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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

Part Number E22280-04
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6 Process Integration for Change Order Validation

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for change order validation and discusses:

6.1 Overview

The process integration for change order validation facilitates validating a change order whether it will be implemented successfully in Oracle E-Business Suite, before the change order is routed for approval in Agile PLM. This process integration is similar to the process integration for change order release. However, the difference is that the change order release process applies only to the changes in the released state of workflow, but the change order validation is applicable to all other workflow status prior to the released state.

This process can be implemented as many times as possible and in any workflow state other than the released state before the change order is released in Agile PLM. The preferred workflow state for change order validation is submitted. After validation, the change order can be re-submitted for validation or can be released to be synchronized with Oracle E-Business Suite.

6.2 Change Order Validation Process Integration

This process includes the following steps:

  1. In Agile PLM, a change order is created and an aXML file of the change order is generated through an Automated Transfer Order (ATO).

    An ATO is a routable object that triggers and tracks automated transfer of product content information from Agile to XML through Agile PLM Content Service (ACS).

  2. If the workflow status of this change order is other than released, the integration determines that the change order is being submitted for validation.

  3. The change order's aXML file is not queued, and is not subject to dependency checks.

    However, it appears in the integration Queue Monitor user interface in a separate section called Validate ECO. In this section, only the following information is displayed as read only:

    • ECO Number

    • aXML file number

    • Release Audit Status (Pending Processing, In Process, Failed, Passed, Warning). The Warning status indicates that the audit status process could not be completed because of some error (such as unable to connect to Oracle DB)

    • Log file

  4. The change orders queued for validations are processed concurrently unlike the change orders queued for synchronization, which are processed sequentially.

    If validation of a change order fails, the next change order in the queue is picked up for processing automatically.

  5. The integration carries out the process of posting data to Oracle E-Business Suite.

    However, after processing the whole change order, it does not commit the data. In an event of a failure, the error messages are sent back to Agile PLM. This is followed by a rollback of the transaction. If the process is successful, the status is updated as Validated in Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute (change order Agile PLM P2 or P3 defined attribute for the Change.TransferStatusAttribute property

    If the process fails, the status is updated as Validation Failed in Agile PLM's Transfer Status attribute (change order Agile PLM P2 or P3 defined attribute for the Change.TransferStatusAttribute property). In addition, an email notification is sent to the AIAIntegrationAdmin user, which is configured in the Weblogic console under Security Realms.

    For more information, see Chapter 10 > Modify Flex Fields > step 6.

  6. Errors are logged or displayed in the Queue Monitoring UI and also stored in the database on the middle tier for future reference if needed (Similar to current ECO release processing)

Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, and Figure 6-4 illustrate change order validation integration sequence:

Figure 6-1 Change order validation integration diagram (1 of 4)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 6-2 Change order validation integration diagram (2 of 4)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 6-3 Change order validation integration diagram (3 of 4)

This image is described in surrounding text

Figure 6-4 Change order validation integration diagram (4 of 4)

This image is described in surrounding text

6.2.1 Exceptions

The following exception conditions create error messages for this integration process:

  • Failure to update the queue status

  • Errors raised during the transformations

  • Failure to connect to an Oracle DB

6.2.2 Change Order Validation Integration Services Orchestration

Figure 6-5 illustrates the change order validation integration services orchestration:

Figure 6-5 Change order validation integration services orchestration

This image is described in surrounding text

Table 6-1 lists the activities involved in the orchestration:

Table 6-1 Activities Involved in Orchestration

Step Activity Remarks


Agile PLM ACS transmits Agile PLM ECO data in a predefined XML format known as aXML. This file will be queued up for further processing

Agile PLM ACS acts as a trigger for ECO use case.


The QueueController Framework reads the highest-priority Queue Message and transforms the payload (aXML) to AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM.

QueueController processes the payload.


QueueController invokes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl with AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM as input.



AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM is transformed into ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM.

Enterprise Business Message (EBM) is generated.


ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl invokes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as input.



EngineeringChangeOrderEBS routes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.



ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl transforms ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into the input of Oracle E-Business Suite Service and calls that service.

The Application Business Connector Service (ABCS) validates the ECO creation by creating the ECO, related items, and Bill of Material (BOM) in Oracle E-Business Suite to check for any errors.

In the event of failure, the error messages are sent to Agile PLM.

