays the analysis in its current state (that is, with the current context, for example, with applied filters, prompts, and so on) in the "Analysis editor", where users can edit it.

For more information on editing an analysis, see "Editing Analyses".


Select this option to specify that the Edit link is to be displayed. This link displays the analysis in its original state (that is, without the current context) in the "Analysis editor", where users can edit it.

For more information on editing an analysis, see "Editing Analyses".


Select this option to specify that the Export link is to be displayed. This link provides users with various options to export the results of the analysis, for example, Export 2003+. For more information on the available export options, see "Export Menu Options for Views and Results".

For more information on exporting an analysis, see "Exporting Results".


Select this option to specify that the Refresh link is to be displayed. This link enables users to refresh the analysis.

Add to Briefing Book

Select this option to specify that the Add to Briefing Book link is to be displayed. This link displays the "Save Briefing Book Content dialog", where users can add the analysis to a briefing book.

For more information about adding an analysis to a briefing book, see "Adding Content to New or Existing Briefing Books".


Select this option to specify that the Print link is to be displayed. This link provides users with the following print options:

  • HTML — Displays a printer-friendly version of the analysis in HTML

  • PDF — Displays a printer-friendly version of the analysis in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format)


Select this option to specify that the Copy link is to be displayed. This link enables users to copy the analysis in its current state (that is, with the current context, for example, with applied filters, prompts, and so on) to Microsoft Office applications.

For more information about copying analyses to Microsoft Office applications, see "Copying Results to Microsoft Applications".

Related Topics

"Dashboard Properties dialog"

Results tab: Column Selector editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a column selector view. A column selector is a set of drop-down lists that contain pre-selected columns. Users can dynamically select columns and change the data that is displayed in the views of the analysis.

For more information, see "Editing Column Selector Views".


Include Selector

Use this box to specify whether a drop-down list is to be displayed for the column that contains this box.


Use this field to enter a label for this column in the selector.


Displays the columns that are to be displayed as the choices in the drop-down list for the column. To add a new column to a drop-down list, ensure that the column to which you want to add a new column is active by clicking it to highlight it. Then double-click the new column to add in the "Subject Areas pane".

Column Properties

Use this button to display the "Column Properties dialog" for the column.

Edit Formula

Use this button to display the "Edit Column Formula dialog" for the column.


Use this button to delete the column from the drop-down list.

Clear Choices

Use this link to clear all the columns that are selected to be displayed in the drop-down list, except for the first column that was selected for the analysis.


The toolbar contains the following buttons and boxes:

  • Buttons that are common to all views. For more information, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views".

  • Label Position — Use this box to select a position for the label of each drop-down list, either Left or Above.

  • Automatically refresh when a new column is selected — Automatically refreshes the drop-down list of columns in the editor when you add a column from the Subject Areas pane.


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Results tab: Create Segment editor

The editor is for users of the Oracle Siebel Marketing operational application, Version 7.7 (or higher), integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence.

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a create segment view, which displays a Create Segment link in the results. Users can click this link to create a segment in their Oracle Siebel Marketing operational application, based on the results data.

For more information, see:


Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the buttons that are common to all views. For more information, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views".


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Results tab: Create Target List editor

This editor is for users of Oracle's Siebel Life Sciences application integrated with Oracle's Siebel Life Sciences Analytics applications.

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a create target list view, which enables automatic integration of lists of contacts and accounts based on the results of an analysis. For example, you can create a target list in Oracle's Siebel Pharma Sales application and use it in Oracle's Siebel Pharma Mobile Analytics application.

When you add a create target list view, a link named Create Target List is displayed in an analysis on a user's interactive dashboard. The user can click this link to populate or refresh a list of contacts or accounts in the Life Sciences application.

For more information, see:

  • "Editing Views"

  • The documentation for the Siebel Life Sciences application


Create Target List

Use this link to create a target list.


The toolbar contains the following buttons and box:

  • Buttons that are common to all views. For more information, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views".

  • Display Results — Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Results tab: Data View editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit one of the following data views:

  • Funnel

  • Gauge

  • Graph

  • Map

  • Pivot table

  • Table

For more information, see:

This editor is displayed as:

Results tab: Funnel editor
Results tab: Gauge editor
Results tab: Graph editor
Results tab: Map editor
Results tab: Pivot Table editor
Results tab: Table editor


Subject Areas

Use the "Subject Areas pane" to select the columns for an analysis and to work with subject areas.

Analysis Results

Displays the analysis results in a graph, funnel graph, gauge, map, pivot table, or table, depending on the type of view.


Use the "Layout pane" to specify the layout of the data for the view. This pane is not available for maps.


Use the "Catalog pane" to drag and drop objects from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog to add to the view.

Selection Steps

This pane is available only in the Graph, Map, Pivot Table, and Table editors.

Use the "Selection Steps pane" to create and modify steps for data selections. This pane is not visible until you click the button to display it.


This pane is available only in the Funnel and Gauge editors.

Use the "Settings pane" to set the thresholds for a funnel graph or gauge.


The toolbar contains buttons that are common to all view and buttons that depend on the type of data view. For more information on the buttons common to all views, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views". For more information on specific data view buttons, see "Data View Editor Toolbar".


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Right-Click Menu

When editing or working with tables and pivot tables, you can right-click a cell to display a menu of options. For information, see "Right-Click Menu for Tables and Pivot Tables".

Paging Buttons

These buttons are available only when editing or working with tables and pivot tables.

When a table or pivot table includes a large number of rows, a set of buttons can be displayed under the view. You can use the following buttons to page through the rows in the view:

  • First 25 Rows — Displays the first 25 rows of data for the view. The number that is used for the First, Previous, and Next buttons is specified by the Rows per Page field in the "Table Properties dialog: Style tab".

  • Previous 25 Rows — Displays the previous 25 rows of data for the view.

  • Next 25 Rows — Displays the next 25 rows of data for the view.

  • Display maximum (500) rows per page — Enables you to display as many as the maximum number of rows per page at one time temporarily. The default is 500. The administrator can specify a different maximum value that is displayed on the tooltip for the button using the MaxVisibleRows element in the configuration file.

Components Specific to Map

Map View Area

Use this area to interact with the components of the map such as the zoom controls, legend, and overview map.

Map Formats

Use this area to work with the applicable formats for the map. Not all formats are available for all layer types. For example, point layers cannot have Color Fill formats. The map cannot display multiple non-point formats at a time (at a single zoom level) but can display multiple point formats simultaneously, if they do not share the same latitude and longitude location. If multiple graph formats are specified at the same geographic layer, then they render on top of each other.

You can do the following:

  • Click View then View All Formats to specify that all defined formats are listed in this area, or click View Visible Formats to specify that only those formats that are currently displayed on the map are listed in this area.

  • Click Add New Map Formats, select a format type, then select a layer to display the appropriate dialog for defining that format. You can select an existing layer, or you can choose to create a custom point layer, which enables you to apply formats to points on the map based on the latitude and longitude.

    When you add a format, it is displayed at the top of the list of formats, to ensure that you see it on the map.

  • Select Automatically create formats when drilling to specify whether to automatically create formats when you drill in a map. The formats that are added are listed in the Map Formats pane. For example, suppose you drill from Districts to Cities. Additional formats are added for the Cities layer.

    You can also specify this option in the "Map Properties dialog: Interaction tab". The option is updated in both places when you make a change in either place.

  • Hover over a layer name in the list to display the following buttons for modifying the layer:

    • Add New Map Formats — Displays a list of formats so that you can select the appropriate format to display the appropriate dialog for defining that format. The list contains only those formats that apply for the geometry of that layer. For example, bar graphs and pie graphs do not apply to point layers. After selecting a format, select the column to which it applies.

      If you add a format but do not see it on the map, then ensure that the map is showing the appropriate zoom level.

    • Delete — Removes the layer and all its formats from display on the map.

  • Hover over a format name under a layer name in the list to display the following buttons for modifying the format:

    • Up or Down — Reorders the format in the lists of formats. The order is important, because formats higher in the list overlay those formats that are lower in the list.

    • Edit — Displays the dialog for modifying the format.

    • Delete — Deletes the format.

  • Click the box beside a format name to make the format visible or invisible on the map.

  • You can re-order formats within a geographic layer (such as State).

  • Work with thresholds whether section sliders are displayed or not. If the slider is not displayed, then you can display a map format dialog to manipulate the threshold values.

If no layers are specified in the map formats area, then click New Map Format. The map prompts you to import the geo-encoded columns for displaying a format for a particular geo-layer, if the columns are not part of the analysis.

When you specify to create a map view, you likely see at least one layer available in the Map Formats area. If no layer is available, then the New Map Format link is displayed.

Limits exist for how much data can be displayed for formats on a map view. As you work with formats, you might exceed the data limit. If you do so, then you see a message that alerts you to the data limit and the fact that not all formatting can be displayed. Administrators control the limit with the MaxRecords configuration element. For information on setting this element, see "Manually Configuring for Map Views" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Right-Click Menu for Tables and Pivot Tables

When editing or working with tables and pivot tables, you can right-click a cell to display a menu of the following options:

  • Expand — Available for hierarchical columns only. Displays the next level down in the hierarchy. For information, see "Drilling in Results".

  • Collapse all items for this column — Available for hierarchical columns only. Collapses all the values in the column up to the top level.

  • Collapse all items in view — Available for hierarchical columns only. Collapses all the values in all the hierarchical columns in the view up to the top level.

  • Sort or Sort Layer — Available for heading cells only. Displays a menu of sorting options. For information, see "Sorting Options Menu and Buttons".

  • Exclude column — Moves the column to the Excluded drop target. For information, see "Columns in the Excluded Drop Target".

  • Move — Displays a menu of the following options:

    • Right and Left — Moves the column to the right or left of its current location.

    • To Prompts — Moves the column to the Prompts drop-target.

    • To Sections — Moves the column to the Sections drop-target.

    • To Columns — Moves the column to the Columns drop-target.

Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views

The following toolbar buttons are common to all views:

  • Print This Analysis — Use this button to print the analysis as HTML or PDF. For more information on printing, see "Printing Views".

  • Export This Analysis — Use this button to select an option for exporting the analysis. For information, see "Export Menu Options for Views and Results".

  • Show how results will look on a Dashboard — Use this button to preview how the edited view is displayed on a dashboard.

  • Duplicate View — Use this button to create a copy of the view that you are editing.

  • Refresh the results of the current analysis — Use this button to refresh the data that is displayed in the view.

Data View Editor Toolbar

The toolbar on a data view editor contains some buttons that are common to all data views and other buttons and boxes that are particular to specific views. See the following sections:

Toolbar Buttons Common to All Data Views

The following toolbar buttons are common to all data views:

  • New Group — Use this button to display the "New Group dialog", where you add a new group.

  • New Calculated Item — Use this button to display the "New Calculated Item dialog", where you add a new calculated item.

  • Edit Graph Properties — Use this button to display the properties dialog for the view.

  • Display Results — Use this button to specify whether to show the view's results in the editor.

  • Show/Hide Layout Pane — Use this button to specify whether to show the "Layout pane" for all data views except for map.

  • Show/Hide Selection Steps Pane — Use this button to specify whether to show the "Selection Steps pane".

Toolbar Buttons Specific to Graph and Funnel Graph Views

The toolbar contains the following buttons and boxes that are specific to a graph view:

  • Type — Use this button to select the subtype of graph. Options depend on the type of graph.

  • Style — Use this button to select the style for the graph. Options depend on the type of graph.

  • Effect — Use this button to select either a 2D effect or a 3D effect for the graph.

Toolbar Buttons and Boxes Specific to Gauge Views

The toolbar contains the following buttons and boxes that are specific to a gauge view:

  • Show/Hide Settings Pane — Use this button to specify whether to show the "Settings pane".

  • Gauge Type — (Not available for funnel graphs.) Use this button to select the type of gauge. Options are: Dial, Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, and Bulb.

  • Effect — (Not available for all gauge types.) Use this box to select either a 2D effect or a 3D effect for the gauge.

  • Size — Use this box to specify the size of the gauge — Fit to Canvas, Small, Medium, Large or Custom.

    If you select Custom, then you must complete the Width and Height fields, where you specify the width and height in pixels.

Toolbar Buttons and Box Specific to Map Views

The toolbar contains the following buttons and box that are specific to a map view:

  • Background Map — Use this box to select the background map for the map view.

  • Pan — Click this button and click and drag to move the map either side to side or up and down so that you see a certain portion of it. When you can pan, the cursor is in the shape of a hand and you can move the map in various directions.

  • Zoom In and Zoom Out — Click these buttons to zoom in and out of the map. When you can zoom in or out, the insertion point is in the shape of a magnifying glass with a plus or minus button over the glass.

  • Legend — Use this button to display or hide the legend for the map.

