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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Driver Management Integration Pack for Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Implementation Guide
Release 3.1

Part Number E23246-02
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10 Setting Configuration Properties

The tables in this chapter list the properties that need to be set in the configuration file.

Set these properties in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file. The file is located in <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/AIAMetaData/config.

For more information about requirements for working with AIAConfigurationProperties.xml, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Building AIA Integration Flows," How to Set Up AIA Workstation".

10.1 SyncWorkerListEbizReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-1 SyncWorkerListEbizReqABCSImpl Properties

Property Name Value/Default Value Description



Based on the SenderHostName obtained from application business message (ABM), sender SystemID is derived. If it is empty, then AIA tries to read it from the config file using this property.



EnvironmentCode in the Header population is derived based on this value.

If this property value is set to true, then the EnvironmentCode value is set to CAVS.

If this property value is set to false, read the Routing.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode property from the config file and set that value for EnvironmentCode. If Routing.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In addition, in the enterprise business service routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property is used to set the environment code to PRODUCTION.



This property is used for setting the DefinitionID at the time of populating the EBMHeader. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the EBS should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before Invoking the EBS. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



Setting this property to true enables us to override the existing mappings



This property along with the UserName is used for setting the AppsContext in SetAppsContext.xsl. This xsl is used for setting the Oracle E-Business Suite User and Responsibility before invoking PL/SQL API



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

10.2 SyncWorkerListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-2 SyncWorkerListLogisticsProvABCSImpl Values

Property Name

Value/Default Value




Target SystemID is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty then we try to read it from the config file using this property.



Set this property to true to route the message to CAVS. Otherwise, the message is routed to the target application through the Adapter.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property.



EnvironmentCode in the Header population for WorkerResponseEBS is derived based on this value.

If this property value is set to true, then the EnvironmentCode value is set to CAVS

If this property value is set to false, we need to read the Routing.WorkerResponseEBS.SyncWorkerList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode property from the config file and set that value for EnvironmentCode.








If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URl of the partner link is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application, if any.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on the property value.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM to ABM transformation and before Invoking the target. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



Setting this property to true enables us to override the existing mappings.



This property decides whether AutoInvoice Master Program should be called immediately after Invoice is inserted in the Oracle E-Business Suite interface tables. If the value is set to true, then the AutoInvoice Master Program is triggered immediately after inserting invoice in the Oracle E-Business Suite interface table; otherwise, the administrator needs to trigger it manually at a later point in time.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property should be set to the domain of the contact in the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Instance. This is supplied in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.



This property should be set to the contact GID in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) instance. This is supplied in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.



This property should be set to send back the Transmission Report.



Target SystemID is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty, then we try to read it from the config file using this property.



Target SystemID is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty then we try to read it from the config file using this property.



Target SystemID is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty, then we try to read it from the config file using this property.



Target SystemID is obtained from EBMHeader, but if it is empty, then we try to read it from the config file using this property.




Property specifies whether the OTM password is encrypted in the Configuration Properties file. If true, DecryptionService is called to decode the OTM password.



he value configured in OTM to denote the different possible statuses for the Driver.

10.3 SyncWorkerListBPELAggregator

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-3 SyncWorkerListBPELAggregator Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



This property is used for payload completeness check. If this property is set to 1, then the check for this element in the payload is done in business process execution language (BPEL) Aggregator, where the complete payload is formed and if it is not available in the payload, the process terminates.

10.4 SyncWorkerListEbizInitialLoad

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-4 SyncWorkerListEbizInitialLoad Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



This module property enables us to know how many records are extracted from the Person table of the E-business Suite.

10.5 SyncLocationListEbizReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-5 SyncLocationListEbizReqABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



The application is responsible for sending the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requestor application fails to send this, AIA picks the sender SystemID from this config property.


Global Super HRMS Manager, Standard

This property is used to populate the responsibility field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).



This property is used to populate the user field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).


True / false

This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode decides whether the LocationEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.LocationEBS.SyncLocationList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In the EBS, routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment Code to be supplied in EBMHeader, which is used by the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the definition ID to be supplied in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator, where the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before Invoking the EBS. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

10.6 SyncLocationListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-6 SyncLocationListLogisticsProvABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



Customers are responsible for setting the SystemID in EBMHeader to which the request should be sent in the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). If the SystemID is not set, the ProviderABCS routes the message to this DefaultSystemID picked from the config file.


True/false. Default = false

This property indicates whether the message should be sent to the target application or to CAVS.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URI of the partnerlink is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application if any.



Whether the Response message from the provider application should be sent to the requestor application or to CAVS is decided by RouteToCAVS property based on what we set Environment Code to while populating ResponseEBM Header.

If RouteToCAVS is set to true, EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and then the simulator URI is picked up from Routing.LocationResponseEBS.SyncLocationList.RouteToCAVS.

If RouteToCAVS is set to false, EnvironmentCode is set to the value of Routing.LocationResponseEBS.SyncLocationList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, and if this value is NULL, it is set to PRODUCTION by default.