In the event of either Success or Failure, the transaction is rolled back.


ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl invokes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse operation on EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS with ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM as input.



EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS routes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl.

Response message routing.


ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl sends the status to the Queue Controller to update the queue.

This status is updated against the Queue message in the database by the QueueController


ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl transforms ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM into AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM.

AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent as an input to the Agile PLM Web service.

AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent to ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl.

The Web services update the transfer status on the change order in Agile PLM, which will be predefined P2 or P3 attributes on ECO object in Agile PLM.

In case of failure, the notification email will be sent to the email ID of the user mentioned for the NotifyPerson property in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

Note: The ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl composite uses the oracle/wss_http_token_client_policy client security policy while calling the ChangeABS service hosted on the Agile server. The security credentials for this are stored in the csf-key AgileWebServicesKey on Fusion Middleware (FMW). The Agile username and password need to be setup correctly so that the Agile service is invoked successfully from the AIA composite in the FMW layer.

6.3 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

6.4 Agile PLM Interfaces

Table 6-2 lists the Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files:

Table 6-2 Agile PLM Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) files

Interface Description



Used to validate an EngineeringChangeOrder in Oracle E-Business Suite

Table 6-3 lists the Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files:

Table 6-3 Agile PLM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files

Interface Description




Contains AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM and AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM

6.5 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

Table 6-4 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files:

Table 6-4 Oracle E-Business Suite WSDL files

Interface Description




Table 6-5 lists the Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files:

Table 6-5 Oracle E-Business Suite XSD files

Interface Description



Defines the input and output ABM of the PL/SQL API call


6.6 Core AIA Components

Table 6-6 lists the industry components used in validate integration ECO and Part/Product Release (PREL):

Table 6-6 Industry components used in validate integration ECO and PREL

Component Name

Enterprise Business Objects (EBOs)





Enterprise Business Service (EBS)



Table 6-7 lists the core components locations:

Table 6-7 Core components locations

Component Location

EBO and EBM XSD files


$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and will remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Understanding Extensibility."

6.6.1 Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite Components for Change Order Validation

Table 6-8 Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite components for change order validation:

Table 6-8 Agile PLM and Oracle E-Business Suite components

Services Agile PLM (Requester) Oracle E-Business Suite (Provider)

Application Business Message (ABM)





Application Business Connector Service (ABCS)



Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)




Adapter service






Table 6-9 lists the core components locations:

Table 6-9 Core components locations

Component Location

Application Business Objects, ABM, and Common XSD files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Agile PLM/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Ebiz/V1/schemas

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary /Ebiz/Release1/Core

WSDL files

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Agile PLM/V1/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ApplicationObjectLibrary/Ebiz/wsdls

$AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/ ExtensionServiceLibrary/Ebiz


6.7 Integration Services

The process integration for change order validation consists of the following services:

6.7.1 EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

EngineeringChangeOrderEBS exposes the operations related to the validate ECO and ECO integration on the EngineeringChangeOrder EBO.

The following list itemizes the routing rules:

  • EngineeringChangeOrderEBS

    ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderList: Routes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM to ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

  • EngineeringChangeOrderResponseEBS

    ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponse: Routes ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM to ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl

6.7.2 ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl

This service is implemented as an asynchronous BPEL process. ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl is used for transforming the AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM into the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM. This service invokes the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation on the EngineeringChangeOrderEBS with the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM as input for the validation of an ECO in Oracle E-Business Suite.

The ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM is received from the EngineeringChangeOrderEBS and, based on the status of the ECO validation in Oracle E-Business Suite; the QueueController is invoked to update the status of the queue message. In addition, the transfer status attribute in the change order is updated by this service.

  1. The QueueController creates the AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListABM and invokes the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl.

  2. The ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl transforms the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM into the AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM, which is sent as an input to the Agile PLM Web service.

  3. The ECO validation status is updated and sent back to Agile PLM. AgileValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseABM is sent back to the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListAgileReqABCSImpl.

6.7.3 ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl

This service is implemented as an asynchronous BPEL process.

This is a single operation service. This accepts an ECO containing item and a BOM information message as a request and returns a response.

In the Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite flow, ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl is used for transforming ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEBM into ValidateECOABM, which invokes the ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderList operation in Oracle E-Business Suite.

In the return flow, the EBS adapter service sends ValidateECOResponseABM, which is transformed by ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl into ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListResponseEBM.