Commerce Reference Store adds a cssFile property to the siteConfiguration item type of the Site Repository. This property is visible on the Presentation tab in Site Administration and it is used to specify the base CSS filename for each site. The values stored for the three Commerce Reference Store sites are shown in the table below:


Base CSS Filename

ATG Store US


ATG Store Germany


ATG Home


Two JSP files, store.war/includes/pageStart.jsp and store.war/includes/popupStart.jsp, use the cssFile property value to construct pathnames to the site-specific CSS files located in store.war/css/site. The pageStart.jsp gadget creates CSS links for all of the standard Commerce Reference Store pages while popupStart.jsp creates CSS links for pop-up windows. The /css/site directory contains the following files:

The following section describes how pageStart.jsp and popupStart.jsp determine which CSS file to use.