This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to application business message (ABM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to EBM and after getting the response from the target application and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM is transformed to EBM and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property should be set to the default domain to be used for Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Instance if the business group ID from Oracle E-Business Suite is not sent. This is populated as domain for locations to be interfaced into OTM.



This property is used to set the user name of the OTM Instance.



This property should be set to the contact GID in OTM instance. This is populated in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.



This property should be set to use by OTM to send back the Transmission Report.




Property specifies whether the OTM password is encrypted in the Configuration Properties file. If true, Decryption Service is being called to decode the OTM password.

10.7 SyncLocationListEbizReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-7 SyncLocationListEbizReqABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



The application is responsible for sending the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requestor application fails to send this, AIA picks the sender SystemID from this config property.


Global Super HRMS Manager, Standard

This property is used to populate the responsibility field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).



This property is used to populate the user field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).


True / false

This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode decides whether the LocationEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.LocationEBS.SyncLocationList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In the EBS, routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment Code to be supplied in EBMHeader, which is used by the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the definition ID to be supplied in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator, where the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before Invoking the EBS. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

10.8 SyncLocationListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-8 SyncLocationListLogisticsProvABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



Customers are responsible for setting the SystemID in EBMHeader to which the request should be sent in the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). If the SystemID is not set, the ProviderABCS routes the message to this DefaultSystemID picked from the config file.


True/false. Default = false

This property indicates whether the message should be sent to the target application or to CAVS.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URI of the partnerlink is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application if any.



Whether the Response message from the provider application should be sent to the requestor application or to CAVS is decided by RouteToCAVS property based on what we set Environment Code to while populating ResponseEBM Header.

If RouteToCAVS is set to true, EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and then the simulator URI is picked up from Routing.LocationResponseEBS.SyncLocationList.RouteToCAVS.

If RouteToCAVS is set to false, EnvironmentCode is set to the value of Routing.LocationResponseEBS.SyncLocationList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, and if this value is NULL, it is set to PRODUCTION by default.








This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to application business message (ABM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to EBM and after getting the response from the target application and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM is transformed to EBM and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property should be set to the default domain to be used for Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Instance if the business group ID from Oracle E-Business Suite is not sent. This is populated as domain for locations to be interfaced into OTM.



This property is used to set the user name of the OTM Instance.



This property should be set to the contact GID in OTM instance. This is populated in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.


This property should be set to use by OTM to send back the Transmission Report.





Property specifies whether the OTM password is encrypted in the Configuration Properties file. If true, Decryption Service is being called to decode the OTM password.

10.9 SyncTrainingCalendarListEbizReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-9 SyncTrainingCalendarListEbizReqABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Column Description



The application is responsible for sending the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requestor application fails to send this, AIA picks the sender SystemID from this config property.



This property is sent as the EventTypeCode in the enterprise business message (EBM) for the training enrollments in Oracle E-Business Suite.


US Learning Management Administrator

This property is used to populate the Responsibility field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).



This property is used to populate the User field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).



This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode, decides whether the ResourceCalendarEntryEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.ResourceCalendarEntryEBS.SyncResourceCalendarEntryList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In EBS, routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment code to be supplied in EBMHeader, which is used by the EBS to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the Definition ID to be populated in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the EBS should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to EBM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before invoking the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

10.10 SyncAbsenceCalendarListEbizReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-10 SyncAbsenceCalendarListEbizReqABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Column Description



The application sends the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requestor application fails to send this, AIA picks the sender SystemID from this config property.


Employee Self-Service, Standard

This property is used to populate the Responsibility field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite)



This property is used to populate the User field in the AppsContextOutboundHeader during the QueryAPI call to Oracle E-Business Suite database (to get the full payload for a booking ID received from Oracle E-Business Suite).



This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode decides whether the ResourceCalendarEntryEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the EBS routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.ResourceCalendarEntryEBS.SyncResourceCalendarEntryList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In EBS, routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment Code to be supplied in EBMHeader, which is used by the EBS to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the Definition ID to be supplied in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the EBS should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before Invoking the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.

10.11 SyncResourceCalendarEntryListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-11 SyncResourceCalendarEntryListLogisticsProvABCSImp Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



The customers are responsible for setting the SystemID in EBMHeader to which the request should be sent in the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). If the SystemID is not set, the ProviderABCS routes the message to this DefaultSystemID picked from the config file.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property.



This property indicates whether the message should be sent to the target application or to CAVS.

If this property is set to true, the message is routed to CAVS, else it is routed to target application through adapter service if any. The URI of partnerlink is dynamically decided through a Java activity based on this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URI of the partnerlink is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application if any.



Whether the Response message from the provider application should be sent to the requestor application or to CAVS is decided by RouteToCAVS property, based on what we set Environment Code to while populating ResponseEBM Header.



If RouteToCAVS is set to true, EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and then the simulator URI is picked up from Routing.ResourceCalendarEntryResponseEBS.SyncResourceCalendarEntryList.RouteToCAVS.



