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Oracle Fusion Middleware Glossary for Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Document Information

1.  Glossary


abandon operation

abstract object class

Abstract Syntax Notation One

access control

access control instruction (ACI)

access control rule

access log

account expiration

account lockout

account status notification

account usability control


add operation


AND search filter

anonymous bind


approximate index

approximate search filter


assertion value


attribute description

attribute option

attribute syntax

attribute type

attribute usage

attribute value

attribute value assertion

audit log


authentication ID

authentication password syntax


authorization ID

authorization identity control

auxiliary object class



back end


base64 encoding

Basic Encoding Rules

Basic Encoding Rules Overview

The BER Type

The BER Length

The BER Value

BER Encoding Examples


Berkeley DB Java Edition

binary copy

bind operation


cancel extended operation



certificate mapper



cn=Directory Manager

collective attribute

Common Development and Distribution License

compare operation

connection handler

connection ID


CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism

crypt algorithm



database cache

debug log

delete operation

deprecated password storage scheme

dereference policy

DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism

directory information tree

directory manager

directory server

directory server agent

Directory Services Markup Language

distinguished name



DIT content rule

DIT structure rule



DSA-specific entry



DSML gateway


dynamic group



entry cache

entry change notification control


entry ID


equality index

equality search filter

error log


extended operation

extensible match index

extensible match search filter



failover algorithm

false filter


generalized time

get effective rights control

global index

global index catalog

greater than or equal to search filter


GSSAPI SASL mechanism


ID list

id2entry database

identity mapper

idle account lockout

in-core restart


index entry limit

intermediate response

Internet Draft


Java Management Extensions



key manager provider


last login time

lastmod plug-in

LDAP assertion control

ldapcompare command

LDAP Data Interchange Format

ldapdelete command

LDAP false filter

LDAP intermediate response

LDAP message

LDAP modify DN operation

LDAP modify operation

ldapmodify command

LDAP no-op control

LDAP post-read control

LDAP pre-read control

LDAP result


LDAP search filter

ldapsearch command

LDAP true filter

LDAP Subentry


LDIF export

LDIF import

leaf entry

less than or equal to search filter

lexico algorithm

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

load balancing

lookthrough limit


MakeLDIF command

manage DSA IT control

matched DN

matched values control

matching rule

matching rule use



message ID


modification type

modify DN operation

modify operation

monitor entry


name form

naming context

network group

non-leaf entry

normalized value

notice of disconnection unsolicited notification

NOT search filter

numeric algorithm


object class

object class type

object identifier

operation ID

operational attribute

ordering index

OR search filter




password expiration

password generator

Password Modify extended operation

password policy

password policy control

password reset

password storage scheme

password validator

persistent search control

PLAIN SASL mechanism


presence index

presence search filter


proportional algorithm

protocol data unit

protocol op

proxied authorization control


quality of protection


real attributes only control

referential integrity


relative distinguished name



replication repair control

request for comments



result code

root DN

root DSE




saturation algorithm

saturation alert

saturation threshold


schema checking

search attributes

search base DN

search filter

search operation

search result done

search result entry

search result reference

search scope

Secure Hash Algorithm

Secure Sockets Layer

server-side sort control

simple authentication

Simple Authentication and Security Layer

simple paged results control

size limit

smart referral

StartTLS extended operation

static group

structural object class


subschema subentry

substring assertion

substring index

substring search filter


subtree delete control

supported control

supported extension

supported feature




time limit


Transport Security Layer

true filter

trust manager provider

typesOnly flag


unbind operation

unindexed search

UNIX crypt algorithm

unsolicited notification


user attribute


virtual attribute

virtual attributes only control

virtual directory

virtual list view control

virtual static group

VLV index


"Who Am I?" extended operation

work queue

worker thread


workflow element

writability mode



last login time

The last login time feature of the Directory Server is a mechanism that can be used to write the time that the user last authenticated to the server using a bind operation. The last login time may be written to a specified attribute with a user-defined format.

Note that in many servers, it may be desirable to define the last login time format to contain only the date but not the time of day. If this format is used, then the value will be only updated once per day, thereby reducing the potential impact on performance for users that authenticate several times throughout the day.

The last login time may be maintained for informational purposes, but it can also be used to enable the idle account lockout feature.

lastmod plug-in

The lastmod plug-in is a pre-operation idle account lockout that can be used to add the creatorsName and createTimestamp attributes to an entry as part of an add operation, or update the modifiersName and modifyTimestamp attributes in an entry as part of a modify operation or modify DN operation operation.

