
Interface Summary
EmailListener An interface that describes a mechanism for managing sending email events.
EmailMessageSender An interface for sending javax.mail.Message objects.
EmailSender An interface that describes a mechanism for managing sending email events.

Class Summary
BatchEmailListener An EmailListener that batches up EmailEvent objects and periodically sends out corresponding pieces of email using an EmailMessageSender.
ContentPart A data structure corresponding to a body part in a javax.mail.Message.
DataContentHandlerRegistry A service which serves as a registry of javax.activation.DataContentHandler implementations corresponding to particular MIME types.
EmailFormHandler This class allows an application to send an email using data entered by the user in an html form.
EmailListenerQueue This is a queueing version of the interface
MimeMessageUtils A set of static utility methods for creating and filling in javax.mail.Message objects.
SMTPEmailSender This service can be used to send an email message with the SMTP protocol

Exception Summary
EmailException Indicates that an error occurred while sending email.