Class HTMLNoScript

  extended by com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
      extended by com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLNoScript
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HTMLNoScript
extends HTMLElement

sudhas To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
aNewLine, bAllowEvents, bAllowSetStyleClassWithString, bCheckNestedStringForHTML, bDisplayDidPause, bEnforceMaxTableDepth, bForceFormattingOff, bForceFormattingOn, bPauseAfterDisplay, bPrintComments, bResumingAndChildFinished, bResumingAndChildInMidRender, bShowLang, iMaxTableDepth, sLangLocal, sNewLine, sTab
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag(boolean bFormat, XPStringBuilder sb, IXPResponse response)
          Concrete subclasses must implement this method.
protected  void AppendClosingTag(boolean bFormat, XPStringBuilder sb, IXPResponse response)
          Concrete subclasses must implement this method.
protected  boolean ProvidesClosingTag()
          Implement this method to indicate whether a concrete subclass of HTMLElement provides a closing tag.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.xpshared.htmlelements.HTMLElement
AddInnerHTMLElement, AddInnerHTMLEncodedString, AddInnerHTMLString, AppendClosingLineBreak, CleanupHTMLSubtreeAfterRendering, ClearInnerHTMLElements, clone, Display, Display, ForceFormattingOff, GetChildInMidRender, GetClone, GetDisabled, GetDisplayDidPause, GetDisplayOptions, GetDisplayString, GetDisplayString, GetDisplayString, GetDo508Checking, GetDoFormat, GetElementName, GetForceLineBreaksAfterSafeElements, GetHTMLElementReadOnly, GetID, GetImgBaseUrl, GetInnerHTML, GetInnerHTML, GetInnerHTMLDisplayString, GetInnerHTMLElements, GetInnerHTMLElementsAsArrayList, GetIsNetscape, GetLang, GetLastChildFullyRendered, GetName, GetOnClick, GetOnKeyDown, GetOnKeyPress, GetOnKeyUp, GetOnMouseOut, GetOnMouseOver, GetPauseAfterDisplay, GetPostComment, GetPreComment, GetStringBuilder, GetStyle, GetStyleClass, GetStyleClassPrefix, GetTitle, GetValidationLevel, InsertInnerHTMLElement, InternalWrite, SaveToTempFile, SaveToTempFile, SetChildInMidRender, SetDisabled, SetDisplayOptions, SetDo508Checking, SetDoFormat, SetElementName, SetFlushAfterDisplay, SetForceLineBreaksAfterSafeElements, SetHTMLElementReadOnly, SetID, SetImgBaseUrl, SetInner, SetIsNetscape, SetLangGlobal, SetLangLocal, SetLastChildFullyRendered, SetName, SetOnClick, SetOnKeyDown, SetOnKeyPress, SetOnKeyUp, SetOnMouseOut, SetOnMouseOver, SetPauseAfterDisplay, SetPostComment, SetPreComment, SetStyle, SetStyleClass, SetStyleClass, SetStyleClassPrefix, SetTitle, SetValidationLevel, ToByteArray, VerifyWritability, WriteNugget, WriteNugget
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLNoScript()
Method Detail


protected void AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag(boolean bFormat,
                                           XPStringBuilder sb,
                                           IXPResponse response)
Description copied from class: HTMLElement
Concrete subclasses must implement this method. This method is responsible for appending the begining of the opening tag, for example: <tagname attribute="blah"

Common attributes will be automatically appended to the begninning of the opening tag.

Specified by:
AppendBeginningOfOpeningTag in class HTMLElement
bFormat - Pass a boolean indicating whether or not to format.
sb - Pass an XPStringBuilder. If this is not null, HTML will be appended to this string builder.
response - Pass an IXPResponse. If this is not null, HTML will be written to this response.


protected void AppendClosingTag(boolean bFormat,
                                XPStringBuilder sb,
                                IXPResponse response)
Description copied from class: HTMLElement
Concrete subclasses must implement this method. This method is responsible for appending the closing tag.

Specified by:
AppendClosingTag in class HTMLElement
bFormat - Pass a boolean indicating whether or not to format.
sb - Pass an XPStringBuilder. If this is not null, HTML will be appended to this string builder.
response - Pass an IXPResponse. If this is not null, HTML will be written to this response.


protected boolean ProvidesClosingTag()
Description copied from class: HTMLElement
Implement this method to indicate whether a concrete subclass of HTMLElement provides a closing tag. Elements such as BR do not provide closing tags, they are self-closing.

Specified by:
ProvidesClosingTag in class HTMLElement

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