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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Solaris Zones Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for Solaris Zones

HA for Solaris Zones Overview

Overview of Installing and Configuring HA for Solaris Zones

Planning the HA for Solaris Zones Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Restrictions for Zone Network Addresses

Restrictions for an HA Zone

Restrictions for a Multiple-Masters Zone

Restrictions for the Zone Path of a Zone

Restrictions on Major Device Numbers in /etc/name_to_major

Configuration Requirements

Dependencies Between HA for Solaris Zones Components

Parameter File Directory for HA for Solaris Zones

Installing and Configuring Zones

How to Enable a Zone to Run in a Failover Configuration

How to Enable a Zone to Run in a Multiple-Masters Configuration

How to Install a Zone and Perform the Initial Internal Zone Configuration

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

Installing the HA for Solaris Zones Package

How to Install the HA for Solaris Zones Package

Registering and Configuring HA for Solaris Zones

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone Boot Resource

Writing Scripts for the Zone Script Resource

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone Script Resource

Writing a Service Probe for the Zone SMF Resource

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the Zone SMF Resource

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone Boot Component

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone Script Component

How to Create and Enable Resources for the Zone SMF Component

Verifying the HA for Solaris Zones and Configuration

How to Verify the HA for Solaris Zones Installation and Configuration

Upgrading Non-Global Zones Managed by HA for Oracle Solaris Zones

Tuning the HA for Solaris Zones Fault Monitors

Operation of the HA for Solaris Zones Parameter File

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone Boot Component

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone Script Component

Operation of the Fault Monitor for the Zone SMF Component

Tuning the HA for Solaris Zones Stop_timeout property

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone Boot Component

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone Script Component

Choosing the Stop_timeout value for the Zone SMF Component

Denying Cluster Services for a Non-Global Zone

Debugging HA for Solaris Zones

How to Activate Debugging for HA for Solaris Zones

A.  Files for Configuring HA for Solaris Zones Resources


Verifying the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

Before you install the HA for Solaris Zones packages, verify that the zones that you created are correctly configured to run in a cluster. This verification does not verify that the zones are highly available because the HA for Solaris Zones data service is not yet installed.

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of a Zone

Perform this procedure for each zone that you created in Installing and Configuring Zones.

  1. Start the zone.
    # zoneadm -z zone boot
  2. Log in to the zone.
    # zlogin zone
  3. Perform the required task depending upon the brand type of the zone.
    • For a solaris and solaris10 brand type zone, confirm that the zone has reached the svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default milestone.
      # svcs -a | grep milestone
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/network:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/devices:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/single-user:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/sysconfig:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/name-services:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/multi-user:default
      online         Apr_10   svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
  4. Stop the zone.
    # zoneadm -z zone halt

Next Steps

Go to Registering and Configuring HA for Solaris Zones.