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Oracle Unified Directory - Root DN

Root DN

The Root DN configuration contains all the Root DN Users defined in the Directory Server. In addition, it also defines the default set of privileges that Root DN Users automatically inherit.


A description of each property follows.

Basic Properties: Advanced Properties:
↓ default-root-privilege-name  None

Basic Properties


Specifies the names of the privileges that root users will be granted by default.
Default Value
bypass-lockdown bypass-acl modify-acl config-read config-write ldif-import ldif-export backend-backup backend-restore server-shutdown server-restart disconnect-client cancel-request password-reset update-schema privilege-change unindexed-search subentry-write
Allowed Values
backend-backup - Allows the user to request that the server process backup tasks.

backend-restore - Allows the user to request that the server process restore tasks.

bypass-acl - Allows the associated user to bypass access control checks performed by the server.

bypass-lockdown - Allows the associated user to bypass server lockdown mode.

cancel-request - Allows the user to cancel operations in progress on other client connections.

config-read - Allows the associated user to read the server configuration.

config-write - Allows the associated user to update the server configuration. The CONFIG_READ privilege is also required.

data-sync - Allows the user to participate in data synchronization.

disconnect-client - Allows the user to terminate other client connections.

jmx-notify - Allows the associated user to subscribe to receive JMX notifications.

jmx-read - Allows the associated user to perform JMX read operations.

jmx-write - Allows the associated user to perform JMX write operations.

ldif-export - Allows the user to request that the server process LDIF export tasks.

ldif-import - Allows the user to request that the server process LDIF import tasks.

modify-acl - Allows the associated user to modify the server's access control configuration.

password-reset - Allows the user to reset user passwords.

privilege-change - Allows the user to make changes to the set of defined root privileges, as well as to grant and revoke privileges for users.

proxied-auth - Allows the user to use the proxied authorization control, or to perform a bind that specifies an alternate authorization identity.

server-restart - Allows the user to request that the server perform an in-core restart.

server-shutdown - Allows the user to request that the server shut down.

subentry-write - Allows the associated user to perform LDAP subentry write operations.

unindexed-search - Allows the user to request that the server process a search that cannot be optimized using server indexes.

update-schema - Allows the user to make changes to the server schema.

Admin Action Required
Advanced Property