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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations
Release 11.1

Part Number E23118-04
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36 Upgrading Pre-Built Integrations

This chapter provides an overview of the Application Integration Architecture (AIA) upgrade process for the Pre-Built Integrations included in this release.

This chapter includes the following sections:


If you have AIA 2.4 or 2.5 installed, you cannot migrate or upgrade to AIA 11.1. You must install AIA 11.1 following the steps included in Chapter 3, "Installing Pre-Built Integrations"

To migrate customizations made to OOTB 2.4 or 2.5 artifacts, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack

To migrate the 2.4 or 2.5 xref data to AIA 11.1, you must use the SOA xref utility. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

If you have modified or created custom services, custom DVMs and Xrefs, you must migrate these to AIA 11.1. For more information on migrating custom services, custom DVMs and Xrefs from AIA 2.4 or 2.5 to AIA 11.1, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

36.1 Understanding AIA Upgrade

The AIA upgrade process consists of three phases:

  1. Upgrade newer AIA Release: the file-system (under $AIA_HOME) is updated with the latest content.

  2. Merge customizations and extensions: if you have customized services, you must merge the customizations.

  3. Redeploy previously deployed PIPs or DIs: update the server to the latest content by redeploying new PIPs or DIs from the new release.

After these three tasks are completed, you can configure and deploy new PIPs or DIs from the new release.

36.1.1 Upgrading the AIA Release

You must run the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer and point to the existing $AIA_HOME where the previous AIA version is installed. The AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer:

  1. Warns you when there is a previous release of AIA Pre-Built Integrations installed in $AIA_HOME.

  2. Updates the PIP and DI content in $AIA_HOME with the latest version, after you back up AIA_HOME.

36.1.2 Merging Customizations and Extensions

This applies if you have customized or extended the OOTB services or the PIPs or DIs. You must review the changes in this release and restore your customization and extensions after upgrading.

36.1.3 Redeploying previously deployed PIPs and DIs

After upgrading the release and merging your customizations and extensions, the previously deployed PIPs and DIs may be redeployed. FOR OOTB PIPs or DIs that require redeployment, see Section 36.2, "Upgrading Pre-Built Integrations" and Section 36.3, "Upgrading AIA R.V. 3.1.1 PIPs and DIs". The required upgrade scripts are included by the PIPs or DIs in this release.

For custom PIPs or DIs, you must identify the artifacts that require redeployment by rerunning the deployment plan of the specific PIP or DI or by redeploying the specific artifacts using a custom deployment plan.

36.2 Upgrading Pre-Built Integrations

This section lists the tasks that you must perform to upgrade pre-built integrations.

36.2.1 AIA Upgrade Requirements

AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer upgrades your RV 3.1 version PIPs and DIs to RV 3.1.1.


Before upgrading Pre-Built Integrations 11.1 or AIA RV 3.1.1 PIPs or DIs, you must upgrade Foundation Pack to version, RUP patch 12636915 or later. For more information and instructions, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack If you are using an AIA Foundation Pack release that is earlier than, first upgrade to release using the respective upgrade guides and then upgrade to

To upgrade from Foundation Pack to you must manually run the upgrade scripts found in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack. To upgrade individual PIPs or DIs, you must manually run the upgrade scripts after you upgrade Foundation Pack.

AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer does not republish AIA content to the service registry when you upgrade from Foundation Pack to To upgrade the registry with AIA content, you must manually republish.

AIA Foundation Pack contains bug fixes in Core Infrastructure areas (CAVS, BSR, and so on). When you upgrade from to, these applications get redeployed. However, the upgrade does not have any impact because your data is preserved and all fixes are backward compatible.


The upgrade of individual components is not supported in this release. Software and Hardware Requirements

The system requirements for the upgrade (CPU/memory/disk space) are the same as those discussed under Hardware Requirements.

For more details on the software requirements for your specific PIPs or DIs, see Chapter 2, "Software Requirements".

36.2.2 Performing Preupgrade Tasks for Pre-Built Integrations

Before running the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer, you must:

  1. Navigate a command prompt to the <AIA_HOME> parent directory: For example: "cd $AIA_HOME/..." (Go to the <AIA_HOME> directory and move up one directory higher).

  2. Change the file permissions for the <AIA_HOME> directory and all subdirectories recursively to Read/Write/Execute for User/Group/Other owners. For example: chmod -R 777 <AIA_HOME>.


