5.2 Opening Sealed Email Messages and Sealed Attachments

Sealed Email Messages


To open a sealed email message, you need the Open right. See Section 1.3, "About Rights".

A sealed email message always reaches the recipient as an attachment to a regular email. The file format of the attachment will be Microsoft Word, rich text, or plain text, depending on how Oracle IRM was configured by the sender.

Use one of the following procedures to open a sealed email message:

  • In the email application, open the attached sealed message in the same way that you would open a regular attachment.


    If the email message was sent in Microsoft Word format and you are using Microsoft Outlook with "Protected View" turned on, you will not be able to open the message in Outlook. Instead, you may be able to open the message as described in the alternate procedure below. ("Protected View" is a Microsoft Office 2010 feature.)
  • Save the attached sealed message locally (for example, to your Windows Desktop), then open it from there.

Sealed Attachments


To open a sealed file that has been sent as an attachment to an email, you need the Open right for that file. See Section 1.3, "About Rights".

The sender may have sent you an email with a sealed file attached. The sealed file may be in any of the formats supported by Oracle IRM.

Use one of the following procedures to open a sealed file that has been sent as an attachment:

  • In the email application, open the sealed attachment in the same way that you would open a regular attachment.


    If the attachment is in a sealed Microsoft Office format and you are using Microsoft Outlook with "Protected View" turned on, you will not be able to open the attachment in Outlook. Instead, you may be able to open the message as described in the alternate procedure below. ("Protected View" is a Microsoft Office 2010 feature.)
  • Save the sealed attachment locally (for example, to your Windows Desktop), then open it from there.