See "Working with Map Views on Dashboard Pages" for more information.

Toolbar Buttons and Box Specific to Pivot Table or Table Views

The toolbar contains the following buttons and box that are specific to a pivot table or table view:

  • Import formatting from another analysis — Use this button to display the "Open dialog", where you select an analysis from which to import formatting for columns and views. For more information, see "Using a Saved Analysis to Modify the Cosmetic Appearance of Other Analyses".

  • Graph Pivoted Results — Available only for pivot tables. Click this button to display the results of the pivot table in a graph view, which is displayed alongside the pivot table. The two views are fully linked, which means that changes made to one view are automatically reflected in the other.

    The following items are added to the toolbar:

    • Position — Use this box to select the location of the graph relative to the pivot table that you created. Options are: Right, Below, Above, Left, Graph Only.

    • Edit Graph Properties — Use this button to display the "Graph Properties dialog".

    • Available Graph Types — Use this option to select the type of graph. Options include: Bar, Line, Area, Pie, Line-Bar, Time Series Line, Pareto, and Radar.

    • Type — (Not available for all graph types.) Use this box to select the subtype of graph. Options depend on the type of graph.

    • Style — (Not available for all graph types.) Use this box to select the style for the graph. Options depend on the type of graph.

    • Effect — (Not available for all graph types.) Use this box to select either a 2D effect or a 3D effect for the graph.

    For information on available graph subtypes and styles, see Table 3-2.

Export Menu Options for Views and Results

You can use the following options to export the results of an analysis or a view. When you export the results of an analysis, any tables, pivot tables, or graphs that are displayed with the analysis are included.

For more information, see "Exporting Results".

  • PDF — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save the results or view as a PDF file.

  • Excel 2003+ — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save the results or view as an XLS file. The file is saved in HTML format. Excel controls the positioning of the HTML.

  • Powerpoint 2003+ — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save the results or view as a PPT file.

  • Web Archive (.mht) — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save the results or view as an MHT file. This enables you to export the underlying data for an existing analysis or view as a Web page (MHTML) file.

  • Data — Displays these options for exporting the data from the results or view:

    • CSV Format — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save all the columns in the results or view as a CSV file. This export results in a comma-delimited list of values in a file that you can open in an application such as Excel.

    • Tab delimited Format — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save all the columns in the results or view as a CSV file. This export results in a tab-separated list of values in a file that you can open in an application such as Excel.

    • XML Format — Displays the File Download dialog where you can open or save the results or view as a TXT file. This file using the Microsoft MD Data Set standard for representing data in XML format.

Sorting Options Menu and Buttons

You can use one of the following mechanisms to sort values in columns:

  • Right-click in the column header of pivot tables and tables to display the following list of options for sorting the columns. In the "Selected Columns pane", click the Options button. You can also right-click to display the "Right-Click Menu for Tables and Pivot Tables" where you can select options for sorting.

    • Sort Ascending — Sorts the values in the column by ascending order, as a first-level sort. For example, string values sort alphabetically A through Z, numbers sort lowest to highest, and dates sort earliest to latest. In the Selected Columns pane, when you select this option as the first sort, a Sort button is displayed to the left of the column name in the Selected Columns pane. If you later add another sort, then the Sort button includes the number 1.

    • Sort Descending — Sorts the values in the column by descending order, as a first-level sort. In the Selected Columns pane, when you select this option as the first sort, a Sort button is displayed to the left of the column name in the Selected Columns pane. If you later add another sort, then the Sort button includes the number 1.

    • Add Ascending Sort — Specifies that an ascending sort for this column is added as another sort for the analysis. In the Selected Columns pane, when you select this option, a Sort button with a number such as 2 or 3 is displayed to the left of the column name in the Selected Columns pane.

    • Add Descending Sort — Specifies that an descending sort for this column is added as another sort for the analysis. In the Selected Columns pane, when you select this option, a Sort button with a number such as 2 or 3 is displayed to the left of the column name in the Selected Columns pane.

    • Clear Sort — Removes the sort specification for the specified column. This option works differently in the Selected Columns pane than in other places. If you make sort specifications in both the Selected Columns pane and in the view itself, then you return to the Selected Columns pane and click Clear Sort, only the sort that you specified in the Selected Columns pane is removed. A sort that you specified in the view remains.

    • Clear Sorts in All Columns or Clear All Sorts in View — Removes all sort specifications that you have made. The Clear Sorts in All Columns option works differently in the Selected Columns pane than in other places. If you make sort specifications in both the Selected Columns pane and in the view itself, then you return to the Selected Columns pane and click Clear Sorts for All Columns, only the sorts that you specified in the Selected Columns pane are removed. Sorts that you specified in the view remain.

  • Hover the mouse pointer over the area to the right of the column name in the header of a pivot table or table and click either the upward facing triangle (Sort Ascending) or the downward facing triangle (Sort Descending) for that column. These sort specifications override those that you make with the right-click menu. Hovering is not available in the Selected Columns pane.

    If you see a shaded-in sort button in the column header or the row header, then you know that the column contains a primary sort. You can add a second-level or third-level sort by hovering over another innermost column header or row header and clicking the appropriate sort button.

These options are also available in the "Results tab: Data View editor", the "Results tab: Table editor", and in views on dashboards. The Sort Ascending and Sort Descending triangles are not available in the Selected Columns pane or the Layout pane.

For more information, see "Sorting Data in Views".

Results tab: Filters editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to view the filters in effect for an analysis.

For more information, see "Editing Views".


Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the buttons that are common to all views. For more information, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views".


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.


  • If the column that is used in the filter is a display column, then the filter view shows display values rather than code values, unless the display values cannot be found. Then code values are displayed. For more information on display and code columns, see "Understanding the Double Column Feature".

Results tab: Legend editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a legend view, which documents the meaning of special formatting used in an analysis, such as the meaning of custom colors applied to gauges. Legends are displayed in HTML and PDF output, and can be localized.

For example, suppose you use conditional formatting in an analysis to show critical items in the color red and items that need attention in the color yellow. You can add a legend with text that documents the meaning of the colors and captions that summarize the appropriate action. You can use cosmetic formatting to make the background colors of the text match the colors in the conditional analysis.

Each legend item consists of a legend symbol with sample text (for example, a red box that displays Critical) and a caption that documents the meaning of the legend symbol (for example, Requires Immediate Attention.

For more information, see "Editing Legend Views".



Use this field to enter a title for the legend.

Format Title

Use this button to display the "Format Title dialog", where you format the title.


Use this field to enter, for each legend item, the meaning of the legend symbol, such as Requires Immediate Attention.

Format Caption

Use this button to display the "Format Caption dialog", where you format the caption.

Sample Text

Use this field to enter, for each legend item, the text that is to be displayed within the legend symbol, for example, Critical.

Format Text

Use this button to display the "Format Text dialog", where you format the caption text.

Move Down and Move Up

Use these buttons to reorder captions by moving them up or down one row in the list. Available only when you have multiple captions.


Use this button to delete a caption.

Add Caption

Use this button to add another caption.


The toolbar contains the following buttons and boxes:


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Results tab: Narrative editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to add one or more paragraphs of text to be displayed with the results. Narrative text is useful for providing information such as context, explanatory text, or extended descriptions along with column values. You can perform the following actions in the narrative view:

  • Type a sentence with placeholders for each column in the results.

  • Specify how rows should be separated.

  • Use HTML formatting buttons to make text bold, italic, or underlined, and insert line breaks.

  • Apply cosmetic formatting to the fonts used in the narrative view, or import the font formatting from a previously saved view.

  • Add references to variables.

For example, suppose that you have created an analysis that shows a user's sales by region and want to provide explanatory text with the analysis. Using a narrative view, you can create the following explanatory text:

This report shows your sales by region. The regions are:
East Region
West Region

For more information, see "Editing Narrative Views".


Bold, Italic, Underline

Use these buttons to insert the HTML tags to begin and end bold, italic, or underlined text in the Prefix, Narrative, or Postfix fields.

Line Break

Use this button to insert a line break in the Prefix, Narrative, or Postfix fields.


Pressing Enter does not result in multiple lines of text in the Prefix, Narrative, or Postfix fields.

Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup". If you are trying to save a narrative object that contains HTML code, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.


Use this field to enter the header for the narrative. This text is displayed at the beginning of the narrative.

For example, the following prefix entry:

[b]This analysis shows your sales by region. The regions are:[/b][br/][br/]

Displays this text:

This analysis shows your sales by region. The regions are:


Use this field to enter the narrative text that is displayed for each row in the results. You can include both text and column values. Include a line break code at the end of this field to force each line of text and values onto its own line.

To include values, use the at sign (@), as described in the following list:

  • Use an at sign by itself to indicate the first column. If you include multiple at signs, then the first occurrence of the sign corresponds to the first column, the second occurrence corresponds to the second column, and so on.

  • Use @n to include the results from the designated column in the narrative. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column in the analysis, and @3 inserts the results of the third column.

For example, for an analysis that returns the region name in the second column, the following narrative entry:


Displays this text:

East Region
West Region

Row separator

Use this field to enter a row separator for each line from the Narrative field that contains values. For example you might enter a string of plus signs (+) between each line.

Rows to display

Use this field to enter the number of rows from the column to return. For example, enter 5 to display values from the first 5 rows of the column. For a hierarchical column, you can use selection steps to display hierarchy levels with the hierarchical column. For example, create a step to select members based on hierarchy and add members of the specified level. A hierarchy level is considered a row.


Use this field to enter the footer text to be displayed at the bottom of the narrative. To display the footer information on a separate line from the actual narrative text, include markup tags in the Postfix field. Ensure that the narrative ends in a line break, or that the footer begins with a line break.

Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.


  • You can reference variables in the Prefix, Narrative and Postfix fields. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

  • The following characters are reserved characters:

    • @ (at sign, unless used as a column placeholder in the Narrative field)

    • [ (left bracket)

    • ] (right bracket)

    • ' (single quote)

    • \ (backslash)


    If you want to include a reserved character, then precede it with a backslash character (\) to escape it. For example, to include a backslash character, type \\.

Results tab: Static Text editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a static text view, which enables you to add or edit text to be displayed with the analysis results.

The markup can contain anything that is supported by the browser, but only formatting defined using the buttons at the top of the workspace is displayed in PDF output.

For more information, see "Editing Views".


Bold, Italic, Underline

Use these buttons to insert the HTML tags to begin and end bold, italic, or underlined text in the Static Text field.

Line Break

Use this button to insert a line break in the Static Text field.


Pressing Enter does not result in multiple lines of text in the Static Text field.

Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup".

Static Text

Use this field to enter the text to be displayed with the analysis results.

For the syntax to use for variables, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".

See the Notes section for some examples of static text.

Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.


Table E-5 lists and describes several static text view examples.

Table E-5 Static Text View Examples

Static Text View Example Description and Usage Notes

HTML text

Paste or type the HTML (or appropriate formatted text) into the text box. You can also click the HTML tag buttons. Based on the format of the text that you are entering, you can use markup tags to control the format of the text. The following are some examples of what you can do:

  • To set font size and color:

    <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT>
  • To combine tags for additional effects:

    <B><FONT COLOR="red">Bold Red Text</FONT></B>

ActiveX object

The Active-X object must be self-contained and supported by the browser. Paste or type the object into the HTML Text window, making sure to include the beginning and ending tags <object...> and </object>.

JavaScript or VBScript

The script must be self-contained and supported by the browser. Paste or type the script into the text box, making sure to include the beginning and ending tags <script> and </script>.


Ensure that you know where the audio clip is located. If the audio clip is for use in a shared environment, then it must be located on a network drive that accessible to all users.

Use the HTML tag <EMBED> to add audio. The following format is an example format. Your browser might require a different format.

<EMBED SRC="audio" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

where "audio" is the location and name of the audio clip.

To add an audio clip located on the hard drive, the following HTML is an example:

<EMBED SRC="c:\mycomputer\MIDIfiles\wakeup.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

To add the same audio clip from a shared location on the Web server, the following HTML is an example:

<EMBED SRC="\DashboardFiles\wakeup.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

Background image

The following example uses JavaScript.

Ensure that you know where the image to use as the background is located. If the image is for use in a shared environment, then it must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users.

If the image is located in a shared dashboard files folder, then the following is example HTML:

<script language="javascript"> document.body.background = "/dashboardfiles/"NameOfGraphic";</script>

where NameOfGraphic is the name of the file to use, such as bricks.gif or sand.jpg.


The following example includes variables:

[u] Static Text View [/u][br/]
Region: @{variables.myFavoriteRegion} - Year: @{variables.myFavoriteYear}[br/]
System Time: @{system.currentTime}[dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy][br/]
Product Version: @{system.productVersion}[br/]

Results tab: Ticker editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a ticker view, which displays the results of an analysis as a marquee (moving results that scroll across the page). You can customize the size of the scroll area, the speed and direction in which the results scroll, and other display settings.