These steps must be performed to upgrade every PIP or DI in Section 36.3, "Upgrading AIA R.V. 3.1.1 PIPs and DIs".

Back up extended solution artifacts

Following the AIA extensibility model, as documented in the extensibility sections of the Oracle Application Integration Architecture - Foundation Pack: Concepts and Technologies Guide and the Oracle Application Integration Architecture - Foundation Pack: Integration Developer's Guide, you created or updated one or more of the following artifacts:

  • Custom EBOs:

    These are AIA schema extensions performed on EBOs. Though the AIA Foundation Pack Installer automatically preserves these schema extensions, it is advisable to back up the custom directory. For example, all custom xsd files for core EBOs are accessed as http://hostname:port/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/Custom/EBO/

    If you are using the oracle application server, you can access this folder from SOA_HOME/Apache/Apache/htdocs/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/Custom/EBO/

  • Custom XSLTs:

    These are the extensions performed on the AIA Transformation style sheet. Foundation Pack does not contain any Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLTs) for its components and utilities. Because the process content is delivered only in PIPs or DIs, you must manually back up the XSLTs if you have developed any for the custom integrations, and reapply them as a postupgrade step.

  • Custom EBS WSDL:

    If you have customized any EBS WSDL that is delivered or shipped with AIA Foundation Pack, you must back it up and restore it manually as a postupgrade step

36.2.3 Performing Upgrade Process for Pre-Built Integrations

Launching the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer

  • To launch AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer:

  1. Navigate to aiapip/Disk1.

  2. Follow the launch instructions for your platform.

    Table 36-1 Launch Instructions for AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer

    Platform To launch the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer

    Linux x86

    Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit)

    HP-UX 11i (64 bit)

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <AIA_HOME>/oraInst.loc -jreLoc <location of the jre specific to your operating system. This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

    Double-click setup.exe

  3. Click Next.

36.2.4 Choosing the Existing Home Directory

  • To choose the home directory where the existing version of Pre-Built Integrations is installed:

  1. Specify the home directory of your existing AIA implementation.


    Provide the directory where Foundation Pack was installed. The path should be available in the list. When you select the current home directory, AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer disables the rest of the options in the screen and displays the information related to AIA (product name and version number) that is in the directory.

  2. Click Next.

36.2.5 Running the Directory Selection and Upgrade Process

  • To run the directory selection and upgrade process:

  1. On the Summary screen, review the summary of upgrade information.

    The summary screen provides information about the existing AIA Pre-Built Integrations installation.

  2. Click Install. This upgrades the Pre-Built Integrations version.

    PIP- and DI-related files get copied to the specified location. You must manually execute the PIP or DI upgrade scripts to complete the upgrade.

36.2.6 Performing Postupgrade Tasks for Pre-Built Integrations

You must perform the following key tasks after you successfully upgrade to pre-built integrations 11.1:

  • Merge extensions.

Any xsl extensions and wsdl customizations maintained in AIA HOME / SOA HOME must be merged with the preupgrade back up changes after comparison.

  • Restore customizations.

Any custom code developed and maintained in AIA HOME / SOA HOME must be restored.

  • Deploy any custom processes that were developed.

    If you plan to use any of the enhanced or new features in pre-built integrations 11.1, including the EBO changes, you must update these custom processes before re-deployment.

  • Upgrading ABCS Service Generator input.xml

    The input.xml files created in previous versions of the pre-built integrations do not directly work with version of ABCS Service Generator. You must move GenerateReferenceWSDLFileIndicator element from GenerateOutputFiles section to each TargetService where you must reference the WSDL. This flag must be added to each of the targetservice sections.

    Log in to the AIA Console to verify that the following components are working:

  • OER (optional):

Ensure that the services and objects can be searched for and viewed. If you had any integration scenarios published, check whether they are accessed as well.

  • CAVS:

Check that the existing Test and Simulator definitions defined can still be viewed and are functional.

  • Error Handling and Setup:

Verify that the existing setup data (Setup Tab Page) is unchanged and two new columns (ERROR_TYPE, ERROR_EXT_HANDLER) are added to the Error Notifications table.

Perform additional post upgrade tasks as described in Section 36.4, "Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA".

The PIPs or DIs that are not listed in this section do not require updates because the contents have not changed.

36.3 Upgrading AIA R.V. 3.1.1 PIPs and DIs

This section discusses the upgrade process for AIA R.V 3.1 PIPs and DIs. The PIPs and DIs included in this section are upgraded from version 3.1 to 3.1.1.