LDAP assertion control

The LDAP assertion control is a type of control that may be used to perform an operation only if the target entry matches a given assertion filter. It may be used in conjunction with compare operation, delete operation, modify operation, modify DN operation, and search operation.

The LDAP assertion control is described in RFC 4528 and has an OID of The value of the control should be encoded as an LDAP search filter.

For an example of using this control in a search request, see To Search Using the LDAP Assertion Control in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.

ldapcompare command

The ldapcompare command-line may be used to request LDAP compare operation.

See ldapcompare in Oracle Fusion Middleware Command-Line Usage Guide for Oracle Unified Directory for detailed information on using this command.

LDAP Data Interchange Format

The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a mechanism form representing directory data in text form. The LDIF specification is contained in RFC 2849 and describes a format not only for representing directory data but also a mechanism for making changes to that data.

In general, an LDIF record consists of a series of name-value pairs. The name can be followed by a single colon, zero or more spaces, and associated value, or it can be followed by two colons, zero or more spaces, and the base64 encoding representation of the value. Each name-value pair is given on a separate line, and long lines may be wrapped onto two or more lines using an end-of-line character followed by exactly one space at the beginning of the next line. LDIF records should be separated from each other by at least one blank line. Any line that begins with an octothorpe (#) character will be treated as a comment and ignored.

For an LDIF representation of an entry, the first line should contain the distinguished name of the entry. The remaining lines of the LDIF record will represent the attribute of the entry, with the attribute description used as the name. Multivalued attributes will be represented with a separate line per value.

The following provides an example of a user entry represented in the LDAP Data Interchange Format:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: john.doe
givenName: John
sn: Doe
cn: John Doe
userCertificate;binary:: MIIB5TCCAU6gAwIBAgIERloIajANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADA3M
userPassword: {SSHA}s4Bd9M0tCpRDr8/U+IXetRcAbd8bJY3AFKsn+A==

To represent an LDAP add operation in LDIF, the format is exactly the same as to represent an entry, with the exception that the line immediately after the DN should indicate a changetype of add, as shown in the following example:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: john.doe
givenName: John
sn: Doe
cn: John Doe
userCertificate;binary:: MIIB5TCCAU6gAwIBAgIERloIajANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADA3M
userPassword: password

To represent an LDAP delete operation in LDIF, the format is simply a line containing the DN of the entry followed by a line indicating a changetype of delete, like:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete

To represent an LDAP modify operation in LDIF, the format is a little more complex. The first line should contain the DN of the entry, and the second should contain a changetype of modify. The third line should specify the attribute modification type (add, delete, replace, or increment) followed by the attribute description, and there may be additional lines that specify specific values for that change, with the name portion being the attribute description and the value being the corresponding attribute value. There may be multiple attribute modifications described in a single modify change record, with each of them separated by a line containing only a dash, as shown in the following example:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: newpassword
replace: description
description: This is the first description value
description: This is the second description value

To represent an LDAP modify DN operation in LDIF, the first line should contain the DN of the entry, and the second line should contain a changetype of moddn. The third line should have a name of newrdn with a value equal to the new RDN to assign to the entry, and the fourth should have a name of deleteoldrdn followed by a value of either 1 (if the deleteOldRDN flag should be true) or 0 (if it should be false). There can be an optional fifth line with a name of newsuperior and a value of the new superior DN if one is included in the request. For example:

dn: uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: moddn
newrdn: uid=johnathan.doe
deleteoldrdn: 1

ldapdelete command

The ldapdelete command may be used to request LDAP delete operation.

See the ldapdelete in Oracle Fusion Middleware Command-Line Usage Guide for Oracle Unified Directory for detailed information on using this command.

LDAP false filter

An LDAP false filter is a special type of OR search filter that does not contain any embedded filter components. It is called an “LDAP false filter” because it always evaluates to false and will never match any entry.

The string representation for an LDAP true filter is (|). LDAP false filters are described in RFC 4526.

LDAP intermediate response

The LDAP intermediate response message is a special type of protocol op that allows the server to send additional messages providing information about the state of an operation before it has completed processing and the final response message is sent. Prior to the introduction of the intermediate response in RFC 3771, only search operations were allowed to send multiple responses.