If RouteToCAVS is set to false, EnvironmentCode is set to the value of Routing.ResourceCalendarEntryResponseEBS.SyncResourceCalendarEntryList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, and if this value is NULL, it is set to PRODUCTION by default.



An enterprise business flow can also invoke custom code during its execution. These serve as extensibility points. Typical ABCS can have four Extension points. This property is used as an extension point before enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to application business message (ABM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point before ABM is transformed to EBM and after getting the response from the target application and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property is used as an extension point after ABM is transformed to EBM and before sending it back to the source application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false. This property is not used in this flow.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property should be set to the domain of the contact in the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Instance. This is populated in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.



This property should be set to the contact GID in OTM instance. This is populated in the OTM Transmission Header based on which OTM authorizes the message sent to it.



This property should be set to use by OTM to send back the Transmission Report.




Property specifies whether the OTM password is encrypted in the Configuration Properties file. If true, Decryption Service is being called to decode the OTM password.

10.12 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-12 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListLogisticsReqABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



The application is responsible for sending the SystemID from which the request is being sent. If any requestor application fails to send this, AIA picks the sender SystemID from this config property.



This property, which is used for populating EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode, decides whether the PayableInvoiceEBS should invoke CAVS or the Provider application's business connector service.

If the value is set to true, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to CAVS and the Enterprise Business Service (EBS) routes the request to CAVS.

If the value is set to false, EBMHeader's EnvironmentCode is set to the EnvironmentCode mentioned in AIAConfiguration property Routing.PayableInvoiceEBS.CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationList.MessageProcessingInstruction.EnvironmentCode, or if this property is not set, then the default EnvironmentCode is PRODUCTION. In the Enterprise Business Service (EBS), routing rules decide based on the EnvironmentCode where it should route.



This property defines the Environment Code to be supplied in EBMHeader, which is used by the EBS to route it to the corresponding provider application business connector service or CAVS. This property is used while checking the RouteToCAVS property.



This property defines the Definition ID to be supplied in MessageProcessingInstruction of the EBMHeader when the RouteToCAVS property is set to true. This holds the URI of CAVS simulator where the EBS should send the request.



This property is used as an extension point before application business message (ABM) is transformed to enterprise business message (EBM). It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



An enterprise business flow can also invoke custom code during its execution. These serve as extensibility points. Typical ABCS can have four extension points. This property is used as an extension point after ABM to EBM transformation and before Invoking the EBS. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is to be made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property is work invoice status.



Status value with which the work-invoice status needs to be updated in OTM when it is successfully imported to interface tables of Oracle E-Business Suite.



Status value with which the work-invoice status needs to be updated in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) when it fails to import work invoice details into interface tables of Oracle E-Business Suite.



This property should be set to send back the Transmission Report.



This property should be set to send back the Work invoice status to the OTM.



The value of this property should be set to the domain of the OTM that the user is logged in.



The value of this property should be set to the user name of the OTM that the user logged in.

10.13 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEbizProvABCSImpl

This table lists the configuration properties to be set in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file:

Table 10-13 CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensationListEbizProvABCSImpl Values

Name Value/Default Value Description



The customer is responsible for setting the SystemID in EBMHeader to which the request should be sent in the Enterprise Business Service (EBS). If the SystemID is not set, the ProviderABCS routes the message to this DefaultSystemID picked from the config file.

Routing.CalculateDriverIncentiveCompensatiotEbizAdapter .RouteToCAVS


This property indicates whether the message should be sent to the target application or to CAVS. If this property is set to true, the message is routed to CAVS, else it is routed to target application through adapter service if any. The URI of partnerlink is dynamically decided through a Java activity based on this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to true, the URI of the simulator is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property.



If the RouteToCAVS property is set to false, the URI of the partnerlink is dynamically derived by the Java activity from this property. This property should hold the endpoint URI of the provider application or that of the adapter service connected to provider application if any.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to application business message (ABM) and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after enterprise business message (EBM) is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is made depending on whether it is true or false.

ABCSExtension.ABCSExtension. PostProcessEBM


This property is used as an extension point after EBM is transformed to ABM and before invoking the target application. It determines whether invocation of service at the extension point is made depending on whether it is true or false.



This property should be set to true when customers want to customize the attribute mapping done in xsl.



This property is set to T so that the data gets committed. This is a mandatory field of the API and should be populated with a T.



This property is to set the transaction type for the API. This is a mandatory field of the API and should be populated with AIA.



This property should be set to mention the version of the API that is used. This is a mandatory field of the API and should be populated with 1.0.

10.14 Handling Errors

For more information about AIA error handling, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Setting Up and Using Error Handling and Logging."

10.15 Enterprise Business Object Implementation Maps

For more information about using XSL Mapping Analyzer (XMAN), see Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components and Utilities User's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, Using the XSL Mapping Analyzer.

For more information about how services are mapped, see EBO Implementation Maps (EIMs) 1095494.1 at My Oracle Support (