36.3.1 Upgrading the Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM Integration

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM integration following the tasks discussed below. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM Integration

To upgrade the Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM integration from version 3.1 to 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM PIP. Running Upgrade Scripts for Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM Integration

To upgrade the integration on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>pips/AgileToEbiz/upgrade/11.1 and run the command for your platform.

    Table 36-2 Deployment Commands for the Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM Integration

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems



    Microsoft Windows


  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for Design to Release: Agile - EBS / PIM Integration

Verify the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml settings listed. If they do not exist, you must add them.

  1. Navigate to folder $AIA_HOME/aia_instances/<INSTANCE_NAME>/AIAMetaData/config.

  2. Take a backup of the file AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.

  3. Open the file AIAConfigurationProperties.xml.

  4. Search for <ServiceConfigurationserviceName="{}CreateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl">

  5. Add

    <!-- T to allow Unimplemented bom updates,F not to allow Unimplemented bom updates -->

    <Property name="UNIMPLEMENTED_BOM_UPDATES_ALLOWED">F</Property>

    <!-- T to allow item lcp skip,F not to allow item lcp skip -->

    <Property name="ALLOW_LIFECYCLE_PHASE_SKIP">F</Property>

  6. Search for <ServiceConfigurationserviceName="{}ValidateEngineeringChangeOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl">

  7. Add

    <!-- T to allow Unimplemented bom updates,F not to allow Unimplemented bom updates -->

    <Property name="UNIMPLEMENTED_BOM_UPDATES_ALLOWED">F</Property>

    <!-- T to allow item lcp skip,F not to allow item lcp skip -->

    <Property name="ALLOW_LIFECYCLE_PHASE_SKIP">F</Property>

  8. Save the changes.

  9. Reload the AIAConfig file from http://host:port/AIA.

  10. If the EBS version is 12.1.x, verify that patch 10172716:R12.INV.B is applied on the EBS database.

    If the EBS version is 11.5.10, verify that patch 12374991 is applied on the EBS database.

  11. Enable security in the 3 concurrent programs of the Design to Release: Agile - EBS integration.

    1. Set the value for the Profile Option Short Name as INV_EBI_SOASERVER_USER.

    2. Set the value for the Profile Option Display Name as EBS Integration: SOA SERVER USER.

    3. Set the SOA Password using the SQL script: inveipwd.sql. The file is located in EBS APPLICATION_TOP in the following folder: APPL_TOP/inv/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/inveipwd.sql.

    4. Copy the file to your local directory.

    5. Run the file in the database.

      You are prompted to enter the password for the SOA user to be encoded and stored. (This is used by Business Event to invoke RequestorABCS.) The password is stored in FND_VAULT under the module EBI and Vault Key INV_EBI_SOA_PASSWORD.

  12. Perform additional post upgrade tasks as described in Section 36.4, "Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA".

36.3.2 Upgrading the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP following the tasks discussed below.


Existing patches for the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM 3.1.1 PIP are still applicable in the 11.1 release and are not included as part of the upgrade process. After upgrading you must reapply any patches installed for the RV 3.1. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP

To upgrade the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP from version 3.1 to 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP. Running Upgrade Scripts for the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP

To upgrade the PIP on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform


    When you copy and paste the command in the command line, ensure that there is space between .xml and -. The same is true when running the undeployment command.

    Table 36-3 Deployment Commands for the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    ant -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>/pips/PLM4PEbizOPM/upgrade/11.1/PLM4PEbizOPMUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/PLM4PEbizOPM/upgrade/11.1/PLM4PEbizOPMUpgrade31_To_111.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>\pips\PLM4PEbizOPM\upgrade\11.1\PLM4PEbizOPMUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>\aia_instances\<aia_instance>\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>\pips\PLM4PEbizOPM\upgrade\11.1\PLM4PEbizOPMUpgrade31_To_111.log

  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for the Design to Release: Agile PLM for Process - OPM PIP

36.3.3 Upgrading the Design to Release: Agile - JDE Integration

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the Design to Release: Agile JDE integration following the tasks discussed below. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the Design to Release: Agile - JDE Integration

To upgrade the Design to Release: Agile - JDE integration from version 3.1 to 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade Design to Release: Agile - JDE integration. Running Upgrade Scripts for the Design to Release: Agile - JDE Integration

To upgrade the integration on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.