The intermediate response protocol op is defined as follows:

IntermediateResponse ::= [APPLICATION 25] SEQUENCE {
          responseName     [0] LDAPOID OPTIONAL,
          responseValue    [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }

At present, the directory server does not support any operations that make use of intermediate response messages.

LDAP message

The LDAP message is the fundamental protocol data unit for LDAP communication. It is the container that is used to hold all request and response elements.

The LDAP message is defined as shown in the following example:

LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
     messageID       MessageID,
     protocolOp      CHOICE {
          bindRequest           BindRequest,
          bindResponse          BindResponse,
          unbindRequest         UnbindRequest,
          searchRequest         SearchRequest, 
          searchResEntry        SearchResultEntry,
          searchResDone         SearchResultDone,
          searchResRef          SearchResultReference,
          modifyRequest         ModifyRequest,
          modifyResponse        ModifyResponse,
          addRequest            AddRequest,
          addResponse           AddResponse,
          delRequest            DelRequest,
          delResponse           DelResponse,
          modDNRequest          ModifyDNRequest,
          modDNResponse         ModifyDNResponse,
          compareRequest        CompareRequest,
          compareResponse       CompareResponse,
          abandonRequest        AbandonRequest,
          extendedReq           ExtendedRequest,
          extendedResp          ExtendedResponse,
          intermediateResponse  IntermediateResponse },
     controls       [0] Controls OPTIONAL }

The LDAP message includes these elements:

LDAP modify DN operation

The LDAP modify DN operation can be used to change the distinguished name of an entry in the Directory Server. It can alter the RDN of the entry and/or it can move the entry below a new parent. If the target entry has subordinate entries, then it may be used to move or rename that subtree.

The modify DN request protocol op is defined as follows:

ModifyDNRequest ::= [APPLICATION 12] SEQUENCE {
     entry           LDAPDN,
     newrdn          RelativeLDAPDN,
     deleteoldrdn    BOOLEAN,
     newSuperior     [0] LDAPDN OPTIONAL }

The modify DN request includes these elements:

The response to an LDAP modify DN operation is an LDAP result as defined as follows:

ModifyDNResponse ::= [APPLICATION 13] LDAPResult}

LDAP modify operation

The LDAP modify operation can be used to alter an existing entry in the Directory Server. The modify request protocol op is defined as follows:

ModifyRequest ::= [APPLICATION 6] SEQUENCE {
     object          LDAPDN,
     changes         SEQUENCE OF change SEQUENCE {
          operation       ENUMERATED {
               add     (0),
               delete  (1),
               replace (2),
               ...  },
          modification    PartialAttribute } }

The modify request includes these elements:

The response to an LDAP modify operation is an LDAP result defined as shown here:

ModifyResponse ::= [APPLICATION 7] LDAPResult

ldapmodify command

The ldapmodify command may be used to request LDAP add, delete, modify, and modify DN operations.

See ldapmodify in Oracle Fusion Middleware Command-Line Usage Guide for Oracle Unified Directory for detailed information on using this command.

LDAP no-op control

The LDAP no-op control is a type of control that may be attached to an LDAP add operation, delete operation, modify operation, or modify DN operation to indicate that it should not actually make any change to the content in the server.

The LDAP no-op control is defined in draft-zeilenga-ldap-noop. This is a specification that is still in progress, but the directory server does provide basic support for this control using an OID of The control does not have a value.

The following example shows the use of the no-op control in an ldapmodify operation.

ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \
dn: uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: telephoneNumber
telephoneNumber: +1 995 589 3333

Processing MODIFY request for uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code:  16654 (No Operation)
Additional Information:  The modify operation was not actually performed in the
Directory Server back end because the LDAP no-op control was present in the request

LDAP post-read control

The LDAP post-read control is a type of control that may be attached to an LDAP add operation, modify operation, or modify DN operation operation to request that the server return a copy of the target entry exactly as it was at the end of the processing for that operation. It is one of the LDAP read entry controls defined in RFC 4527.

The post-read request control has an OID of, and the value should be encoded in the same way as the search attributes in a search operation. The response control has an OID of (the same as the OID for the request control), and the value should be encoded in the same was as a search result entry.

