B.4 Item Privileges

Item level privileges are useful for granting users a higher level of privilege on an item than might be granted to them on the page or tab that contains the item. For example, a user with the page privilege View can view a page but cannot affect the page in any other way. Give that user the item privilege Edit, and he can enter the page in Edit mode and revise the relevant item. This user cannot affect any other page content, just the item on which he has the higher privilege and any sub-items he may create under that item.

Table B-4 lists and describes the privileges that can be granted on items when item level security is enabled.

Table B-4 Item Privileges

Item Privileges Description


Users with the item privilege Manage can view, edit, delete, and grant privileges on the item on which they have the privilege. Additionally, they can add sub-items under the item.


Users with the item privilege Edit can view, edit, and delete the item on which they have the privilege. Additionally, they can add sub-items under the item.


A user with the item privilege View can view the item. No other actions are available through this privilege.