    Table 36-4 Deployment Commands for the Design to Release: Agile - JDE Integration

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems



    Microsoft Windows


  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for the Design to Release: Agile - JDE Integration

36.3.4 Upgrading the Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the Lead to Order: CRM OD -EBS PIP following the tasks discussed below.


Existing patches for the Lead to Order: CRM OD -EBS 3.1.1 PIP are still applicable in the 11.1 release and are not included as part of the upgrade process. After upgrading you must reapply any patches installed for the RV 3.1. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP

To upgrade Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP from version 3.1 to 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP. Running Upgrade Scripts for the Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP

To upgrade the PIP on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>pips/CRMODtoEbizLeadToOrder/upgrade/11.1 and run the command for your platform.

    Table 36-5 Deployment Commands for the Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems



    Microsoft Windows


  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP

Perform additional post upgrade tasks as described in Section 36.4, "Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA".

36.3.5 Upgrading the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP following the tasks discussed below.


Existing patches for the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS 3.1.1 PIP are still applicable in the 11.1 release and are not included as part of the upgrade process. After upgrading you must reapply any patches installed for the RV 3.1. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP

To upgrade the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP from version 3.1 to 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP. Running Upgrade Scripts for the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP

To upgrade the PIP on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform:


    When you copy and paste the command in the command line, ensure that there is space between .xml and -. Ensure that there is space between these two when you run undeployment command too.

    Table 36-6 Deployment Commands for the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    ant -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>/pips/OrderToCash/upgrade/11.1/OrderToCashUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/OrderToCash/upgrade/11.1/OrderToCashUpgrade31_To_111.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>\pips\OrderToCash\upgrade\11.1\OrderToCashUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>\aia_instances\<aia_instance>\config\AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>\pips\OrderToCash\upgrade\11.1\OrderToCashUpgrade31_To_111.log

  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for the Order To Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP

Perform additional post upgrade tasks as described in Section 36.4, "Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA".

36.3.6 Upgrading the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP

Upgrade Foundation Pack first and then upgrade the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP following the tasks discussed below.


Existing patches for the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM 3.1.1 PIP are still applicable in the 11.1 release and are not included as part of the upgrade process. After upgrading you must reapply any patches installed for the RV 3.1. Performing Preupgrade Tasks for the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP

To upgrade the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP from version 3.1 to version 3.1.1, you must manually execute the upgrade scripts. You must upgrade Foundation Pack to from your existing version before you can upgrade the Order to Cash: Siebel CRM - EBS PIP. Running Upgrade Scripts for the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP

To upgrade the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP on the Fusion Middleware server, run the command specific to your platform:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform


    When you copy and paste the command in the command line, ensure that there is space between .xml and -.

    Table 36-7 Deployment Commands for the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    ant -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>/pips/FleetOrderManagement/upgrade/11.1/FleetOrderManagementUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/FleetOrderManagement/upgrade/11.1/FleetOrderManagementUpgrade31_To_111DP.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml -DDeploymentPlan=<AIA_HOME>/pips/FleetOrderManagement/upgrade/11.1/FleetOrderManagementUpgrade31_To_111DP.xml -DPropertiesFile=<AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<aia_instance>/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/FleetOrderManagement/upgrade/11.1/FleetOrderManagementUpgrade31_To_111DP.log

  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment. Performing Postupgrade Tasks for the LSP Order Mgmt: OTM - EBS - Siebel CRM PIP

Perform additional postupgrade tasks as described in Section 36.4, "Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA".

36.4 Performing Postupgrade Tasks for AIA

Evaluate the upgrade log file for any exceptions or warnings:

The following warning message describes the EOL content:


[java] Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.

[java] /slot/ems1846/oracle/FP_Upgrade_9June_1/patchset/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/Custom/EBO/InstalledProduct/V2/CustomInstalledProductEBO.xsd

[java] :[Element: <xsd:sequence [Namespace:]/>]element updated


[echo] - Undeploying the Ear AIAApplication.ear

[java] 08/08/09 16:12:33 Notification ==>Application UnDeployer for AIAApplication STARTS.


[echo] - Deploying the Ear AIAApplication.ear

[oracle:deploy] Deploying application AIAApplication.

[oracle:deploy] Application deployer for AIAApplication COMPLETES.

[echo] - Deployment of AIAApplication.ear completed

From the backups that you performed, compare the following files and manually merge the configuration settings, as required:

You should consider restoring files from the backups of the <aia_instance>/AIAMetaData/config folder.

For more information about how to perform implementation-related configurations, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.