The following example shows the use of the post-read control in an ldapmodify request:

$ ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \
dn: uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: telephoneNumber
telephoneNumber: +1 995 589 3333

Processing MODIFY request for uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Target entry after the operation:
dn: uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
telephoneNumber: +1 995 589 3333

LDAP pre-read control

The LDAP pre-read control is a type of control that may be attached to an LDAP delete operation, modify operation, or modify DN operation operation to request that the server return a copy of the target entry exactly as it was immediately before the processing for that operation. It is one of the LDAP read entry controls defined in RFC 4527.

The pre-read request control has an OID of, and the value should be encoded in the same way as the search attributes in a search operation. The response control has an OID of (the same as the OID for the request control), and the value should be encoded in the same was as a search result entry.

The following example shows the use of the pre-read control in an ldapmodify request:

$ ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password \
dn: uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: telephoneNumber
telephoneNumber: +1 995 589 4444

Processing MODIFY request for uid=user.199,ou=People,dc=exampele,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=aaltay,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com 
Target entry before the operation:
dn: uid=aaltay.199,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com 
telephoneNumber: +1 995 589 3333

LDAP result

The LDAP result element is a generic protocol op that is used for the responses of several types of LDAP operations. The basic definition for the LDAP result is as follows:

     resultCode         ENUMERATED {
          success                      (0),
          operationsError              (1),
          protocolError                (2),
          timeLimitExceeded            (3),
          sizeLimitExceeded            (4),
          compareFalse                 (5),
          compareTrue                  (6),
          authMethodNotSupported       (7),
          strongerAuthRequired         (8),
               -- 9 reserved --
          referral                     (10),
          adminLimitExceeded           (11),
          unavailableCriticalExtension (12),
          confidentialityRequired      (13),
          saslBindInProgress           (14),
          noSuchAttribute              (16),
          undefinedAttributeType       (17),
          inappropriateMatching        (18),
          constraintViolation          (19),
          attributeOrValueExists       (20),
          invalidAttributeSyntax       (21),
               -- 22-31 unused --
          noSuchObject                 (32),
          aliasProblem                 (33),
          invalidDNSyntax              (34),
               -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
          aliasDereferencingProblem    (36),
               -- 37-47 unused --
          inappropriateAuthentication  (48),
          invalidCredentials           (49),
          insufficientAccessRights     (50),
          busy                         (51),
          unavailable                  (52),
          unwillingToPerform           (53),
          loopDetect                   (54),
               -- 55-63 unused --
          namingViolation              (64),
          objectClassViolation         (65),
          notAllowedOnNonLeaf          (66),
          notAllowedOnRDN              (67),
          entryAlreadyExists           (68),
          objectClassModsProhibited    (69),
               -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
          affectsMultipleDSAs          (71),
               -- 72-79 unused --
          other                        (80), ...  },
     matchedDN          LDAPDN,
     diagnosticMessage  LDAPString,
     referral           [3] Referral OPTIONAL }

The elements of the LDAP result are:

Result code

An integer value that provides generic information about the result of the operation. The definition above specifies several result codes, but a number of other values are defined in other specifications.

Matched DN

A DN value that may specify the DN of the closest superior entry found if the request specified an entry that did not exist. It may be an empty DN if the matched DN element is not appropriate for the response.

Diagnostic Message

A human-readable message that provides additional information about the result of the processing. It is typically used for error messages, but it may also be present in successful operations. It may be an empty string if there is no message.


A set of LDAP URLs to other servers in which the client may attempt the operation. This element may be absent if there are no referrals.


LDAPS is a term that is used to refer to LDAP communication over Secure Sockets Layer.

LDAP search filter

A search filter provides a mechanism for defining the criteria for defining matching entries in an LDAP search operation. There are ten different types of search filters defined in LDAP:

AND search filter

Serve as a container for holding zero or more search filter elements. All search filters contained in the AND filter must match the target entry for the AND filter to match.

OR search filter

Serve as a container for holding zero or more search filter elements. At least one of the search filters contained in the OR filter must match the target entry for the OR filter to match.

NOT filters

Serves as a container for exactly one search filter element. The embedded filter must not match the target entry for the NOT filter to match.

equality search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries that contain a specified value for a given attribute.

substring search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries with attribute values matching a specified substring.

greater than or equal to search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries with attribute values greater than or equal to a specific value.

less than or equal to search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries with attribute values less than or equal to a specific value.

presence search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries that contain at least one value for a specified attribute.

approximate search filter

Provides a mechanism for identifying entries with attribute values that are approximately equal to a given value.

extensible match search filter

Provides a mechanism for using a matching rule to identify matching entries using an extensible mechanism.

