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Package org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations

Interface Summary
APIOperation Base interface for all API operations.
AuthenticationApiOp Log in to a target system or application (using a specified username and password).
CreateApiOp Add a new ConnectorObject to the target system or application.
DeleteApiOp Remove a ConnectorObject (specified by Uid) from the target system or application.
GetApiOp Get a particular ConnectorObject based on the Uid.
ResolveUsernameApiOp Get the Uid of any ConnectorObject (i.e., account) associated with a specific username.
SchemaApiOp Get the schema from the Connector.
ScriptOnConnectorApiOp Runs a script in the same JVM or .Net Runtime as the Connector.
ScriptOnResourceApiOp Runs a script on the target resource that a connector manages.
SearchApiOp Retrieve ConnectorObjects that match a speciifed filter (i.e., set of query conditions).
SyncApiOp Poll for synchronization events--i.e., native changes to target objects.
TestApiOp Tests the configuration with the connector.
UpdateApiOp Updates a ConnectorObject.
ValidateApiOp Validates the configuration.


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