Class Name




The PaymentGroupDroplet servlet bean is used to initialize a user’s PaymentGroups and CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects for use by the PaymentGroupFormHandler. The PaymentGroupDroplet servlet bean is instantiated from atg.commerce.order.purchase.PaymentGroupDroplet. The PaymentGroupDroplet class is composed of the following containers:

For more information on these containers, the PaymentGroupDroplet servlet bean, and the PaymentGroupFormHandler form handler, refer to the Preparing a Complex Order for Checkout section in the Configuring Purchase Process Services chapter in the ATG Commerce Programming Guide.

Input Parameters

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet clears both the user’s CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer and PaymentGroupMapContainer.

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet clears the user’s PaymentGroupMapContainer. This should be done at least once per Order if the PaymentGroup objects are subject to change after placing an Order (most likely because the PaymentGroup objects are from the ClaimableRepository).

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet clears the user’s CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer. This should be done at least once per Order to create fresh CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo objects that refer to each Order’s unique CommerceIdentifier objects.

When set to true, this parameter creates a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo for each payment group relationship in the order. The payment group relationship can be CommerceItem, ShippingGroup or Order.

The items created can be TaxPaymentInfo, OrderPaymentInfo, ShippingGroupPaymentInfo or CommerceItemPaymentInfo, based on the payment relationship type.

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet creates a CommerceItemPaymentInfo object for each CommerceItem in the order and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer.

A CommerceItemPaymentInfo object is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo object whose CommerceIdentifier is a CommerceItem; it is used for CommerceItem payment information.

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet creates an OrderPaymentInfo object and adds it to the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer.

An OrderPaymentInfo object is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo object whose CommerceIdentifier is an Order; it is used for Order payment information.

When this parameter is set to true, the PaymentGroup types supplied in the paymentGroupTypes input parameter will be initialized.

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet creates a ShippingGroupPaymentInfo object for each ShippingGroup in the order and adds them to the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer.

A ShippingGroupPaymentInfo object is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo object whose CommerceIdentifier is a ShippingGroup; it is used for ShippingGroup payment information.

When this parameter is set to true, PaymentGroupDroplet creates a TaxPaymentInfo object and adds it to the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer.

A TaxPaymentInfo object is a CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo object whose CommerceIdentifier is an Order; it is used for tax payment information.

The user’s order. You can use this parameter to override the default setting for PaymentGroupDroplet.order.

A comma-separated list of PaymentGroup types, such as creditCard, storeCredit, giftCertificate, that is used to determine which PaymentGroupInitializer components are executed.

The PaymentGroupInitializer components are responsible for creating and initializing the appropriate PaymentGroup objects and adding them to the PaymentGroupMapContainer. Each possible PaymentGroup type is configured to reference a PaymentGroupInitializer component in the PaymentGroupInitializerServiceMap. The keys into the map are the Strings supplied in this paymentGroupTypes input parameter; the values are the underlying PaymentGroupInitializer components that do the initialization work for that PaymentGroup type.

By default, the PaymentGroupDroplet servlet bean is configured with the following PaymentGroupInitializer components:

## ServiceMap of paymentGroupTypes to PaymentGroupInitializer Nucleus components

Output Parameters

The Map referenced by the CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfoContainer.

The Order object that represents the user’s order.

The Map referenced by the PaymentGroupMapContainer.

Open Parameters

The open parameter rendered always.


This example creates CreditCard, StoreCredit, and GiftCertificate PaymentGroup objects based on their availability for the current user. Additionally, it creates CommerceItemPaymentInfo objects, ShippingGroupPaymentInfo objects, and a TaxPaymentInfo object. The example enables the user to pay for CommerceIdentifiers at the line item level with any of their available PaymentGroup objects.

<dsp:droplet name="PaymentGroupDroplet">
  <dsp:param value="true" name="clear"/>
  <dsp:param value="giftCertificates, storeCredit, creditCard"
  <dsp:param value="true" name="initPaymentGroups"/>
  <dsp:param value="true" name="initItemPayment"/>
  <dsp:param value="true" name="initTaxPayment"/>
  <dsp:param value="true" name="initShippingPayment"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="output">Manipulation of objects here…
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