See RFC 4515 for more information about LDAP search filters and a mechanism for representing them as strings.

ldapsearch command

The ldapsearch command may be used to request LDAP search operation.

See ldapsearch in Oracle Fusion Middleware Command-Line Usage Guide for Oracle Unified Directory for detailed information on using this command.

LDAP true filter

An LDAP true filter is a special type of AND search filter that does not contain any embedded filter components. It is called an “LDAP true filter” because it always evaluates to true and will match any entry.

The string representation for an LDAP true filter is (&). LDAP true filters are described in RFC 4526.

LDAP Subentry

An LDAP subentry is a type of entry that contains the ldapSubEntry object class. These entries are meant to hold operational data for the server. They are kind of like operational attribute in that they are not returned to clients unless explicitly requested by including a request control with an OID of and no value. This behavior is described in draft-ietf-ldup-subentry.

For an example of using this control in a search, see To Search Using the LDAP Subentry Control in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.


An LDAP URL is a type of URL that may be used to reference an entry or set of search criteria. The format of an LDAP URL is described in RFC 4516 and may include the following elements:

All of these elements are optional. Technically, all that is required of an LDAP URL is the string ldap://. However, a more complete URL might be ldap://,dc=com?cn,givenName,sn?sub?(uid=john.doe).

LDIF export

An LDIF export operation is a process by which all or part of the content in a Directory Server back end is written to a file using the LDAP Data Interchange Format. An LDIF export may be initiated using either the export-ldif command or an LDIF export task.

LDIF import

An LDIF import operation is a process by which data can be added to a Directory Server back end from a file with information in the LDAP Data Interchange Format. An LDIF import provides a significantly more efficient means of adding a large number of entries to the server than LDAP add operations.

An LDIF import operation can be initiated using the import-ldif command or with the LDIF import task.

leaf entry

A leaf entry is an entry that does not have any subordinate entries in the server.

less than or equal to search filter

An less or equal search filter is a type of search filter that can be used to identify entries that contain a specific value for a given attribute that is less than or equal to the provided assertion value. The server will use an ordering matching rule to make the determination.

The string representation of an LDAP less or equal search filter is composed of an opening parenthesis followed by the attribute name, a less than sign, an equal sign, the assertion value, and the closing parenthesis. For example, a less or equal filter of (createTimestamp<=20070101000000Z) will match any entry that has a createTimestamp value that is less than or equal to 20070101000000Z.

lexico algorithm

A proxy distribution algorithm, in which the data is split into partitions based on alphabetical delimitations. For example, [A-E[ for one partition and [E-H[ for the next partition.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol that may be used to communicate with a directory server. It is an open standard that uses the Basic Encoding Rules subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One to encode communication into message.

The core LDAPv3 specification is in RFC 4510, with RFC 4511 defining the actual encoding for the protocol. A number of other specifications are defined in a number of request for comments and Internet Draft.

LDAP defines a number of different types of operations, including:

abandon operation

Provides a way to abort the processing for an operation in progress

add operation

Provides a way to add a new entry to the server

bind operation

Provides a way to authentication to the server

compare operation

Provides a way to determine whether an entry has a specified attribute value assertion

delete operation

Provides a way to remove entries from the server

extended operation

Provides a way to perform custom processing implemented as an extension to the core LDAP protocol

modify operation

Provides a way to alter the contents of an entry in the server

modify DN operation

Provides a way to rename an entry in the server

search operation

Provides a way to identify all entries that match a given set of criteria

unbind operation

Provides a way to indicate that the client wishes to disconnect from the server

load balancing

Load balancing is a proxy deployment type which provides single access to a set of replicated remote LDAP servers. The choice of the remote LDAP server to which a client requests is sent is determined by a load balancing algorithm.

lookthrough limit

The lookthrough limit is a configuration option within the Directory Server that can be used to enforce a limit on the number of entries that the server will examine in the course of processing a search operation. This limit applies to all entries that the server examines, regardless of whether it matches the provided search criteria.

The lookthrough limit configuration attribute can be used to limit the impact of unindexed searches, or searches with a very large candidate list.

For information about configuring the lookthrough limit, see Setting Resource Limits on a User Account in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory and Setting Root User Resource Limits in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administration Guide for Oracle Unified Directory.