You can specify which slots and renderers can be used in ATG Service modules. Slots are containers that used to display and maintain dynamic content on your website.

Note: You must create slots and renderers in the ACC before you can define them here for use with ATG Service applications. For additional information on configuring slots, refer to the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

To manage slots and renderers:

  1. Open the BCC > Service Admin > Service Center > Global Service Center Settings > Manage Slots page.

  2. Click Add Service Center Slot button to add a slot.

  3. Select one or more slots from the list of available slots and select Add Slots. The slot will be added to the list of active slots.

  4. To add a renderer, you must have already created the renderer. Refer to the ATG Offer Management Guide for additional information.

  5. Click Add New Renderer.

  6. Specify a display Name for the renderer. Select a name that will be easily associated with the correct slot.

  7. Select the renderer file to upload.

  8. Select the Item Type. The item type must be the same as that of the slot.

  9. Click Save to save your changes. The renderer will be displayed in the Current Renderers table.

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