If the Web browser does not support moving text, then the results are displayed, but they do not scroll across the page.

For more information, see "Editing Views".



Use this box to select how the results move in the ticker:

  • Slide— The results start hidden, scroll on to the page, then stop once touching the other side.

  • Scroll — The results start hidden, scroll on to the page, then off the page before repeating.

  • Alternate — The results bounce back and forward inside the marquee.


Use this box to select the direction the results move in the ticker — Left, Right, Down, or Up.


Use this field to enter the width of the ticker, either in pixels or as a percentage of the page width. For example, a value of 200 indicates a width of 200 pixels, and a value of 25% indicates a width of one-quarter of the page.


Use this field to enter the height of the ticker, either in pixels or as a percentage of the page height.

Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup". If you are trying to save a ticker object that contains HTML code, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

Beginning Text

Use this field to enter any optional text or graphics to display at the beginning of each redraw of the analysis results. You can use HTML to format the text.

If you include an image, then ensure you know where the image is located. If the image is for your use only, then the following is a sample location:


If the image is for use in a shared environment, then it must be located on a network drive accessible to all users. For a shared image, specify the UNC name, for example:


Row Format

Use this field to enter the HTML to use in formatting the rows in the results.

To include the results from a designated column, use @n. For example, @1 inserts the results from the first column, and @3 inserts the results of the third column.

Row Separator

Use the field to enter the character that separates one row from another. The default character is a vertical bar ( | ).

Column Separator

Use this field to enter the character that separates one column from another. The default character is a vertical bar ( | ).

Ending Text

Use this field to enter any optional text or graphics to display at the end of each redraw of the analysis results. You can use HTML to format the text.

If you include an image, then ensure that you know where the image is located. If the image is for your use only, then the following is a sample location:


If the image is for use in a shared environment, then it must be located on a network drive accessible to all users. For a shared image, specify the UNC name, for example:


Set Defaults

Use this button to generate default settings for the most commonly used field.


If you click Set Defaults after entering values in other fields, your entered values are cleared.

Clear Fields

Use this button to clear all fields.


After you clear all fields, you can click Set Defaults to restore default settings for the most commonly used fields.


Use this button to display the "Advanced Ticker Options dialog", where you specify additional options for the ticker, such as number of loops and background color.

Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the buttons that are common to all views. For more information, see "Toolbar Buttons Common to All Views".


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Results tab: Title editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a title view. You can add a title, a subtitle, a logo, a link to a custom help or other related information, and timestamps to the analysis.

For more information, see "Editing Views".



Use this field to enter the text to display as the title. Do not include HTML markup.

If you do not specify a title, then the name of the saved analysis is used as the title. For unsaved analyses, the Title text box is blank.

Format Title

Use this button to display the "Format Title dialog", where you format the title.

Display Saved Name

Use this box to specify whether to show the saved name of the analysis. Select the box to show the saved name. Deselect the box to hide it.


Use this field to specify a logo image or other graphic to display in the title. To do so, enter one of the following:


If you are trying to save an object that uses the fmap syntax, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

The image or graphic file should be one that is accessible to all users who view the analysis.

Format Logo

Use this button to display the "Format Logo dialog", where you format the logo.


Use this field to enter the text to display as a subtitle. The subtitle follows the title on a new line.

Format Subtitle

Use this button to display the "Format Subtitle dialog", where you format the subtitle.

Started Time

Use the box to specify whether to display a timestamp indicating when an analysis started to execute. You can specify the date, the time, the date and time, or no display.

Format Time

Use this button to display the "Format Time dialog", where you format the time for the analysis.

Help URL

Use this field to display a Help icon (that is, a question mark) that links to a custom help file or other related information in the title. To do so, enter one of the following:


If you are trying to save an object that uses the fmap syntax, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

The custom help file or other related information should be one that is accessible to all users who view the analysis.

Format Value

Use this button to display the "Format Title dialog", where you specify formatting for a view component.

Display Results

Use this box to specify whether to show the view results in the editor.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.


Storing Custom Files Locally and Using the fmap Function to Reference Them

You can store custom files, such as images and help files, locally in your Oracle Business Intelligence environment and then easily reference them using the fmap function. For example, you can store an image locally to display in a title view. Then, when you specify the image for the title view in the "Results tab: Title editor", you can use the fmap function to reference it.

To store custom files locally, you must use the following directory and expose it according to the instructions for the HTTP Server that your organization uses:

ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes directory.


Because the analyticsRes directory gets replicated for every instance that is populated, the custom files must be replicated in each instance.

You can store files directly in this directory or in subdirectories in this directory. It is strongly recommended that you use ASCII characters for names of custom files that you reference using the fmap syntax.


Custom files that were stored locally in previous releases (prior to 11g) of Oracle Business Intelligence must be manually migrated in Release 11g.

To easily reference custom files that are stored in the analyticsRes directory, use the following fmap syntax:



  • location/ is the subdirectory path in the analyticsRes directory in which the custom file resides, if the custom file resides in a subdirectory of analyticsRes (for example: Images/).


    Logo images and graphics located in the analyticsRes directory should all be stored in the same folder.
  • file_name is the name of the custom file (for example: newlogo.gif).

The following are examples of fmap commands:


If you are trying to save an object that uses the fmap syntax, then you must have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege. See "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on privileges.

Results tab: View Selector editor

Use this editor of the "Analysis editor: Results tab" to edit a view selector view, which enables users to select a specific view of an analysis from among the saved views. For example, users can select to display a graph view for the analysis.

For more information, see "Editing View Selector Views".



Use this field to enter a caption for the view selector.

Format Caption

Use this button to display the "Format Caption dialog", where you format the caption.

Caption Position

Use this box to select a position for the caption — Left, Above, or Right.

Available Views

Displays the views that are available to be included as choices in the view selector. Select a view and click the right arrow to move it into the Views Included area.


The None view shows the view selector only.

Views Included

Displays the views to be included as choices in the view selector. To change the order of the view in the list, select a view and use the up and down arrows. To rename a view, select the view and then click Rename to display the Rename dialog, where you enter a new name for the view. To remove a view from this area, select a view and click the left arrow.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:


Use this button to save your edits and return to the compound layout view.


Use this button to restore the settings in effect prior to your edits.

Save Briefing Book Content dialog

Use this dialog to add content to a briefing book.

For more information, see:


Content Type

Use this area to select one of the following options:

  • Updatable — Refreshes the data whenever the briefing book is downloaded, or when it is specified as the delivery content for an agent.

  • Snapshot — Adds the content in its current state. Snapshot content preserves the original data and is not updated when the briefing book is rerun. Snapshot content is not updated when using agents.

Follow Briefing Book Navigation Links

This option applies only to updatable content, not to snapshot content.

Use this area to select one of the following options:

  • No — Specifies that briefing book navigation links are not to be followed.

  • Yes — Specifies that briefing book navigation links are to be followed. If you select this option, then you must also specify the number of links to follow.

  • Number of links to follow — Specifies the number of briefing book navigation links to be followed, if you selected the Yes option.


Use this field to enter a description of the content being saved to the briefing book.


Use this field to enter the briefing book in which to save the content. Click Browse to display the "Save As dialog", where you can select an existing briefing book or create a new briefing book by entering the new briefing book name in the Name field.

Related Topics

"Editing Briefing Books"
"Downloading Briefing Books"
"Adding a List of Briefing Books to a Dashboard Page"
"Using Agents to Deliver Briefing Books"

Save Current Customization dialog

Use this dialog to save a customization for a dashboard page.

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter a name for the saved customization.

Save For

Use this area to specify for whom the customization is to be saved. It contains the following components:

  • Me — Use this option to save the customization for your own personal use.

  • Others — Use this option to save the customization for use by others.

  • Set Permissions — Use this button to display the "Saved Customization Permissions and Defaults dialog", where you specify the accounts that have permission to use the customization and whether the customization is to be the default customization for the accounts.

Make this my default for this page

Use this option to specify whether to use this saved customization as your default customization when you display this page in a dashboard.

Saved Customization Permissions and Defaults dialog

Use this dialog to specify the accounts that have permission to use the customization and whether the customization is to be the default customization for the accounts.

For more information, see:



Displays the accounts that have permission to use the customization and indicates whether the customization is to be the default customization for the accounts.

To indicate that the customization is to be the default customization for an account, click the Group Default box for the account.

Add Users/Roles

Use this button to display the "Add Groups dialog", where you select the users, Application roles, and Catalog groups to have permission to use a saved customization.

Delete Selected Users/Roles

Use this button to delete the selected account.

Scale Markers dialog

Use this dialog to define scale markers for a graph.

Scale markers are accenting lines or shaded background ranges that mark key point, thresholds, ranges, and so on in a graph. There are two types of scale markers:

  • Line — A line that is drawn across the graph at a specified position on the scale

  • Range — A shaded background area that is displayed behind the graph

Line or range scale markers can be applied on one or more axes depending on the type of graph.


Some graph types do not use scale markers, such as pie graphs.

For more information, see "Graph Properties dialog: Scale tab".


Click to add a new scale marker

Use this button to add a new scale marker row to the Scale Markers area.

Click to remove selected scale markers

Use this button to remove selected scale markers. To select a scale marker for removal, select the first box in the scale marker row.

Scale Markers

Use this table to define scale markers using the following components:

  • Caption — Use this column to enter the caption to be displayed in the legend for the scale marker.

  • Type — Use this box to specify the type of scale marker: Line or Range.

  • Width (for a line) — Use this column to select a width (in pixels) for the line.

  • Low (for a range) — Use this column to enter the low value of the range or click Customize Scale Markers to set the value.

  • Position (for a line) — Use this column to enter the position of the line or click Customize Scale Markers to set the value.

  • High (for a range) — Use this column to enter the high value of the range or click Customize Scale Markers to set the value.

  • Customize Scale Markers — Displays the "Customize Scale Marker dialog", where you set the value for the position of a line or the lower high values of a range. To set the value, you can use a static value, a presentation variable, a measure column, or a SQL query.

  • Color — Use this column to select the color of the scale marker.

Scorecard Breadth pane

Use this pane to view pie graphs that show how evenly the objectives (and the KPIs that support them) that compose your scorecard are distributed among the following categories:

  • Financial versus non-financial

  • Internal versus external

  • Leading versus lagging

These pie graphs are helpful to determine how balanced your scorecard is.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: Overview tab".


Financial versus Non-Financial Pie Graph

Displays how many objectives are finance-specific and how many are not finance-specific. To maintain a balanced scorecard, financial and non-financial perspectives should be equally implemented.

Internal versus External Pie Graph

Displays how many objectives are specific to your internal corporate processes, and how many are related to external, customer-related objectives.

Leading versus Lagging Pie Graph

Displays how many objectives drive the performance of other objectives (that is, how many are leading) and how many are affected by the performance of other objectives or by other data or processes (that is, how many are lagging).

Scorecard Content Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify how a scorecard object that you have added to a dashboard page is to be formatted.

For more information, see:



Use this field to enter the width of the object as a percentage of its original size.


Use this field to enter the height of the object in pixels.

Hide Scroll Bars

Use this option to specify whether scroll bars are to be hidden.

Render as Watchlist

Use this option to specify whether the object is to be displayed a watchlist (that is, as table that lists the details) rather than as a diagram.

Scorecard Documents pane

Use this pane to create scorecard objects that present and analyze corporate strategy, such as vision and mission statements, strategy maps, cause & effect maps, and so on.

For more information, see

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor".


Object List

Displays a list of objects that present and analyze corporate strategy.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Objects — Displays the following options:

    • Open — Use this option to open the selected object. (Whether you can open an object and whether the object opens as read-only depends on your privileges and permissions and on the type of object.)

    • Cut — Use this option to remove the selected folder or object for pasting in another folder.

    • Copy — Use this option to duplicate the selected folder or object and paste it in another folder.

    • Paste — Use this option to paste the folder or object that you have cut or copied in another folder.

    • Delete — Use this option to delete the selected folder or object.

  • View — Displays the option System Objects. Use this option to display system folders or objects in the object list. (System folders or objects are those for which the system attribute is set in the "Properties dialog").

  • New Object — Displays these options:

  • Open — Use this option to open the selected object. (Whether you can open an object and whether the object opens as read-only depends on your privileges and permissions and on the type of object.)

  • Delete — Use this option to delete the selected folder or object.

  • Refresh — Use this button to refresh the objects that are displayed in the object list.

Scorecard editor

Use this editor to create a scorecard of your entire organization or of individual departments.

For more information, see:


Point of View

Displays dimensions of KPIs that are used in the Scorecard to measure the progress and performance of initiatives and objectives. Use this area to pin values for the dimensions. For more information, see "About the Point of View Area".


