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Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Data Guard     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.0
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Document Information


1.  Replicating Data With Oracle Data Guard Software

2.  Administering Oracle Data Guard Protection Groups

Working With Oracle Data Guard Protection Groups

Overview of Administering Protection Groups

How to Administer an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group (Example)

Creating, Modifying, Validating, and Deleting an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Create and Configure an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Modify an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Validate an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How the Data Replication Layer Validates the Application Resource Groups and Data Replication Entities

How to Delete an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

Administering Oracle Data Guard Application Resource Groups

How to Add an Application Resource Group to an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Delete an Application Resource Group From an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

Administering Oracle Data Guard Broker Configurations

How to Add an Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration to an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How the Data Replication Subsystem Verifies the Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration

How to Modify an Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration

How to Delete an Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration From an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

Replicating the Oracle Data Guard Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

How to Replicate the Oracle Data Guard Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

Activating and Deactivating a Protection Group

How to Activate an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Deactivate an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

Resynchronizing an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

How to Resynchronize an Oracle Data Guard Protection Group

Checking the Runtime Status of Oracle Data Guard Data Replication

Displaying an Oracle Data Guard Runtime Status Overview

How to Check the Overall Runtime Status of Replication

Displaying a Detailed Oracle Data Guard Runtime Status

3.  Migrating Services That Use Oracle Data Guard Data Replication

A.  Geographic Edition Properties for Oracle Data Guard Broker Configurations


Checking the Runtime Status of Oracle Data Guard Data Replication

You can obtain an overall view of the status of replication, as well as a more detailed runtime status of the Oracle Data Guard software from the status of the replication resource groups. The following sections describe how to check the runtime status of replication:

Displaying an Oracle Data Guard Runtime Status Overview

The status of each Oracle Data Guard data replication resource indicates the status of replication on a particular Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration. The status of all the resources under a protection group are aggregated in the replication status.

To view the overall status of replication, look at the protection group state, as described in the following procedure.

How to Check the Overall Runtime Status of Replication

  1. Log in to a node of a cluster where the protection group is defined.

    To complete this step, you need to be assigned the Basic Solaris User RBAC rights profile. For more information about RBAC, see Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Check the runtime status of replication.
    phys-paris-1# geoadm status

    Refer to the Protection Group section of the output for replication information. The output of this command includes the following information:

    • Whether the local cluster is enabled for partnership participation

    • Whether the local cluster is involved in a partnership

    • Status of the heartbeat configuration

    • Status of the defined protection groups

    • Status of current transactions

  3. Check the runtime status of data replication for each Oracle Data Guard protection group.
    phys-paris-1 clresource status -v ODGConfigurationName-odg-rep-rs

    Refer to the Status and StatusMessage fields that are presented for the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration data replications that you want to check. For more information about these fields, see Table 2-1.

Displaying a Detailed Oracle Data Guard Runtime Status

One replication resource group exists for each protection group. The name of the replication resource group conforms to the following format:


If you add an Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration to a protection group, the Geographic Edition software creates a resource for that configuration. This resource monitors and displays the status of replication for the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration. The name of each resource conforms to the following format:


You can monitor the state of the replication resource to give you the overall status of replication. Use the clresource status command as follows to obtain the State and Status Message values for the replication status of the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration:

phys-node-n# clresource status -v ODGConfigurationName-odg-rep-rs

The State is Online while the resource is online.

The following table describes the Status and Status Message values that are returned by the clresource status command when the State of the Oracle Data Guard replication resource group is Online.

Table 2-1 Status and Status Messages of an Online Oracle Data Guard Replication Resource Group

Status Message
Possible Causes
Program program-name returned a nonzero exit code
Protection mode "replication-mode" given for local database database does not match configured value "replication-mode"
The Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration has been changed by using the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl) and has not been updated in Geographic Edition.
Database database does not exist in the configured Oracle Data Guard database list "List-of-databases"
The database has been deleted from the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration using the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl).
Oracle errors "List-of-ORA-xxxxx-errors" were found in the Oracle Data Guard broker (dgmgrl) output when connecting by using "connect-string"
Role "role" given for database database does not match role "role" configured for Oracle Data Guard
The database might have been changed from a physical standby to a snapshot standby.
Unexpected error - unexpected-error
Oracle Data Guard broker (dgmgrl connect-string) did not complete a response to the command "command-string" within "number" seconds and was timed out.
The Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl) did not respond to the show configuration command within the specified time, or Oracle Data Guard Broker was busy performing a health check during this period.
Password or connect name (connect-string) for remote cluster is incorrect
The sysdba_username, sysdba_password, local_db_service_name, or remote_db_service_name parameter does not match the information that is maintained by the Geographic Edition software.
File filename does not exist
A temporary internal file that is used by the Oracle Data Guard module was deleted before it could be read.
A switchover is in progress
A failover is in progress
Program program-name failed to read the Cluster Configuration Repository (CCR)
One of the programs that is used to retrieve information from the CCR failed.
Failed to get password for sysdba user name for Oracle Data Guard configuration ODGConfigurationName in protection group ODGprotectiongroupname
The field for the sysdba_password was not found in the Cluster Configuration Repository (CCR) or was longer than expected.
Local cluster cluster-name is not primary for Oracle Data Guard configuration ODGConfigurationName
A switchover or failover has been performed in Oracle Data Guard Broker by using a command in the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl), and the Geographic Edition configuration has not been updated.
Oracle Data Guard configuration name ODGConfigurationName found does not match ODGConfigurationName
Database database-name is in the disabled state
A database has been disabled in the Oracle Data Guard Broker using a command in the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl), and the Geographic Edition configuration has not been updated.
Oracle Data Guard configuration ODGConfigurationName is disabled on cluster cluster-name
The standby database in the Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration has been disabled by using a command in the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl), and the Geographic Edition configuration has not been updated.
Oracle Data Guard configuration ODGConfigurationName is disabled
The Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration has been disabled by using a command in the Oracle Data Guard command-line interface (dgmgrl), and the Geographic Edition configuration has not been updated.
The BystandersFollowRoleChange property for Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration Broker_Config_Name_Variable must be set to 'NONE'
The Oracle Data Guard Broker property is not set to 'NONE'.
Fast-start failover must be disabled for Oracle Data Guard Broker configuration Broker_Config_Name_Variable
Fast-start failover is enabled.
Online or replicating in replication-mode mode

For more information about the clresource command, see the clresource(1CL) man page.