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System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration     Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Information Library
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Document Information

About This Book

1.  Managing Terminals and Modems (Overview)

2.  Setting Up Terminals and Modems (Tasks)

3.  Managing Serial Ports With the Service Access Facility (Tasks)

4.  Managing System Resources (Overview)

5.  Displaying and Changing System Information (Tasks)

6.  Managing Disk Use (Tasks)

7.  Managing UFS Quotas (Tasks)

8.  Scheduling System Tasks (Tasks)

9.  Managing System Accounting (Tasks)

10.  System Accounting (Reference)

11.  Managing System Performance (Overview)

12.  Managing System Processes (Tasks)

13.  Monitoring System Performance (Tasks)

14.  Troubleshooting Software Problems (Overview)

15.  Managing System Messages

16.  Managing Core Files (Tasks)

17.  Managing System Crash Information (Tasks)

18.  Troubleshooting Miscellaneous Software Problems (Tasks)

19.  Troubleshooting File Access Problems (Tasks)

20.  Resolving UFS File System Inconsistencies (Tasks)

21.  Troubleshooting Software Package Problems (Tasks)

Troubleshooting Software Package Symbolic Link Problems

Specific Software Package Installation Errors

General Software Package Installation Problems


General Software Package Installation Problems

Reason Error Occurred
How to Fix the Problem
There is a known problem with adding or removing some packages developed prior to the Solaris 2.5 release and compatible versions. Sometimes, when adding or removing these packages, the installation fails during user interaction or you are prompted for user interaction and your responses are ignored.
Set the following environment variable and try to add the package again.