Use the "Strategy pane" to create, organize, and leverage the objectives that form the strategic structure, also called Strategy Tree, of the corporate entity (department, for example) to evaluate using KPIs or to drive by initiatives.


Use the "Initiatives pane" to create, organize, and leverage the initiatives that are the tasks required to achieve objectives. You can monitor the progress of initiatives by assigning KPIs.

Scorecard Documents

Use the "Scorecard Documents pane" to create diagrams and views that provide different depictions of strategy dynamics and structures (for example, cause & effect maps and strategy maps).

You can also use this pane to build custom maps to present scorecard data and define mission and vision statements that articulate the overarching goal of the entity that you are scorecarding such as your organization or department.


Use the "Catalog pane for Scorecard" to locate and drag and drop objects from the catalog to build a scorecard. For example, you might select a predefined KPI and drag it to the objective or initiative whose progress it measures.


Use the "Perspectives pane" to modify the default perspectives defined by the Balanced Scorecard Methodology, create custom perspectives, and delete perspectives.

Tab area

Displays tabs for the objects that you choose to view, create, or modify (for example, initiatives, strategy objectives, and strategy maps), including:


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Back — Use this button to go backward through your point of view history to to select a previous point of view. The (Default Value) option returns to the point of view with which you started.

  • Forward — Use this button to go forward through your point of view history to select a previous point of view.

  • Refresh KPI Values — Use this button to update the page to reflect changes.

  • Scorecard Settings — Use this button to display the "Settings dialog", where you define the score thresholds and assessment ranges to be used for scoring scorecard objects and edit dimension-related settings.

  • Change Permissions on Scorecard — Use this button to display the "Permission dialog", where you change the permissions of the scorecard.

  • Edit Mode Toggle — Use this button to toggle between these two modes:

    • Edit mode — Enables you to create, modify, and delete all scorecard objects and views.

    • View mode —Enables you to fully navigate scorecard but not add new data, or modify and delete existing data.

  • Close Tab — Use this option to close the current tab.

Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab

Use this tab to view and manage the objects that are used to evaluate the performance of an initiative or an objective.

You generate this tab dynamically from the:

You cannot save this tab.

Using this tab, you can filter the objects by descendants or children, by object type, and by status. For example, for an objective, you might want to show only the child KPIs that have a status of OK.

For more information, see:



Use this component to specify whether to display either the descendants or the children of the objective or initiative in the Breakdown table.


Use this component to filter the objects displayed in the Breakdown table by type as follows:

  • If the breakdown tab is for an objective, you can select Objectives, KPIs, or both Objectives and KPIs.

  • If the breakdown tab is for an initiative, you can select Initiatives, KPIs, or both Initiatives and KPIs.


Use this component to filter the objects displayed in the Breakdown table by the statuses that have been defined for the scorecard. For example if the defined statuses are OK, Warning, and Critical, you could select to display only objects with the OK status, only objects with the Warning status, only objects with the Critical status, or any combination of these statuses.


Use this table to view and manage:

  • For an initiative, KPIs and other initiatives that are used to evaluate the performance of the initiative

  • For an objective, KPIs and other objectives that are used to evaluate the performance of the objective

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Scorecard editor: Cause & Effect Map tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to create, view, and edit a cause & effect map.

For more information, see:



Use the "Cause & Effect Map tab: Diagram tab" to create a diagram that illustrates the cause and effect relationships among objectives and KPIs.


Use the "Cause & Effect Map tab: Details tab" to specify supporting information for a cause & effect map.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the cause & effect map.

  • Save As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the cause & effect map with another name.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the cause & effect map.

  • Zoom In — Use this button to enlarge the view of the diagram.

  • Zoom Out — Use this button to minimize the view of the diagram.

  • Cause & Effect Map Preferences — Use this button to display the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog", where you specify how cause and effect relationships are to be displayed on a cause & effect map.

Scorecard editor: Custom View tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to create, view, and edit a custom view.

For more information, see:



Use the "Custom View tab: Diagram tab" to create a diagram that shows a personalized view of your business data.


Use the "Custom View tab: Details tab" to specify supporting information for a custom view.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the custom view.

  • Save As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the custom view with another name.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the custom view.

  • Zoom In — Use this button to enlarge the view of the diagram.

  • Zoom Out — Use this button to minimize the view of the diagram.

  • Properties — Use this button to display the "Custom View Properties dialog", where you specify a background image, a background color, or both for the diagram.

  • Display As — Use the (Full, Simple, and Property) buttons to specify how you want each objective or KPI to be displayed on the diagram. For each objective or KPI, select it on the diagram and then:

    • Click Full to display the full version.

    • Click Simple to display the simple version.

    • Click Property to display it as one of its properties and then select one of these options:

      • Name — Full name.

      • Icon — The icon used to represent an objective or KPI.

      • Status — Current performance status or level (Warning, for example).

      • Trend — An icon indicating if the performance has improved or declined, is good or bad, or has remained the same since the previous comparison period. Only select this if trending is enabled for this node.

      • Value — Current value.

      • Target — The desired value.

      • Variance — Value by which the actual value differs from the target.

      • % Variance — Percent by which the actual value differs from the target.

      • Change — Value by which the actual value differs from that in a previous period.

      • % Change — Percent by which the actual value differs from that in a previous period.

Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab

Use this tab to create, view, and edit an initiative.

For more information, see:



Use this box to enter a new name for the initiative.


Use this box to enter a description of the initiative.


Displays the current performance status of the initiative, for example, Warning.


Displays the type of object, that is, Initiative.


Use this "Analytics pane" to specify basic information about the initiative, to identify the KPIs and other objectives that support and measure the performance of the initiative, and to add action links.


Use the "Collaboration pane" to identify information helpful for collaborating on the initiative, including the business owner, key resources, and related documents.

Related Items

Use the "Related Items pane" to identify the objectives that drive the initiative.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the initiative.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the initiative.

Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab

Use this tab to work with KPI details, such as viewing basic KPI settings, pinning dimensions, specifying information helpful for collaborating on the KPI, and identifying related items.

For more information, see:



Use this box to enter a new name for this use of the KPI.


Use this box to enter a description of this KPI usage.


Displays the current performance status of this KPI, for example, Warning.


Displays information that indicates how the performance of the selected KPI has changed since the last reporting period or a date that you specify.


Displays the type of object, that is, KPI.


Use the "Analytics pane" to view basic KPI settings and a graph that presents actual values and target values, pin dimensions, and run actions.


Use the "Collaboration pane" to identify information helpful for collaborating on the KPI, including the business owner, key resources, and related documents.

Related Items

Use the "Related Items pane" to identify the objectives that drive the KPI or are driven by the KPI.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the KPI details.

  • Open KPI Definition — Use this button to open the KPI in the "KPI editor", where you can edit it.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the KPI.

Scorecard editor: Mission tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to define, view, and edit a mission or vision statement for your organization.

For more information, see:

The tab is also displayed as:

Scorecard editor: Vision tab



Use the "Mission tab: Document tab" or "Vision tab: Document tab" to enter and format your mission statement or vision statement.


Use the "Mission tab: Details tab" or "Vision tab: Details tab" to specify supporting information for the mission or vision statement.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the mission or vision statement.

  • Save As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the mission or vision statement with another name.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the mission or vision statement.

Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab

Use this tab to create, view, and edit an objective.

For more information, see:



Use this box enter a new name for the objective.


Use this box to enter a description of the objective.


Displays the current performance status of the objective, for example, Warning.


Displays the type of object, that is, Objective.


Use this "Analytics pane" to specify basic information about the objective, to identify the KPIs and other objectives that support and measure the performance of the objective, and to add action links.


Use the "Collaboration pane" to identify information helpful for collaborating on the objective, including the business owner and related documents.

Related Items

Use the "Related Items pane" to identify other objectives that cause or effect the objective and initiatives that drive the objective.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the objective.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the objective.

Scorecard editor: Overview tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to:

  • View summary information for an initiative, objective, or KPI.

    The summary information displayed depends on which object you last selected in the "Initiatives pane" or the "Strategy pane":

    If you last selected:

    • An initiative or objective, then the basic settings for the initiative or objective are displayed (for example, status, business owner, and so on) along with a status summary showing the number of KPIs and initiatives, or KPIs and objectives, that evaluate progress in each performance assessment range.

      If there is at least one child or descendant objective, initiative, or KPI for a particular status, the status name is a hyperlink that displays the "Scorecard editor: Breakdown tab", showing the child or descendant objectives, initiatives, and KPIs.

    • A KPI, then the basic settings for the KPI are displayed (for example, status, business owner, and so on) as well as performance data and a performance graph.

  • Link to information on how to get started with scorecarding.

  • View pie graphs that show how the objectives that compose your scorecard are distributed.

For more information, see "Viewing Overview Information".



Use the "Overview pane" to view summary information about the selected initiative, objective, or KPI.

Getting Started

Use the "Getting Started pane" to learn how to use scorecard to drive and assess corporate performance, to link to the Oracle Business Intelligence glossary, and to link to information about how to create scorecards.

Scorecard Breadth

Use the "Scorecard Breadth pane" to view pie graphs that show how evenly the objectives (and the KPIs that support them) that compose your scorecard are distributed among the following categories:

  • Financial versus non-financial

  • Internal versus external

  • Leading versus lagging

Scorecard editor: Perspective tab

Use this tab to create, view and edit perspectives.

For more information, see:


Perspective Name

Use this field to enter the name of the perspective.


Use this field to enter a description of the perspective.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the perspective. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.


Displays the following options to indicate the focus of the perspective:

  • Financial — Use this option to specify that the perspective focuses on objectives, initiatives, and KPIs that relate to or support the monetary or economic health and development of your organization.

  • Internal facing — Use this option to specify that the perspective focuses on objectives, initiatives, and KPIs that form internal processes and functions, for example, employee training programs.

Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs

Use this table to view and manage the initiatives, objectives, and KPIs that are associated with this perspective.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the perspective.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the perspective.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the perspective.

Scorecard editor: Strategy Map tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to create, view, and edit a strategy map.

For more information, see:



Use the "Strategy Map tab: Diagram tab" to create a diagram that shows how the objectives that have been defined for a scorecard and the KPIs that measure their progress are aligned by perspectives.


Use the "Strategy Map tab: Details tab" to specify supporting information for the strategy map.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the strategy map.

  • Save As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the strategy map with another name.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the strategy map.

  • Zoom In — Use this button to enlarge the view of the diagram.

  • Zoom Out — Use this button to minimize the view of the diagram.

  • Draw a Causal Linkage Between Two Objectives — Use this button to add a cause and effect relationship between two objectives, two KPIs, or between an objective and a KPI.

    To do so, click this button, select the objective or KPI that is the cause (that is the objective or KPI that drives the second objective or KPI), and then drag to and select the objective or KPI that is the effect (that is, the objective or KPI that is driven by the first objective or KPI.) Click the button again to turn this functionality off. A line is drawn on the diagram connecting the two objectives, two KPIs, or the objective and KPI. The two objectives, two KPIs, or the objective and KPI are added to the Causes and Effects tables on the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab" accordingly.

Scorecard editor: Strategy Tree tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor" to create, view, and edit a strategy tree.

For more information, see:



Use the "Strategy Tree tab: Diagram tab" to view an objective and its supporting child objectives and KPIs hierarchically in a tree diagram.


Use the "Strategy Tree tab: Details tab" to specify supporting information for the strategy tree.


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save — Use this button to save the strategy tree.

  • Save As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the strategy tree with another name.

  • Contact Owner — Use this button to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the strategy tree.

  • Zoom In — Use this button to enlarge the view of the diagram.

  • Zoom Out — Use this button to minimize the view of the diagram.

Search pane

Use this pane to find objects by name, directory location, and type (agents and scorecards, for example). This pane enables you to quickly locate the objects that you need.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Catalog page".



Use this field to enter the full or partial name of the object or folder to find. In the Search pane and in the Search field in the global header of Oracle BI EE, you can enter text and you can use "glob matching". "Glob matching" refers to the syntax for searching in an MS-DOS command window. Table E-6 describes strings that you can use with the "glob syntax."

Table E-6 Using glob Syntax in Search Criteria

Search String Entered Result


Adds wildcards before and after your search string (for example, *a*), enabling the search to return results that contain the letter "a".


Adds a wildcard after your search string (for example, a*), enabling the search to return results that begin with the letter "a".


Adds a wildcard before your search string (for example, *a), enabling the search to return results that end with the character "a".


Searches explicitly for strings containing a character followed by an asterisk (*) for example, "a*".


Use a question mark (?) with a character and an asterisk (*) to return zero (0) or more occurrences of a character. For example, ?a* returns zero or more occurrences of the character "a".

[] or {}

Not recognized by search.

