You can use a tag converter in a JSP by attaching an attribute that handles conversions to a dsp:input, dsp:valueof, or dsp:param tag. There are two ways to use these attributes, explicitly or implicitly.

An explicit converter attribute follows this general syntax:

<tagname bean="property name" converter="converter name"

The tag name is the HTML tag that invokes the converter, the property name is the property to which you want to apply the converter, the converter attribute specifies the name of the converter to use, and the format argument specifies the desired output format. For example:

<dsp:input bean="Seminar.startDate" converter="date" date="M/dd/yyyy"/>

You can implicitly invoke each of the tag converters shipped with the ATG platform without using the converter attribute. Use the converter’s name, with a format argument, if appropriate. For example, you can invoke the date converter implicitly, omitting the converter attribute:

<dsp:input bean="Seminar.startDate" date="M/dd/yyyy"/>

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