Upgrading a Previous Enterprise Gateway Installation



This topic describes the steps involved in upgrading the configuration data (policies, filters, certificate store, and so on) from a previous version of the Enterprise Gateway to version This enables you to migrate the policies that you configured in a pre- version of the Enterprise Gateway to version


These steps assume that you have installed Enterprise Gateway on the same machine but in a different directory from an earlier (pre- version of the Enterprise Gateway, and that you wish to upgrade the previous version to version

Important Note:
These steps describe only how to upgrade the configuration data from a previous version to version The supplied upgrade scripts do not upgrade the version of the Enterprise Gateway software installed on the machine. Please contact the Oracle Support Team to obtain a copy of Enterprise Gateway if you have not already done so.

You must ensure that Enterprise Gateway is installed into a different directory from the earlier (pre- version of the Enterprise Gateway.

Running the Upgrade Script

Complete the following steps when upgrading a pre- installation of the Enterprise Gateway to version

Step 1: Start the upgrade script
In your Enterprise Gateway installation, run the following command:
Windows INSTALL_DIR\tools\upgrade\win32\upgradeconfig
UNIX\Linux INSTALL_DIR/tools/upgrade/posix/upgradeconfig
where INSTALL_DIR points to the root of your Enterprise Gateway installation.

Step 2: Enter location of installation to upgrade
Enter the location of the previous Enterprise Gateway installation that you want to upgrade, for example:

Step 3: Review configuration
The upgrade script obtains the configuration information from the installation selected in the previous step, and displays it at the prompt. For example, this includes the entities.xml file for the installation:

URL:          [file:///INSTALL_DIR/conf/entities.xml]
Passphrase:   []
Process Name: [Oracle Enterprise Gateway]

where INSTALL_DIR points to the root of your previous Enterprise Gateway installation.

Step 4: Specify upgrade directory
The upgrade script asks you to specify the directory in which the newly upgraded configuration files are generated. The default directory is as follows:
Windows INSTALL_DIR\tools\upgrade\win32\fed-upgraded
UNIX\Linux INSTALL_DIR/tools/upgrade/posix/fed-upgraded
where INSTALL_DIR points to the root of your Enterprise Gateway installation.

Press the return key to use the default, or specify a different directory name. You can also specify an absolute path to different directory, for example:

Step 5: Confirm upgrade
Before upgrading, you are asked to confirm the upgrade of the specified configuration file, for example:
To confirm the upgrade, enter y. Otherwise, enter n to cancel.

Step 6: Upgrade complete
A result message is printed on the screen that reflects the outcome of running the upgrade script.

Updating your Enterprise Gateway Configuration

After you run the upgrade script, you must update your Enterprise Gateway configuration with the new configuration files generated by the script. The examples in this section assume that you ran the upgrade script with the default settings.

Updating your configuration files
To update your Enterprise Gateway configuration files, perform the following steps in your Enterprise Gateway version installation:

  1. Rename the INSTALL_DIR/conf/fed directory to conf/fed-orig.
  2. Copy the following directory:
  3. Rename the new directory from fed-upgraded to fed.

Deploying upgraded configuration
To deploy your upgraded configuration in Policy Studio, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Enterprise Gateway using the enterprisegateway command in the following directory:
    Windows INSTALL_DIR\Win32\bin
    UNIX\Linux INSTALL_DIR/posix/bin
  2. Start the Policy Studio using the policystudio command in your Policy Studio installation directory.
  3. Connect to the Enterprise Gateway from the Policy Studio welcome page.
  4. In the Oracle Enterprise Gateway Dashboard, the Enterprise Gateway should be displayed as out of sync (as expected).
  5. Click the Manage Processes button at the bottom right to display the Process List dialog.
  6. Select the existing Enterprise Gateway process, click Remove Process, and click Yes.
  7. Click Add Process, and specify the process details (URL, user name, and password).
  8. When prompted to download the configuration from the process, click Yes, and enter a comment .
  9. Click OK. The configuration is now versioned, and is no longer displayed as out of sync.

If you encounter any problems with upgrading from a previous version, please contact the Oracle Support Team with your queries.