To match any of the glob special characters themselves ('^$*?'), you must precede the character with a backslash. For example, to match the string "cost*units", enter a search string of "cost\*units".

To find an exact match of characters, include the appropriate characters at both ends of the search string. If you want to find the file called "a", then enter a search string of "^a$". Otherwise, you obtain a list of every file that includes the letter "a" anywhere in its name or description.


Use this list to select a folder in which to search for objects:

  • My Folders — Search folders that you created or that were automatically generated for you.

  • Shared Folders - Search all folders that you can access.

Administrators can search for all user and object folders in the catalog root directory.


Use this list to find only certain kinds of objects. For example, reports, dashboards, or KPIs.

Section Condition dialog

Use this dialog to specify the condition to be used to determine whether a section in a dashboard is to be displayed.

You might want to display a section conditionally, for example, when the results of an analysis show that sales are down by 15 percent or greater in the past week and you want to display a section that contains links to related reports.

This dialog is displayed from the "Page Layout area" in the "Dashboard builder".

For more information, see "Changing the Properties of Objects Added to Dashboard Pages".



Displays the condition under which the section is to be displayed.

New Condition

Use this button to display the "New Condition dialog", where you create a new condition.

Select Condition

Use this button to display the "Select Condition dialog", where you select an existing condition.

More (>>)

Display these options:

  • Test Condition — Use this button to test whether the condition evaluates to true or false.

  • Edit Condition — Use this button to display the "Edit Condition dialog", where you edit the condition.

  • Remove Condition — Use this button to remove the condition.

  • Save Condition As — Use this button to display the "Save As dialog", where you save the condition by name to the catalog.

Section Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify the properties for a section of data in a view using the Layout pane.

For more information, see "Setting Properties for View Bodies and Drop Targets".

Components for Pivot Tables and Tables

Insert Page Break

Use this area to indicate whether to create a page break before the section, so that every time a value changes in the section drop target, the new section for that column is displayed on a new page. Page breaks are visible when you export an analysis to PDF. This is useful for data-driven detail analyses.

You can select from the following:

  • No Page Break — Do not break pages.

  • Innermost Column — Break at the innermost column, which inserts a page break between every section.

  • Outermost Column — Break at the outermost column, which inserts a page break when the section label in the outermost column changes.

    When the value of an outermost column changes, the value of the inner column is also considered changed. Therefore, setting page breaks at the innermost column inserts manual page breaks between every section.

  • Folder.Column — For example, Markets.Region, or Products.Brand. Inserts a page break when the section label in the specified column changes. This option is available only when the Sections drop target contains a column.

Show Blank Rows

Use this box to indicate whether to display rows that have no data in the section. Select the box to display all rows, even if a row is an empty text string and contains no value. Deselect the box to hide rows when there are no results to display. This option might be useful for example, to hide empty address lines.

Display Heading

Use this box to indicate whether to display the heading for the section.

The remaining components of this dialog are described in "Column Properties dialog: Style tab".

Components for Graphs

Maximum number of section slider values

Use this box to enter the maximum number of values to display on a section slider bar, but not to exceed the system maximum. The administrator configures the system maximum. If you enter a number that exceeds the system maximum, then it is ignored.

For more information about section sliders, see "Defining Section Sliders in Graphs and Gauges".

Select Column dialog

Use this dialog to navigate to and select the columns or members to include in an analysis, prompt, filter, KPI, or when associating columns with layers for maps. In some cases, you can also use this dialog to add additional subject areas to the dialog.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Add Columns dialog
Select BI Key Columns dialog
Select Columns dialog
Select member in Dimension Hierarchy dialog


Add Related Subject Area

This button is available only if one or more related subject areas are available and you have permission to access them.

Use this button to display the "Add/Remove Subject Areas dialog", from which you can add or remove related subject areas.


Not available for maps. Click this button to search.

Subject Area

Use this tree to browse for and select the column for which you want to build the prompt, the column to add to the filter, the dimension to add to the KPI, or the column to associate with a layer for a map. For a map, you can select a single column, multiple columns from multiple subject areas, or multiple columns from a single subject area.

Selected Columns

This area is available only for columns to associate with a layer for a map. You can view and modify the columns that you have selected.


These buttons are available only for columns to associate with a layer for a map. You can select columns in one or more subject areas and move them between the two lists in the dialog.


These buttons are available only for columns to associate with a layer for a map. You can select columns then click the buttons to modify the order or the columns in the list. If you are trying to duplicate the name of a geographic layer that has multiple parts, then ensure that the columns are in order from top to bottom to match that layer name. For example, if the layer name is Country_State, then ensure that you include the Country column above the State column in the list.

Related Topics

"Definition pane"
"Edit Layer dialog"

Select Java Method dialog

Use this dialog to select one of the following items:

  • For an Invoke a Java Method action, the Java method to be invoked

  • For a Navigate to EPM Content action, the Hyperion resource to which to navigate

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Select the Hyperion resource you want this action to invoke dialog


EJB or Hyperion Resources

Displays the following:

  • For an Invoke a Java Method action, Java methods that you can select

  • For a Navigate to EPM Content action, the Hyperion resources that you can select

Use this list to select a Java method or a Hyperion resource.


Displays the Java method or the Hyperion resource that you have selected in the list.

Select Script Function dialog

Use this dialog to select the function to be executed by an Invoke a Browser Script action.

For more information, see:



Use this list to select the function to be executed.


Displays the name of the function selected in the list.

Select Values dialog

Use this dialog to search for and select one or more values from a list of available values, for example:

  • In a filter or prompt, when performing write back on a table view or pivot table view, or when creating or editing a member step

  • In a list of KPI dimensions, when pinning a dimension

Using this search function, you can limit the list of available values (for example, find all those values that start with the letter D) so that you can more easily find the value or values that you want.

This dialog is also displayed as:

Choose Members dialog
Edit Hierarchy Selection Step dialog
Edit Member Step dialog
Edit Select Existing Groups and Calculated Items
New Hierarchy Selection Step dialog
New Select Members dialog
New Select Existing Groups and Calculated Items
Search Members dialog



Not all components are available in each version of this dialog.


Available only when working with a member step that is based on a hierarchy.

Use this box to select the type of relationship with which to create the member step for the hierarchical column. You can select a family relationship, a specific hierarchy level (for level-based hierarchies only), or a level relationship (for level-based hierarchies only). For parent-child hierarchies, the only option available is family relationship.


Available only when working with a member step.

Use this box to select the type of action to create for a member step. You can select to add the selected members to the selection, keep only the selected members and remove all others, or remove the selected members from the selection. For groups and calculated items, the only action available is Add.

When working with a member step that is based on a hierarchy, use the box beside the Action box to specify a hierarchy level (for level-based hierarchies only) or a family relationship (such as children of, parent of, descendants of, and ancestors of).

When you edit the first step in a list, the choices for actions are Start with All Members, Start with Selected Members, and Start with Groups or Calculated Items.


Use this button to show or hide the Search area that is displayed within the Available List area. See "Components of Search Area".

Available List

Use this area to:

  • Initiate a search in the Search area.

  • Select values to move to the Selected List area.

  • Show additional choices, if available, by clicking More.

Items that you have selected are displayed with a green check mark beside them.

Selected List

Use this area to view the values that you have selected from the Available List area and moved to the Selected List area.


Use this button to display the "Edit dialog", where you can refine the values with which you are working.

This button is not available when you select members for selection steps.

Override with Prompt

Use this box to specify that an analysis prompt or a dashboard prompt can override the member step. In a list of steps for a column, specify that only one step in the list be able to be overridden by a prompt. For information, see Chapter 6, "Prompting in Dashboards and Analyses."


  • To select multiple values, press the Control key, then click the values.

  • To select a range of values, click the first value in the range, press the Shift key, then click the last value in the range.

  • To move one or more values from the Available List area to the Selected List area, use the Move or Move All button. You also can double-click a single value in the Available List area to move it to the Selected List area.

    For a group, the following options are displayed when you click the arrow beside Move:

    • Add — Use this option to add the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: group-name" step in the Selected List area. You see an outline value for the group in a table or pivot table.

    • Add Members — Use this option to add the members of the group to the analysis. You see an "Add: Members of group-name" step in the Selected List area. You do not see an outline value in a table or pivot table; you see the members of the group.

  • To remove one or more values from the Selected List area, use the Remove or Remove All button. You also can double-click a single value in the Selected List area to remove it.

  • In the search criteria, you can use % (percent sign) as a wildcard.

Components of Search Area

Use this area to initiate a search for values or members and view the results of the search.


Use these fields to specify text data on which to search. In the Name box, select the appropriate option such as Starts, Contains, Ends, or Is Like (pattern match). Enter the string for which you must search.

Between and

Not available for member search. Use this field to specify a range of numeric or date and time data for which to search.

Children of

Available only when searching for hierarchical members. Use this field to specify the node in whose sub-tree you want to start searching for members. For example, suppose that you have a geography hierarchy with All Countries as the root node and 50 countries below that. You want to search for all cities that start with the letter "A" in the country called USA. Use the Children of field to specify USA.

Select Member to display the Select Member dialog.

Select a Specific Member to Search Within

Available only when searching for hierarchical members. Click this button to display the Select Member dialog in which you specify the member whose children you want to search.

At Level

Available only when searching for members of level-based hierarchies. Use this field to select the level below which you want to search for members. The default of <Any> specifies to search for members below any level. For parent-child hierarchies, no levels exist, so this setting is always <Any>. Certain levels are disabled because they are at or above the level you selected, which does not constitute a valid search.

Limited Values or Constrained

Use this button to limit the values by any other filters that are associated with the analysis.

All Values or Unconstrained

Use this button to list all values, without limiting the values by any other filters that that are associated with the analysis.


Use this button to initiate the search and display the search results. When you search for members, the columns of the subject area are searched.


If the available list of values for a prompt or write back column is based on a SQL statement, then you cannot search for values.

Related Topics

"New Prompt dialog"

Select Variable dialog

Use this dialog to specify a variable to use to set a value of a KPI dimension. You set values of KPI dimensions, for example, when you add a KPI that is dimensioned to a KPI Watchlist or when you add a strategy map that contains one or more KPIs that are dimensioned to a dashboard.

For more information about variables, see "Using Variables".


Variable Type

Use this box to select the type of variable to use to set the value. Depending on the task you are performing, you can select one of these types: Session, Repository, or Presentation.

Variable Name

Use this field to enter the name of the variable to use to set the value, for example USER.

Select Web Service Operation dialog

Use this dialog to select the Web Service operation to be invoked by an Invoke a Web Service action.

For more information, see:


Web Services

Use this list to select the Web Service operation to invoke.

Initially, this list displays the Web Services preconfigured by the administrator. You can display other Web Services by using the WSDL URL component.


Displays the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) of the Web Service operation selected in the Web Services list.

To list Web Service operations available from a WSDL URL that was not preconfigured, use this field to enter the WSDL URL (for example, http://<server>:8888/default/10?WSDL) and then click Open.

Web Service

Displays the Web Service of the selected operation.


Displays the selected operation.

Restore the list of Web Services pre-configured by your Oracle BI Administrator

Use this button to display the list of Web Services that were initially displayed in the Web Services list, that is, the Web Services preconfigured by the administrator.

Refresh the selected folder

This button is available only when you have a folder selected. Use this button to refresh the selected folder.

Selected Columns pane

Use this pane to view, add, and modify the criteria that are selected for an analysis.

Selected columns are displayed in boxes in this pane. Each box has two sections. The upper section shows the name of the column's folder, for example, Customers. The lower section shows the name of the column, for example, Customer Name. If columns from the same folder are placed next to each other, then they are grouped in one folder section.

If a column selector view is in use, then you see the phrase "Column Group" instead of the column name. You also cannot edit the properties for the columns. See "Editing Column Selector Views" for information.

You can:

  • Reorder the columns to arrange them in the way that they are to be displayed in the analysis results

  • Combine the results of two or more analyses into a single result

  • Remove all columns from the criteria

Other modifications that you can make to columns depend on the type of column:

  • For attribute columns and measure columns, you can:

    • Specify the sort order of the column

    • Edit the formula for the column, including customizing the heading

    • Edit column properties to control the formatting and interaction of the column

    • Add new filters

    • Delete column

  • For hierarchical columns, you can:

    • Specify the sort order of the column

    • Edit column properties to control the formatting and interaction of the column

    • Delete column

  • For hierarchy levels, you can:

    • Edit properties to control the formatting and interaction of the hierarchy level

For more information, see "Specifying the Criteria for Analyses".

This pane is part of the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab".


Drag Column

Use this button to reorder a single column or multiple columns that are grouped in a folder section. This button is located to the left of the column name or folder name. The following list describes how to use the Drag Column button, but you can reorder by clicking anywhere in the column or folder area and dragging and dropping to the new location. Valid drop locations are indicated by a thick solid line.

