Content Filters Index

Content Type Filtering

The Enterprise Gateway can deny or accept multipart messages based on the MIME or DIME types of its parts.

Message Size

The Enterprise Gateway can block messages which are above or below a certain size.

Schema Validation

Find out how the Enterprise Gateway uses XML Schemas to validate the format of incoming SOAP messages.

Threatening Content

The Enterprise Gateway can inspect the request body, HTTP headers, and/or HTTP query string for common attack signatures using the regular expressions configured in the global Blacklist library.


This filter can be used to protect a Web Service from message flooding.

Validate HTTP Headers

The Enterprise Gateway can filter messages based on the presence or absence of configured HTTP headers and Query String parameters.

Validate Message Attributes

The Enterprise Gateway can check the value of message attributes using regular expressions.

Validate Query String

The Enterprise Gateway can filter messages based on the presence or absence of configured HTTP headers and Query String parameters.

Validate Timestamp

Use this filter to validate a timestamp that has been stored in a message attribute.

XML Complexity

Checks the depth and complexity of an XML message.

ClamAV Anti-Virus Scanner

Checks messages for viruses against a ClamAV daemon running on the network.

Content Validation

The Enterprise Gateway can be configured to examine incoming SOAP messages for specific content using XPath.

McAfee Virus Scanner

Scan the contents of an incoming HTTP request for the presence of viruses.

Sophos Virus Scanner

Checks incoming HTTP requests for viruses using Sophos Anti-Virus Interface.

Validate REST Request

Checks incoming REST requests for HTTP methods and query string parameters.

WS-Security Policy Layout

Ensures that a SOAP message adheres to a particular WS-Security Policy layout.