To reorder:

  • A single column in a folder section that contains only one column, click the Drag Column button in either the column section or the folder section and drag and drop the section to a new location.

  • A single column in a folder section that contains multiple columns, click the Drag Column button in the column section and then drag and drop the section to a new location. A new folder section is created for the reordered column.

  • All columns in a folder section, click the Drag Column button in the folder section and drag and drop the section to a new location.

Plus or Minus

This button is available only for hierarchical columns.

Use this button to expand or collapse the display of hierarchy levels in column.


Use this button to select one of the following options:

  • Sort — This option is available for attribute, measure, and hierarchical columns. It is not available for hierarchy levels. Displays options for sorting values. For information, see "Sorting Options Menu and Buttons".

  • Edit Formula — This option is available only for attribute columns and measure columns. Use this option to display the "Edit Column Formula dialog", where you can customize headings and edit the formula for the column, such as adding a Rank or Percentile function. For more information, see "Editing the Formula for a Column".

  • Column Properties or Hierarchy Level Properties — Use this option to display the "Column Properties dialog", where you can edit various format properties for the column or hierarchy level. For more information, see Chapter 7, "Formatting Analyses, Views, and Dashboard Pages."

  • Filter — This option is available only for attribute columns and measure columns. Use this option to display the "New Filter dialog", where you can create a filter for the attribute or measure column. For more information on filters, see Chapter 5, "Filtering and Selecting Data for Analyses."

  • Delete — This option is available for attribute, measure, and hierarchical columns. It is not available for hierarchy levels. Use this option to delete the column.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Combine results based on union, intersection, and difference operations — Use this button to combine columns from one or more subject areas using Set operations. The columns must have commonality to be combined.

    Click the button to display the Select Subject Area menu, where you select a subject area that contains the data to combine with the columns that you have previously added. (The subject area can be the same as that from which you have previously selected columns, or a different subject area.) The Set Operations area is displayed, where you can use the following components:

    • Result Columns and Criteria "subject area" links — Click these links to display the appropriate columns in this pane. For example, suppose that you have selected the D1 Office and D2 Department columns in the A-Sample Sales subject area. If you click Criteria "subject area", then the D1 Office and D2 Department columns are shown so that you can perform tasks such as formatting those columns. If you have combined columns using Set operations, then click Result Columns to show those columns and perform tasks such as formatting them.

      The result columns are those that are displayed in views after applying the set operation of the derived columns.

    • Union button — Displays the following options:

      • Union — Use this option to specify that only nonduplicate rows from all columns are to be returned.

      • Union All — Use this option to specify that rows from all columns, including duplicate rows, are to be returned.

      • Intersect — Use this option to specify that only rows common to all columns are to be returned.

      • Minus — Use this option to specify that only rows from the first column that are not in the second column are to be returned.

    • More options button — Click to cut, copy, or paste that subject area in the list of criteria.

    • Edit button — Click to display additional options for working with the subject areas:

      • Create New Criteria — Displays the Select Subject Area menu, where you select a subject area to add to the criteria.

      • Copy and Paste — Creates a duplicate set of criteria on which you can perform set operations.

      • Cut — Removes the current set of criteria from the pane.

      • Ungroup — If you have created a duplicate set of criteria, then this option is available to move the set of criteria to the next highest level.

    For more information, see "Combining Columns Using Set Operations".

  • Remove all columns from criteria — Use this button to remove all columns that have been included in the Selected Columns pane. Be aware that there is no confirmation message and no undo available for this operation.

Selection Steps pane

Use this pane to create and modify steps for selecting data. The steps in this pane apply to all views for the analysis. You do not have to display the editor for a particular view to edit its selection steps.

For more information, see "Working with Selections of Data".

This pane is part of the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab", the "Analysis editor: Results tab", and certain view editors. This pane is not visible on the Criteria tab until you click the toolbar button to display it. The contents of this pane are displayed slightly differently on the Criteria tab if a column selector view is in use. See "Editing Column Selector Views" for information.



Use to select the columns or measures to view in the pane. You can view all columns and measures, just measures, or specific columns.

Column Area

Use to indicate the start of the list of steps for each column. For hierarchical columns, the name of the hierarchy is included with the column name. This area includes the following types of steps:

  • Start With — Serves as the starting selection for a column. This step is populated automatically when you select columns or hierarchy levels from a subject area.

    • For every column that you select, an implicit "Start with All Members" step is added for that column, where "All" implies all the members for the column after filters are applied.

    • For every hierarchy level that you select, an implicit "Start with all level-name" step is added for that level, where "All" implies all the members for the level after filters are applied. For example, if you select the Fiscal Quarter hierarchy level, then a step is created with a name such as "Start with All Fiscal Quarter".

  • Add — Adds the selected members to the selection.

  • Keep only — Keeps only the selected members and remove all others.

  • Remove — Removes the selected members from the selection.

Save Selection Steps

Click this button to displays the "Save Selection Steps dialog" where you save the steps for the column or hierarchy level as a group. This button is available only when you have more than a single Start With step in the list for a column. This button is not available if you try to save a set of steps as a group and one of the steps includes a calculated item.

Then, New Step

Click this link to display the following options:

Name of Group or Calculated Item

Click the link for a group or calculated item to display one of the following dialogs: "Edit Group dialog" or "Edit Calculated Item dialog".

Selection Step Toolbar

The selection step toolbar is the collection of buttons that displays when you hover over a selection step within the list of steps. It can include the following buttons:

  • Edit — Displays the dialog where you can edit the step. For a "Start with" step, this is the only button available.

  • Move Up — Moves this step one level up in the list of steps.

  • Move Down — Moves this step one level down in the list of steps.

  • Delete — Deletes this step from the list of steps.

Set User dialog

Use this dialog to search for and select a user. For example, in a Scorecard, you use this dialog to select the user to assign as a business owner to Scorecard objects such as KPIs, initiatives, and strategy objectives. In an agent, you use this dialog to select the user whose credentials you want to use to send the delivery content.

For more information, see:

This dialog is also displayed as:

Business Owner dialog
Select Business Owner dialog
Select User dialog
Select Key Resource User dialog



Use this field to enter your search criteria. For example, enter the user's first name to display a list of users with that first name.


Use this button to display the accounts that satisfy the name search criteria that you entered.


Displays the list of accounts that satisfy the name search criteria that you entered. You can then select the name that you want.

Settings dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • Define the score thresholds and assessment ranges to be used for scoring scorecard objects

  • Set up the controls for dimensions in the point of view area of a scorecard

For more information, see:


Assessment Mappings

Use the "Settings dialog: Assessment Mappings tab" to define the score thresholds and assessment ranges to be used for scoring scorecard objects.

Dimension Settings

Use the "Settings dialog: Dimension Settings tab" to set up the controls for dimensions in the point of view area of a scorecard.

Settings dialog: Assessment Mappings tab

Use this tab of the "Settings dialog" to define the score thresholds and assessment ranges to be used for scoring scorecard objects.

For more information, see:


Score Threshold

Use this field to enter the numeric values that set the boundaries for the assessment ranges.

For example, you might enter 33 and 66 to set the boundaries for three assessment ranges — Critical, Warning, and OK. Any KPI score from 0 to 33 would fall in the Critical assessment range, any KPI score from 34 to 66 would fall in the Warning assessment range, and any KPI score from 66 to 100 would fall in the OK assessment range.

Assessment Range

Use this field to enter the name of each assessment range (for example, Acceptable).


Use this button to display the "Replace Icon dialog", where you select the icon to represent each assessment range.


Use this button to display the color dialog, where you select the color to represent each assessment range.

Threshold Menu

Displays the following options:

  • Remove Range — Use this option to remove a score threshold and its corresponding assessment range.

  • Add Above — Use this option to add a score threshold and its corresponding assessment range above the current score threshold.

  • Add Below — Use this option to add a score threshold and its corresponding assessment range below the current score threshold.

Add Threshold

Use this button to add a score threshold and assessment range below the last score threshold.

Settings dialog: Dimension Settings tab

Use this tab of the "Settings dialog" to set up the controls for dimensions in the point of view area of a scorecard.

For more information, see:


Dimensions Settings

Displays all the dimensions that are referenced by KPIs in a scorecard and shows their current settings. Use this area to set up the controls for the dimensions.

To set up the control for a dimension, select the dimension and then click the Edit Row button to display the "Edit Dimension Settings dialog".

Settings pane

Use this pane to set the thresholds that are to be displayed in a funnel graph or gauge.

Each threshold has a high and a low and is associated with a color in which the range identified by the threshold is displayed in the gauge, such as green for acceptable, yellow for warning, and red for critical.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Results tab: Funnel editor" and the "Results tab: Gauge editor".


High values are desirable

Use this box to specify whether the high values are the desirable goal. Selecting this box lists the statuses in order from the most desirable indicator (for example, Excellent) at the top to the least desirable indicator (for example, Warning) at the bottom.

Low values are desirable

Use this box to specify whether the low values are the desirable goal. Selecting this box lists the statuses in order from the least desirable indicator (for example, Warning) at the top to the most desirable indicator (for example, Excellent) at the bottom.


Use this list to specify the data values in a gauge that highlight a particular range of values. The values must be between the minimum and the maximum values set for the gauge limits. The range identified by a threshold is filled with a color that is different from the color of other ranges.

To specify a data value, you can either:

  • Enter a static value directly in a Threshold field.

  • Click the Threshold Options button to set the value based on a measure column, a variable expression, or the results of a SQL query.

Threshold Options

Displays these options to set a threshold:

  • Measure column — Use this option to use the measure column.

  • Dynamic — Use this option to let the system determine the threshold value.

  • Custom Value — Use this option to enter a specific value.

    If you select this option and then:

    • Click elsewhere on the pane without entering a value, the value of the Threshold field reverts to the previous value

    • Enter an invalid value in Threshold field, the value is cleared so that you can enter a new value

  • Variable Expression — Use this option to display the "Enter Expression dialog", where you specify a variable expression.

  • SQL Query — Use this option to display the "Enter Expression dialog", where you specify a SQL query.

  • Remove — Use this option to remove the threshold.

  • Add Above — Use this option to add a threshold row above the current row.

  • Add Below — Use this option to add a threshold row below the current row.


Use this list to specify the label for each range identified by a threshold and the color in which the range is to be displayed in the gauge. Use the Status Options button to specify a label and the Color button to specify a color for each range.

Status Options

Displays the following options:

  • Threshold Values — Use this option to use the current threshold values as the label for the range. The Status box is disabled when you select this option.

  • Specify Label — Use this option use text that you specify as the label for the range, for example Excellent. After selecting this option, enter the text in the Status box.


Displays the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color for the range that is identified by the threshold.

First Stage x final stage target value

This field is available only for last-stage only funnel graphs.

Use this box to enter the factor required to meet the target. In a last-stage only funnel graph, the target value of all the stages before the last are calculated based on the last stage target value and this target factor.

Add Threshold

Use this button to add a new threshold row.

Delete Threshold

Use this button to delete a threshold row.

Show More Columns dialog

Use this dialog to add or remove columns that display data such as the status, trend, target, and variance of KPIs on a KPI Watchlist, perspective, initiative, or objective. This enables you to customize the KPI data displayed by specifying visible columns.

For information about KPIs, see:


Available Columns

Displays all of the columns that you can select to present a wide variety of data for the KPIs that evaluate the initiative. Table E-7 describes some of the commonly used columns.

To display additional columns to present more KPI data on the initiative, select the columns individually or as groups by pressing Shift or Ctrl, and then click Move. To display all KPI data available, click Move All.

Visible Columns

Displays the columns that are currently visible. To remove columns, select them individually or in groups by pressing Shift or Ctrl, and click Remove. To remove all KPI data displayed, click Remove All.


Use this button to display a column that you select in the Available Columns pane.

Move All

Use this button to display all available columns.


Use this button to hide a column that you select in the Visible Columns pane.

Remove All

Use this button to not display any KPI data on the initiative.


Table E-7 lists and describes the some of the commonly used KPI data columns.

Table E-7 Commonly Used KPI Data Columns

Column Description


If you enabled trending, displays the amount by which the KPI's current actual value differs from the actual value of the previous period.

For example, if the actual value of KPI for "Annual Number of Sales" is 2000 and was 1850 last year, the change is 150.

% Change

If you enabled trending, displays the percent by which the KPI's current actual value differs from the actual value of the previous period.

For example, if the actual value of KPI for "Annual Number of Sales" is 2000 and was 1850 last year, the change percent is 7.5%.

Data Type

Displays the data type of the KPI values that are stored in the database, for example, integer or percentage.


Displays the KPI's raw actual and target values in the formatting for the unit that quantifies the values, such as dollars or days.

Label of Node

Displays the KPI's descriptive name that was specified in the "Add KPI dialog".

Last Run

Displays the date on which KPI value calculations were performed by the backup server.


Displays the KPI value after it was converted from its original scale (a value between 1 and 50, for example) to a standard scale (values between 1 and 100) so that you can compare it with other KPI values.

For example, assume that you want to use a scale of 0-100 to assess two KPIs. The first KPI is expected to have a value between 0 and 10. It collects a value of 3. The second KPI is expected to have a value between 0 and 1000. It collects a value of 800. To evaluate this data as x% or 100, the Normalize feature converts the KPI values to one between 1 and 100. Accordingly, the first KPI is multiplied by 10 (30) and that of the second KPI is divided by 10 (80).


Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the KPI.


Indicates the performance level of the KPI determined by comparing its actual value with its target.

If you own the KPI, you can right-click to override its status.


Displays the KPI's desired value.

Target (Unformatted)

Displays the KPI's raw target value. For example a target value of 134500 dollars would be formatted as $134,500.00.


Indicates whether KPI performance has improved or declined, is good or bad, or has remained the same. The trend is determined by calculating the value by which the current actual value differs from that of the previous period.


Displays the KPI's current value.

Value (Unformatted)

Displays the raw KPI value. For example a value of 450019 dollars would be formatted as $4,500.19.


Displays the value by which the KPI's actual value differs from its target value. For example if the actual value for a Net Profit KPI is 600,000 and its target is 650,000, then the variance is 50,000.

% Variance

Displays the percent by which the KPI's actual value differs from its target value. For example if the actual value for a Net Profit KPI is 600,000 and its target is 650,000, then the variance as a percent is 7.7%


If you evaluate initiative performance by assigning weights to individual KPIs, then this displays these individual weights.

If you do not enter weights that add to 100% Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management does it for you. The weight for each KPI is used with its normalized assessment value to determine the performance of the objective or initiative.The normalized assessment value is compared against the assessment ranges in the "Settings dialog: Assessment Mappings tab". The range that contains the normalized assessment value is found and that determines the objective's status.

Sign In page

Use this page to sign in to Oracle Business Intelligence.

For more information, see:


User ID

Use this field to enter your user ID.


Use this field to enter your password.

Sign In

Use this button to sign in to Oracle Business Intelligence with the credentials you have entered.


Use this box to select the language in which you want to display the user interface. The language that you choose overrides the language preference that you specified in the "My Account dialog: Preferences tab" for the current session, only. Note that changing the language for the current session does not change the locale for the session.

Status Override dialog

Use this dialog to:

  • Override the status of an initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view. (For more information on the point of view, see "About the Point of View Area".)

  • Cancel an override

For more information, see:

"About Status Overrides"
"Working with Status Overrides"


New Status

Use this box to select the new status to apply or to select Cancel Override to cancel an override.


Use this box to enter the reason for the override or the cancellation of the override.


Displays any overrides that previously have been applied to the initiative, objective, or KPI for the current point of view as well as any cancellations.

To expand or collapse the History area, click the Expand All or Collapse All button.

Strategy pane

Use this pane to create and manage the objectives that form your corporate strategy

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor".


Strategy Tree

Displays the objectives that have been defined for the scorecard and the KPIs that measure their progress and performance hierarchically. It also shows the statuses of objectives and KPIs using the appropriate colors and symbols that you specified for assessment mappings. For more information on assessment mappings, see "Defining Assessment Mappings for Scorecards".


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Create Objective — Use this button to display the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab", where you create a new objective as a child of the selected objective.

  • Open — Use this button to open the selected object for editing or viewing, depending on the current mode.

  • Delete — Use this button to delete the selected object, if you have the appropriate permission.

  • View Strategy Tree — Use this button to display the strategy tree for the selected object.

  • View Cause & Effect Map — Use this button to display the cause & effect map for the selected object.

Right-Click Menu on an Object

Displays options for working with the object. The options vary depending on the object and whether Scorecard editor is in edit or read-only mode:

  • Open — Use this option to open the selected object for editing or viewing, depending on the current mode.

  • Create Objective — Use this option to display the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab", where you create a new objective as a child of the selected objective.

  • View Strategy Tree — Use this option to display the strategy tree for the selected object.

  • View Cause & Effect Map — Use this option to display the cause & effect map for the selected object.

  • Delete — Use this option to delete the selected object, if you have the appropriate permission.

  • Analyze — This option is available only when you select a KPI. Use this option to create an analysis based on the KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.


    Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders.
  • Create Agent — This option is available only when you select a KPI. This option is available only when you select a KPI. Use this option to display the "Create New Agent dialog", where you create an agent from the KPI.

  • Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the object.

Strategy Map tab: Details tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Map tab" to specify supporting information for the strategy map.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the strategy map.


Use this field to enter a description of the strategy map.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the strategy map. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Objectives and KPIs

Use this table to view and manage the objectives and KPIs that are displayed in the strategy map.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the strategy map.

Strategy Map tab: Diagram tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Map tab" to create a diagram that shows how objectives that have been defined for a scorecard and the KPIs that measure their progress are aligned by perspectives. It also shows cause and effect relationships between objectives.

For more information, see:



Use this area to drag and drop the objectives and KPIs to show aligned by perspectives.

Each node (that is, the representation of an objective or KPI) on the diagram shows the status of the objective or KPI by displaying the icon and color that represents the assessment range. A KPI node also displays the actual value of the KPI and the percent variance from the target.

If a cause and effect relationship exists between two objectives, a line connects the two objectives to indicate the relationship.

To display options that allow you to work with a node, click the Options button (on the right side of the node) to display the "Node Options Menu".

To edit a causal linkage, right-click the linkage line and select Edit Causal Linkage. The "Causal Linkage dialog" is displayed.

To delete a causal linkage, right-click the linkage line and select Delete Causal Linkage.

To display additional performance data for the KPI, such as target value or variance, click the down arrow at the bottom center of the representation. To collapse this data, click the up arrow.

To zoom in and out of the diagram or to add a cause and effect relationship between two objectives, use the toolbar buttons on the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Map tab".

To work with comments (if any), click the Comment button in the upper-right corner of a node to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment. See "About Comments".

To work with status overrides (if any), click the red asterisk in a node to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override. See "About Status Overrides".


Use the "Legend pane" to view the legend for the strategy map.

Strategy Tree tab: Details tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Tree tab" to specify supporting information for the strategy tree.

For more information, see:



Displays the name of the strategy tree.


Use this field to enter a description of the strategy tree.

Business Owner

Displays the userID of the person responsible for managing the strategy tree. To specify the business owner, click the Set User button to display the "Business Owner dialog", where you can search for and select the business owner.

Objectives and KPIs

Use this table to view and manage the objectives and KPIs that are displayed in the strategy tree.

See "Initiatives & KPIs table, Objectives & KPIs table, Objectives, Initiatives & KPIs table, New KPI Watchlist table, and Breakdown table".

Related Documents

Use the "Related Documents area" to view and manage documents that provide supporting information to the strategy tree.

Strategy Tree tab: Diagram tab

Use this tab of the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Tree tab" to view an objective and its supporting child objectives and KPIs hierarchically in a tree diagram.

For more information, see:



Displays the tree diagram for an objective. Each node (that is, the representation of an objective or KPI) shows the status of the objective or KPI by displaying the icon and color that represents the assessment range. A KPI node also displays the actual value of the KPI and the percent variance from the target.

To display options that allow you to work with a node, click the Options button (on the right side of the node) to display the "Node Options Menu".

To display additional performance data for the KPI, such as target value or variance, click the down arrow at the bottom center of the node. To collapse this data, click the up arrow.

To expand or collapse a node, click the plus (+) or minus (-) icon beneath the node.

To zoom in and out of the diagram, use the toolbar buttons on the "Scorecard editor: Strategy Tree tab".

To work with comments (if any), click the Comment button in the upper-right corner of a node to display the "Status window", where you can read the comments that previously have been added, add another comment, or reply to a comment. See "About Comments".

To work with status overrides (if any), click the red asterisk in a node to display the "Status window", where you can view the overrides that previously have been applied or apply another override. See "About Status Overrides".

Bird's-eye View

Displays an overhead view of the tree diagram. The white box focuses on the nodes that are currently in view in the diagram area.

If (and only if) all of the nodes do not fit in the content pane, then you can drag the white box to scroll the diagram.

Node Options Menu

The Node Options menu is displayed from the Options button on a node (that is, a representation of an objective or KPI) in a view diagram. The options that are available depend on the type of view and can include the following:

  • Action Links — Displays the action links that are available for the current status of the objective or KPI. Click a link to execute the action.

  • Add Related Strategy Nodes — Use this option to add to the diagram objectives that are related to this objective (that is, are linked by cause or effect).

  • Remove From Diagram — Use this option to remove the objective or KPI from the diagram.

  • Drill Down — This option is available only for strategy trees. Use this option to move the focus on this node and expand the node to show its children.

  • Drill Up — This option is available only for strategy trees. Use this option to collapse the node and move the focus to the parent node.

  • Show Hidden Causes — This option is available only for cause & effect maps. Use this option to show any causes that were hidden on the diagram.

    To show multiple hidden nodes at one time, click the Cause and Effect Map Preferences button on the cause & effect map toolbar to display the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: Hidden Nodes tab".

  • Hide — This option is available only for cause & effect maps. Use this option to hide the node on the diagram.

    You might, for example, want to hide some nodes so that you can view only the nodes for which you are the business owner.

    To hide multiple nodes at one time, click the Cause and Effect Map Preferences button on the cause & effect map toolbar to display the "Cause & Effect Map Preferences dialog: Hidden Nodes tab".

  • Open — Use this option to display the objective or KPI for editing or viewing, depending on the current mode.

  • Contact Owner — Use this option to display the "Contact Owner dialog", where you can contact the business owner of the objective or KPI.

  • Add Comment — Use this option to display the "New Comment dialog", where you add a comment to the objective or KPI.

  • Override Status — Use this option to display the "Status Override dialog", where you override the status of the objective or KPI.

  • Analyze — This option is available only for a KPI. Use this option to create an analysis based on the KPI. The analysis is automatically saved in the catalog in the My Folders/Drills folder.


    Because the My Folders/Drills folder is used for temporary storage, the analysis might not persist after the Oracle Business Intelligence session ends. To preserve the analysis, copy it to another directory. For example, to preserve an analysis that you plan to use in a shared dashboard, copy it to a folder in /Shared Folders.


The right-click menu of an objective or KPI also contains these options.

Style and Conditional Formatting dialog

Use this dialog to format the elements of a graph, such as bars and lines.

For more information, see:



Use the "Style and Conditional Formatting dialog: Style Formatting tab" to format a graph based on the position of graph elements.


Use the "Style and Conditional Formatting dialog: Conditional Formatting tab" to format a graph based conditions applied to columns.

Style and Conditional Formatting dialog: Conditional Formatting tab

Use this tab of the "Style and Conditional Formatting dialog" to format a graph based on conditions applied to columns.

For more information, see:


Column tabs

Displays tabs for each column to which you can add conditions. Click a column tab to display the conditions that are currently defined for the column. You can modify a condition using its Condition toolbar.

Add Condition Format

Use this button to add a condition. This button first displays a list of the columns to which you can apply conditional formatting and then, when you select a column, the "New Condition dialog", where you define the condition to add.

Clear All

Use this button to delete all conditions on the current column tab.

Condition Toolbar

The condition toolbar is the collection of components that displays to the right of a condition. It includes the following components:

  • Edit— Use this button to display the New Condition dialog, where you edit the condition.

  • Color — Use this box to display the Color Selector dialog, where you select the color to be applied to the column values that meet the condition.

  • Delete— Use this button to delete the condition.

Style and Conditional Formatting dialog: Style Formatting tab

Use this tab of the "Style and Conditional Formatting dialog" to format a graph based on the position of graph elements.

For more information, see:


Graph Element Tabs

Displays tabs for each graph element to which you can apply formatting. Click a column tab to display the positions that are currently formatted.

Custom Formatted Positions

Displays the positions that have been formatted for the element.

To specify a color for a position, click the down arrow in color box to display the Color Selector dialog.


If you specify 0 for the width of a line, then the legend marker changes from the default line marker to symbol markers for the line and for other lines in the graph (for example, the symbol markers are shown as the legend markers for all the lines in the graph).

Add new position

Use this button to add a new position entry to the Custom Formatted Positions table.

Remove selected position

Use this button to remove the selected position entry in the Custom Formatted Positions table. To select an entry, click the first column in the entry row.

Subject Areas pane

Use this pane to:

  • Select the columns and members to add to an analysis.

  • Select the column to use when you create or edit a named filter.

  • Add or remove subject areas that are related to the primary subject area that you have selected. You select a primary subject area when you create a new analysis or a new named filter. (Only related subject areas that you have permission to access are available for you to add.)

  • Refresh the columns that display in the subject area or refresh the subject area's metadata after the administrator made changes to the columns in the repository.

  • View the metadata dictionary information for a selected subject area, folder, column, or hierarchy level.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of all the tabs of the "Analysis editor" and part of the "Filter editor".


Subject Area Tree

Displays the primary subject area and any related subject areas that you have added.

Use this tree to:

  • Expand and collapse a folder to show the folder's columns.

    In addition, when the Subject Areas pane is displayed in the:

    If tooltips have been configured in the Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration page, then you can hover over a column name and see its description.

  • Select the columns and members to add to an analysis. You can add a column or a member to an analysis in one of two ways:

    • Double-click the column to display it in the "Selected Columns pane" or the Results tab.

    • Drag and drop the column to the Selected Columns pane. You can press Ctrl+Click to select multiple values and drag and drop those values together.

    You cannot select levels of a hierarchical column; you can select only the entire column.

  • Select the column to use when you create or edit a named filter. To do so, double-click the column to display the "New Filter dialog", where you create the filter based on the selected column.


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Add/Remove Subject Areas — This button is available only if one or more related subject areas are available and you have permission to access them. Use this button to display the "Add/Remove Subject Areas dialog", from which you can add or remove related subject areas.

  • Refresh — Clicking this button executes the default behavior of Refresh Display. Clicking the arrow beside the button enables you to select one of the following options:

    • Refresh Display — Use this option to refresh the subject area view without refreshing the Oracle BI EE server cache. Use this option when the subject area does not contain the columns that you expect to see. If you use this option and the expected columns still do not display, then use the Reload Server Metadata option.

    • Reload Server Metadata — Use this option to reload the subject area's metadata when you know that the administrator has built new metadata in the repository or if after you use the Refresh Display option and the subject area display still does not contain the columns that you expect to see in the subject area. For example, if the administrator added a new measure column to the repository metadata, then you would not see it in the subject area until after you reloaded the metadata. The administrator cannot force a reload of the subject area's metadata. Reloading the metadata also refreshes the subject area's display.

      Reloading metadata clears the metadata cache that is used by all users within the server instance, and after the metadata is reloaded, the metadata cache is re-built as user queries are run. This process of re-building the cache can slow system performance slightly.

  • View Metadata Dictionary — This button is available only when the Subject Areas pane is displayed in the Criteria tab or the Results tab of the Analysis editor and only if the administrator has configured for the display of metadata dictionary information. This button is not available if you select column values or members. Click this button to displays the metadata dictionary page for the selected subject area, folder, column, or hierarchy level.

    For more information, see "Viewing Metadata Information from the Subject Areas Pane".


See "Columns in the Excluded Drop Target" for information on how adding columns to a view using the Subject Areas pane can place them in the Excluded drop target.

Table Properties dialog

Use this dialog to edit the properties of a table or pivot table.

For more information, see "Editing Table and Pivot Table Views".



Use the "Table Properties dialog: Style tab" to specify formatting preferences for tables and pivot tables.


Use the "Table Properties dialog: Write Back tab" to set up for users to modify values in columns in tables.

Table Properties dialog: Style tab

Use this tab of the "Table Properties dialog" to specify formatting preferences for tables and pivot tables.

For more information, see "Editing Table and Pivot Table Views".

This dialog is also displayed as:

Pivot Table Properties dialog


Paging Controls

Use this box to specify where the paging controls are displayed for the view. The paging controls include First 25 Rows and Next 25 Rows. You can select either the top or bottom of the view or you can select to hide the controls. For information on the paging control buttons, see "Results tab: Data View editor".

Rows per Page

Use this field to enter the number of rows to display per page for the view. This setting affects the number of rows that are displayed with the First, Next, and Previous paging control buttons.

Display Column & Folder Headings

Use this box to specify whether to display headings for the columns and the view. You can select from the following:

  • Only column headings — Displays only the column headings, not the view headings.

  • As separate rows — Displays the column and view headings as individual rows in the view.

  • As Folder.Column — Displays the column names with the lowest-level folder name from the Subject Area. For example, suppose that you have a column called Color in the Products folder. With this option, the column heading displays as Products.Color, rather than simply Color.

  • As Folder.Column (where needed) — Displays the column names with the folder name from the Subject Area but only when the column names are not unique. This option is available only for tables.

Enable alternating row "green bar" styling

Use this box to specify whether to add green bar styling to the view. Green bar styling shows alternating rows or columns in a light green color. (Light green is the default color, which you can change.) Select this box to add green bar styling. Deselect it to omit green bar styling.


Use this box to select one of the following options for green bar styling for pivot tables:

  • Innermost Column — Applies green bar styling only to the column that is closest to the data.

  • All Columns — Applies green bar styling to all columns.

Repeat Cell Values

Use this box to indicate that all cells that span rows are repeated. For example, suppose that you have a table that has Year and Month values. When this box is not selected, Year is displayed once for Month values. When this box is selected, Year is repeated for all Month values. This box is available only for tables.

Set Alternate Format

Use this button to display the "Edit Format dialog", where you add cosmetic formatting for the green bar styling of the view.

Listen to Master-Detail Events

Use this box to specify whether a table or pivot table is to act as a detail view in a master-detail relationship and listen for master-detail events, select this box and then specify the channel or channels in the Event Channels field.

For information on master-detail relationships, see "What is Master-Detail Linking of Views?"

Event Channels

This field is displayed only if you select the Listen to Master-Detail Events box.

Use this field to enter one or more channels on which the table or pivot table is to listen for master-detail events raised by one or more master views. The channel name is case sensitive and must match exactly the channel name specified in the master view. Separate channels with commas, for example, channel a, channel b.

The remaining components of this dialog are described in "Column Properties dialog: Style tab".

Table Properties dialog: Write Back tab

Use this tab of the "Table Properties dialog" to configure the view for users to modify values in columns.

For more information, see "Modifying Values and Performing Write Back" and "Column Properties dialog: Write Back tab".


Enable Write Back

Use this box to allow users to modify values in the view, if one or more columns in the analysis has been enabled for write back. Deselect the box to prevent write back on the view, even if one or more columns have been enabled for write back.

Template Name

Use this field to enter the name of the template to employ for writing back values. The template includes SQL statements that write values back to the data source.

Toggle Table Mode

Use this box to enable the toggling of modes for writing to the view. Click the box to allow the view to be toggled from View mode to Edit mode so that users can write back values. Deselect the box to prevent the view from being toggled from View mode to Edit mode; rather, the view is always in Edit mode.

Apply Button

Use this field to enter the text to be displayed on the button that users click to apply the values that they have entered; that is, to write the values back to the data source. The default value for this button is Apply.

Revert Button

Use this field to enter the text to be displayed on the button that users click to clear the values that have just entered for write back. The default value for this button is Revert.

Done Button

Use this field to enter the text to be displayed on the button that users click to indicate that they have finished entering values for write back. Any values that have not yet been written back to the data source are written back. The default value for this button is Done.

Button Position

Use this list to select the position of the buttons on the view, such as Right or Left.

Tasks pane

Use this pane to perform object-specific tasks. The tasks that you can perform depend on the object's type, the object's permissions, and your privileges.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Catalog page".

Tasks Options

  • Add to Briefing Book — Use to add the selected object to a briefing book. After you select this option, the "Save Briefing Book Content dialog" displays. For more information about briefing books, see "Working with Briefing Books".

  • Archive — Use to pack or bundle the contents of a a folder or multi-component object (a scorecard, for example) that you unpack in another directory. This enables you to transfer data between environments (development to test, for example).

  • Copy — Use to duplicate a folder or object and paste it in another directory.

  • Create Agent — (This option is available only when you select a KPI.) Use this option to display the "Create New Agent dialog", where you create an agent from the KPI.

  • Create Link — Use to display a folder or object if the directory in which it resides is very large, requiring scrolling. For example, to quickly access the components of a Sales and Marketing scorecard in a corporate directory that contains thirty scorecards, create a link to the Sales and Marketing scorecard.

  • Create Shortcut— Use to create a shortcut to the object or folder. When you create a shortcut, Oracle BI EE adds the shortcut to the current folder. You can then move this shortcut to another location within the catalog.

  • Delete — Use this button to remove a folder or object that you created from the catalog. If you delete shared folders or objects, then other users who have added shared objects such as analyses to their Quick Answers list, or HTML content, links, analyses, and so on, to their personal dashboards lose access.

    Do not delete objects that are used throughout OBI (KPIs for example) until you are certain that they are no longer used or require

  • Disable — Use this option to temporarily disable an agent. See "Disabling and Enabling Agents' Schedules".

  • Edit — Use this button to modify objects using the associated Editor or Builder. For example, select a KPI and click this button to modify the KPI in the KPI Builder.

  • Enable — Use this option to cause an agent to run on schedule again. See "Disabling and Enabling Agents' Schedules".

  • Expand — Use this button to display the contents of a selected folder. For example, select a Dashboards folder and click this button to display all available dashboards. If you select a scorecard, all associated objects such as (mission statements, perspectives, objectives, and the Strategy Tree, and so on) are displayed.

  • Execute — Use to run a script, URL, or web service action. See "Working with Actions".

  • Export — Use to save a report in PDF, Microsoft Excel, or MHTML format.

  • Open — Use to view an object or expand folder contents.

  • Permissions — Use to enable users to view folders and objects. To grant specific privileges that determine the tasks that users can perform with these objects, see "Managing Presentation Services Privileges" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Print — Use to print the current page.

  • Properties — Use to view or modify the selected object's properties. When you select this option, the "Properties dialog" displays.

  • Rename — Use to change the name of a folder or object.

  • Subscribe — Use this option to subscribe to an agent that the owner has made available to you for subscription. See "Subscribing to Agents".

  • Unsubscribe — Use this option to unsubscribe from an agent to which you are currently subscribed. See "Unsubscribing from Agents".

Text Properties dialog

Use this dialog to specify properties for a text object that you are adding to a dashboard page. If you have the appropriate privileges, then you can enter HTML tags into the object.

For more information, see "Adding Content to Dashboards".


Bold, Italic, Underline

Use these buttons to apply Bold, Italic, or Underline to characters in the text object.

Line Break

Use this button to insert a line break between characters in the text object.

Contains HTML Markup

Use this option to work with HTML codes, as described in "Working with HTML Markup".


Use this field to enter the text to include on the dashboard.

The name that you assign in the Dashboard editor is the name that is used for the text object in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

You can reference variables in this field. For the syntax to use, see "What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?" For more information on variables, see "Using Variables".


Use this button to view how the text is formatted on the dashboard in the Preview area box. If you make any changes, then you can click Preview again to see the results.

Unarchive dialog

Use this dialog to find and specify how you want to upload the archive file to the Presentation Catalog. For more information, see "What is Archiving?"


Archive File

Use this field to enter or browse for the name and location of the archive file. Archive files are named according to the following convention: <name of the presentation services folder>.catalog. For example, sales_dashboards.catalog.


Use to specify if and how to replace an existing folder or object with the same name. Note the following options:

  • All — Select this option to replace any existing folders or objects with the same names as folders or objects included in the archive file that you are uploading.

  • Old — Select this option to replace folders or objects except those folders or objects that exist, unless they are older than the source.

  • None — Select this option to add any new folders or objects, but preserve any existing folders or objects.

  • Force — Select this option to add and replace all folders or objects.


Use to specify how the folders or objects are assigned permissions using Access Control Lists (ACLs) when unarchived. Note the following options:

  • Inherit — Inherits the folder or object's permissions (ACL) from its new parent folder.

  • Preserve — Preserves the folder or object's permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, mapping accounts as necessary.

  • Create — Preserves the folder or object's permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, creating and mapping accounts as necessary.

See "Working with Objects in Catalog Manager" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on ACL entries.

Views pane

Use this pane to:

  • Add new views to an analysis

  • Add views that have been added to the analysis to compound layouts

  • Edit views added to an analysis

  • Remove views from the analysis

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Analysis editor: Results tab".


Views List

Displays the views that have been added to the analysis. For a list of available view types, see "What Types of Views Are Available?"


This toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Add View — Use this button to add a view to a compound layout. First make the compound layout to which you want to add the view the current layout, in the Views List, select the view to add, then click Add Views.

  • New View — Use this button to add a new view to the analysis. Click New View and then select the type of view to add. You can edit and save the views, which is added to the Views List. You can then add it to a compound layout using the Add button.

  • Edit View — Use this button to edit a view. In the View List select the view to edit, then click Edit View. The view's editor is displayed.

  • Duplicate View — Use this button to create a copy of the view that you have selected.

  • Remove View from Analysis — Use this button to remove a view from the analysis. In the Views List, select the view to remove, then click Remove View from Analysis. The view is removed from the analysis and from any compound layout to which it had been added.